Oppa You Are The Best!

Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...

 I woke up and found myself laying on my bed. I tried to stand up but my head started to hurt and I fell on my bed. I decided to call SungGyu oppa what happened. "Hello?" "Oppa! It's me, what happened? Why am I at home? The last time I remembered I was at the cabin sleeping and now I'm at home," "It's nothing," SungGyuoppa said. Something was strange, why didn't SungGyu oppa tell me? "I'll tell you later, actually I'll go to your house and I'll tell you," SungGyu oppa said. I nodded and hung up. I wonder what happened, and also why my head hurts all of sudden.

 Few minutes later SungGyu oppa came in and I waved at him. He had some plastic bag with him and walked to where my room was. "Oppa," I said as I tried to stand up. "NO! Don't stand up!" SungGyu oppa said as he ran in my room. "Okay geez," I said as I laughed. "I'll explain everything, let me just make some food for you," SungGyu oppa said as he walked to the kitchen and started to cook. I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.

 "~~~~ ah! I'm done making food!" SungGyu oppa said as he shook me lightly. I woke up and my head felt better. I walked to the kitchen and SungGyu oppa made me a omelette. "Oppa, how long did it take you to make a omelette?" I asked SungGyu oppa as I sat down. "About a hour," SungGyu oppa said as he chuckled. I smiled and put ketchup on my omelette and thanked SungGyu oppa for making me omelette.

 "So oppa, what happened?" I asked him. "Well, when you fell asleep L and I went to the market to get ingredient for our dinner. Then someone kidnapped you and they wanted something from us and we gave them that. They put a drugged cloth on your mouth so you wont really remember anything," SungGyu oppa said as he started to chew on his omelette. "SOMEONE KIDNAPPED ME?" I asked him. "Yeah, but we got you back!" SungGyu oppa said as he smiled. "What did they want from you?" I asked him."Well, they wanted to go on a date with L and WooHyun and they wanted to attend in your wedding with L," SungGyu oppa said. I coughed on my omelette and started to drink some water.

 SungGyu oppa helped me by patting my back and I started to drink a lot of water. "Is it Krystal and Sulli?" I asked SungGyu oppa. He nodded and I started to laugh really hard. "They couldn't get L and WooHyun to love them so they used me to go on a date with me," I said. I couldn't stop laughing. It was funny that they were so confident about themselves because they were the queenka but they ended up using me. "well, let's talk about something else I'm sick of them," SungGyu oppa said as he started to eat his omelette.

 "Oppa! We should like go somewhere," I said as I finished my omelette. "Where do you want to go?" SungGyu oppa asked me. "I wanted to go to the 63 building!" I said as I started to jump up and down. "Alright but it's going to be hot cause it's June and we are going to be closer to the sun!" SungGyu oppa said as he smiled. I put the dish in the sink and went to put my clothes on. After I put my clothes on I ran to SungGyu oppa and we left the hose. "I can't wait to go there!" I said as I started to jump up and down. "I can't believe that you never went there!" SungGyu oppa said as he put his arms around me.

 Whenever he put his arms around me I felt safe. We walked down the stairs and went in SungGyu oppas car. "Oppa! Let's go go go!" I said as I started to jump up and down. "Okay ~~~~ ah, just don't jump up and down, I don't want my car to break down because we wont be able to go then," When SungGyu oppa said that I stopped jumping up and down and sat on my seat calmly. "Oppa! Let's turn the radio on!" I said as I pushed the on button and turned to my favorite station. Then I heard Be Mine by Infinite. "I love this song!" I said as I clapped.

 "Turn the volume on then!" SungGyu oppa said as he put the volume up. "Be mine, I love you OH, I worry about you OH, I will take care of you till the end" I smiled and when I was about to sing I noticed something. This song kind of reminded me of SungGyu oppa, he likes me but like I can't love him back. Then the song changed to Baby Good Night by B1A4. I started to scream and put the volume up. "I'm guessing you like B1A4," SungGyu oppa said as he started to chuckle. "Oppa! Like I love them! I love Baro! His voice is so.. Manly and deep whenever he raps!" I said as I started to squeal.

