Chapter 3

Married To The VisuaL

Your POV~

You woke up the next morning to see all your luggages in the living room. So she was serious?

"Umma, appa! Why do I have to live with him?" you asked stomping into their room.

"We thought that it'd help the two of you get closer," he said as your mother nodded, agreeing with him. "Besides, you'll be living with him any day now."

You groaned in frustration and went to get ready for school. You ignored all your friends that day and kept thinking about the whole marriage thing when scenes of Myungsoo kept replaying; well only those eyes of his. They way he looked at them was so y. W-wait, what am I thinking about?!

School ended and as you were walking home you noticed an unfamiliar black car was following you. You got scared and walked faster when it stopped in front of you as you were crossing the street. What the?! Are they trying to kill me?

"Are you Park Hana?" an elderly man asked as he came out the passenger's seat. You hesitantly nodded as he approached you and bowed. "I will be your personal butler for now on. Just call me Butler Moon like the rest. Now if you'd please get in the car and we'll send you home."

You hestitated at first, but then got in when they started heading in the opposite direction.

"W-where are we going? I thought you said you were taking me home?" you asked panicking.

"We are," was all he said as you held onto your bag, scared.

Myungsoo's POV~

"What's this marriage I hear about?" Sunggyu asked as he was grubbing on a brownie.

"I don't know and I don't care," I said as I was observing our performance from last night.

"I hope she's not a distraction to you as you know we just made a comeback. Our schedule will be very busy from now on," he said in a serious tone. I just nodded while my lips thinking of how to look better on stage. I heard the door opened and turned around seeing her.

"YAH! What are you doing here?!" I yelled getting up pointing at her as she just gave me a nasty glare.

"Welcome home, Miss Park," Butler Moon said bowing to her. HOME?!?!

"Myungsoo-ssi, would you mind showing her your room?" he said looking at me as I scoffed, putting my hands on my waist.

"I don't want to," I protested. "And she will not stay in my room!"

"If you don't want to then I'll do it," he said before bowing to me, then lead her to my room.

"YAH!" I called out after them.

Your POV~

"Do I really need to stay here?" you asked as he nodded.

"It's madam's orders," he said before leaving you alone. You looked around to see his room spotless. Wow, for a guy like him he's very clean.

"Do you need any help?" a voice asked as you turned around to see a handsome, muscular guy leaning against the door frame.

"If you can give me a different room then that'd be fine, but other than that I'm good," you replied giving him a warm smile.

"Hi, I'm Nam Woohyun," he said holding his hand out to you as you just looked at it. He then felt awkward, so he pulled it in and stuck it in his pockets. "I'm one of the main vocalist in Infinite. It's nice to meet you uhm-"

"Hana, Park Hana," you said smiling at him again. He smiled back as Myungsoo stomped in and grabbed your wrist leading you out.

"Why are you here?" he asked his tone firm. "What gives you the right to come and invade in my privacy?"

"Hmm, the last time I checked we were to get married and live happily ever after, so here I am to live happily with you," you said sarcastically. He just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine then, you will sleep on the couch and I'll sleep on my own bed, got it?" he said and left you alone. This guy's got some nerves. Just watch out tonight, I might kill you in your sleep.



tumblr_lwwfg0kbv31r0lhd3o1_500.gif<-----Just a little extra!^^

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Chapter 50: aaahhhh happy ending
kishgeneston #2
Chapter 50: Waaaaaahhh no babies??? Hahaha
kishgeneston #3
Chapter 50: Waaaaaahhh no babies??? Hahaha
rudelysweetk21 #4
Chapter 50: nice story and loved it how myungsoo surprised her in the end :D thank for writing :)
Chapter 50: awww! HAPPY ENDING <3
new reader here! Gonna start reading kkk ^o^~
Lol okay, but still if there's any changes you want me to fix or clarify just let me know. About your question, I honestly don't know and thank you for liking the story!!!!:D
iluvwhales #8
@123smile4me haha it's fine! You don't have to fix them, I think i got used to it now! :D Oh and another question, can't people with blood type O donate blood to people with blood type B as well? cuz as far as I know, O blood type can go to any other blood type right? ( correct me if i'm wrong) Oh btw, this is one amazing story! I finished it in just one day!
I'm sorry for making it confusing for characters POV, I'm sure I've made many mistakes in the story, but as a lazy and unprofessional writer I expect readers to hopefully know what I'm talking about, but if you'd like I can fix some things up; just let me know;) Also, I get confused myself to who's POV it is haha^^
iluvwhales #10
um... you know for Myungsoo's POV, isn't it suppose to me in Myungsoo's point of view instead of writing it in the author's Point of view? It's kind of confusing...