Chapter 14 - The Past Part lll

One Roof, 3 Group Gangsters, 6 Boyfriends-To-Be

‘Reina!’ Sungyeol tugged on her hand as the six of them went to school together. ‘Don’t be like that, Im sorry’ he said but Reina just pulled her hand away and crossed it in front of her chest ‘Hmph’

‘Reina don’t be angry with your oppa huh? He know he’s in wrong now’ Sungyeol continued to plead but Reina didn’t want to give in. Sungyeol turned towards the others and mouthed ‘Help me’ but the guys just shook their head and continued walking.

‘You mess up big time this round’ L put a hand on Sungyeol’s shoulder and shake his head with a sigh before he left.

‘It wasn’t that serious’ Sungyeol mumbled as he trudged behind them.



‘What should I do?’ Sungyeol yawned as he packed his bag. He woke up earlier today than the others and he was already all dressed up for school. An idea popped into his mind as he saw the paint in front of him while he packed his bag. He snickered before he took the paint and went out of his room.

Sungyeol carefully opened Reina’s door and went inside. Reina was still deep asleep. He took the paint and paint brush on hand and started drawing on Reina’s face. Reina felt something on her face and use her hand to wipe it away but it just made things worst for her. Sungyeol softly chuckled as he saw his masterpiece and took a picture of it with his handphone. The flashlight on Sungyeol’s phone woke Reina up.

‘What are you doing oppa?’ Reinas asked while Sungyeol replied nothing before scrambling out of her room. Rein just shrugged it away and walked towards the bathroom to washup.

‘Ahh!!!!’ it was then she saw what happened to her face as she looked into the mirror in front of her.

------End Of Flashback----


Reina was having her physical education now, one of the subjects she hated most. They had a test to do and it was running. They had to run around the tracks for the test. How worst can the day be? Waking up with Sungyeol pulling a prank on her and having running for her test today. Running was the reason why she hated this subject.

Sungyeol happened to walked pass when he saw Reina running the track. ‘She’s having her test today?’ He looked at Reina who was running in an extreme slow speed.

He ran over to her ‘Yah you want to have a retest again?’ while Reina just ignored him. ‘Go away’

‘Come on, run faster. You’re going to fail at this rate.’ Sungyeol said as he jogged beside her.

‘I’ll just fail instead, I hate running’ Reina said and continued at her slow speed.

‘Come on, oppa will run with you so run faster.’ Sungyeol said.

‘Really?’ Reina looked at Sungyeol with sparkling eyes. For an instant she had forgotten that she was still angry at him. Sungyeol nodded.

‘Come on, if you’re not running, you’ll really have a retest next week. You don’t want to run again do you? Im not going to run a second time with you too’ Sungyeol lightly joked.

‘Arasso’ Reina nodded and jogged faster.                

They were halfway through but Reina stopped in her track. Sungyeol turned around and looked at Reina. ‘I give up! Its not like we can make it through anyway, Im far behind time.’ Reina said as she shook her head.

‘Come on we’re just left with a little bit more’ Sungyeol cooed. ‘No, Im not running anymore’ Reina shook her head and refused like a little kid.

Sungyeol chuckled and jogged back to her. ‘Come on, you can do it. Just trust and follow oppa’ Sungyeol held out his hand and looked at Reina, urging her to take his hand.

Reina looked at Sungyeol for awhile before she put her hand in his. * I should trust oppa. Who can I trust if I don’t trust him* Sungyeol smiled and ran with her. He made sure that Reina could catch with him yet their speed wasn’t too slow.

‘Just a bit more, run faster. Oppa will treat you to your favourite ice cream after school if you run faster.’ Sungyeol turned and said to the exhausted Reina.

After Reina had finished her run, she find a bench nearby and immediately sat down. Thanks to the help of her Oppa, she managed to finish it before time.

‘Where did oppa go?’ she looked around for the sights of her oppa. She smiled immediately when she saw her oppa running towards her but stopped immediately when she realized she still haven forgive him.

‘Here, drink this’ Sungyeol passed her a bottle of cold mineral water. Reina took the water and gulped down the water.

‘So am I forgiven now?’ Sungyeol asked as he looked at Reina with hope in his eyes. ‘Forgive oppa huh? I really know Im in wrong now’ Sungyeol looked at her with his puppy eyes. Reina wanted to stay angry with him awhile longer but seeing the face of her oppa and how he was sweating like hell now because of her, she couldn’t stay angry at him any longer.

‘Forgiven’ Sungyeol jumped in joy and hugged Reina tightly. ‘Thank you’ he said as he hugged her.

Sungyeol was walking Reina to the changing room when he heard someone called him.

‘Lee Sungyeol’ They turned around to see a teacher in front of them.

The teacher stopped in front of them and looked at her Sungyeol oppa. ‘How dare you skip my lesson just now? Detention after class’ The teacher said before he walked away. Sungyeol slumped his shoulder when he heard what the teacher said.

‘Looks like we cant have ice cream after school now oppa’ Reina said as she chuckled and walked into the changing room.

‘And whose fault is it?’ Sungyeol mumbled and walked away dejectedly. 

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Chapter 30: One of my fav chapters! All in good terms!
CandyToo #2
Chapter 63: This is like the 2nd time I read this and I'm like squealing throughout the story!! ^^
NickHippo #3
Chapter 42: re-read this for like the 3rd time and it still gives me butterflies in my tummy <3
Chapter 63: WWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!DDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEBBBBBEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! This is the best FF I ever read in my entire life! Too awesome! Off to the sequel! Author-nim you should be a novelist! =D
Chapter 63: Ahhh!! This is amazing! I only found out about this fanfic after reading the sequel. Both are awesome fanfics. I enjoyed reading both of them! :)
cutefanfics #6
woahh! this is daebak! I like the story! so happy that no one got hurt, love the ending! :)
wfehukviti, epic story!
____, i love this story. new reader!
chodinglyn #9
Chapter 29 is so epic with 3 groups in a house at the same time :p