Aish, random and random, What fanfic? YAH!!

what is that? things? paranomal?


Chapter 3

“Because it scares me!”

Leeteuk look at me and kyuhyun and nod. “Okay, then. What about you guys?” he say and look at the others. The others look back at leeteuk and slowly shook their heads, including the-supposed-to-be-brave-hyung-Heechul.

Leeteuk then smile and laugh. “Aroso! Let’s find a box and put it inside there before manager founds out. After we put inside there, we hide somewhere. Okay?” “Dhe...”

And so, we all find the box. Shindong find the largest box among us and we put all the stuffs inside there and hide behind the television. Thank god that the television is placed near the corner so we hide it behind there!

Kyuhyun P.O.V

I look at the time and i say to umma, “Umma, dinner time is nearly approaching!” i on my PS2 and start playing starcraft. Sungmin join along. Leeteuk sigh and say, “You both will never gets tired when comes to game. At least help umma with the dinner!” i look at umma and smile an apologetic smile and mouthing “Mianhe. Saranghae”. Umma then smile and say, “I’ll let you go this time”

I smile a victory smile. “YOU LOSE”. I look at the Tv, which the PS2 was connected. Sungmin smile at me and say, “You lose this time!!!” I pout. “Restart!” i shout

Donghae P.O.V

“you’re feeling okay now, hae-hae?”
i pout when he call me “Hae-hae”. I nod and say, “Yeah, I’m fine hyung. Don’t worry.” He smile and ruffle my hair. I look toward Leeteuk umma who was now heading towards the kitchen. I say to Heechul hyung. “Hyung, i want to help umma with the dinner.” He nod and say, “Okay, but don’t hurt yourself.” “Ye araso.” And with that i walk to the kitchen.

Shindong P.O.V

I walk towards Heechul and eunhyuk. I then sits on one of the sofa. Heechul sigh. “Aish, why this dorm must be haunted?” I chuckle. “if you don’t want it to be haunted then just call Priest Siwon then. Who knows he know how to shoo away the ghost~” Many laughter is heard after i say that even Heechul himself laugh. Eunhyuk just smile his gummy smile. Siwon then say, “I’ll eat all your snaks, shindong hyung!!!!!! –pout-“

Heechul then tease eunhyuk, “yah, Hyuk ah, why don’t you just take care of your Hae?” “Why..?” “He dreamt nightmare you know. Even worst than all of us. You didn’t feel worried?” “Tch, hyung ah, of course i feel worried.. who will not worried over his dongsaeng?” “[dongsaeng]? Donghae is your dongsaeng’?” eunhyuk nod.

Heechul looks at me and smile. I know he wants to say that.

“Heh, hyukkie ah. I don’t think donghae can be called as your ‘dongsaeng’” “Huh? What do you mean?” eunhyuk ask. “he is better been called as your ‘lover’ instead! Right shindong?” i nod in agreement.

Eunhyuk then pout. “Why lover?” “Because you too seem like one.” Says Yesung who lay down on the floor in front of us, busy surfing the net. “See? Even yesungie agree!” Heechul point out. I look into what yesung surf and laugh. Yesung smile.

“What’s so funny you both?”

I say to him, “Look at what he surf about!” and continue laughing. Heechul and Eunhyuk look.

Eunhyuk P.O.V

“What the!!! Hyung why are you surfing this!!!!” i say. Heechul burst out laughing. “Nice one yesung!! Hahahahaha!!!! EunHae fanfic!! Puhahahahaaha!!! Aish! Chinca!! Kyahahahahah!!!” hankyung who look at the cinderella also tag along lauging even though he is busy reading magazine along with siwon and ryeowook.

And with the words HyukJae just said to Donghae, HyukJae hold Donghae’s shaky hand, pulling the other man towards him, making the face nearly touch each other. Donghae’s brown eyes totally melts HyukJae. “W-what are you going to do, Hyukkie?” donghae say with a little shaky voice. Hyukjae smiles and close the distance between him and the little fish, making their lips touch each other.”

