"Do you hate me?"

Dream or Reality?

I slept all morning on Wednesday. When I got up I headed down stairs and had breakfast. Well more like lunch. After which Taemin came up behind me.

“Hey.” He said. I spun around to face him.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“I was just wondering, do you want to go get some ice-cream or something?” he asked.

“Yeah, sure,” I replied.

“Really? Ok cool, let’s go.” He said grabbing my hand and leading me out the door. I blushed as he shouted back at the house. “Meghan and I are going to go get some ice-cream. We’ll be back soon.”

We started walking down the street till we reached the park. We stopped in front of the ice-cream stand.

“You go first.” He said gesturing to the stand. I thanked him and ordered myself a boysenberry ice-cream. I paid for it and then went back to Taemin and stood there eating my ice-cream waiting for Taemin. When he came back he had ordered a banana ice-cream. We started walking down to a park bench near the playground when three kids ran between us. I hadn’t realised until then how close we had been standing, I blushed more. When the kids were gone I turned to Taemin who was pouting. I saw the he had dropped his ice-cream.


Taemin POV

As we were walking towards the playground I noticed how close Meghan and I were standing. I starred at her free hand as it swung next to mine. I inched my hand towards hers when suddenly three little kids pushed us apart as the chased each other down the path. When I looked at my ice-cream I pouted as I saw that the kids had made me drop it. I looked up when I saw an ice-cream being held up in front of my face. I looked and saw Meghan smiling, her smile was so beautiful. When I realised that she was offering me her ice-cream I shook my head.

“It’s ok, I don’t mind. Plus I don’t think you’ll want yours anymore.” I followed to where she was pointing to my ice-cream on the pavement, “Here.”

“Thanks.” I said taking a bite. I cringed a little from how strong the flavour was.

“Ha-ha, too strong for you huh?” she laughed. I watched as she pulled the ice-cream to herself and take a bite. Wait isn’t this an indirect kiss? As I realised I looked away from Meghan and blushed so much. I slowly brought my hand up to my lips. Oh my gosh I just indirectly kissed Meghan. I thought looking over to her as she continued to eat the ice-cream. She caught my gaze and stopped eating.

“What you want some more.” She held her ice-cream to my face. I probably just thinking too much about it I thought. As I took another bite I felt my cheeks go hot. As we finished the ice-cream, Meghan ate the cone and put the serviette in a nearby bin. As she skipped back to me she poked me in the nose and kept going. My nose felt cold so I lifted my hand to touch it and as I looked at my fingers saw a little bit of melted boysenberry ice-cream.

“Meghan!” I yelled as I started running after her. She turned her head and looked startled. She started running as I chased her. Damn she’s fast I thought as I chased her down the street. We arrived home and Meghan was just in front of me. She opened the door and before she could close it on me, I held it open as she went inside. Onew, Jonghyun, Key and Minho were standing in the lounge room as Meghan ran and hid behind Key. I stopped running.

“Hey, stop hiding behind them! That’s cheating.” I said panting. I could hear Meghan’s breathing as well.

“Umma!” Meghan whined.

“Taemin you apologize to Meghan for chasing her!” Key demanded.

“While you’re at it get him to apologize to all the girls he’s ever chased.” Minho smirked as Jonghyun and Onew laughed at what Minho said.

“B-but!” I started.

“But nothing! It’s not nice to do that to poor Meghan who hasn’t done anything wrong in the first place.” Key said sternly.

“That’s not true, she started it!” I said pointing to Meghan.

“Liar!” she shouted.

“I am not, you’re lying!”I whined.

“What did she do?” Onew asked.

“She put ice-cream on my nose.” I said as my breathing steadied.

“Oh well then that is a very good point so –WHAT THE HELL SHE PUTS ICE-CREAM ON YOUR FACE SO YOU CHASE HER ALL THE WAY HOME! ARE YOU STUPID?” Key shouted. I should have seen that coming. It is probably a silly thing to get mad over but still! I complained in my mind. Key stared at me with his hands on his hips as he tapped his foot. I could see Meghan was smiling as I was losing the battle and she was winning.

“Sorry Meghan.” I said as I headed for my room.


Meghan POV

“Are you ok Meghan?” Key umma said as Taemin went to his room.

“Yes, thank you umma.” I said hugging him.

“Good, I’m going to go start dinner.” As Key, Jonghyun and Onew walked away Minho put his hand up I high fived him as we started to crack up.

“Nice.” He said.

“Thanks.” I replied.

“Just remember, with Taemin, you may have won the battle but the war is yet to be won.” He said seriously.

“Thanks for the advice Oppa.” I smiled.

