Lotte World

Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...

 "Alright, erase the mark and get ready! We are going to Lotte World!" L said as he tried rubbing the mark off SungGyu oppa's face. "Lotte World!?" I screamed. I couldn't go to Lotte World because I was scared of what people would say about me. "Alright, since there is 9 of us let's divide in 3 groups." L said as he got a piece of paper. "Let's just go with the Hongdae group" SungGyu oppa said as he opened the door. "Alright let's go!" L said as he walked out the door. 

 DongWoo drove everyone to Lotte World with his car. "DongWoo, I think its safer if I drive." SungGyu oppa said as he opened the door and closed the door behind him. "No, Hyung!! I can do this! I got my permit and I can drive!" Dongwoo said as he locked his door and closed the door. "You better not kill us, Jang DongWoo!" SungGyu oppa yelled as he sat in his original spot. "Hyung trust me! I can drive." DongWoo said as he fasten his seatbelt.
 "We are here!" DongWoo said as he parked his car to the first empty space he saw. Everyone clapped at DongWoo for not killing them and got off the car. "Okay let's separate!" SungGyu oppa said as he held my hand and left Infinite and Jieun. "Hyung! Wait for me, I'm part of the group too!" L yelled as he caught up to us. "Oppa, we need to buy tickets!" I said as I pointed at the long line. "I bought season ticket for everyone." SungGyu oppa said as he took them out his backpack. "Oppa! You are so prepared!' I said as I gave him a light hug.
 Then we spot DongWoo and Hoya's group in line looking frustrated. "Yah! I have season tickets! Come and get them!" SungGyu oppa said as he handed them out to everyone in Infinite and Jieun. "Let's play like there is no tomorrow!" Hoya said as he started to dance. "Hoya! We are in public!" I said as I tried to get away from his as possible. 
 We separated from each other and L, SungGyu oppa and I went to the Gyro Drop. "Oppa! Let's ride this!!!" I said as I got in line for the ride. "O- Okay." SungGyu oppa said he looked at the Gyro Drop. "I- I don't think I'll be able to ride this." SungGyu oppa said as he held my hand. His hands were freezing cold. "Oppa! It's like June and your hands are cold! Are you okay?" I asked him as I started to worry. "Maybe a kiss on the cheek will make it better!" SungGyu oppa said as he leaned his cheeks towards me. "Guy's! It's our turn!" L said as he started to drag me to a seat. I sat in the middle, SungGyu oppa sat on my right and L sat on my left. "SungGyu oppa, if you can't do this don't ride it." "No I can do this!" SungGyu oppa said as he fasten his seatbelt.
 "Alright we are going to start the ride in 10 seconds." The lady said as she checked on everyone who was riding the ride. I held L and SungGyu oppa's hand. "Let's pray to God to keep us safe." I said as I closed my eyes. Then the ride began and it started to go up. "Uh.. I regret riding this ride!" I said as I squeezed their hands. "Hm... Who was it that wanted to ride this ride in the first place?" L oppa asked me as he smiled. "I'm not in the mood for smiling!" I said as I closed my eyes, then the ride stopped spinning. "Shoot!" I said as I started to squeeze SungGyu oppa's hand and L's. 
 "~~~~ ah! Before I die I want to tell you that I love you!" SungGyu oppa said as his face turned red. "What? O-" My sentence was rudely interrupted my the ride. It fell and everyone started to scream. When I was about to fain the ride slowed down and my hair was a mess. SungGyu oppa looked at me and cracked up. "Oppa! It's not funny!" I said as I tear dropped from my eyes. "Aigoo! Don't cry my little princess!" SungGyu oppa said as he wiped the tear away.
 "Let's go ride the Gyro swing!" L said as he linked arms with me and started to walk to the gyro swing line. "L! It's too long, it's going to take us like 3 hours just to ride this!" I said as pointed at the ride, which I could barely see because it was too far away. "It's called magic pass ~~~~~ ah!" SungGyu oppa said as he held 3 magic pass up. "Magic pass? What's a magic pass?" "It's like a special ticket that you use to ride the ride faster." L said as he took one. "So it's called magic," SungGyu oppa said as he handed me one. "Also there is like a specific time so you can use this ticket at that time," L added.
 "Let's go inside and ride some rides there," SungGyu oppa said as he held my hand and went to the line for a cable car. "I'm going to the bathroom be right back." L said as he ran to the bathroom full speed. I started to worry when it was almost our turn to ride the ride. "Do you want me to call L?" SungGyu oppa said as he pulled his phone out. I nodded and when SungGyu oppa pressed call, L ran to where we were. "Why are you so late?" "I-I had to do my business and- and I got you this!" L said as he held out a cup of cotton candy. 
