
Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...


         Few Weeks Later

 "SungGyu ah, please come out and talk to me," my mom asked as she pound on my door. "MOM  GO AWAY I'M NOT IN THE MOOD FOR TALKING," I screamed to my mom. Usually I don't talk back but right now I was heartbroken, sad, mad and angry. Why didn't I protect her? I promised her that I'll protect her. A tear dropped and I wiped it away. "A real man don't cry," I thought to myself. "Alright SungGyu ah, but I'm coming back an hour later," my mom informed me. I tossed around my bed trying to go to sleep but my stupid brain kept on flashing ~~~~ smiling. I cursed my brain and kept on tossing around. Then my phone rang and I picked it up. "Hyung! Are you alright? I need to hang out with you! Actually we, Infinite does because it's so quiet and awkward without you hyung!" DongWoo pouted. "Sorry but I'm not in a mood for hanging out," I told DongWoo coldly. "Too bad! I'm going to invade your house with Infinite if you don't come to my house! I'm giving you about a hour," DongWoo threaten. I rolled my eyes and ended the call. Aish, I have to get ready because he knows that I hate it when people invade my property.

 I took a quick shower and got ready to go to DongWoo's house. 

 I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked pretty good in this outfit. I smiled and grabbed my keys when I saw something that got my eyes watery. I saw a picture of ~~~~ smiling that I printed out. I know it sounds creepy but her smile was so beautiful. No I can't be like this, I can't just break down because I saw a picture of ~~~~. I have to move on, she's not in this world anymore. I picked the picture up and stared at it for a few second and placed it at it's original spot, faced down. I walked out my room and when I was about to walk down the stair I encountered with my mom. "SungGyu ah, what happened? You can tell me right?" my mom asked me with a big smile. "Sorry mom this is personal," I told her coldly and walked away from her.

 "Master would you like me to drive you?" my driver, Mr. Park asked me. "No," I said as I walked out my house. I got in my car and drove to DongWoo's house. I rang the doorbell and I heard a loud footstep. Then I heard more and it sounded like they were running. Then the door opened and DongWoo ran to me and gave me a big hug. "HYUNG! I LOVE YOU!!!" DongWoo told me as he squeezed me. "Is this a dare?" I asked Infinite. They nodded and guided me to the basement. "I know where the basement is," I mumbled. "The reason why we invited you was because..... WE MISSED YOU!" SungJong said as he gave me a big hug. I scoffed and hugged SungJong back. "Hyung, how come you didn't hug me back when I hugged you?" DongWoo asked me with a pissed off voice. 

 "Anyways let's like hang out, you know," L said as he took his sprite and started to pretend that it was alcohol. "I'm going to buy things like snacks and such," I told Infinite as I stood up. "Hyung you better return, if you don't return tomorrow I'm going to call the police and sue you," SungYeol threatened me. I ignored the threat and walked up the stair. I walked to the super market that was about 5 minutes away. When I walked in there I saw a lot of ahjumma fighting over dried seaweed that was 50% off. I walked to the snack corner when I bumped into someone. "Sorry," the person said. I turn to the person and she was a girl. "It's alright," I said as I returned my attention to the snacks. Then her phone rang and it was Infinite The Chaser. I looked over and her password was I-N-F-I-N-I-T-E-<-3. It was ~~~~'s password! What the heck? I turned to her and her hair was short, ~~~~'s was long. Her face was covered with a black hat so I couldn't see her face.

 "Maybe she's a big fan of Infinite the band," I thought as I walked over to the drink alley. It was like right next to the snack alley so I could kind of hear her voice. "Hello? Oh mom, yeah I'm at my aunts house, don't worry about me!" I knew that it was wrong to eavesdrop but it was tempting! Something that was really weird was that she was about the same height as ~~~~ and her voice sounded like ~~~~~ as well. When she ended her call I ran to her and asked her  a question. "Is it okay if I see your face?" I asked politely. "No, I have um... Uh... Bad bruise all over my face," she said. ~~~~ says um... uh whenever she forgets something. "I know it's you ~~~~, show me your face," I told her. She looked around and took her hat off. There she was, my love ~~~~. The one that was informed dead. "~~~~ ah..." A tear dropped my face and I hugged her. 


Sorry for not updating a lot and YAY~~~ I HAVE 50 SUBSCRIBERS!!! THANK YOU~~~~!!!!

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;