Chapter 40

Showing You Happiness





Aaron's part



*Ding Dong*



Aaron snapped out of his train of thoughts as a smile instantly appeared on his face.



What did she forget?

She is finally starting to miss me huh?



Aaron got up, walking over to open the door. But his eyes widen to see who was standing before him.

"Oh boy... I haven't been here in awhile."

The man spoke as he walked inside, taking a moment to glance around the place. Unknowingly, a smile crept on his face as he looked around the room, nothing was out of the ordinary, it was like time has stopped. Years have passed them by, everyone moved on, but this house didn’t change.

"Mr. Wu... Good morning, would you like—"

"It's alright, have a seat young man."

Mr. Wu sat down on the sofa while Aaron sat directly in front of him, wondering what he was doing here.

"I have a proposition for you. You see, I don't want to be the bad guy here but I am rather confused at my daughter's choice in men. And so she wish that I can respect her choices and decisions she makes, I respect all her decisions she makes as a businesswomen but as the only daughter of Wu Corp, it will take more to convince this old man. To put it simply, the reason why I am here is to advise you that if you want something more from her, I will be glad to give it to you and in return, you must erase your existence and swore never to walk back to her life. So tell me young man, threats don’t look like it will work on you since you manage to entrance my daughter with your charms. What are you really after?"

"And by that you mean..."

Mr. Wu snapped his fingers and the man behind him placed a black suitcase down, opening it the case to see it filled with money.

"I am rich enough so if you have other motives, like this. I will be glad to give all this money to you but you must leave my daughter immediately. I will not tolerate anyone who approaches my daughter with ulterior motives and certainly, playing with her heart. If you still want your job and reputation still intact, take my advice and make this easier for yourself and others. Think about it, if newspaper companies finds out that the reason why H.I.M. entertainment suddenly went into trouble is because one of their people stepped on a land mine, now that will quite a story right? But of course, no one will know about thi–"

Aaron slammed his hands onto the table, surprising the two man as he stood up, frustrated.

"I'm not the kind of man you think I am. I am not dating Ying Jie because of money.  I am dating Ying Jie because I love her. We have been apart for 5 years! During that time, whenever I am going through various trainings to get to where I am now, I think about her. She was the ultimate reason why I remained in the entertainment field, I know, it sounds like an excuse to you but it's the truth. Whenever the camera turns on, there's always hope inside me that wishes this will broadcast to the entire world, to tell her that I am here, I am waiting for you to come back so that wherever she is, it will reach out to her. I know what you're thinking, you are thinking how can this young man know anything about love? But I think I went through everything there is to know about it and Ying Jie feels the same way as I do. So I do not need your money but in return, I will seek your blessing. I believe Ying Jie would like it as well if her father believes in her."

The man standing behind Mr. Wu was about to come forward but Mr. Wu signalled him to stay still.

"My blessing? You have to earn it son. I am sure you heard about this saying a million times but let me assure you with all the pain, sweat and tears. It will all be worth it in the end but that is... if you play the game right."

Aaron stared at him, trying to comprehend what he was saying. Mr. Wu chuckled as he snapped again, the man behind him pulled out another black case, switching it with the one before. Aaron continued to stare at it blankly as he tried to understand what he was hinting.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Aaron shook his head as Mr. Wu laughed.

"As you know, the grand opening of our hotel has been creating a huge topic in the media, so to celebrate our hard work, dedication and lack of sleep, I have organized a party that will honour it."

"So you want me too.... Wear this?"

"Precisely. I am willing to give you my blessing if you guys pull through with this."

"But this... how is—"

"It's part of the dress code so if you want to win over me, do this and show me that you are the man you claim to be." Mr. Wu stood up, buttoning his suit as the man picked up the case with the money while Aaron stared at the item in his hands, still confused about the situation.

"So Mr. Yan, I will leave you to decide. If this is what you strive for then show me. I am a man of my words so I'll try to ease it with the tricks but there's no guarantee. I believe the invitation is in the box so everything you need to know are inside. So what would you do? Leave and move on or stay and defend?"

Mr. Wu smiled widely as he walked out of the house, leaving Aaron speechless.






While the door closed behind him, Aaron stared at the item that Mr. Wu brought him while he ruffled his hair and leaned back.



What am I going to do?




Mr. Wu's part

"He reminds me of myself when I was younger..."

He whispered as his assistant smiled, knowing that it isn't easy to please Mr. Wu, so Aaron must have did some damage to him?

"Was my acting superb?"

The man beside him smiled, acknowledging his talent for it.

"What made you change your decision?" Mr. Wu chuckled, rubbing the ridge of his nose.

"Aaron Yan... I can see why Ying Jie choose him. It's not because he was a boy with a handsome face but he is a determined young man. Once he puts his mind to it, he will soon find out that through these hardships will be the ultimate adventure. But not only that, he changed my daughter in the greatest way possible."

"What did he do?"

"Giving my daughter happiness, the happiness that she deserves."

Mr. Wu smiled brightly as he looked at his assistant.

"Everyone will not be able to see or touch this happiness unless one actually feel it inside. It's an unexplainable feeling that makes your stomach, hurt but happy at the same time. And Mr. Yan clearly did that to Ying Jie. So both of them might not understand it yet but if I wait long enough, their light will become brighter when they are together."

"So your blessing...?"

"My blessing has always been given to my daughter. Whoever she wants, I will naturally side with her."

"So basically, anything that will make her happy."

"BINGO! I knew that there was a reason why I kept you with me~ But this conversation stays between us men! Don't go around to the media or whoever saying your boss has a soft heart! If I hear anything about that, I will suspend you on the spot!"


They chuckled happily as they returned to the company.




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[nov13] I am crazy over pdf's so I collect them from time to time whenever I find a crazy good story. To those who are is like me, who likes to collect, msg me!


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Lollimee #1
Chapter 47: Wow! I love this story so much ❤you're one of my favorite authors ever!!
Chapter 47: wow!! nice story!!!
loved it so much!!!
NoraLun #3
Woohooo, finally You have completed this amazing storyy with great ending :D

so, would you mind continuing to write guilun fic??
Chapter 46: Aww... It has came to an end!
Love reading your stories!
I'll wait for your updates on other fictions :D
VIP_Bee #5
Chapter 47: ahhh!it's finally came to an end.sad but reading it makes me smile ^^ looking forward to ur next stories ^^
Chapter 47: Loved this story! It was great! So sad it ended, but content with the happy ending. Thank you for sharing. I was a silent reader but i'll try to comment every now and then on your beautiful stories. Thanks again, it was awesome!
VIP_Bee #7
Chapter 45: Feels like it's gonna end soon;( and also am i the only one who is commenting?0_0 anyway i don't mind coz i feel like i was encouraging u XD can't wait for next chap!^^
VIP_Bee #8
Chapter 43: The search has began!!!dan dan' dan XD lol
VIP_Bee #9
Chapter 42: Ke ke so the mastermind was ting wei XD and now he's jealous.can't wait for the ball.hope they will recognize each other with mask on ^^
VIP_Bee #10
Chapter 40: Am i the only one who thinks that it was gui's dad until last chap and now it has become her grandpa???anyway i'm happy that guilun has gained another supporter.^^