
Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...

 I walked in and closed the door. I sat down and closed my eyes and started to pray to God. "Dear God, thank you so much for this day. This should be the last day that I'll live. I have about 4 or 5 months left until my wedding, but I can't hold it anymore. I rather die than seeing SungGyu op- I mean SungGyu with Sulli. God... Please help my friends to have a wonderful life without me. I love you and I'll see you in a few minutes. Amen," I prayed. I opened my eyes and my brain was telling me to open that freaking elevator door. I started being stubborn and ignored my brain that was trying to save my life. I could hardly breath right now, I had to breath with my mouth and my nose to breath. I closed my eyes and thought to myself "This is it". Then everything went blurry and next thing I knew I was laying down on the elevator.



"Guys we have something to announce," I told everyone. They all looked at me and I looked at ~~~~. She was chewing on her jelly sandwich. "Sulli and I are officially go-" before I could continue ~~~~ stood up and ran to the exit. I called her name and Hoya yelled out her name was well. Everyone yelled out her name but she wouldn't stop running. Everyone in the cafe was looking at us wondering what the heck is happening. "Just continue with your sentence, I'm pretty sure she'll tell us why she was running out," WooHyun said. "I'm pretty sure she has an emergency at her house?" SungJong said. 

 "Anyways Sulli and I are officially going to become my best friend," I said. "I thought like we hated her and Krystal," Jieun said as she made a face. Sulli shot me a look and I chuckled nervously. "Anyways we have something to tell you, it's about Krystal's evil cruel plan," Sulli said as she looked around and opened up a white piece of paper. Krystal wasn't here today so we didn't have to look out for Krystal. Sulli explained the plan and it was REALLY cruel. I'm guessing Krystal really hates ~~~~. "Thank God ~~~~ isn't here because she'll be freaked out and ran out the exit just like she did a couple of minutes ago," WooHyun joked. 

 When we walked out I didn't see ~~~~. I texted Baro and he said that she wasn't at his house. I had an uneasy feeling so I left the class. "Where are you going?" WooHyun yelled. "I'm going to eat something," I lied and ran out the classroom. All I could think about right now is ~~~~. What if she's doing something stupid? It's all my fault. I should have told her, but she didn't give me time to explain. Aish it's all my fault. 

 When I ran in ~~~~'s apartment building I pressed on the elevator door and looked at my phone. I only had 1% battery left, oh great I can't call anyone now. Then Baro came running in and ran to where I was. "What's up bro?" Baro said as he took his hat off, wiped his sweat and put it back on. "You really love hats don't you," I said as I smiled. "I sure do! I don't feel confident if I don't have a hat on me," Baro said as he pressed on the elevator button. Then the elevator door opened and boom. I saw ~~~~'s body in the elevator. I ran to her and shook her hoping that she'll wake up. I dragged her out the elevator and Baro helped me. "Call 911," I ordered him. He stood up but he sat back down.

 "About that, um you see I came out in a rush and forgot to bring my phone," Baro said. "Call the janitor!" I yelled and shook ~~~~. "She's claustrophobic, if she stays in a small space for a long time she dies. What if she's dead? Why would she do that? Then Baro came with the janitor and the janitor called 911. Baro got a cup of water and splashed it on her face but she didn't wake up. I looked at Baro full of worry and waited for 911 to come. About 2 minutes later we heard sirens and Baro ran out and started to wave both his hand back and forth. 

 I was a bit stunned to find a young doctor driving the ambulance. I piggy back ride her and showed her to the doctor. "What happened?" he asked me. He ordered the nurse to put her on the gurney and I took the front seat with the doctor explaining what happened. Baro went to the back with ~~~~ and some CPR people. I explained about her being claustrophobic and how she was in the elevator for who knows how long. 

 We arrived at the hospital and the doctor ran to the emergency room with the nurse. I waited outside with Baro nervous and I started to panic. "What should I do? Should I tell ~~~~'s mom about this?" I asked Baro. But Baro was sleeping with his hat covering his face.

 I removed his hat but I was surprised to see him crying..

 "B-baro ah... Are you okay?" I asked him carefully. "She was like my only friend when I was at my old school. I was the loser at my school and when she came she changed my life. She was like my first best friend," Baro blurted out. I was shocked so all I could do was stare at Baro. "I thought God had sent an angle down to help me make friends and actually have a true friend. I ended up having a crush on her and she was like my first love. I was heartbroken when she told me that she was going to marry someone," Baro continued. I put my arms around him and pat me as he cried his heart out. "Look I'm pretty sure ~~~~ wouldn't  just die like that. She's strong.. I'm pretty sure she can fight off death," I joked and looked at the emergency room hoping to get a good news.

 Couple of hours passed and I was yawning in boredom. I was worried about ~~~~ but I have to admit, sitting down for like 4 hours with nothing to do is pretty boring. Then the door opened and I ran to the doctor hoping he'll tell Baro and I good news. His face was covered with a white mask so I didn't know if he was smiling or not. "I'm sorry to announce that she didn't make it," the doctor told me. I felt my heartbeat stop and I looked at Baro who had the same face expression as me. "Just kidding! She's alive, she's sleeping in her room," the doctor said as he laughed. I stared at the doctor and blinked a few times. "E-excuse me?" I said. "She's alive! Go to room 304, she's there sleeping," the doctor said. He walked down the hallway and I looked at Baro. He was smiling and I smiled back at him. I hugged him and I was so happy that she was alive. 

 It felt like South Korea has won a soccer game or something. I was crying in tears of joy and ran to ~~~~'s room. When we entered we saw ~~~~ sleeping and she looked so beautiful. "I'll give you some time with her," I said as I patted Baro's back and walked out the door. I ran to the pharmacy because I was STARVING! I swallowed the noodles and the milk in with one strong gulp. The student that was in the pharmacy must have thought I was homeless because they started taking pictures. "What are you doing?" I asked them with my mouth full. "Oppa, are you a hobo? If you are I think you are too hot to be a hobo," a girl said. I looked at her uniform and she goes to a all girl high school. 

 "Are you taken?" the other girl said walking closer to me. " I have someone that I like," I told them. They frowned and walked out the pharmacy kicking stones. I bought some juice, snacks and kimbap for Baro because he should be starving as well. I walked to ~~~~'s room and knocked. "Come in," I heard a weak voice. It must be ~~~~! I opened the door and saw ~~~~ looking weak. I handed her a juice and gave Baro kimbap with Banana milk. He started to dig in like me when I was eating at the pharmacy. "Are you alright?" I asked ~~~~. She looked at me and turned to Baro and started talking to Baro. Baro was busy eating his kimbap so he couldn't answer to ~~~~'s questions. 

 "Are you mad at me? Is it because of Sulli?" I asked ~~~~ carefully. Her expression changed and it looked like she was trying to cover her feelings. "No," she coldly said. "It is because of Sulli, she was just telling me something important," I told her. But she was being stubborn and ignored what I said. "Look let's forget about this," I said as I put some beverages in the mini fridge. "I- I can't," she said. I looked at her and saw her crying. I was shocked but ran to her and comforted her. "Why can't you?" I asked her. 

 "Because I love you and you broke my heart," she answered.


WOOHH~~ I decided to keep her alived XDDD

-___- what have I done.. Why did I MAKE BARO INTO A LOSER!!! T__T 

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;