My Strange Oppa


It was dark, cold and chilly. The weather seemed to match his mood perfectly. 
Jinyoung grew slightly impatient and nervous. He had two more days before the ball, and he was unable to get in contact with you since the break started. But, he had been so busy with work that he barely had the chance for himself. Every day since the break started, Jinyoung had been working over time at his Aunt’s. He had bought a pretty expensive suit just in case you accepted to go with him. 
*I’ll ask her soon.* Jinyoung promised himself.
The winds blew harshly as Jinyoung sat at the stool outside his Auntie’s restaurant doing the same repetitive tasks he had to do every day.
He never complained though, not once. Jinyoung was very grateful for having this job, and having his Auntie by his side. 
Jinyoung’s Aunt was like the Mother he never had. She raised him since he was a child, and was his only family. 
A smile lit up his face as he finished the set of dirty plates. They sparkled with delight under the dim light at the back of the restaurant. 
Just when he was about to step in, his Aunt came out with another tub.
His smile faltered slightly. His aunt looked at him apologetically. “Aigo, Jinyoung-ah, mianhae, tonight seems extra busy.” She exchanged the dirty dishes with the clean ones.
Jinyoung shook his head and beamed at her. “It’s okay.”
His aunt felt bad and rubbed his skinny, cold arms. “Where is your sweater, Jinyoung-ah? It’s freezing tonight!”
Jinyoung’s mouth widened, remembering that he gave it to you. “Oh… I left it at home.” He ruffled his hair and smiled.
She shook her head in disapproval. His aunt went in and came back with a thin cloth. Jinyoung thanked her appreciatively. His aunt noticed his eye bags and frowned. “You know what? You can go home after this.”
“But it’s only 9,” Jinyoung protested. 
She smiled warmly with her tired eyes, “you’ve been working so much Jinyoung-ah. Go home and rest, your parents wouldn’t like it if they found out how I’m overworking their son.”
Jinyoung’s face darkened slightly but he nodded. “Gomawo.”
She smiled and patted his cheek before going back in. 
Jinyoung sat back down and went back to scrubbing the dirty dishes. The night grew chillier as the wind felt like needles hitting against Jinyoung’s cheeks. 
After waving bye to his Aunt, Jinyoung headed home. Even though he worked, Jinyoung was saving up money for university. He had only one sweater, and you had it. A sincere smile illuminated his face as he imagined you in it. 
He rubbed his cold arms as he exhaled. Puffs of cold air came out. While walking, he noticed a figure sitting at the front of their porch. He turned his head and his eyes widened.
You snapped your head hoping it was your Dad. Your hope crushed when you saw it was Jinyoung. He waved happily.
You gave him a small wave, and then put your head back in your hands. You were wearing your pajamas and a jacket. You were waiting outside for your Dad to return home.
Jinyoung noticed your misery and came over. “What are you doing sitting by your steps out here at night?”
You frowned. “I’m waiting for my appa.”
“Where is he?” Jinyoung wondered. 
You sighed. “At work.”
Jinyoung put his hands in his pocket and smiled. *Perfect chance!* “Mind if I sit here with you?”
“Go ahead,” you shrugged. You had your legs pulled up, while your arms hugged them. 
You have been sitting outside for 2 hours. At first you just wanted fresh air, but then you realized you would see your Appa soon. 
He said he would come early, and you trusted his words.
Jinyoung looked at you, and melted. His heart beat began to pick up. He bit his lip and smiled. *How can someone look so angelic just sitting here like that…*
“You know I’m mad at you?” you spoke out and then turned your head to face him.
His eyes widened. “Me?”
You nodded. “You pushed me into the bus on Friday when I said I would wait with you.” 
Jinyoung smiled. “I didn’t want you to get sick.”
“So?! I had your sweater… WHICH, by the way, I have washed.” You said as a matter-of-factly. Your stuck up tone changed when you noticed Jinyoung was only wearing a thin t-shirt.
“Where’s your sweater, babo!” You raised your eyebrow.
Jinyoung turned pink. “I only have one, and you have it.”
You frowned, growing guilty. It was getting colder, and it didn’t seem like your father was coming home soon like he promised. 
“Come on,” you said as you got up. 
“Where?” Jinyoung scratched his head, confused.
