I try my hardest to smile... but it kills me inside,

Dream or Reality?


Meghan POV

When I woke up Sunday morning I went down stairs still half asleep grabbed Taemin’s banana milk and a glass. I poured some and replaced it in the fridge. As I walked into the lounge room I did a double take as I saw Taemin, Onew, Jonghyun, Key and EXO sitting on the lounges. They looked up to me.

“Hey! Why are you drinking my baby?” Taemin yelled. I finished it off as he got up from the chair and got ready to run. I ran past Minho out the front door. He had a pile of mail in his hands. He stood to the side as me Taemin also ran past him. I ran around in a circle around the front yard, Taemin behind me, and ran back inside closing the door behind me. As I heard Taemin banging on the door behind me Onew grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the lounge room. His expression was hard to understand. I wrenched my hand out of his grip and he looked up in surprise. He tried to grab me again but I dodged.

“What do you want?” I asked. I knew that when you can’t read someone’s expression it is probably best not to follow them without hearing their reason. Taemin’s banging had stopped. He walked in through the front door trailing behind Key through to the lounge.

“We want to talk to you.” Onew said. I followed him to the lounge where everyone was still sitting including Minho sitting on the back of the couch looking just as confused as I did.

“We know.” Jonghyun said.

“Know what?” I asked.

“Your hiding something from us, aren’t you?” Onew asked. They all looked dead serious, what was wrong with them?

“What exactly did you two do yesterday?” Taemin asked. His fists were clenched and he wouldn’t look at me. I looked at them in horror. Minho came rushing to my side.

“She just took me to meet her parents is all.” He said. He wasn’t exactly lying but then again he wasn’t telling the whole truth.

“Is that all?” Onew asked.

“That’s all. We had a picnic with them and I played mum’s favourite song for her. Then we came back.” I said trying to make the story more believable. The only part I was leaving out was that mom and dad were actually in the ground and we were sitting around the graves.

“Ok then.” Jonghyun said jumping up. “What’s with this intense atmosphere? They told us what happened. Let’s go out for lunch.

“Then how come Minho couldn’t just tell us himself. Why did he say it wasn’t his place to say?’ Taemin said looking up.

“So it’s a no to lunch then?” Jonghyun asked. No one was paying attention to him, I wanted to hug him and say ‘I was listening’ but everyone’s glares kept me in place. Minho looked at me.

“It’s ok they were going to find out sooner or later.” I said smiling weakly. I grabbed a chair from the dining table and sat down in the empty space.  Minho did the same and sat next to me. He offered a hand and I took it for strength. I gave him a little squeeze as I took a deep breath.

“My parents died in a car crash.” I said slowly, looking down at my feet. The pain of last year came rushing back all at once. The days I spent at their graves, even when it rained. Crying my heart out every night, as it came back to me I felt Minho squeeze my hand giving me confidence. I looked up to see their faces. Most of them had their mouths hanging open.

“It happened about a year ago. Kai you should remember.” I said looking to him. He looked up and every one stared at him then turned back to me. “I was called out of class on the Friday. The teacher came to the class room and called me over. He told me my parents had been in an accident and to follow him. We ran to the car park and I jumped into a car with the teacher. He drove me to the hospital were my parents were I ran in and saw them through the little window in the door. There were a lot of doctors around them. I remember the doctors’ hands were covered in blood. A nurse came up behind me and pulled me over to one of the seats. She told me everything would be fine that the doctors would do everything they could to make my parents better. She talked to me as though I was five. She asked me if I had somewhere to stay that night. I shook my head. She told me I could stay in the chair that night right next to the room in case the doctors had any news to give me on how they were doing.

“At about 5:36 am the next morning I felt a light tap on my shoulder. As I got up the doctor told me it would be best to stay seating. I sat back down and he spun a chair around to face me. He laced his fingers together and laid his fore arms on his legs. When he finally looked up at me he told me that he had done everything he could but it just wasn’t enough. My parents passing nearly killed me. I told Minho what happened after. I used to go to their graves every day after the service. I started to skip school and tell the school that I was sick. They understood and just didn’t say anything. When I went back to school I didn’t talk to anyone. I eventually started talking to Alex and Sarah again. Even though I went to school, I still went to their graves afterwards and cry until the keeper would come and tell me to go home. She would walk me home and I’d continue my crying. She used to let me just sit in front of my parents graves and cry, and whenever someone saw me she’d tell them not to stare and shoo them away telling them I’d lost both my parents. Some would keep going; I’d hear the occasional ‘Poor Thing’ and some would give me two flowers from their own bouquet to give to my parents. A couple once asked her how they’d died. She told her that my parents had died 3 months ago but I’d come to their graves every day after school. Soon my auntie found out through one of her gossip friends. She told me I needed to stop so I went less and less. Now I only go to see them on holidays like Halloween, Christmas and new years, the basic family holidays, and our birthdays. I also go on their marriage anniversary and their death anniversary.” *sniff* I wiped the tears that had made their way through my eyes.

“So, who do you live with now?” Kai asked me.

