I realize now that what I'm feeling is love/The old/real me is what I'll show you

Dream or Reality?


Meghan POV

                That night I couldn’t sleep. I am probably confusing Taemin. I’m so selfish, taking all of his kindness for myself. I don’t know why but I still can’t seem to let my depression wash away. They’ve all been so kind to me. I need to repay them somehow but for now Taemin just let me feel your warmth. I don’t understand why but when I’m with you it seems like we are the only two people in the world.

Taemin, I think I love you... *scoff* if I only had the courage to say it to his face. Taemin I can’t seem to recognise myself when I’m with you. It’s like your bringing the real me out from the shell I am in front of others. The shell of my silence, you, Key, Minho, Onew, Jonghyun and EXO, and exceptionally Alex and Sarah, you’ve all helped me crack the shell little by little. I will try to become me again, Meghan, the real Meghan, the real me. Before the accident and I will continue to show you my smile. Please Taemin, I looked up at his angelic sleeping face, save me. Continue to show me your kindness; pull me further out of the rabbit’s hole. And one day I’ll have the confidence to confess to you. I wish you all the happiness in the world in Japan. I shifted up, the blankets falling off me. Taemin stirred but he didn’t wake up.”Saranghae, Taemin.” I whispered grabbing my pillow and exiting the room. I went to my own room turning on the lights and closing the door behind me, and got out the memory books from their hiding place. As I watched and smiled as my life appeared in front of my. From birth to now, after awhile I closed the books and the covers that mum and I had decorated, soon new memories will fill you. Memories that I’ll hold onto forever and never forget. I put the books back into their hiding place and pulled out a camera bag and placed it on my desk. I walked over to my bed and closed my eyes.


The next morning I woke up early. I grabbed the camera and headed to the kitchen. The others were still asleep. Probably trying to rest as much as they can before they have to leave, they’ll need their energy. I smiled to myself as I put the camera bag on the table and got out the ingredients for making pancakes!

As I finished making the pancakes and putting them on the island table I put the syrups, blue berries, strawberries, butter and ice-cream behind the plates. I grabbed six glasses and put them on the table and filled five of them with milk and one with banana milk, for Taemin. I grabbed the camera out of its bag and placed down on the bench next to me. I put my hair up in a ponytail and slung the camera around my next. I the camera as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. They all came in at once and I quickly took a picture.

“Hello ladies.” I grinned.

“Did you do all this?” Jonghyun asked as he starred at the pancakes.

“No, the pixies did I just took a photo.” I said sarcastically, “I can cook you know.”

“Thank you so much!” they all said as they took a plate. We all put on some toppings and grabbed a glass of milk; Taemin grabbed the banana milk and smiled. So cute!

“So you guys ready for Japan.” I asked as we began to eat. They all starred at me.

“Um, yeah.” Key said as everyone continued to eat.

“It’s going to be so much fun without you guys.” I beamed.

“Hey!” They all shouted.

“What?” I laughed, “Did I say that out loud?”

“You’re so lucky it’s almost Christmas.” Key said sternly pointing a finger at me. You have no idea. I smiled to myself.

“Tis the season to be jolly,” Minho sang.

“Tis also the season of forgiveness,” I grinned at Key who smiled back.

“Speaking of Christmas do you want us to get you anything in Japan?” Onew asked.

“Oh! A kimono please!” I squealed. They all starred at me.

“What’s gotten into you?” Jonghyun asked.

“I’m showing you the real Meghan.” They looked at me confused. “The me before the accident, I can’t hide in a shell of depression forever. I know mum and dad wouldn’t want that.” I said looking up to the ceiling.

“Well I like this Meghan” Taemin smiled at me.

“I agree.” The others all said. I smiled back at them.

After lunch we cleaned up and then the day flew by so did Thursday. It’s Friday now and the guys are leaving for the airport.

“Jibunjishin'no sewa o e kudasai.” I said as I hugged them all one after the other.

“You speak Japanese?” They looked at me shocked.

“Of course, by the way do you have any idea what I just said?” I asked and they all nodded. “Ok tell me what I just said.” I challenged.

“Look we’re going to be late for the plane we better go now.” Key said as he herded the others into the car. They closed the door and rolled the window down. I leant on the lower window frame, peering into the car and smiled.

“It means: ‘Please take care of yourselves.’” I stood up and backed away from the car. I watched as the car zoomed down the street. I went back into the house and closed the door behind me.

“This should be fun.” I said as I looked at the unusually quiet house.

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Chapter 41: People if they use someone else's stories w/o permission. Also I am one of those silent readers and i just want to say i am in love with your story!!
Chapter 40: This is wonderful. And no need to thank me. This story is great and I'm just really glad you're not giving up on it. :)
Chapter 40: awww thanks for the update. I really needed it. And once again I for one really like it and I hope I will be able to read more of it in the future.
Chapter 40: I think you should finish it first and then maybe re-write it, thought I like how it is
Chapter 40: Honestly, I think it would be better to finish it before re-writing.
Chapter 40: Wow! I finally managed to read all the chappies. This story is awesome!!!
kpopluvvie #7
Chapter 39: Palli author-ssi and update soon please? :]
Aoi-chan98 #8
Chapter 39: Please update soon. and next time make sure it is Taemin! <3
Chapter 39: lol I would sooo luagh if the really kissed ^^
Chapter 38: wuhu you updated and it was awesome =) I loved it