A Memorable Date

The Heartbreaker's Game 2: What is Love?

Eun Hae’s POV

Lu Han looked at me after lunch, sitting back in his seat. “Do you want to go for our date like we planned we would when we got better?” he asked me. We felt a lot better now. Kris had taken care of us and then Lay came and healed the both of us too.

I looked at him, amused. “But where would we go?” I asked back.

He had a glint in his eyes. “I have no idea,” he confessed and I rolled my eyes, “but that’s the fun of it, right?” He got up and dragged me to our room while Kris tidied up the place and the two of us changed into light clothing. Then Lu Han pulled me out of the house, saying something to Kris in Chinese before we walked out.

“Where are we going?” I asked. “Do you have any idea now?”

Lu Han just grinned mysteriously. “Somewhere,” he replied as we got into the car and started the engine.

“You have no idea, do you?” I scoffed.

“I do; you’ll just have to see.”

I shrugged, wondering where he was taking me. But I shrugged. I’ll just go with the flow. We stopped in front of the shopping mall and Lu Han wordlessly dragged me inside the building, never stopping once until we reached the cinema.

“The cinema?” I said as he came back with two tickets in his hand. I took one ticket as he handed it over to me and saw the title of the movie. I burst out laughing. “We’re going to watch Madagascar 3?”

He nodded. “It looked interesting.”

I chuckled as we bought popcorns and walked into the cinema to watch. It was an enjoyable and pleasant show, and we burst out laughing a lot of time. It was so stupid, but that was why the show was so nice. We ate, we laughed, we shared the same drink, and we cuddled up in a comfortable way in our seats to enjoy the movie. When it ended, we were satisfied with the time that was spent watching the movie.

I needed to pee so I excused myself to the ladies’ room. When I came back, Lu Han had that grin on his face whenever he got excited. He took my hand and dragged me back to the cinemas. “Come on, the second show is about to start,” he exclaimed excitedly.

I stared at him, baffled. “We’re watching another show? What movie? Yah, Lu Han!” I cried but he ignored me. He wouldn’t even let me have my ticket to see what the second movie we were going to watch was.

He led me inside the dark hall and stopped in front of a lovers’ seat way at the back.

I gaped at him. “You’re serious?”

He nodded. “That way we can cuddle with each other during the show.”

I heaved a huge sigh and sat down. He sat down next to me. I frowned. “What show are we going to watch?” I asked him, turning my head slightly to him.

“You’ll see when it plays.”

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat. “Whatever.” Just then the cold air blew by and it made me shiver. Even my jacket couldn’t keep me warm. I stared enviously at Lu Han’s thick hoodie jacket.

I bet he’s warm.

Lu Han noticed and took his jacket off, handing it over to me. “I’ll be fine, you need it more than I do so just take it without any arguments, Jung Eun Hae,” he said dismissively when I protested and slipped it on for me since I refused to take it. Then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I could feel the heat radiating from his body and blushed at the close contact.

Just then the movie began playing and I decided to just sit back and relax in my boyfriend’s arms, trying to ignore the urge to squeal with delight whenever Lu Han would nibble my earlobe or hug me tighter. Seriously, does he want to watch this show or not? He’s making it impossible for me to watch.

I forced myself to pay attention and turned to the screen in time to see a mother buying her son a familiar-looking doll before the words CHILD’S PLAY showed up in big letters in the screen.

I gasped and abruptly turned to Lu Han who smirked. “What the hell?!” I hissed. “This is a horror movie! The Chucky killer doll one! You know I hate horror movies! And why is this show playing in the cinema? It’s been out a few years ago!”

He shrugged. “I saw that it was showing so I bought it. Besides, I like horror movies and you know that.” He fixated his eyes back on the screen to watch. But then he looked at me and softened, hugging me tighter. “If you’re scared, you know I’ll be right here to close your eyes and ears,” he whispered reassuringly into my ears. He kissed me softly on the lips before my nose. “Okay?”

I nodded mutely, too afraid to speak. I tried to enjoy the show but it was too scary and I really don’t like horror movies. Whenever the scary parts appeared I’d automatically turn my head and bury it in his chest and he’ll wrap his arms around me, my hair and whispered comforting words into my ears. Sometimes the scary bit come unexpected but luckily Lu Han has fast instincts and reflexes that he always managed to bring my head to his chest just in time because he knew I’d cry.

I couldn’t stand it. My heart was hammering too loudly and I wanted to cry, I wanted to get out of the cinema. But Lu Han looked like he was enjoying it and I didn’t want to be a big baby and ruin it for him so I just kept my head in his chest, peeping out occasionally from time to time whenever I felt like it was safe to look.

He must have sensed my panicked state because he turned to me and cupped my face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he whispered. Then he slowly leaned in to kiss me on my lips, slipping a hand down to my waist. It was a good thing we were seated all the way at the back row where no one could see us.

My eyes hooded as my hands moved up to wrap themselves around his neck before one crept up into his soft, smooth hair. Our lips meshed together and he began moving his head erratically in fast motion as the kiss grew hotter and deeper. I felt his lips grazing gently over mine, nibbling and tugging my bottom lip a bit. He positioned the both of us into a much better position and our tongues fought for dominance.