You rolled your eyes. “Inside my house. I don’t want YOU getting sick.” 
You opened your door and stepped in. 
Jinyoung stood by your hesitantly. “What about your umma? Would she mind?”
You froze in your steps. You shook your head and gulped. “No, she wouldn’t mind.”  
Jinyoung closed your door and stepped in; he sat on your couch awkwardly. You rolled your eyes and ran upstairs. You opened your closet door and saw his sweater that was neatly folded. You picked it up and ran downstairs. 
“Here, you are,” you curled a hair behind your ear.
You were smiling down at Jinyoung. His heart felt like it could explode any moment. “Gomawo,” he managed to whisper out.
You gave him a queer look and sat down next to him. 
“Would you something to drink?” You said as you clicked the T.V on.
Jinyoung nodded as he put his sweater back on. *Smells just like ~~~~~~*
“What would you like?”
Jinyoung’s teeth began to chatter. “Something warm.”
You got up and went to the kitchen. *I hope he likes hot chocolate.* You mixed the powder with warm milk together. You took a sip of it yourself to make sure it was good. A smile dawned on your face as you nodded happily. *Perfect.* 
“I hope you like Hot chocolate!” you called as you walked out.
Jinyoung eye’s rounded and he nodded. “Gomawo!! I love it!”
He took the cup from your hands and brought it to his nose. He took a big sniff and then drank it. “Oh my god, smells so heavenly, oh my god!”
You raised your eyebrows at him. You sighed and shook it off. It was Jinyoung, you were used to it by now. 
It was quiet while Jinyoung drank his chocolate.
“Is your mom asleep?” Jinyoung suddenly asked.
You didn’t remove your stare from the T.V. You simply nodded.
“I hope I’m not a distraction,” Jinyoung took another peek at you as he sipped on his cup.
You shook your head in reassurance. You smiled at him and patted his shoulder, “she’d probably like you.” 
Jinyoung got butterflies from your touch. You weren’t lying to him. From what you knew of your Mother from your Dad was that she was a very bubbly person. Now that you think about it… Jinyoung reminded you a bit of her.
You quickly changed the subject. 
“Are you excited for the school ball?” You tucked another piece of hair behind your ear.
Jinyoung’s ear turned red as he stared at you. 
Nervously, he nodded. “Maybe.”
You smiled. “That’s cool.”
Jinyoung peered at you. “How about you? Are you going?” 
You gave your head a tiny shake. 
“MWOH?!” Jinyoung frowned.
You were taken aback, “why? I mean, have you ever seen me go to the ball?”
Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows and thought about it. Actually, he hasn’t. 
He shook his head. “Why? Why don’t you come this year!”
You laughed. You couldn’t help but realized how cute he sounded. “Because…”
Jinyoung’s eyes widened as they begged for your answer.
“Because I have a date with a very special person,” you gave him your cute eye smile and turned back the T.V. 
*A DATE? SPECIAL PERSON? WHO IS THIS PERSON!* Jinyoung grew jealous. “With who?”
You looked at him and winked, “someone special to my heart.”
“Your boyfriend?” Jinyoung gulped.
You nodded, “Yup. The love of my life.”
In the end, you had to kick Jinyoung out before it got too late. You waved to a very bitter Jinyoung goodbye.
You realized how empty and lonely your house has become once Jinyoung left. There was no warm presence since Jinyoung took that with you.
Sighing, you turned off the living room lights and went to bed. 
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danahcole #1
Chapter 55: It's not yet too late! It has been years already but.. please make a sequel pleasee.... i really love this and there was no dull moment while i was reading this. Pleaseeee its not yet too late!!!
daeljoejinyoung96 #2
Chapter 55: Can you make a sequel?;'D
Chapter 55: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3Wahhhhh My first Jinyoung fic was sooooo beautiful<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
syasyabilly #4
Chapter 55: awesome. this is the best jinyoung fanfic that i ever read. Thank you authornim. i love it so much. i feel like going to cry....^_^....
syasyabilly #5
i like it so much. thanks authornim.
somiabana #6
Chapter 55: Ohhh!! I love this!! <3 Sequel please???
Chapter 55: I love this fic ! you're a great writer authornim :D
Chapter 55: Lovee this!!!
You're story never fail to amaze me!! :D
Sequel pretty pleeeeease ;)