 "How do you know that I love cotton candy?" I asked him, amazed at how well he knew me. "Pretty girls loves cotton candy!" L said as he smiled. "Sir ma'am it's your turn!" The person said as she opened the door for us. We hopped on and I enjoyed my cotton candy, I love the feeling of it melting in my mouth. I sat alone, L and SungGyu oppa sat next to each other. "It's so pretty!" I said as I looked down. I saw couples holding hands and couples hugging each other. "I don't know why but I think I like SungGyu oppa and L, what a player," I thought. 
 We arrived inside and I saw how fun it looked. "Oppa!!! Let's go ride Viking!!" I said as I grabbed SungGyu oppa and L's hand and dragged them to where Viking was. "Hey! Hi ~~~ ah!" I turned around and saw WooHyun, Jieun and Hoya together. "Are you riding Viking??" I asked them as I gave Jieun a hug. "Yeah! Want to call SungYeol and ask their group to join us?" Jieun said as she pulled her phone out. "Yeah!" I said as I started to clap.
  "By the way Let's stay together now," Hoya said. "Why?? Do you love me or something?" L joked and lightly punched Hoya on his right arm. "They are being so lovey dovey!!! T^T It makes me feel so lonely!!" Hoya said as he pointed at Jieun and WooHyun and started to fake cry. I laughed at how funny Hoya was, and we spot SungYeol, DongWoo and SungJong sipping on their smoothies.
 "HYUNG!" SungJong yelled and ran to us. "Hi! How was Lotte World?" I asked SungJong as I gave him a hug. "It was really fun! SungYeol hyung tried to pick up on a girl when-" SungJong started to crack up. "Shut up!!! It's not funny!" SungYeol said as he crossed his arms. "Did he fail again?" SungGyu oppa looked at him with a disappointed look. "IT WAS A EPIC FAIL!!" SungJong said as he started to laugh really loud. Some strangers looked at him like he had a mental issue. 
 "Let's just ride the ride!" SungYeol said as he got in line, we joined SungYeol and we started to talk. "Oppa!" I turned around and saw Krystal and Sulli running to Infinite. I rolled my eyes and Sulli hugged Hoya and Krystal hugged WooHyun. "Sulli! Get off I thought you liked SungJong!! GET OFF!!" Hoya said as he started to move around. "I like you more because you are so manly, you are kind and you're funny!" Sulli said still hugging Hoya. "Get off me!!! Krystal I'm going out with Jieu- Jinny!" WooHyun said as he pushed Krystal off of him. Some people stopped walking and looked at us, hoping to see some drama. "Let's not do this here, people are staring." I said as I looked at the group of people gathering around us. "Look! It's Lee ~~~~~, the wannabe freak! She thinks that she's all that because she has great body and such, but you're not!" Krystal said as she pushed me. 
 "Krystal back off!" SungGyu oppa said as he stepped in front of me. "Oppa!" I said but L quickly covered my mouth. What in the world is he doing!? "Look! SungGyu oppa is even sticking up for Lee ~~~~! How romantic is that?? That reminds me, isn't the fat Lee ~~~~ suppose to marry L oppa? Where is she and how come Lee ~~~~ right now looks familiar to Lee ~~~~, the fatty?" Krystal said as she smirked. "Krystal, I'm telling you again BACK OFF!" SungGyu oppa said in a calm voice. "Guys let's stop this we are in the middle of a line-" "I'm not afraid of you SungGyu oppa, you are the leader in Infinite, the kingka but I'm the leader in the Queenka. Oppa and I have the same position, so there is really no point of being afraid of you." Krystal said as she looked at SungGyu oppa from head to toe and smirked. She and Sulli walked away and disappeared.
 "Am I a wannabe freak??" I asked Infinite and Jieun. "Everything she said was a lie, well... Not the part of you and the other Lee ~~~~." DongWoo said as he started to look around. "Let's talk about this later and enjoy this ride." L said. 10 minutes later we finally got to ride the ride, but the atmosphere was really quiet and awkward. "Aish, why did that ugly Kulli have to come here and ruin this fun?" SungYeol said as sat next to SungJong. "Thank God that Sulli likes Hoya now, I don't have to be annoyed by that... girl," SungJong said.
