Chapter 36

Showing You Happiness



Even Wu's part


"Why did you come here?"


Aaron grabbed her hands but Ying Jie pulled them away, not wanting to get hurt again. As much as Ying Jie wanted to run over to him, she couldn't. So she smiled over at him as Sheng Yi walked out, watching them from afar before walking over. 

"It's finally a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Yan."

"Just call me Aaron, Mr. Yan is too formal."

Sheng Yi turned his gaze as he looked over at Ying Jie. "I lost. I can't believe it, I REALLY lost."

Aaron and Even stared at him as he stuffed his hands into his pocket, listening to the sound of the waves. "Can I speak to Gui alone for a moment?"

Aaron looked over to Ying Jie, who just stared at Sheng Yi blankly. Sheng Yi reassured her that he wasn’t going to do anything she didn’t want so Gui walked away with him, leaving Aaron standing there with a safe distance. As much as Aaron wanted to her hand and go, a part of him was replaying what he did to push Gui away earlier while the other part of him wanted Gui to say her goodbyes to him, so he stepped back while maintain a close distance to them.




{ xx } 



After a couple of moments of silence, they felt that the moon’s shine was becoming bigger and bigger. Gui and Sheng Yi stood by the railing as the sound of the water smashing into the rocks calmed their mind and soul. 

"I heard from Ting Wei."

"TING WEI? Wow! He never learns to keep his mouth shut!" 

"Don't blame him, I was the one who forced it out of him." They both laughed as Sheng Yi stared at Ying Jie."

"You really are beautiful tonight. It's going to be a shame to let you go." 

"Qiu Sheng Yi... After all these years of finally getting to see you, I am happy. Really, I am happy that you recovered and still the same as ever.”

They stared at one another as they broke into a laugh. “Has the nickname Wang Zi worn out yet?"

"Nope, I think it's still as strong as ever."

"Really? It'll get old someday." 

"It'll get old someday? Are you kidding? My face is a gift from god! It'll never get old."

He said, pointing his features as Gui laughed, being able to laugh like this felt great. It seemed ages since she was able to feel this happy and be herself. Sheng Yi noticed Aaron walking back and forth, bored to death as he burst into laughter. Ying Jie looked over to Aaron as well, a smile crept onto her face as Sheng Yi held out his hand.


"Of course."

When Ying Jie held onto his hand, Sheng Yi pulled her closer to him, leaving just a good distance between them as Aaron paused. Ying Jie was about to push him away but Sheng Yi quietly told her to stay still. 


"Don't start celebrating, we still have a long way to go till our happy endings."

He pulled away, giving them distance as Ying Jie stared at him, confused. 

"We might call it off but our families will be in rage."

When Aaron witnessed what he believed to be a attack from the ex-boyfriend, he quickly pulled Ying Jie behind him, acting as a shield from Sheng Yi, Wang Zi laughed playfully, backing away from him.

"Are you forgetting? She's my girlfriend and without my permission, you cannot get close to her." 

Sheng Yi laughed, witnessing the jealous Aaron Yan as he looked over to Ying Jie. 

"She's already yours, what else can I do?"

He asked as he looked over to Aaron, patting him on the shoulder. 

"I hate to be the messenger of bad news but if you hurt her in any way, I am going to call a pack of wolves and have them skin you alive. Got it?"

Wang Zi teased as he slowly walked away. 



{ xx }



When Sheng Yi walked away, Ying Jie turned to the jealous looking Aaron.

"So Mr. Aaron Yan, you still haven’t answered my question. What are you doing here?"

Ying Jie asked as Aaron turned around.

“I am here to take back my girlfri–“ 

"Girlfriend? Who? Me? I'm sorry to tell you that you made it awfully clear what you said to me this afternoon." 

"Ying Jie..."

"Aaron. I admit, I still love you but now... I cannot be seen with you with my father watching my every move."

Aaron walked closer to her. 

"So in other words, you love me." 

"No, you're the one who is in love with me."

"How can you be so sure?" 

"It's written all over your face Mr. Yan."

She said matter-in-fact as he chuckled, finding their first argument amusing.




"Ying Jie. Can I kidnap you?"




Her eyes widen as he smirked. 

"I have NEVER heard a kidnapper say that before he does it, Mr. Yan, you are really strange."


"3 seconds." 




Ying Jie stepped back but before she could take another step back, Aaron lifted her up like a skilled kidnapper and carried towards his car.

"To escape." He whispered as she gasped. "TOO LATE, you are too slow... granny."


When he placed her into the car, he quickly planted a kiss on her lips. He pulled away to see a puzzled Gui staring blankly at him, in return, his lips curve into a smile. 

"Where are you planning on—"



He closed the door, leaving Ying Jie speechless as he walked over to the driver seat.


She shouted out as she released her tension that had suddenly built up inside her. When Aaron sat down, he looked at her and smiled.



Everyone has their own imagination of paradise looks and means to them,

But the paradise Aaron was talking about was completely different from Ying Jie's thought on paradise.




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[nov13] I am crazy over pdf's so I collect them from time to time whenever I find a crazy good story. To those who are is like me, who likes to collect, msg me!


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Lollimee #1
Chapter 47: Wow! I love this story so much ❤you're one of my favorite authors ever!!
Chapter 47: wow!! nice story!!!
loved it so much!!!
NoraLun #3
Woohooo, finally You have completed this amazing storyy with great ending :D

so, would you mind continuing to write guilun fic??
Chapter 46: Aww... It has came to an end!
Love reading your stories!
I'll wait for your updates on other fictions :D
VIP_Bee #5
Chapter 47: ahhh!it's finally came to an end.sad but reading it makes me smile ^^ looking forward to ur next stories ^^
Chapter 47: Loved this story! It was great! So sad it ended, but content with the happy ending. Thank you for sharing. I was a silent reader but i'll try to comment every now and then on your beautiful stories. Thanks again, it was awesome!
VIP_Bee #7
Chapter 45: Feels like it's gonna end soon;( and also am i the only one who is commenting?0_0 anyway i don't mind coz i feel like i was encouraging u XD can't wait for next chap!^^
VIP_Bee #8
Chapter 43: The search has began!!!dan dan' dan XD lol
VIP_Bee #9
Chapter 42: Ke ke so the mastermind was ting wei XD and now he's jealous.can't wait for the ball.hope they will recognize each other with mask on ^^
VIP_Bee #10
Chapter 40: Am i the only one who thinks that it was gui's dad until last chap and now it has become her grandpa???anyway i'm happy that guilun has gained another supporter.^^