Aigoo....I'm Not Playing Around!

Game Players, Love Players



 “Okay guys 10mins water break!” I heard Yuri yelled.


I quickly grab Sooyoung. We only have 10mins so we better hurry.


“Yah! What are you up to Hyomin? I’m so tired from running..” she whined.


“Didn’t you tell me earlier that you’ll go with me to take a peek at the new gym? Ppali! We only have 8mins left.” I explained to her while half running.


“Why can’t you do it later?!!! Gaaahhh!!”


“I won’t be able to focus on our practice without seeing her.” I already saw the entrance to the new gym and the sound of loud spikes can be heard. I carefully looked for her and spot her on the service area getting ready to practice her serve. She tossed the ball high up in the air and jumped high to hit the ball. WOW!! That’s an amazing jump serve!


She turned to her side and looked to her coach asking for his approval. She then smiled and in that moment I feel a surge of energy into my veins. You really are my energy pill Sunny-shi.





I wonder what’s the real score between Coach Kahi and that basketball girl. I think her name is …Yuri-shi? I’m not sure though. They seem very close. She even calls coach on her first name. They’re always giggling and laughing whenever they are together. Coach even gave her spare water bottle to her. Is coach having a crush on a younger girl?


I felt goose bumps on my arms. I ignore those thoughts and start drilling with my teammates. After a couple of minutes, my eyes start to hurt.


“Ahh..” I rub my left eyebrow trying to ease the pain.


“You can take a rest Yoona.” Coach told me smiling.


“Thanks coach.” I would want to go to our room but we can’t so I just sat on the sides. Looking at my teammates makes my eyes hurt more so I focus on the other side. The basketball team is now practicing their plays. I saw Taeyeon orchestrating their play with her amazing dribbling and passing skills. She’s also a good shooter.


“Is she the star of the team?….I think she’s the best.”





Coach BoA asked us to practice the plays over and over again. I don’t mind if it’s tiring, at least I get the chance to be in the limelight and I know Yoona’s watching. I gave my best in every move and even do some fancy passes all for Yoona’s eyes.


“Okay good job guys! Nice practice Taeyeon. Keep it up and I don’t want another incident like the one during departmental, arasso?” coach pointed out.


“Neh. Arayo..” she still has to remind me of that? (AN: they’re talking about the bet Taeyeon made about getting 20pts in a game)


“Why are you so hyped up today huh danshin? We don’t do things like that in practice.” it is Yuri’s turn to arm-lock me. We don’t normally use fancy passes and dribbles while practicing especially when there is no opponent.


“Mwoya?! You can just say it. Why do you have to do that?” I fixed myself after being released by Yuri.


“I know why! Look over there Yuri, someone is watching and Taeyeon is putting on a good show for her.” Sooyoung said smirking at me while signaling our teammates to look at Yoona.


“We all know that Soo. Yuri is the only clueless person here.” Hyoyeon added rolling her eyes.


“So it means I’m the only person who is truly focused on our practice. WHAT ARE ALL OF YOU WAITING FOR? 10 LAPS!!!!” we quickly run for our dear life.


Uh oh…Monster Yuri mode is on….




It’s an abuse of power!! Yuri should be punished. Gaaah I’m so tired. I need some air.


After our 10 laps which Yuri called cooling time, I went out of the gym. The rain has stopped and it’s cold outside. I saw Hyomin and Sooyoung panting. Sooyoung is sitting on the grass while Hyomin is forcing her to stand up.


“Hyominnie stop. It’s okay, you don’t owe me any snacks anymore just let me rest now.” Sooyoung whined. She must be really tired to let her free snacks go.


“But Soo….please…you promised…”Hyomin insists.


“Aren’t you tired? I know she’s your energy pill but seriously I’m tired.” Sooyoung said.


I decided to interrupt.


“Janshins! What’s this all about? And who is Hyomin’s energy pill?”


“It’s nothing Hyoyeon. We’re just… know..playing around. He he” Hyomin explained nervously, not wanting to be exposed.


“Aigoo..Okay if you don’t want to tell me I’ll find it out myself. But I have a question for both of you and this is about Yuri.


At the mention of Yuri’s name they both give me their full attention. I know how precious Yuri is to both of them and I think they will be of a big help.


“Do you think Yuri likes that pingpong girl Yoona? I mean, I know it’s probably not that obvious and she might not even know it but still there are some indications that she likes her. Don’t you think?


They were both nodding and thinking, probably of instances where they notice those indications.


“Yes! I remember earlier Yuri’s about to wake her up but Taeyeon passed her.” Sooyoung said.


“I agree. And also on the day they arrived I overheard her and Coach Kahi. I think she’s teasing Yuri and she mentions something about looking at her on the bus. And we’re lying on the bed I thought she’s sleeping but I saw her looking at the floor where Yoona sleeps. Or at least that’s what I thought.” Hyomin added.


“So what are you planning Hyoyeon?” Sooyoung suddenly asked.


“Well let’s talk about it after lunch.” Our stomach made the same sound; we looked at each other and laugh hard.


How do I end up helping Yuri? I thought I want to punish her? Aigoo…






Practice was over. It was finally lunch time. I saw Hyomin, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and my other teammates heading to the pantry. Where is Taeyeon? We’re supposed to stick together. I looked around and saw her waiting for Yoona.


Do you like her that much Taeyeon? Are you going to play with her also like what you’ve been doing to others? I know Taeyeon is a player. She lures girls with her amazing basketball skills. When they are so into her, she’ll dump them like she didn’t know any of them. She told us the reason why and we understood. But seriously, to include Yoona-shi to them is too much.


“Taeyeon-ah!! Ppali! You know the rule. I’m very hungry!” I called her. We can’t eat our meals when someone is missing, or at least I can’t because I already saw Sooyoung devouring the food.


“Neh..You can just leave me. I will go to the pantry anyway.” She reasoned.


“Aniyo..BoA will be mad at me and lecture me about leadership. Come on” I pulled her coz I’m really hungry. I stopped before we enter the door.




“You really like her Tae? Or are you just playing around? If it is the latter, quit it. You’ll just hurt her and hurt yourself eventually.” I told her not looking at her and walked away.





I was surprised to hear what Yuri said. She never really talked to me about this kind of things. She respected the way I am. She didn’t care if I play around. Why now? Do you also like Yoona huh Yuri? I have to watch out for her. I’m not playing around. I like her.







It it crappy? Sorry guys. :'(

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ImYoona_JessicaJung #1
Chapter 52: YoonYul Please .
Chapter 52: I want JeTi moments more :(
Continue this pleaseee
umpks2004 #3
Chapter 52: hi...please continue this story....
troopers88 #4
Chapter 52: When you continue this story again >/////////<
Mannnnn really miss this story...
Miss yy moments... Sweet moments ...
Please gimme...gimme some..
Chapter 52: my..
just found this story.
YoonYul pleaseee
taengoo_love9 #8
Chapter 20: Oh darn I wanted yoontae T.T but as long as taeyeon gets all dramatic about it, I think it'll be fine :) I don't really like it when they just meet up, yoona tells taeyeon, tae's all cool about it, then they become I just like something dramatic. But this is ur fic. So it doesn't matter what I think really xD I still like yoonyul tho :p especially in hello baby xD
Chapter 52: update soon please... !! I'm starting to forget the story line because it's too long.. btw I will still wait till your next update... ^_^
Chapter 52: Hey long time no update...CHANGE IT! XDD
I'm still hanging in the air with JeTi, where's the love the love the love? <3<3<3
So Yuri finally understands she can't behave like before right? CHANGE IT! XD

Still waiting for MORE JeTi!