“You’re welcome,” as he walked away I started to giggle, “Wait did you just call me ‘Oppa’?” he came back into the room. I continued to laugh as I nodded. He grabbed me and hugged me and I hugged him back.

“Watcha doin’ there?” I heard Jonghyun’s voice as Minho Oppa and I separated.

“Meghan just called me ‘Oppa’.” He boasted.

“Really?” he asked as Minho oppa nodded, “Meghan call me ‘oppa’ too.”

“Nope.” I poked out my tongue as I went to the dining room.

“Aww, why not?” I heard him whine.

After dinner Taemin went straight to his room. I helped the others pack up the dishes. After they all went to bed I headed up stairs to my room.

As I walked towards my room, I passed Taemin’s door. I stopped *sigh* I should probably go apologize. I can’t stand it when he’s mad at me. I thought as I walked up to his door. I knocked softly and opened the door a crack and popped my head in.

“Taemin?” I whispered as the lights were off.

“Go away!” he spat.

“I’m sorry ok please don’t be mad at me.” I whispered. He didn’t respond for a while.

“Do you hate me?” I was taken aback by his words and stumbled.

“What! Why would you think that?” I said suddenly.

“Because you keep getting me in trouble and taking my banana milk.” He said as I stepped into the room closing the door behind me I leaned on the door and slumped down the lights were still off.

“Taemin, I-I-I can’t hate you.” I said *sniff*.


Taemin POV

“Taemin, I-I-I can’t hate you.” She said *sniff*. What, but this whole time we’ve known each other all she’s done is tease me. Wait a minute, is she crying. “You’ve been so nice to me, you invited me to your house, introduced me to the guys and EXO, you bought me a banana milk. You’ve comforted me while I was upset. Taemin I can’t hate you.” *sniff* I got up and made my way to the door. I could see the little slit of light under the door creeping into the room. A bit of it was blocked off; I walked over to the door and the light. I watched as tears began to fall down her cheek. I bent down and wiped away her tears.

“Taemin, do you hate me?” I was shocked by her question as she looked up into my eyes. Hers were so red. I shook my head and stood up. I bent over and pulled Meghan up and pulled her to me. I felt her burry her face into my shirt as I hugged her. She didn’t hug me back instead she clung onto the front of my shirt. We stayed like that for a while. When Meghan let go of my shirt I released my grip on her. *sniff* I watched as she walked to the door. Say something idiot, but what do I say? Before I could say anything Meghan had already left. I face palmed myself as I headed to my closet and pulled out my pyjamas, I pulled back the covers on my bed and when to go turn the lights out. As I did my door opened revealing Meghan I her pyjamas holding a pillow.

“Do you mind?” her voice barely audible. Her eyes are still red I noticed. I turned off the lights and grabbed her wrist pulling her to the bed. I moved my pillow over to the far side Thank goodness I asked key for a queen bed I sighed softly so that Meghan couldn’t hear. I climbed into the bed and faced the ceiling. I felt Meghan put her pillow down net to mine and climb into the bed. I held my breath as Meghan pulled herself to rest her head on my chest. I stared at her with my arms in the arms in the air as she settled. After a while I wrapped an arm around her and put the other one down next to me. I stared at the ceiling blushing madly as I eventually drifted off into the clouds.

Hello readers, subscribers/commenters and anyone reading this right now :3

I hope you all like the story so far! I always enjoy hearing your thoughts as the story continues and enjoy hearing what you guys think should happen in the story. Thank you for supporting me this  far *bows*.

SorryI haven't updated recently as I had exams today and yesterday :P am now finished all I have is Science tomorrow -_- wish me luck!


- SakuraLove :3

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Chapter 41: People if they use someone else's stories w/o permission. Also I am one of those silent readers and i just want to say i am in love with your story!!
Chapter 40: This is wonderful. And no need to thank me. This story is great and I'm just really glad you're not giving up on it. :)
Chapter 40: awww thanks for the update. I really needed it. And once again I for one really like it and I hope I will be able to read more of it in the future.
Chapter 40: I think you should finish it first and then maybe re-write it, thought I like how it is
Chapter 40: Honestly, I think it would be better to finish it before re-writing.
Chapter 40: Wow! I finally managed to read all the chappies. This story is awesome!!!
kpopluvvie #7
Chapter 39: Palli author-ssi and update soon please? :]
Aoi-chan98 #8
Chapter 39: Please update soon. and next time make sure it is Taemin! <3
Chapter 39: lol I would sooo luagh if the really kissed ^^
Chapter 38: wuhu you updated and it was awesome =) I loved it