
Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...

 "Please rap for me," I begged Baro, who was still mad at me for erasing his doodles. "I'm sorry for erasing your doodles, I'll redraw the doodles if you want," I said as I tapped Baro's shoulder. He turned around and scanned my face and finally gave in. 

"I like crazy, foolish, stupid party going wild, fist pumping music, I might lose it. Blast to the roof, that's how we do'z it. I don't care the night, she don't care we like almost dared the right five ready to get popping, ain't no surprise take me so high, jumping no doubts Surfing the crowd Oooh Said I gotta be the man When they heading my van, might check one too Shut them down in the club while the playboy does it, and y'all get lose lose After bottle, we all get bit and again tomorrow Gotta break loose cause that's the motto Club shuts down, I heard you're super models" Baro rapped.  

His voice was low, deep, and charming. His accents were good for someone who was born in Korea. His hands moved with every words he said, and I'm positive that he's gifted in rapping. 

I applaud, and gave him two thumbs up. He blushed when I told him that he was an amazing rapper. I kept the promise of redrawing his doodles, and when I was done he told me that it looked better than the original version. 

"Do you like ttuckbokki?" he asked me. I nodded my head and told him that I was IN LOVE with ttuckbokki. He laughed and held out his wallet. "My treat."

"OH AM GEE!! THIS TTUCKBOKKI TASTE SO GOOD! AJUMA! CAN YOU BE MY MOTHER?" I said as I started to jump up and down. The ttuckbokki was indeed super good. It was like my tongue was exploring a whole new world. 

"Ha ha, I should totally buy ttuckbokki for you everyday," he said as he took a bite of a stick fish cake thingy. I grabbed a cup and a ladle and drank the warm soup. 

"I'm serious ajuma.. YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH ME!" I said as I held my hand out for her to take so she can live with me, jokingly. She just laughed and stirred the ttuckbokki so they won't burn.


 "How come you always black out whenever I'm talking to you?" Baro said as he started to clap his hands in front of my face so I would come back to Earth.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about like when we first met," I said as I pour a glass of water so I won't start to have a flashback. 

"Really? Was it when I had black hair?" he asked me. I nodded and looked at the clock. I can't imagine it has been 14 hours since the incident. 

"Since this hospital is close to my house, do you want to go to the ttuckbokki shop?" he asked me as he put his shoes on.

"My treat," I said as I held out my wallet this time. 


As we were walking, Baro was still in his hospital clothes since he has another 10 hours until he can finally get out of the hospital. As we were walking and talking about how I was super excited to eat the ttuckbokki again, my phone rang.

"We have to go to court, because of the incident with Krystal and such. Pick you and Baro up in the hospital. Come out in like 3 minutes." It was from SungGyu oppa, and I looked at Baro and he was busy talking. 

"Baro.. We have to kinda go to the court," I said interrupting his sentence. He looked at me all funny and few seconds later, he caught on. We had to turn back and go back to the hospital, since that's where SungGyu oppa said that he's going to pick us up. I was pretty mad that I couldn't eat my ttuckbokki, but the court needs me so I need to go. 


The ride was pretty awkward. I sat in the back while SungGyu oppa drove and Baro sat next to him. The radio was a classic music station, definitely SungGyu oppa's style. I looked out the window and I was a big building, and I'm guessing it was the court. l saw some guards guarding the building, so I'm definitely positive that it's the court. 

 When we arrived, I closed the door behind me and looked at the building once more. It was humongous, and there was a big Korean flag waving at the direction the wind was blowing. I walked in, and the guards did a little bow at Baro, SungGyu oppa and I and turned back to face the boring parking lot. When I stepped in, it was bright that I thought I was going to get all blind. I had to hold on to Baro as for the rest of the walk. One of the guard told us that we need to go to the last door to the right. 

When I stepped in the room, I saw everyone there. I looked at the clock and we were a minute late. 

"You guys are late," the judge boomed. I jumped and thought of a excuse.

"B-baro was in the hospital, and we had to tell the n-nurse," I said as I pointed at Baro. He looked at his clothes and agreed. The judge just rolled his eyes and told us to sit down. I sat down next to Myungsoo oppa, and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed, but kept a straight face.

"We have to sing the National anthem, aegookga before we start," the judge said as he stood up and pressed play on a CD player. The introduction boomed, and the judge lowered the volume. I sang along to the anthem awkwardly, because it was awkward to sing with bunch of polices and judges in front of me, and I forgot some parts. The only part I knew was the chorus, so I mumbled the first and second verse and sang the chorus clearly. 

Myungsoo oppa, who heard everything cracked up. He held his breath and started to sing again, but cracked up a second later. I could see the judge eyeing us. I'm pretty sure he's thinking that we're fooling around. When the anthem ended, I sat down and looked at the judge all innocent like. He of course, ignored me and looked around the court. 

"Everyone's here, right? Alright, my name is Kim MoonHyum, but you can call me Judge Hyum," he said as he stood up and bowed. I clapped, to show that I appreciated him, but no one clapped along. 

