Let's go

Our love story


Kamin took yet another sip of water from her mug to calm her nerves. Kai had gone out for a while and she had promised to stay up for him. Definitely, staying up was not a problem for her. How could she even fall asleep when Baekhyun was going to leave for Seoul tonight? 
The thought of him leaving sent another flying arrow through her heart. Kamin squeezed her eyes shut. The realization that she still loved that man dawned upon her a few days ago.And that realization confused her more than ever, causing her to experience a gamut of emotions.
Ever since she got out of the hospital, she had done many things that had potentially hurt Baekhyun.  Running away from home and escaping to Tokyo may have seemed to be her best decision at that time but right now, all Kamin felt was guilt as she had never once spared a thought for Baekhyun's feelings. All she thought about was herself and all she wanted to do was to try and forget everything that had transpired between the both of them. But that would never be possible. 
She tried running away from him but fate kept pulling them back together. She tried resisting, struggling to escape from the truth that she could still love him despite all that he had done. And right now, he is going to leave and she can never get him back. Kamin's deepest regret now was to have ignored Baekhyun's pleas of talking it out amicably. Right now, she can only look back to say she was wrong. 
Can we go back to the time where everything was simple? Can we go back to the time when I could still be naive? Can we go back to the time when we were still in love? 
Kamin set the mug down on the table, hugged her knees close to her and started to weep. Her tears flowed down her cheeks relentlessly, forming a wet patch on Kai's sofa. Kamin could only cry at her foolishness for keeping Baekhyun out of her life and only when he is really going to leave her,  she finds out that she still loves him and wants him to stay.
Kamin felt herself slowly sinking into the abyss of loneliness. Amidst her tears, she could only laugh at her foolishness for thinking that she would need no one by her side when she was alone. As nothing but furniture and darkness envelops her, Kamin sank into one of her rare moments of utter helplessness.
The sound of the front door being unlocked did nothing to stop her tears from spilling out of her eyes.
"Oh, Kamin." Kai ran towards her and enveloped her in a tight embrace. He her hair while shushing her,"how long have you even been like this? Don't cry, Kamin... Don't cry." 
"Kai..." Kamin managed to call his name before tears continued to gush out from her eyes.
"I was wrong... I shouldn't have let him go... I haven't even told him things..."  Her frame shuddered as she sobbed. Kai held her in his arms as she cried. She really loves him. 
Gazing at Kamin's tear-streaked face, Kai knew that his earlier decision was right. As much as his heart ached, he knew that it was what he should do. 
"Come on, Kamin. Let's take a walk outside." Kai helped Kamin stand up. Her hand felt small and warm in his and he wished he could be the one who would hold her hand forever. But this bliss would have to end soon. His bliss would come to an end. But at least... It is in exchange for her happiness. 
"Come on, staying in here wouldn't do you any good. Let's go out for a while, okay? I promise you would feel better once you are out there." Kai managed a small smile though his heart cried out in sorrow. 
She nodded as she stood up.
"Let's go." 
Hey everyone! So sorry for not updating recently>< And I am terribly sorry for disappointing with such a short chapter:(( But I promise I would make it up to you guys in the next chapter! Pinky promise /hooks pinky  
And I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for being so active recently; for subscribing and commenting... Thank you so much for the love <3 I LOVE YOU GUYS :D
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yukimura #1
Chapter 66: Horray!Finally everything goes so well in the end :* After those blood and cry, they unite as a bride ^^ Thanks for this beautiful ending, author~nim. I can feel what she feels of becoming nervous in her wedding day..i feel it too now!hahaha ^^ For Kai, don't be so sad..you'll find your true love someday (maybe it's me?LOL) Love you as always author~nim :*
Chapter 66: AKFNKDBDLABDKHAJFLANSJS IT ENDED HUHU THANK YOU AUTHORNIMMMMM this story will forever be one of my favorites; it has been a wild and fun journey through this story hasn't it? i hope 2014 goes well for everyone; here's to many many more great fics from this author!
Chapter 66: fjhdsgusdghdfidfusdgeryheryg OMG my feels, authornim. T^T I'm happy for Kamin and Baek but I'm getting sad on Kai's part. You could marry me, instead! </3
yukimura #4
Chapter 64: Hooray! Finally, she admitted it was so wrong to leave my lovely baekhyun in agony T^T I'm so grateful this drama would end up soon! Kai, he's a tough guy..i can feel how's his heart broke into pieces yet he keep trying to smile..>.< Wait for Kamin,Baekhee.. she'll be in your embrace asap! ^^ Love you, author~nim! *hwaiting*
Chapter 64: oh no i hope these two wonderful men have their respective happy endings hyuhyu update soon!
Chapter 63: I just wish if Baek has a happy ending, Kai will have one, too! jsdhfsdfjs I just can't imagine what will happen...
Chapter 63: OHMYGOD i cannot---- oh no i want both baek and kai to have their happy endings :((((( update soon! T_____T