hae: faceless.. help me hyuk.. yesung: wookie! don't look there!!!!

what is that? things? paranomal?


Chapter 4

“Good night boys~” Leeteuk umma say. Tonight we decide to sleep together in this small living room. “Good night umma...” we all reply Leeteuk. And so, we all went to sleep. I sleep next to the anchovy of course. Haha.. but the thing is i .. i can’t sleep.. usually iwill fell fast asleep but... now.. i can’t.

I sit up and look around. then i saw something white wandering around in the kitchen. I’m easily curious so i get up and walk towards the kitchen. I have to walk slowly because my stamina is not enough.

Eunhyuk P.O.V

I realize somebody wake up. Lazily, i open my sleepy eyes and saw fishy walk towards the empty kitchen, with a curious face. Did he see something? Then, sudden;y, i feel something bad is gonna happend to him. I quickly wake up and follow him to the kitchen.

In the kitchen...
donghae P.O.V

I still see the white figure. The white figure is now standing still. Slowly turning towards me. I stand at my current position. When the white thing turns to my direction, i feel that all my energy is being pulled out. I pant heavily now. The white thing has...no face..nothing..i fell down to my knees. I feel somebody close my eyes.

“Hae..hae it’s me, hyuk.”
“Ssshhhh...don’t talk...now try stand up..”
i still panted heavily until i didn’t realize i lay my head on eunhyuk’s neck. “I-i can’t move..my body...”
eunhyuk then help me stand up and bring me to bed.

Once we reach the bed or matress, he uncover my eyes. Eunhyuk look at me with a worry face. “What’s wrong with you hae..?” he whispers quitely. “i-..saw...something..w-hite in the kitchen..i..went to look ...but..once.i r-reach there...my energy is being...pulled out from my b-body..h-hyuk..the white...thing...is..f-faceless..it’s faceless..it’s faceless,hyuk...” i didn;t realize i was trembling and crying at that moment.

Before i could continue the story, eunhyuk say, “Hush now, hae.. stop here.. we talk about it tomorrow. Okay?” he wipe away my overflowing tears. I shook my head. “B-but hyuk...” “Sshhh.... quiet hae.. let’s go back to sleep. Tomorrow, we’ll tell this to umma okay?” i nod weakly. Eunhyuk smile in the dark and bring me into his embrace. “sleep hae.” Before i could close my eyes, hyuk kiss my head. “Leeteuk say you will sleep when somebody kiss your head. So sleep, fishy..” i managed to chuckle before i fall asleep.




Eunhyuk P.O.V

Aish! If Leeteuk hyung don’t tell me about this kiss thing. I’m sure i didn’t do it just now! But.. donghae, i wonder if you are just imagining things. but it seems that he’s not. I look at his sleepy face, he’s asleep already. I sigh and pat his head. And soon, i know i fall into a dreamland.

The next day..
ryeowook P.O.V

I open my eyes, stretch my body and wake up. See the person who sleeps next to me, i smile. Yesung and Siwon was awake already. So as Leeteuk and Heechul hyung except for Kangin hyung and Hankyung hyung who was to be Leeteuk hyung and Heechul’s hyung partner. Wven the EunHae was still asleep, hugging with each other. I found out it was cute to see both of them, same and kyuhyun and sungmin hyung. Kibum was awake already, but now playing kyuhyun’s psp with no volume.

I stand up and walk towards the bathroom before i go into the kitchen. Good thing that this dorm, is near to the forest. Hehe.. i walk into the kitchen and greet “Good morning” to anyone who was there, prepare breakfast.

“Yes, Wookie?”
“Did you see this note..?” i say and i show it to umma. Umma then say, “What note is that..?”


                I’m gonna go out for a jog. I’ll be back around 8 something. Sorry for not telling you earlier. I don’t want to disturb you guys with your sleep. Sorry! <3


Umma then smile. “Siwonnieis always like this..” “I’m gonna plug my ear right now” Heechul hyung interrupted and plug his ear. “Siwonnie will go out for a jog after he does his praying. Heechul, you should join him!” heechul look at Leeteuk omma and say, “Are you done, teuk?” umma sigh and nod. Heechul hyung happily unplug his ear and continue do the breakfast.

I smile. Yesung then say, “Want to go out for a walk around this dorm?” I nod. Shindong then playfully say, “and here goes the YeWook couple” . leeteuk and heechul laugh.

And so, me and yesung hyung go out. We reach thepark nearby and start of journey. Of course i change my attire! XD. Just then, while me and yesung hyung is talking, i saw a girl wandering around. i look at it carefully. Yesung shots me with a weird look and say, “What are you looking at wookie?” “hyung, who’s that girl?” “what girl?”

“Seriously hyung, didn;t you see it? It’;s just right there!” “Wookie! I don’t see anything!!” then the girl change it’s postion by turning it’s direction towards us. The girl’s face was full with blood, scars and eyeless!! I shock. I nearly fell down to my knees until esung caught me.

