Winter Magic

Our love story


As the days passed, Kai and Kamin began to talk and interact more. They started to be friends again as they discussed about things under the sun, laughing and joking with each other. They were on rather good terms now and Kamin felt relaxed for once. She did not feel lonely anymore and she was glad that she was preoccupied with things, rather than thinking of him.
The day started off like any ordinary day with Kai. Kamin sat lazily at the couch, putting aside yet another magazine she finished flipping through. Suddenly, Kai called her, excitement in his voice.
"Kamin! Come take a look. You will absolutely love this." Kai waved for Kamin to look out of the window. She did and her eyes widened palpably.
It was snowing. White little snowflakes kissed the sides of the window before dropping daintily onto the ground. Kamin, fascinated by the snow, pressed her hands against the windows, admiring the beautiful sight. fell agape at the sight and she smiled. 
"It's snowing!" She exclaimed to Kai,"Tokyo looks so beautiful." The pavement was caked with snow, the trees laden with an extra weight from the white snow that fell softly onto their branches. 
"And if you are thinking what I am thinking, I would say that there is enough snow for a snowball fight." Kai grinned,"Kamin, are you up for it?" 
Kamin placed her arms akimbo,"well, of course. I had always beaten you in snowball fights." 
Kai simply smiled. That was only because I was always distracted by you. 
"Alright then. Shall we change? I think I should have some winter wear somewhere..." 
Before long, Kamin stepped out of the door with a spring in her steps. She inhaled the fresh cool air that welcomed her, caressing her cheeks. She took her first step on the snow, making fresh footprints with her velour boots. Kai followed behind, tucking his hands into his pockets.
Kai exhaled, his breath coming out as white mist. He stretched lazily before picking up some snow to form a small rounded snowball. 
Kamin was excitedly looking around, stretching her hands out to catch the snowflakes on her hot pink mittens. Her ponytail bounced up and down in equal fashion as she jumped up and down in glee as a beautiful snowflake fell onto her mittens. Taking the opportunity, Kai throw the snowball, aiming at Kamin's slender legs. Kamin shot him a death glare before she made her own snowball. 
"I am so gonna get you!" Kamin squealed as she ran after Kai. He playfully ran in circles, knowing he always could outrun her. 
Kamin threw her snowball and it landed at Kai's feet. She pouted unhappily. Kai threw his head back, laughing loudly. 
"It's my turn now." He patted his own snowball,making it a perfect sphere. Kamin's eyes widened before she ran as fast as she could away from Kai.
Kai was hot on her heels as he pursued her. He laughed as the gap between them became smaller. 
"Kai, stop it! Don't do this." Kamin squealed,"aah!" Kamin fell over and Kai, too, fell over. 
The snowball fell onto the ground. Kai breathed hard as he found himself right on top of Kamin. He supported himself with his arms and they were inches apart. Kamin looked up at Kai with widened eyes. 
Kai met her gaze and his lips parted slightly as he struggled to keep his heartbeat steady. His heart was beating irregularly quick. She still beautiful. I... 
Kamin's cheeks turned a faint pink as she realized how close the both of them were. This is awkward... 
Kamin coughed uneasily and Kai, returning to his sense, pushed himself up from the ground. 
"Sorry. Uhm." Kai rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. 
"it's okay. It's an accident." Kamin brushed the snow off her figure-hugging top and tights.
"I think it's time we get back in. It's getting cold." Kai broke the silence that hung over them.
"Yes, we should." Kamin nodded. 
"I will make some hot chocolate then." Kai suggested.
"Sure." Kamin broke into a smile as she entered the house first. Kai placed a hand over his heart as he trudged behind her. Am I still fond of her? After all these years? 
A few minutes later, the both of them were at the dinner table sipping their hot chocolate. 
Kamin had her hands cupped around the cup of chocolate, warming her cold hands. She blew at the surface of the chocolate gently before she brought it to her lips to take a dainty little sip.
"This chocolate is really good." She said after a few more sips of the drink. 
"I know." Kai looked up from his drink,"you have some chocolate on your lips, by the way." He pointed to his own lips.
Kamin blushed,"oh. Oops." She quickly wiped it off with a tissue. 
"Is there anymore?" she asked. Kai shook his head.
His phone buzzed suddenly and he picked it up.
"hello?" he said into the phone,"hey there,Tao." Kai grinned.
"A charity ball? That's nice." Kai looked over to Kamin's direction. 
"When would that be? The day after tomorrow? Okay sure." Kai smiled then he laughed.
"Alright. I will. See you soon then." He hung up the phone.
"Kamin?" he called her. 
"my friend is organising a charity masquerade ball the day after tomorrow. It's at night and I was wondering whether you could accompany me as my date?" Kai asked.
"Your date?"
"er," Kai tried to find the right words to say,"he said I could bring a date along. As in... a partner. Will you accompany me?" 
"Hmm." Kamin trailed off.
"It's for charity and it will be fun, I promise. Tao throws the best parties and I am sure this masquerade ball would be fun too. There will also be nice food." Kai added quickly.
"Alright then. For charity." Kamin agreed. 
Kai pumped his fist in the air, causing Kamin to smile slightly as she sipped her chocolate.
"Wonderful. Now... Put down that cup of hot chocolate. We have to go out to shop for clothes." Kai grinned, taking the cup away from her. 
He grabbed his jacket and alongside with Kamin, they exited the front door and made their way to the car.
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yukimura #1
Chapter 66: Horray!Finally everything goes so well in the end :* After those blood and cry, they unite as a bride ^^ Thanks for this beautiful ending, author~nim. I can feel what she feels of becoming nervous in her wedding day..i feel it too now!hahaha ^^ For Kai, don't be so'll find your true love someday (maybe it's me?LOL) Love you as always author~nim :*
Chapter 66: AKFNKDBDLABDKHAJFLANSJS IT ENDED HUHU THANK YOU AUTHORNIMMMMM this story will forever be one of my favorites; it has been a wild and fun journey through this story hasn't it? i hope 2014 goes well for everyone; here's to many many more great fics from this author!
Chapter 66: fjhdsgusdghdfidfusdgeryheryg OMG my feels, authornim. T^T I'm happy for Kamin and Baek but I'm getting sad on Kai's part. You could marry me, instead! </3
yukimura #4
Chapter 64: Hooray! Finally, she admitted it was so wrong to leave my lovely baekhyun in agony T^T I'm so grateful this drama would end up soon! Kai, he's a tough guy..i can feel how's his heart broke into pieces yet he keep trying to smile..>.< Wait for Kamin,Baekhee.. she'll be in your embrace asap! ^^ Love you, author~nim! *hwaiting*
Chapter 64: oh no i hope these two wonderful men have their respective happy endings hyuhyu update soon!
Chapter 63: I just wish if Baek has a happy ending, Kai will have one, too! jsdhfsdfjs I just can't imagine what will happen...
Chapter 63: OHMYGOD i cannot---- oh no i want both baek and kai to have their happy endings :((((( update soon! T_____T