My Strange Oppa


You slung your backpack over your shoulder and opened the front door.
“OH MY GOD!” You yelped as you saw Jinyoung sitting next to your door.
You bent down to his level and gently shook him.
“Ya~ Jinyoung, wake up.” You grew guiltier by the second as you did a double take on his face. He had dark shadows under his eyes and his face was gaunt and pale.
Jinyoung’s eyes fluttered open but they were weak and half lidded.
“~~~~~?” He mumbled.
You grimaced. “Baboya! What are you doing just sitting here?”
“I told you I was going to wait until you opened the door.” Jinyoung wheezed out a heavy cough. 
“How long have you been here?!” You panicked when he didn’t answer right away.
He coughed again, and worriedly, you rubbed his back. You put a hand over his forehead. He was burning up!
You gasped and without hesitance, you put his arm around you and lifted him up. You brought him inside, and used your leg to kick the door shut.
It was hard bring him up the stairs, and you made sure he held you tightly.
You used your leg to kick your door open.
You laid him down on your bed and you. You dropped your backpack and began taking off his jacket.
You noticed he was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. *Babo! Why would you stay outside in the freezing cold?* 
“Oh!” You said out loud. You remembered that you had some medicine downstairs in the fridge. Your Dad often bought cough syrup just in case you got sick.
When you open the fridge, there it was right in front of you as if it was waiting for you to open it all this time. You smiled as you took it out. You grabbed a spoon and poured tea into a cup.
When you went back up, Jinyoung was mumbling incoherent words. You placed the cup down next to you as you poured the couch syrup in the spoon. 
You lifted him up slightly, and put it his lips.
“Oppa, say ah~~~” You cooed. 
He didn’t open his mouth.
You frowned and forced it in anyways. You quickly got the cup of tea and made him drink it.
Which was worse since he began coughing some more.
Jinyoung eye’s open halfway as he tenderly smiled at you. “You at taking care of people.” He croaked out.
Your face fell. “Mwoh?!” You laid him down and crossed your arms.
Jinyoung smiled, half dazed, at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. 
You put the cup and spoon on the table, and then sat back down on the ground next to him.
Jinyoung began coughing more. You bit your lip and immediately began rubbing his chest to soothe him. 
You patted back his bangs and touched his forehead once more. *OMG IT’S LIKE HE’S BURNING EVEN MORE!!* 
You decided to take off his sweater off as well. Now he was just in his v-neck, jeans and socks. 
Exhaling, you sat back down and stared at him worriedly. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you stared at his pale, sick face.
*I wonder if he’s hungry…* You thought. Whenever you were sick, your Dad would make you beef congee. 
You went to the bathroom and drenched a cloth. You folded it and went back to your room to place it on Jinyoung’s head. *This should do for now.* Satisfied, you headed downstairs and began preparing for the meal.
Your heart shrank when you realized there was no beef. Your Dad normally did the grocery shopping, but now that he’s M.I.A, it was only you.
*Oh my god, I can’t just serve him just congee….. ._.* You facepalmed yourself and sighed heavily. 
*Ottakhae?* You frowned. You looked all over and found no meat. Then you found a bottle of soy sauce. You eyed it for awhile… then without a second thought, you put soy sauce into the congee.
You went upstairs with the hot congee, and sat on the edge of the bed. You removed the cloth and softly patted Jinyoung’s cheek.
“Ya, Jinyoung, wake up.” 
Jinyoung stirred, then shifted to his side.
You frowned and shifted him to his back.
“Oppa, wake up!” You said sweetly.
As if that was the magical word, Jinyoung’s eyes began to open.
He softly smiled at you, “oppa?”
You chuckled and nodded, “oppa.”
Jinyoung got up and leaned on the wall. You blew the congee, making sure it wasn’t too hot for him.
A soft smile spread on Jinyoung’s lips as he stared at you. *She is such an angel.* 
Once you were done feeding him and washing all the dishes, you went into your Dad’s room. You grabbed a fresh t-shirt, boxers and shorts for Jinyoung. 
“I know you’re not in the mood to get up, but you should. Hopefully you’ll feel more refreshed after...?” You handed him the clothes, towel and a toothbrush.
Jinyoung frowned as he got up. He wobbled as he made his way to the bathroom.
“You don’t need… help right?” You asked, slightly red.
Jinyoung shook his head with a smile. After 30 minutes, Jinyoung came out fresh and pristine.
You were by the door when he came out.
“Are you feeling better?” You asked, genuinely curious.
Jinyoung nodded but he was still wobbling.
You quickly went to his side and wrap his arm around you waist so that he can have a firm grasp. 
Jinyoung’s heart gave a slight ba-bump as he gazed down at you. 
You gently laid him down and put the blanket over him. 
You patted his wet bangs back while you smiled at him. “Your forehead’s cooling down.” 