I won.

As I slipped my tongue inside his wet cavern, exploring everything about him, feeling the warmness of his tongue, tasting the minty breath, our breaths mingling with each other, all I could think about was how much I loved him and how much he meant so much to me. I’ve never felt this way with any other guy before. Soon I was distracted by his kiss and forgot about the horror movie that was playing.

Finally I heard what seemed to be music playing. Reluctantly I pulled apart, breaking away from the kiss, and saw the credits were beginning to play. It was only then I realized that the movie was over.

How long had we spent making out?

I looked at him as he smiled and we walked out. I felt bad. He wanted to watch the show yet I’d distracted him from it. I lowered my head as we walked around the shopping mall, avoiding getting bumped by the crowd.

He glanced over at me and made me look up to him. “What’s the matter?”

“I distracted you from the movie,” I muttered. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to watch it and now you don’t know how it ended.”

He chuckled softly and pushed my head backward gently. “Pabo,” he remarked. “The show has been out for years. I don’t know why they decided to play it in the cinemas again, but I’ve already watched it, like ten times. I’ve practically memorized each scene and each line and can even say it backwards.” He laughed. “I only picked that show to watch as an excuse to get you to cuddle up with me.”

I gasped at him, stopping in my tracks. He noticed that I was not walking anymore. He turned and grinned at me. I still stood there, gaping, not believing that he had tricked me.

“Eun Hae?”

I began whacking him, hitting his shoulders, not caring if people were starting to stop and stare, whispering about what a bad girlfriend I was. “I hate you!” I burst out. “How dare you trick me?! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! Aarrghhh! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!”

That jerk!

Lu Han grabbed my wrists and pulled them together and I struggled to break free but his grip was too tight. Well, he was an alien after all. He’s a lot stronger than any normal human being, damn him.

All of a sudden I found myself being pulled into his embraces, his arms enveloping around me and I stopped. He my hair gently.

“I love you,” he said sweetly.

I looked up to see the sincerity in his eyes and grew breathless. My knees would have had buckled if Lu Han hadn’t been holding onto me. But I still had my pride. “Next time you want to cuddle up with me, at least just tell me. You didn’t have to go through this length.”

He tweaked my nose. “You know you love it back there just now, babe,” he said huskily. He slipped his hand to mine and gave it a gentle squeeze before he tugged on it. “Come on, let’s go somewhere else,” he said as he pulled me out of the shopping mall.

I looked at the time. It was five in the evening. “Where are you taking me now?” I asked, hoping that he’d give me a straight answer.

“The park.”

“The park?” I repeated, crinkling up my nose. “Why?”

“You’ll see,” he said and unlocked the car.

I blew a frustrated raspberry as I got in beside him in the passenger’s seat. “Have I ever told you how infuriating you are?” I asked.

He beamed happily, starting the engine. “Yeap,” he replied with a pleasant tone. “You tell me that every day, but if I didn’t infuriate you even for one hour, you’d feel as though something is wrong with our relationship.”

True . . .

But I’ll never admit that to him.

Once we reached the park, Lu Han led me to the pond where we fed the ducks and fishes with bread he had bought at the entrance. The ducklings were so cute I wanted to take one back home with me but its mother called it back and I reluctantly bid my goodbyes to the ducks that ignored me as they swam back to their mother. I looked up to see the sky turning from sky blue to a brilliant mixture of purple, orange and red. The sun was setting.

Lu Han sat on the soft grass and I sat in front of him, in between his legs, and he wrapped his arms around me, and I leaned my back against his chest, feeling it as it rose and fell every time he breathed. Far off in a distance we could hear Mother Duck quacking to her children and the birds chirping their melodies somewhere in the trees above our heads. It made me smile.

I felt Lu Han’s chin resting on my shoulder and I smiled. He pressed his warm cheek against mine and held me tighter as I watched the ripples break through the pond as the fishes swam from under the surface, the pond glistening under the setting sun.

I looked back over at my boyfriend before extracting my arms. I stood up and walked over to the pond. He did the same thing. I turned to him. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I asked, feeling the wind breeze softly on my face before I heard it dancing with the bristling leaves.

He nodded and I took a step back to admire the view before I moved to my left and stood directly behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him from the waist behind, before I smirked and placed my hands on his back. He looked over his shoulder suspiciously. “What are you —?”

I shoved him hard and he lost his balance, falling face-first into the waters. I rolled over the grass, laughing, as Lu Han came back up, spluttering above surface, flailing his arms, totally soaked to the skins, splashing and protesting.

Then he held his palm out to me and smirked. “Your turn.”

I immediately stopped laughing and quickly scrambled to my feet to run away but it was no use — I was being pulled back toward the water.

“Neeeeeeuuuuu! I have my phone in my pocket!” I thrashed and kicked the air, desperately trying to avoid getting wet. I had forgotten he had telekinesis and watched miserably as I watched my phone being lifted out of my pocket, landing on a soft patch of grass. “I’m on my menstrual!”

