Chapter 19

Married To The VisuaL

Your POV~

Spring break was over and you went back to school not seeing Jieun anywhere in sight.

"Have you seen her?" Gongchan asked from your side. You just shook your head and hung it low.

"Isn't that her with Wooyoung?" he said pointing straight at her. You went closer to get a better look and it was her. "What's she doing with him?"

You couldn't believe your eyes as they were getting so close to each other. You walked up to her, but JB got in your way with a serious face on.

"Let them do it theirselves," he said looking over to Gongchan. Gongchan knew what he meant, so he left you two and went up to Jieun grabbing her wrist, taking her away.

Gongchan's POV~

"Since when did you start seeing Wooyoung?" I asked her as she freed herself from my grip.

"Since when did you start seeing my best friend Hana?" she replied with a question.

"Jieun, it's not what you think," I said explaining everything to her, but she didn't believe a single word I said.

"It's Wooyoung that I like, not you," she said as she was now pissed. "Stay away from me and continue being with Hana."

"I hope you know you mean a lot to me," I began to say. "I know you don't like Wooyoung, but if you want to keep on hurting yourself by being with him then that's just fine with me."

I stared at her for awhile then left, but before I get far she yelled, "I hope you know she's a married women."

"I don't care what she is," I said getting mad. "She was only trying to help get us together, but because you jumped to conclusion first,  you lost your chance with me."

I glanced back to her as she looked a bit guilty, but I didn't seem to care anymore.

Your POV~

After school you and Gongchan walked to work as JB went first.

"How did it go with Jieun?" you asked him as he walked with his hands in his front pockets.

"I don't know," he said. "I guess she's just not the right one for me."

You glanced up at him as he looked like he was in his own world now.

"She told me that you were married, is that true?" he suddenly asked, making you stop moving. He stopped as well and looked at you. "So it is true. That day when I noticed your ring on your ring finger showed that you were married. Who is it?"

"I'm not married, I don't know what you're talking about," you said with and uneasy laugh. He approached you and looked into your eyes.

"Don't lie to your sunbae, but I won't force it out of you," he said and gave you a heart melting smile. "Also, a married women shouldn't go around playing with other people."

"What do you mean?" you asked a bit worried.

"JB," was all he said and skipped to the cafe.

Myungsoo's POV~

"Hana, can I trust you being alone after school and during work?" I softly said to myself as I watched her go after the guy. "It's not Woori I'm worried about, I'm afraid you'll go to him or maybe even to Woohyun."

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Chapter 50: aaahhhh happy ending
kishgeneston #2
Chapter 50: Waaaaaahhh no babies??? Hahaha
kishgeneston #3
Chapter 50: Waaaaaahhh no babies??? Hahaha
rudelysweetk21 #4
Chapter 50: nice story and loved it how myungsoo surprised her in the end :D thank for writing :)
Chapter 50: awww! HAPPY ENDING <3
new reader here! Gonna start reading kkk ^o^~
Lol okay, but still if there's any changes you want me to fix or clarify just let me know. About your question, I honestly don't know and thank you for liking the story!!!!:D
iluvwhales #8
@123smile4me haha it's fine! You don't have to fix them, I think i got used to it now! :D Oh and another question, can't people with blood type O donate blood to people with blood type B as well? cuz as far as I know, O blood type can go to any other blood type right? ( correct me if i'm wrong) Oh btw, this is one amazing story! I finished it in just one day!
I'm sorry for making it confusing for characters POV, I'm sure I've made many mistakes in the story, but as a lazy and unprofessional writer I expect readers to hopefully know what I'm talking about, but if you'd like I can fix some things up; just let me know;) Also, I get confused myself to who's POV it is haha^^
iluvwhales #10
um... you know for Myungsoo's POV, isn't it suppose to me in Myungsoo's point of view instead of writing it in the author's Point of view? It's kind of confusing...