Jinyoung continued to gaze softly at you.
You turned pink, but the moment he took your hand in his and laced yours with his. You face turned as red as a tomato.
You blinked in shock as your heart pounded crazily in your chest.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” Jinyoung smiled widely.
You blushed heavily and looked away. “Well.. who told you to get sick.”
“I had to. I didn’t want to go home and know that you’re mad at me.” Jinyoung admitted sheepishly.
You softened, and glanced at him. *I completely forgot that I was mad at him.* You were about to jerk back your hand but, as if he knew that would happen, Jinyoung grasped onto your hand tighter.
“I didn’t want to kiss her. I didn’t even my first kiss to be with her!” Jinyoung whined. His voice cracked at the end and you giggled.
*His first kiss… was with her?!* You suddenly grew outraged. “Why did you kiss her back?!”
Jinyoung, stared at you with wide eyes. “I didn’t kiss her!” 
You turned pink and nodded. “You did!”
“She forced herself on ME!” Jinyoung made a face. “But I got revenge.”
You raised your eyebrow, not realizing how his thumb was caressing over your knuckles. 
He nodded on your pillow. “I cut her hair.”
You gasped, baffled. “No way.”
Jinyoung nodded again.
“Do you have any idea how much she loves her hair?!” You almost yelled. 
Jinyoung laughed and nodded. “I didn’t do it for me… I did it for you.” You froze when Jinyoung reached out and caressed your cheeks with his palms.
You bit your lip, unable to look away. 
“I still remember that bruise she left on your cheek. I know it was her by the look in your eyes ~~~~~.” Jinyoung said softly. “I’ll do anything for you. Whoever hurts you, I’ll assure you, I’ll hurt them.”
You automatically melted at his words. *And this… this is why I fell for you Jung Jinyoung.* 
Unconsciously, you and Jinyoung’s face were inching closer and closer to each other. Your big round eyes were staring straight into his dark brown phoenix eyes. Your noses were centimetres from each other as you both gazed back at one another. 
*Aish!!* Your mind was going crazy. “Jung Jinyoung, you make me crazy.”
Jinyoung frowned, “what did I do this time?” 
“You're strange, you're annoying, you do the most weirdest things! Yet... Jung Jinyoung, how did you manage to make me fall for you?!” You blurted out.
At first, Jinyoung was shocked and confused by your sudden outburst. But then a huge smile spread across his face as he realized it was your confession. You were pouting as you stared at him. 
Jinyoung instantaneously forgot that he was sick and got up so quick that his head started spinning. He closed his eyes to concentrate.
“Jinyoung! Gwenchana?” You got up and touched his head.
At your touch, Jinyoung relaxed and re opened his eyes. Your face was inches from his as you stared at him worriedly. 
Next thing you knew, Jinyoung had yanked you down on your bed and was hovering above you. 
You blinked back in astonishment. “Omo, how did you… ?!”
Jinyoung smiled mischievously. “This belongs to you.” Jinyoung leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened as you felt his soft lips against yours. 
Jinyoung pulled back. Your eyes were still wide with surprise. 
“This belonged to you, my first kiss belonged to you.” Jinyoung smiled affectionately at you as he curled a strand behind your ear.
You gulped as you touched your lips. *That was… my first kiss….* 
“I don’t feel so sick anymore,” Jinyoung smiled.
Your eyes rounded by the minute as you stayed silent.
“Was that your first kiss?” Jinyoung asked.
You nodded as you stared back at him.
You were so quiet that Jinyoung grew scared. “…. I sense something bad. You’re going to kick me off of you aren’t you? Okay, let me save you the trouble.” Jinyoung was about to get off when you surprised him by pulling him in for another kiss.
Jinyoung stared back at you with your lips pressed against his. You smiled into the kiss, and this time, you let your eyes fall close.
Jinyoung smiled back as he closed his eyes, letting the kiss deepen as he wrapped his arms tighter around your waist.  
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danahcole #1
Chapter 55: It's not yet too late! It has been years already but.. please make a sequel pleasee.... i really love this and there was no dull moment while i was reading this. Pleaseeee its not yet too late!!!
daeljoejinyoung96 #2
Chapter 55: Can you make a sequel?;'D
Chapter 55: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3Wahhhhh My first Jinyoung fic was sooooo beautiful<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
syasyabilly #4
Chapter 55: awesome. this is the best jinyoung fanfic that i ever read. Thank you authornim. i love it so much. i feel like going to cry....^_^....
syasyabilly #5
i like it so much. thanks authornim.
somiabana #6
Chapter 55: Ohhh!! I love this!! <3 Sequel please???
Chapter 55: I love this fic ! you're a great writer authornim :D
Chapter 55: Lovee this!!!
You're story never fail to amaze me!! :D
Sequel pretty pleeeeease ;)