 "Please fasten your seatbelt and enjoy this ride!" The person said as he started the ride. Of course, I got scared so I held hands with the person next to me, which was Jieun and SungGyu oppa. "~~~ ah! Don't worry, this is not that scary!" SungGyu oppa said as he squeezed my hands lightly. The ride was SCARY! It scared the heck out of me. "Aigoo, Lee ~~~~ is scared of everything, how would she ride Gyro Swing??" L said as he chuckled a bit. I gave him the stare and walked to a cafe near the ride.
 "Alright, so let's talk about what happened you know, before we rode Viking." SungGyu oppa said as he clapped his hands lightly. "I-I want to use the bathroom," I said as I stood up. "Do you want me to go with you?" Jieun asked me but I rejected her offer. I walked to where the bathroom was a opened the door. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was pale because of the ride. It scared the heck out of me, but I think Krystal and Sulli scared me the most. I looked at myself and fixed my hair and washed my hands. I heard a toliet flush and someone came out. It was Sulli, "Oh shiz," I thought so myself. I tried to walked out of the bathroom quickly as possible but Sulli spot me.
 "Hey Krystal! Look who's here!" Sulli said as she smirked. Sulli walked to where the door was and stood there with her arms crossed. I checked the time and I've been gone for 5 minutes, time pass by fast! Then the toilet flushed and Krystal came out with a smirk. "I never knew that we'll meet like this," Krystal said as she started to walk to where the sink was. She washed her hands and dried her hands. "I know that you are the fat Lee ~~~~, you lost weight because of course it was ridiculous! If I was 70 kg fat I'll just kill myself!" Krystal said as she smirked. 
 " Oh just saying, the message that WooHyun read and broke up with Jinny, yeah the person that wrote it was me," Krystal confessed. "It was you! I should have known! It was so obvious!!" I said as I looked at her in disgust. "You are really brutal! I wonder why you are a queenka! You're not even that pretty, in fact you are one ugly b-" " Look who's talking! The ugly one is me? Please, you are talking about yourself," Krystal said as she slapped me on my cheek. "Just tell Jinny to back off WooHyun oppa and I'll leave you alone." Krystal said as she grabbed her purse. "No, in fact WooHyun is too good for you! WooHyun and Jinny are meant for each other!" I said. 
 "What??? You little," Krystal said as she grabbed my collar. "What's going on?" I heard a voice, the door opened and I found SungGyu oppa. "~~~~ ah!! Krystal! Sulli!" SungGyu said as he tried to walk in to help me but realized that it's the girls bathroom. "Aish.." SungGyu oppa said. Krystal dragged me far away from the girl's bathrooms door. She slapped me and the sound echoed in the room. I saw SungGyu oppa, his eyes got big and SungGyu oppa walked in and took me by the hand. "Krystal! I..." SungGyu oppa stopped and opened the door. 
 "~~~ ah... Are you okay?" SungGyu oppa said as he looked at my cheek. "She must have hit you really hard! It's all puffy and red, go to where the rest are, I'll handle this." SungGyu oppa said as he opened the girls bathroom door.  I did as SungGyu oppa told and walked to where the rest were. "Yah!!! WHY ARE YOU SO LATE!!!" L yelled at me. I just ignored him and sat down. "~~~~ ah, why is your cheeks so red and puffy?" SungYeol asked me. "Oh um." I said as I tried to cover my cheek. "It's because of them," SungGyu oppa said as he dragged Krystal and Sulli to where we were.
 "You guys met in the bathroom?" Jieun asked me. "Yeah," I said as drank some water from my water bottle I had inside my bag. "Why are you bothering them so much?"L asked Krystal. "It's because she just comes and ruin our chance with WooHyun oppa and Hoya oppa and Infinite!" Krystal said as she tried to flirt with them. "Krystal I know that deep, deep, deep, deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep inside you, you are a wonderful person and your soul mate is somewhere but I don't think that it's any of us." L told her politely.
 "They are!!! Jinny is just ruining my chance!!" Krystal said as she stormed off. Sulli did as well but gave Hoya a wink and walked away doing the model walk. "I have goose bumps, why me..." Hoya said as he started to fake cry. "Let's leave, I don't want to deal with them." DongWoo said as he stood up. We did as well because none of us wanted to deal with them.
 So from now on I decided to NOT go to Lotte world alone.
Yes, I did a long chapter wooot~! Thank you  Ayomie for my WONDERFUL poster!!! I love it!! ahaha XD sorry Krystal or Sulli fans for making them so evil. So yeah :D haha XD I hope it wasn't too boring ^^* <--- Click this link~!!! This will lead you to the "Ayomie's Graphic Shop~!" and request posters!! It come out realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly pretty!!!
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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;