"~~~~, you are so embarrassing," Myungsoo oppa joked. I sighed and looked at Judge Hyum, who was busy explaining about his life that really no one cares about but him. 

When he was finished with his boring story, he asked me to tell my point of story.

"Wait, I forgot.. Everyone here have to swear an Oath before we began," the judge said as he stood up and passed the oath around for everyone to say. When we were finished, he finally let me tell my point of story.


~~~~'s point of story on the wedding. 

 "When everyone in my room left, I looked at myself in the mirror, adding some things I didn't before. Then I felt a little chilly and realized that my window was opened. I sighed, and walked to the window to close it. When I reached for the window, someone's hand grabbed my wrist and groups of men jumped in the room and carried me outside by dumping me out the window. I tried to scream for help, but they duct taped my mouth, so it was no use. They carried me to their large black van, and as they dragged me I saw my stylist looking for me, but I couldn't say anything since I was being kidnapped my these men that was around the age of 30. 

Then this guy did this little karate thingy and made me faint. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair with a rope, and the chair was about two feet away from a fireplace that had been lit up. Then the gang tried to kill me, but Myungsoo oppa and the rest of my friends beat them up and BAM! Here we are," I explained. 

The judge was taking notes and looked at the policemen and they nodded. They opened a metal door with their key, and a few second later they Krystal came out with the policemen next to her. Her hands were handcuffed so she wouldn't be able to break free and do another crazy crime. 

"Krystal, do you know why you are here?" the judge asked Krystal. She looked at him all innocently and shook her head. She made puppy faces at the judge, which made me want to barf any second. I looked at Myungsoo oppa,and it looked like he was really close to throwing up. 

"Then I don't know what to tell you. I don't know who's telling the truth, so I'm just going to call this case off and free Krystal," the judge said as he handed the police the key to unlock Krystal's handcuff.

"THAT'S WRONG! I'M POSITIVE THAT KRYSTAL IS THE ONE WHO KILLED SULLI. I THINK YOU SHOULD EXAMINE SULLI'S BODY TO SEE IF THERE IS ANY HAND PRINTS ON HER BODY!"SungGyu oppa yelled all of sudden. The judge ordered the police men to do as SungGyu oppa said as the policemen's did as they were told. The court was silent for couple of minutes, and when the policemen came back, they handed the judge the results and the judge examined it for a minute.

"KRYSTAL JUNG WILL BE SENT TO PRISON FOR 20 YEARS FOR LYING TO THE JUDGE, LYING IN THE COURT, BREAKING THE OATH, MURDERING, AND HIRING A GANG TO KILL SOMEONE,"the judge said as he banged on his little wooden hammer. Everyone cheered except for Krystal.

  "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON! I'M NOT GOING TO JAIL FOR A FREAKING 20 YEARS, WHICH IS LIKE 3,000 DAYS OR SOMETHING!!!! I DIDN'T DO IT!!" Krystal fussed. She started to go all crazy and she ran to me and pushed me down on the floor. "STOP ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING! TELL EVERYONE TH-" the police men cut her off, and dragged her to jail.  

I hugged Baro and SungGyu oppa because I was super happy. 

"Oppa, Nice job speaking up!" I said as I squeezed SungGyu oppa. He chuckled and whispered "anything for someone I love."Now it was time to hug Baro, and before I could even find him, I felt arms down on my waist. I turned my head and found Baro giving me a big warm hug. "Finally." he whispered to me. I laughed and held his two hands that was touching Hoya and my other baby. 

When he broke the hug, Myungsoo oppa ran to me and before I could say hi, he kissed me and it was a mwah kiss, it was a LOONNGG kiss like in movies and such. I hugged him while I was kissing him and he followed me. 

"Let's name the girl MinJung," Myungsoo oppa mumbled, still kissing me. 

"Of course," I mumbled.

Finally..... My wedding is going to be peaceful.



HA HA~~ Finally~ Krystal is sent to Prisooonnn~~~~~


Okay so few things to say

1) This story has 2~3 more chapter until it's completed...

2) Thank you everyone for subscribing and commenting on this story :)

3) My bestie, infinitlybana and I are writing a fanfic called


Severely Sorry



♦ Ryu Hwaoung (T-ara.. Well WAS)


♦ Nam WooHyun (Infinite)


♦Kim SungGyu (Infinite)


♦Lee Hoya (Infinite)


♦ Cha Baro (B1A4)




♦Jung JinYoung


  -Description of the story-



 WooHyun and HwaYoung were a couple. 

 WooHyun has been cheating on HwaYoung lately. He would go on dates with out her knowing, ditching her to hang out with his friends. HwaYoung knew but she couldn't give up on WooHyun. One day HwaYoung died in a car crash..

 After the car crash he notices how he's been such a jerk and he regrets not spending time with her. 

 Couple of weeks later at a cafe he see's a girl that looks exactly like HwaYoung ..


          It was his chance to redo everything over again...          


Please Subscribe and Comment ;) it's my bestie's FIRST fanfic so please support her <3 




b1a4lova <333333333333

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;