“Wookie.. are you alright..?” “H-hyung..l-let’s go back to the dorm....i’m s-scared...” Yesung know i’m scared and agree. “Let me help you.”

At the dorm...
leeteuk P.O.V

“Hush down, wookie.. umma mis here.. don’t be scared...” i say to the little wookie who is crying right now. I’m worried about the members. Some of them can see the ghost. But, i can’t see anything. Wookie is still crying right now. He told us what happend when his walk with Yesung  after the breakfast. Other member is worried about what happend around them , especially when the other say they see someone look like a girl figure.

Just like what Ryeowook and Fishy saw, that make us more worried. All member is already up except for Donghae. Eunhyuk, after he ate breakfast, he quickly went to donghae side. I’m thankful to God for giving him soome caring member besides me. I still in process of calming ryeowook down.

Heechul then suddenly say, “Guys, go find the old diary and old papers that we search few days ago, we need to read more about that damn cursed diary. I can’t stand watching my dongsaeng broke down and cried!” “Ye, appa!!” all shout. Thanks to that Ryeowook chuckle a little. It’s a relieved to me when i heard him chuckle. “Okay right now?” Wookie nod. “Good, now help others find the diary okay?” “dhe umma..”

In the living room...
Eunhyuk P.O.V

It’s nearly afternoon now, but none of us feels hungry same to me. Other is busy find the diary. I look at my fishy, who is still asleep. I feel worried towards him. The image of him crying and trembling so bad still kept on replaying in my mind. Leeteuk then sits next to sleepy fish.

“Not awake yet?”
“No...” i shook my head. Umma sigh and  pat Donghae’s forehead.

After a few moments, donghae started moving and sweating, which  come as surprise to the both of us, me and umma. He grubmle something. He seems to have a nightmare again for the countless time.

i was surprised same as umma. Donghae’s hand seems to be wanting for someone to hold his hand, telling him that there was somebody next to him.
“Umma!!!!!! Help!! Hyuk!!!!”

I don’t want to hear this type of scream anymore, i quickly hug fishy and calm him down. He kept on mumbling, “i’m scared” all over again. Leeteuk rush to my side and calm fishy down too. The other nearby look at us. Leeteuk just shook his head. They all smile weakly, heechul look irritate and worried with donghae’s condition.

Donghae P.O.V

“Hyuk...i’m scared....I”m scared...” i kept oon saying  that. “Sshh.... hush now, Hae.. i’m here, umma here... calm down, hae...” Eunhyuk hug me and pat my back. I can feel umma is carrsaing my head. “Calm down, Hae. Calm down...” Umma say. I rest my head on Eunhyuk shoulder. “sshh..... calm down Hae..” Eunhyuk said.

“u.h.... hyuk..u-umma..” i say. “What hae?” “the..g-ghost..f-faceless...ghost..” eunhyuk sigh and whisper to me, “Hae, stop thinking about that, we’ll tell umma about that... okay?” “Hy..uk..” “Sshh..stop talking..” is the last word i heard before i drift off to sleep again, in his hug.

Leeteuk P.O.V

“What happend?” i ask eunhyuk who is still hugging donghae. He then start to explain what happend last night. After he finish explain it. My worried increased. We have to find that diary to know more. Besides Heechul, me too, hate to see my members like this. First.. it’s Hae and now.. wookie! I can’t stand it!!!

After a few hours..
donghae P.O.V

“He seems to calm down right now..” Eunhyuk say to Leeteuk umma. Even though hyukkie says i’m calming doen, but still.. i kept on replaying the faceless thing i saw. Eunhyuk pat my back. I look up at him and say, “What happend..?”

Leeteuk umma smile and sit by Eunhyuk’s side, replying, “Nothing happend Hae.. it’s just that all members is busy finding that black diary.” “Black diary..?” “The one you, hyukkie and kibum found out upstairs a few days ago, remember..?” i nod.

“HEY! Found that curse damn diary!!”
“Yah! Kim Heechul! Watch your language!!”
“Aish! Umma!! Just come here and read that diary!!!”
leeteuk ummaa pouted and stomp towards heechul direction before umma pull heechul’s hyung ears. I can’t help myself but to chuckle.

“you okay ready..?”
i look at 2nd appa and nod. He smile and ask us to gather near the window at the corner.

Tuesday, xx.november, xxxx

                Dear diary, it’s been a few days since the last time i wrote this didn’t i..? well... my hand seems to be okay after the weird incident happend at my school. These days, many weird incident happend around me. Friends thought it was only my imagination, but can they explain the big scar on my right arm..?
                it happend during Science lesson, where teacher is not around, leaving us with tonnes of paper works. Me, like other students sigh before doing our works, before the fluorescent light breaks and it’s falling down towards us. Students was shock same as me. Affter the incident happend, teacher immidiately come to my class and ask us if we were alright.
                some of them of say they were alright, some have small surgery. But then, one of my friends say to me, “Y-your arm...” i was confused so i take a look at my arm, to my surprised, there was a big scar on it! All the from my shoulder to my finger. I was immediately bring to the nearest hospital and was treated there.”

