My Strange Oppa


You decided to wear a floral dress that went up to your thighs, and black stockings with it. A cute white bow rested on top of your head. Since it was winter, you wore your beige trench coat over your dress.
There was a loose strand of hair. You looked at it irritation as you patted it down. You popped your lips after applying your lip gloss. There was a tint of make up, not too much, just enough to look natural.
You received a text and you instantly knew who it was.
“I’m going now appa!” You yelled out loud as you slipped into your black wedges.
With deep breaths, you opened the door.
Jinyoung stood there waiting for you with a dashing grin on his face.
You couldn’t help but smile, too. Of course Jinyoung would look so handsome in his black trench coat, and a wool v-neck over his plaid dress shirt and black dress pants.
Jinyoung’s eyes went wide.
You whistled at him. “Damn, whose that good looking boy.” You winked and as he held his arms out to you.
You hopped to his side and hugged onto him as you both swayed side to side.
He poked your nose and smiled. “Look whose talking, beautiful.” You blushed as your heart elated in your chest.
“Come on, let’s get going!” Jinyoung pulled you along.
The first place you both went to was a movie theatre.
Jinyoung bought the tickets while you bought the food. 
“You know most girls would love it when guys pay for everything right?” Jinyoung smiled as he took the drinks and popcorn from your hand.
You giggled. “I’m not like most girls.”
Jinyoung smiled. “I know, and that’s why I love you.” 
You turned a shade of red as you shyly looked away. Jinyoung laughed as slung an arm around you and pulled you towards the theatre. 
You both were watching paranormal activity. You didn’t want to watch it, but Jinyoung kept insisting. 
“Let me hold the popcorn since I know you’ll be jumpy throughout the whole movie,” Jinyoung teased.
You pouted at him as you took the drink from him and put it on your side. “For that, you don’t get anything to drink.” You crossed your arms as your lips cutely stuck out.
His eyes immediately landed to your perfectly glossed lips. In an instant, he pecked you and pulled away. He his lips as he stared at the screen, “Yum, strawberry.”
You touched your lips with a small smile. *Aish, this boy.* 
To your surprise, you didn’t jump at any part of the movie. Jinyoung, on the other hand, kept screaming and wailing throughout the whole time. 
His eyes nearly bugged out of his sockets. It was more fun watching him than the movie itself. You giggled and laced your hands through his. “My strange oppa.”
“Oh my god!” Jinyoung jumped and immediately, the bag of popcorn fell from his legs and onto the ground. “Oh shoot!” He looked at you, who was staring at him with an amused expression.
“Let me go buy popcorn,” Jinyoung got up but you yanked him right down. 
“You’re just going to spill everything again,” you whispered in his ear.
He turned pink. “I’m sorry. I’ll buy you something else later to make up for the waste of popcorn.’
“It’s okay.” You reassured him as you put your head on his shoulder. 
After the movies, you and Jinyoung walked out hand in hand. 
“Well that wasn’t that scary.” Jinyoung said as he let out an exhale.
You rolled your eyes with a mischevious grin. “Yep, says the one who spilled all the popcorn!” 
Jinyoung stuck his tongue out at you playfully. His childish acts never ceased to amaze to you. The thought of parting from Jinyoung struck you sharply. Your smile faltered as you slowed down.
Jinyoung eyed you curiously. 
You bit your lip but you shook your head. “Come on, oppa, what do you want to do now?”
He gave you a wink. “Don’t worry, I got this all planned out!” 
You looked at the time on your watch. *It’s only 3pm, I still have a long time.* 
You just let Jinyoung drag you around the mall. 
“You know I brought you to the mall so you would shop, right?” Jinyoung casually said.
You laughed. “I don’t really like shopping…”
“MWOH?” Jinyoung said out loud. “I thought all girls—”
*Of course.* You put a finger to his lips. “I’m not like most girls.”
Boys always thought all girls loved shopping, but now every thing Jinyoung ever thought about girls were wrong. His eyes sparkled wonderously as his mouth widened, “Wahhh! You really aren’t.”
You giggled. 
“Araso, next stop, grub for our tummies~!” Jinyoung sang. 
Jinyoung led the way as you took another bus route around town. Jinyoung got off the bus first and held his hand out. You smiled shyly as you hopped off the bus and slipped your hands into his. 
Thankfully since spring was coming, the paths were not as icy and slippery. You and Jinyoung walked comfortably side by side. 
“And here we are!” Jinyoung held his hand out.
You looked up and your eyes sparkled. In front of you was a cute restaurant. It was called A taste of America. This was one of the priciest restaurants in Seoul.
“Let’s go in!” Jinyoung urged you in but you held his back.
“Oppa, it’s expensive in there…” You mumbled.
Jinyoung waved it away. “Don’t worry, I’m paying!”
He walked forward, but you firmly held him back.
“No!” You pouted.
Jinyoung frowned. “But I wanted to treat my girl out to the best restaurant in town.”
Touched with his words, you were still not convinced that you should eat here. You shook your head fervently, “You want to know what’s the best restaurant in town is?”
Jinyoung nodded. “Here.”
You let out your angelic laugh that made Jinyoung’s heart flutter. “Nope, come, follow me!”
This time, you led the way. 
You knew the area of Seoul much better than you thought you did. Soon enough, you arrived at the restaurant.
Jinyoung’s eyes widened in horror as he pointed to the place. “Here?! But it’s not romantic at all!” he stomped his foot childishly in protest.
You giggled at how cute he was. Unconsciously, you pinched his cheek and grinned at him. “Who says McDonald’s isn’t romantic? It’s America’s favourite national food!” You smiled and pulled him in.
Seeing how happy you were, Jinyoung couldn’t objected it. You and Jinyoung ordered the value meal and sat in the corner as you guys happily ate the burgers and fries.
“This is such a strange date…” Jinyoung murmured.
You laughed as you stretched your hand out with your napkin. You softly wiped the ketchup from the side of his lips with a gentle smile. “Well, you are my strange oppa.”
Jinyoung smiled. “True…. Thanks baby.”
Soon you forgot about everything at home. All you could register in your mind was how lucky you were to have someone who was so care-free and optimistic like Jinyoung in your life. 
Many people came in to order food, and saw how cute you and Jinyoung were. They eyed you both enviously as your relationship warmed their hearts. 
The sun was setting now, and clouds shrouded over the sky as it darkened. 
After your romantic rendezvous at McDonalds, you and Jinyoung bussed back to your area.
“Let’s head to the park before I take you home, araso?” Jinyoung asked.
You nodded as you hugged onto his arm. *If I tell you I’m leaving you, what would you say, oppa?* 
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danahcole #1
Chapter 55: It's not yet too late! It has been years already but.. please make a sequel pleasee.... i really love this and there was no dull moment while i was reading this. Pleaseeee its not yet too late!!!
daeljoejinyoung96 #2
Chapter 55: Can you make a sequel?;'D
Chapter 55: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3Wahhhhh My first Jinyoung fic was sooooo beautiful<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
syasyabilly #4
Chapter 55: awesome. this is the best jinyoung fanfic that i ever read. Thank you authornim. i love it so much. i feel like going to cry....^_^....
syasyabilly #5
i like it so much. thanks authornim.
somiabana #6
Chapter 55: Ohhh!! I love this!! <3 Sequel please???
Chapter 55: I love this fic ! you're a great writer authornim :D
Chapter 55: Lovee this!!!
You're story never fail to amaze me!! :D
Sequel pretty pleeeeease ;)