“My auntie was meant to take me in but she doesn’t like me, because...” I laughed *sniff*, “I went walking with her and her kids who are the same age as me a few months before the accident. There were some guys on the other side of the street so I wolf whistled at them and they looked over at us and waved. We laughed but my auntie thought that I was spoiling her children’s ‘Innocent minds’ and hasn’t forgiven me since. She gives me money for food, water, school and the house. She said she’ll give me as much money as I need as long as I don’t go near her children. I always found the twins were the ones who were spoiling my mind. So I live alone.” I said.

“WHAT! YOU POOR THING, YOU WENT THROUGH ALL THAT AND YOU STILL HAVE TO LIVE ALONE!!! THAT’S NOT ACEEPTABLE!” at least Key was back to normal. Everyone else just looked sad.

“I’m sorry Meghan, I had no idea.’ Kai apologized.

“That’s ok.” I said

“I’ll come and live with you if that makes you feel any better.” Kai said grinning. Key and Taemin thumped him over the back of the head. “What it was just a suggestion.” We all laughed.

“But there is something I have to know. How do you know Chinese?” Luhan asked.

“Simple, dad was Korean and mom was a half-er, half Australian half Chinese.” I replied. They all stared at me.

“You’re Australian?”Onew asked.

“Yea I lived there up until two or three years ago.”I said.

“So did you use to through shrimp on the barbie and ride kangaroos to school?” Kai asked.

“What was your pet Koala’s name?” Taemin asked smiling.

“Those are stereo-types. It’s; throw some prawns on the Barbie. It is illegal to have a koala as a pet as it is illegal to ride a kangaroo. And for the record not everyone says ‘G’day Mate’.” I explained, their smiles faded, I stifled a laugh. “Anyways, so I was really close with my mom and my dad was like my best friend. I miss them and I’m sad but I know they’d want to see me smiling. So I try to the best of my abilities to keep smiling.” I said as I got off the chair. I turned to Kai.

“Oh and Kai,” he looked up, “I’m sorry that the first time you heard my voice after a long time, was about sad events.” I smiled. “We have Information Technology tomorrow and we’re getting our assignments ok. See ya; I’m going to grab my stuff and go. I have a lot of assignments to do.” I said as I walked off to the girls’ guest room. I grabbed my stuff and headed back down stairs. Luhan jumped up and walked over to me. The others were watching TV.

“Hey Meghan, you’re in my math class right?” he asked, I nodded. “Do you mind if I come over to your house and study with you. I’m having a bit of trouble and I know your always the top of the class.” He whispered.

“Sure, but fair warning; if you’re going to ride on my bike you have to wear a pink helmet with hand painted flowers on the side.” I smiled. He nodded. “Wait for me at the bike.” I said. I walked into the kitchen where Taemin was talking to Kai and opened the fridge and grabbed the banana milk. I filled a glass and started walking away as I noticed Kai pointed to me and Taemin turned to face me!

“Hey! What are you doing to my baby!” he yelled. I quickly finished the milk put it in the sink next to me and ran out the kitchen. Through the front door and slammed it in Taemin’s face, I ran to the bike and Luhan and I put on the helmets.

“Hold tight.” I yelled at him, revving the engine and kicking off the ground. I felt him grab onto me and we rode to my house.

“Make yourself at home.” I said. He walked in behind me and then stopped, I turned to face him.”What’s wrong?”

“I thought you said your parents died. How can you afford to live here?” he asked.

“My auntie pays the power and water bills so that I don’t go near her house and my parents have already paid off the mortgage so it belongs to my auntie because I legally can’t own a house yet. Come on through, we’ll go to the study.” I said. He followed me to the study and we sat down on the ground on opposite sides of the low round plastic table. Like the ones kids use, and did our Maths assignment. When we finished, he thanked me and I gave him a ride home. When I got back home I went for a shower, went to bed and drifted off into the clouds.

Hey guys, i'm not really sure what to do so if you would send me some ideas on what you think should happen from here. i'm so upset, i lost s subscriber. so if theres anything i'm doing wrong let me know i'll try to fix it.

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SakuraLove :3

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Chapter 41: People if they use someone else's stories w/o permission. Also I am one of those silent readers and i just want to say i am in love with your story!!
Chapter 40: This is wonderful. And no need to thank me. This story is great and I'm just really glad you're not giving up on it. :)
Chapter 40: awww thanks for the update. I really needed it. And once again I for one really like it and I hope I will be able to read more of it in the future.
Chapter 40: I think you should finish it first and then maybe re-write it, thought I like how it is
Chapter 40: Honestly, I think it would be better to finish it before re-writing.
Chapter 40: Wow! I finally managed to read all the chappies. This story is awesome!!!
kpopluvvie #7
Chapter 39: Palli author-ssi and update soon please? :]
Aoi-chan98 #8
Chapter 39: Please update soon. and next time make sure it is Taemin! <3
Chapter 39: lol I would sooo luagh if the really kissed ^^
Chapter 38: wuhu you updated and it was awesome =) I loved it