“Maybe that time, the school have a sudden blackout.”
“Shindong! Don’t talk when your mouth is full!”
“Ye! Mianhe!”

Friday, xxNovember, xxxx

Today is /Friday the 13th, folks used to say that never come out from your house. My mom too tell me, unlike my dad, who always not at home. So to be a good girl, i follow what omma says. I stay in my own room the whole day. My mom is busy doing her work in her room,using her own laptop.
                i then log in into my school blog, as i was waiting for the blog to finish loading, i look outside  the window. It’s quite cloudy that time, right before my eyes, a figure with bloody face approach before me, causing me to fall down from the chair. The figure is extremely bloddy, there’s a large scar on the forehaed,makes me can see the bone in there. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping to not see the scary figure again.
                once open my eyes, as i expected , no more figure. So i just ignore it and log in into my schools. There new post, it’s about the girl who commits suicide after being framed by her own friend. The girls name is ...err..i just call her noona, she’s just a few years older than me. She kills herself after she reply to the article she reads . the article is written by her friend. She kill herself by hanging herself in her own room, in her house.


“Now that’s what i call ‘creepy’”
“Now that’s what i called “Mystery 6”
eeteuk omma, all he can do now is sigh, i know he’s worried. I look to my right, then i saw something that asking me to come into. A white figure, but this time, it’s  different, it has a human shape. The figure ask me to come over it’s place.

I stand up and walk towards the figure which is still standing at the corner of the kitchen. “Hae..?” “Yah, hae, where are you going?” i look at them and say, “Something white is asking me to go there” i say and point. They look  at me. Eunhyuk grab my wrist and say, “Don’t go there.” “B-but..” “Hyung, you just recovered from your experience last night.” Siwon say. I still want to go until eunhyuk stands up and pull me into his hug.

But still, i insists to go. Hankyung approach me and shook his head. Behind hankyung, there the figure was! FACELESS!!! I gasp and point behind hankyung. Hankyung say, “I can feel it and i don’t want to see it.” “B-but,,,” “what did you see hae?” Heechul and Leeteuk ask. “H-hyuk..” i say. “Hmm..?” “T-the....-ssa-same fig-ure....”

“Oh ...”Eunhyuk  say and close my eyes with his hand. “Siwon, say some phrase you know from the bible!”

After siwon said some phrase, i can  hear faint shout. I titled my head to the side. Eunhyuk pat me and say, “Ssshh...”


Leeteuk P.O.V

This is getting worsewe have to keep an eye on donghae. Same goes to ryeowook. Donghae nearly collasp when eunhyuk in time to catch him before he hid the hard ground. Eunhyuk seems to be worried about his partner.

“W-what...was that..?”
i look towards ryeowook who was pointing to the window behind us.
“There’s nothing,Woo- ommo! What  is that!?”

the remaining member including eunhyuk look behind. To our surprise, there was a bloddy figure standing behind the window. There’s a large scar on the forehead. Makes us can see the bone in there. I gasp. I can’t move my leg, even my hand. 


teehee~ two chapters is a day is enough for you guys? :DD hope so though. but dont worry i will update moreduring the one week holidays, okay? damn i'm addicted to this website! XXD but and dont forget to leave a comment! commont are surely loved by me except the harsh one! :DD saranghae! GBU!

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Chapter 1: This is son nice and since I like horror movies,I think it's good for me to read it..^_^
But still,a bit scaredT.T
Anyway,author-nim,please continue your good job and Hwaiting!!...Always support and Fighting on other stories!!^_^
After read this .... i even scared to go to my toilet alone ...
part two part two
Keke........niceeeee.....hehe.....love ittt....keke
x3Maple #6
Lalala. I have not started reading anything yet but the comments are so freaking positive. So I'll read it now!:)
ahah~ i still can't believe that i got comment from this very 1st fanfic of mine~~~<br />
AWWW~~ i just love you guys!
lovekyu85 #8
i think i'm going to read this ^^ first because of the good responses by those who alrdy read it and second because i love stories that are long '-' urs got 48 chapters so perfect ^^ ~
wahaahahhaha~ such a good story.......got to chapter 30 in one day...wahh I'm such a good reader aren't I xD keke <br />
I'll continue it tomorrow ( it's 11:45pm now and I have school tomorrow -.- ) <br />
<br />
wahhh I always love the little eunhae moments..... and Siwon piggybagging Kibum....awwww I support that couple! and my Hanchul couple still together.....<br />
<br />
wahhhh I love it =) <br />
Aww...thanks for the comments!!! :DDD<br />
it's decided already!<br />
i'll make a sequel! XD<br />
but i will not tell you when! :PPPP