HangGang River with L

Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...


 I arrived at HangGang river and I was 10 minutes late. I felt bad because I was the one who made the date and I'm late. I ran around the hanggang river looking for L. I finally found L sitting in the middle of a plain field drinking bubble tea. I laughed and ran to L because I knew that I needed to confess to L today. “Sorry for being late!” I said catching my breath. “It’s alright! You want some?” L asked me as he handed me his bubble tea. I nodded because I really needed something to drink because of all the running. “So… What was it that you want to tell me?” L asked me. I was too busy sipping the bubble tea I didn’t hear L’s question. He snatched the bubble tea away from me and asked the question again. “I wanted to tell you something that’ll like make you happy!” I said as I started to jump up and down.

 I looked at L but he didn’t look happy for some reason. I stopped jumping because I scent that he was going to tell me bad news. “L-L, what is it?” I asked him. I was starting to get worried because he wouldn’t even look at me right now. “~~~~ ah.. I’m going to Busan for two months,” L said looking down at the grass. My eyes started to get watery and I looked at him and he looked sad too. He seemed sad and I knew that right now was not the time to tell him that I love him. “W-why are you leaving?” I asked L. When I asked L the question my voice cracked. “My dad has work in Busan and he said that it might take at least two months if his work works successfully.” A tear dropped and L looked up and wiped my tear away with his thumbs.

 I laughed because it reminded me of someone that wiped my tear away two years ago. I can’t remember who it was because it was a long time ago. I looked up and saw L’s tear rolling down his cheek. L was about to wipe it with his clothing but I stopped him. “I’ll wipe it,” I said as I reached my hand to his cheek and wiped his tear away. L smiled and gave me a hug. It was a warm hug that I never experience in my life. “Let’s make tonight the best night we ever spent together,” I said. L nodded and squeezed me harder.

 We broke the hug and we walked around the HangGang River. Since it was in the afternoon there were less people than there were the last time I came here. “I always wanted to take sticker photo with you L!” I randomly told him.  He laughed and nodded his head. “Alright! Let’s go then!” he said. I squealed and back hugged L. “You are the best!”

 We walked in to a shop and it had sticker picture booth and like random things in there. I grabbed L’s wrist and dragged him to the booth. He was walking quiet slow and I had no patients because I wanted to make today the best day of my life. When we entered the booth the space was quiet small so our shoulders touched. “Are you ready for this?” I asked him. He nodded and I started the booth.

 We took pictures and some were silly and some were pictures of us hugging, holding hands. The last picture was L kissing my cheek. After I decorated the picture it came out with an extra copy and I handed L the copy. While we were about to walk out I stopped walking because I saw couple rings! “L! Let’s get couple rings!” “Ha ha alright!” L said. This time L walked in front of me. I guess it was because he didn’t want to be dragged.

After looking through every single one of the couple ring we found a silver wing couple ring. Both of us loved it so we agreed to make that our couple ring. “Thank you! Come back again,” the lady said as we walked out the store. “Let’s go eat, I’m hungry,” I said as I rubbed my stomach. L laughed and said “Alright! This time you’re paying because I paid for the couple ring.” “Fine!” I pouted. I crossed my arms and walked to the noodle store.  “I’m just joking ~~~~ ah! I’ll never make you buy food! That’s the men’s job!” L said as he pulled his wallet out.

 “You are the man!” I said as I ran back to L and linked arms with him. After eating we went to the park and talk about things and it was getting late. “I think I should get going,” I said looking at the clock. “C’mon let’s go,” L said as he held out his hand for me to take. I accepted his hand and walked with him. The walk was quiet but it wasn’t awkward. When we arrived in front of my apartment I turned to L to tell him about how I feel. “L I-““Sh.. It’s going to be a while since we are going to see each other. Let’s just kiss one more time,” L said. He leaned towards me and landed his soft lips on mine. I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment and I felt electric shock. All around my body.

 The kiss lasted pretty long and when I thought it was the best time to end the kiss I looked at L and smiled. “Thanks L,” I said as I gave him a hug. “I’m going to miss you.”

 When I waved goodbye to L and walked up the stairs to my house I remembered I forgot to tell him. I ran downstairs and he was about 0.3 miles away. I cupped my hands and yelled



A whole chapter bout ~~~~ and L


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;