“Yah!! HYUNG!!! STOP IT!!!!!!” I shout loud enough until the whole dorm hears me. Yesung laugh. Yesung hyung is the one who read that aloud.

“After a few moments, HyukJae broke the kiss, grasping for air. But, still, he look at his fishy who look shock. Donghae’s red face makes HyukJae chuckle. “W-what was that for..?” “don’t understand yet..?” HyukJae sigh and say to Donghae, “Sarang-“


Heechul laugh and a sneeze was heard from the kitchen. “Aww..Hae, you okay? Are you sick?” “No, i’m okay umma..” “Aww....looks like donghae sneeze when we read this story loud enough for people to hear.” Yesung tease. Heechul high 5 Yesung and Shindong.

“Look, your face is red!!” Shindong say to me. I realize my face is red, so i cover my face with the pillow and shout, “It’s embarrasing!!!!!!” The others laugh.

In the kitchen
Donghae P.O.V

I giggle a little when i heard the other members laugh in the living room. Poor hyukkie must be blushing this time. Leeteuk and Ryeowook also laugh. I was cutting apple that time. Omma says it’s for dessert. “Ommo, Hae! You’re face it red!” Leeteuk point out. I smile. “It seems like hyung like the story too!!” Ryeowook say.

“Hyung! Wookie!! It’s such an embarassing story!!!!” I shout. Eunhyuk shout in reply, “See!!! Even Fishy agree to what i say!!!!” “Aish! You too! Just stop shouting and confess to each other Already!!” Kangin shout to the both of us. “Yah!!!!! So noisy!!!!” Kyuhyun shout. “You are the one who is EXTREMELY noisy! Low the Game volume DOWN!” Heechul shout back.

I shook my head. They are all childish some times.

Dinner time!!

As usual i sit besides Eunhyuk. But, when we saw each other, wo look away. I don’t know why, probably bacause of the fanfic.

“Aww...look at them, blushing”

We two then look each other.

“Ahaha~ Hae ah, Hyukkie ah, it was just a fanfic~ don;t take it seriously! Come on~ hug already!!”

I hit Eunhyuk’s arm before i hug him. “Pabo for believe in that fanfic.” I say to him. “You too, pabo fish”

And after we hug, we all eat. Stupid and cute anchovy for believing such fanfic.


Cute and little dumb fish to believe in that fanfic. Make a mental note for me so that i can read YeWook fanfic, serve yesung hyung right kekekekeke


end  of chapter 3!

sorry if it's short though! XXD

those fanfic , i created it, belongs to nobody but me okay guys? no offence

how was the story so far? so far so good? or so far too bad? 

please comment! comments are loved !! :DD

#heenimfighting and #SorrySorryTime 

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Chapter 1: This is son nice and since I like horror movies,I think it's good for me to read it..^_^
But still,a bit scaredT.T
Anyway,author-nim,please continue your good job and Hwaiting!!...Always support and Fighting on other stories!!^_^
After read this .... i even scared to go to my toilet alone ...
part two part two
#4 ittt....keke
x3Maple #6
Lalala. I have not started reading anything yet but the comments are so freaking positive. So I'll read it now!:)
ahah~ i still can't believe that i got comment from this very 1st fanfic of mine~~~<br />
AWWW~~ i just love you guys!
lovekyu85 #8
i think i'm going to read this ^^ first because of the good responses by those who alrdy read it and second because i love stories that are long '-' urs got 48 chapters so perfect ^^ ~
wahaahahhaha~ such a good to chapter 30 in one day...wahh I'm such a good reader aren't I xD keke <br />
I'll continue it tomorrow ( it's 11:45pm now and I have school tomorrow -.- ) <br />
<br />
wahhh I always love the little eunhae moments..... and Siwon piggybagging Kibum....awwww I support that couple! and my Hanchul couple still together.....<br />
<br />
wahhhh I love it =) <br />
Aww...thanks for the comments!!! :DDD<br />
it's decided already!<br />
i'll make a sequel! XD<br />
but i will not tell you when! :PPPP