“It ended last week.” He turned me to face him and hovered me above the water and shook his head. “It’s cold,” he told me before he brought his hands down.

“Nooooo —!” my cries of protest was cut short when I fell inside the cold water, going undersurface with a loud splash. The first thing I thought as I swam back up to breath was taking revenge. The second thing I thought was: BRRR, IT’S ING UNBELIEVABLY COLD!

I coughed once I reached the surface and glowered at Lu Han, who was laughing so hard. “I – it’s c-c-c-c-cold!” I stuttered, my teeth chattering.

He swam toward me and put his arms around my waist, pulling me to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, looking up into his eyes. He leaned down, pressing his forehead to mine, giving a small smirk. I smiled back as my eyes fluttered shut the same time he leaned down to press his lips softly on mine and I kissed him back, forgetting about the cold, as the sun set in the horizon.


Lu Han was smart.

He’d packed extra clothes for the both of us to change out of our wet ones. It was almost as though he knew we were going to get wet. So the both of us took our clothes and went to the toilets to change out of our wet clothes into dry clothes. I came out and smiled at him, taking his hand. We walked back in the car, the street lights coming on as night fell.

I fell asleep on the ride back home so when I woke up, we were in the lift, with Lu Han carrying me, bridal style. When he saw that I was awake, he smiled and nuzzled my nose but he didn’t put me down until we’d reached the front door of our apartment so that he could unlock the door and let us in to our own home.

“I’ll get the lights,” he said as we entered our dark apartment.

I took off my shoes as he turned the lights on, setting it to dim. I looked up and gasped.

There, in the middle of the living room, the coffee table was set for a table for two, with a candlelit dinner ready for the two of us. I looked around the place. The whole house was decorated with rose petals, the floor, the table, the couch, everywhere.

I glanced over at Lu Han who smiled at me. “Did you prepare this?”

He shrugged. “I didn’t cook, Kai made them appear in front of him,” he confessed. “Well, I was with you the whole day, right? But this was my idea.”

“Kris Oppa did it while we were gone, didn’t he? That’s what you asked him to do before we left the place?” I asked, putting the pieces together.

He nodded and led me to my seat. “You’re observant,” he remarked,

The two of us settled down and began enjoying our meal together. It was so delicious even though it wasn’t his cooking and I was touched by the gesture. Lu Han made me laugh during the comedy show; he made me turn to him for protection during the horror movie, and showed me how to have fun at the pond, and now? He showed me how romantic he could actually be.

After dinner, he waved his hand and used his power to move the dishes to the kitchen sink before he turned to me. “I’ll get one of the guys to do it tomorrow,” he told me. I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off. “This is our night, darling.”

I stopped, feeling the same, and nodded. I didn’t want to do anything, to think about anything else, except the fact that it was just me and him.

Lu Han moved up to the sofa, sitting behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulder and he began massaging my shoulders. I closed my eyes, tuning out everything except the sensation of him close behind me and the warmth of his gentle touch. Then he stopped massaging me, turning me around to face him before he slipped a hand under my chin to tilt my head up so our lips could meet. He slipped his other hand around me and pulled me up next to him. He slid that hand down to my waist and I reached my hands up around his neck.

He pulled back a bit. “Do you want to move this to the room?” he whispered.

I nodded and the two of us went inside the room, locking the door behind us, before we got in bed together, embracing, touching, kissing, and holding each other.

Lu Han looked into my eyes. “I love you,” he said sweetly. He touched my shoulder, gently it with a finger. Then he pinned me back down in bed, kissing my neck. “Eun Hae, I want you.”

I shivered in a good way and smiled at his words, my heart fluttering and my stomach twisting into knots inside. I kissed him, letting him know I wanted him to, that I was ready.

I was going to love Lu Han in ways I’ve never loved, and wanted to, before.



Ehehehehe. Anybody can guess what happens in the next chapter?

Or should I just scrape that part and just start with them waking up next to each other the next morning? :PP

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Chapter 32: OMG. This chapter made me said "what" a million times. Who could've guessed that Daehyun was her brother? And Kris! Gosh this too much hahahahaha xD
Mybeau #2
Chapter 20: i love the part when Eun Hae got Kris out of his dragon mode!!!
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh I ship Kris and Eun Hae so much!
elfexoticbabyshawol #4
Chapter 53: Totally.... flippin..... mind blown. I have no words, other than to say keep making fanfics!! Author-nim hwaiting!!
Chapter 53: FINISHED THE WHOLE THING!!! I like how this was somehow similar to the hunger games but with a different concept. thank you for writing up such an awesome fic, I enjoyed it heaps haha.
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 29: krisssss...when zico said he scary i can imagine that it is kris...so now its more complicated...why he take revenge for her???
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 27: ahhhh...ive thought sooo...hate it...although i love zico...so what is kris related to eunhae if the brother is youngjae???why eunhae can make him calm???
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 18: yayyyyyy...exom to the adventure...
Chapter 53: Finally I finished n I am amazed!
JungJeWon #10
Chapter 9: omo kris...dont be mad...cant you fight against suho only???