 When the song ended we arrived at the 63 building and I jumped out the car. "Oppa!! Let's go!!" I said as I grabbed SungGyu oppa's hand and ran in the building. When we arrived at the 63rd floor I saw bunch of locks and I looked down and everything looked so small. "~~~~ ah! Look!" SungGyu oppa said as he held up a lock. "NO WAY!!" I said as I ran to put a message on the lock. "Oppa! I'll write on one side and you can write on the other side!" I suggested. "But there is no looking at the person's message!" SungGyu oppa said as he stuck his tongue out at me.

 "I wish that SungGyu oppa and I could get closer and be like really close to each other, I love you Oppa! You are the best!" I wrote. Then I handed the lock to SungGyu oppa and he started to write a message. "This is actually like a wish," SungGyu oppa said as he locked the lock. When SungGyu oppa wasn't looking I looked at his message. "I wish I was L, Marrying ~~~~ would be my #1 wish," it said. I turned around and ran to SungGyu oppa. Pretending that I didn't read his wish. "Oh I want to take you some where!" SungGyu oppa said as he linked arms with me.

 We walked to his car and he drove some where. "Where are we going??" I asked SungGyu oppa. "You'll see!" SungGyu oppa said as he stuck his tongue out. I turned the radio on Infinite The Chaser was on. "Wow! Whenever I turn the radio on it's always like Infinite and B1A4!" I said as I smiled. "It's B1A4 and Infinite hour right now!" SungGyu oppa said. "Ooh.." I said. 

 "We are here!" SungGyu oppa said. I jumped out the car and I saw a CD shop. "Why are we here?" I asked SungGyu oppa. "To buy you B1A4 CD's!" he said as he put his arms around me. "Oppa! You are the best!" I said as I gave him a thumbs up. We walked in the store and it was full of CD's. "You can buy anything you wish and I'll buy it for you!" SungGyu oppa said as he pulled his wallet out. "It's too expansive though," I said as I looked down. I didn't want him to spend alot of money on me.

 "I'll buy anything for you," SungGyu oppa said as he gave me a hug. "Oppa, thank you," I said as I hugged him back. I picked all of B1A4's CD and some of B1A4's poster. "Do you like Infinite?" SungGyu oppa asked."Yes why?" I asked him. "Let's go to Infinite section then!" SungGyu oppa said as he walked to where Infinite CD's were. "Oppa, thank you so much," 

 After we went CD shopping SungGyu oppa took me home. When we walked to our house my mom looked at me and SungGyu oppa. "It's him again! Are you guys having a good time?" My mom asked me as she gave us a thumbs up. I ignored her and walked in my room with SungGyu oppa. "Sorry, my moms a little crazy," I said as I closed the door behind me. "Your mom's cool! I love her!" SungGyu oppa said as he gave me a big smile. I place the CD's on my desk and SungGyu oppa helped me put the posters up.

 "Oppa! I love you so much!" I said as I gave him a bear hug. "I love you too," SungGyu oppa said as he hugged me back. When he said that he loved me back, it felt like he really meant it. "Oppa, there is glitter on your cheek!" I said as I tried to rub the glitter off his cheek. "Wait is it glitter?" I asked as I looked at it closer. Then SungGyu oppa looked at me and I looked at him. Slowly he came closer to me and next thing you know he closed his eyes and his lips touched my lips. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. "~~~~ ah! I have cookies for you and the handsome man!" My mom said as she opened the door. She saw me and SungGyu oppa kissing and quickly closed the door. We didn't care that my mom saw me. I guess this is the way of me repaying him. 


 SungGyu and ~~~~ moments!!! It's allllllll about them! haha XD I hope this wasn't too short or boring. 

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;