
Game Players, Love Players

A/N: To make it up to you guys for my semi-hiatus, here is a short update.




Yuri’s POV


“So are you going to tell me or not?” I am still waiting for Tiffany to tell me why she suddenly decided to change. Although I’m quite sure of the reason. We are now in the council office, resting, after settling the necessary first-day preparations.


“Hmmm I don’t know Yuri…I just feel like I have to do this.” She softly muttered.


“That’s the Tiffany I know.” I stood in front of her and gave her an encouraging smile. “You’ll figure it out soon. I’m sure of it.”


She stared at me and stood as well. “Come here, why are you so sweet today huh?” she hugged me and gave me a peck on my cheeks. I thought I heard a faint knock on the door.


"Yuri? Tiffany?"

“Yoona!” my mood automatically shifted from stressed to ecstatic. We pulled out of the hug & I quickly grabbed Yoona by the arm before she can even react.


“I hope I’m not interrupting something.” She suspiciously said.


“Oh come on Yoona, it’s just me. And besides, ahmmm ,I don’t think I should tell you.” Tiffany said after giving me a meaningful glare. “I’ll go ahead Yuri, meet you later. Bye Yoona!”


Yoona who seemed to woke up from a trance, stared at Tiffany with a vague expression. “Tiffany-unnie, you look great.”


“Thanks Yoona!”



“So, what brought you here.” I asked. But I immediately regretted asking, seeing how she took it the wrong way.


“I don’t know either. I should leave then.” She was about to turn around and leave but I know better to not let her.


“I miss you Yoong.” I pulled her into an embrace and wanted to kiss her on her lips but opted for her forehead instead. I longed for her lips but it is just not proper. I should make it official soon. I pulled out of the hug before I loose all of my self-control. Her hair alone makes me shiver. I think I can spend the whole day just smelling it. Is that what you call hair-, I do not know.


“You’re talking again.”


I don’t really get what she meant, then I remembered the thing she told me last time about walking rather than talking.


“Then, should we walk now?” I sarcastically answered.


“Pabo…” She pouted. Ahhh I just want to bite that lip.


“Are you saying something?” she asked looking at me quizzically.


“Did I say it out loud.” I grinned. “Let’s go before I bite that lip of yours.” I smirked. I can tell she’s blushing and it just made her more attractive. We went out of the room and walked side by side.


“Why are you so cheesy?” I stopped walking and faced her. “Tiffany said the same thing. Not cheesy though, she said I’m sweet.”


“Do you like girls like her? I mean the chic ones?”


“Define chic then. If you want to know my kind of girl, just look at the mirror.” I cheekily smiled at her and continued walking.



 “I didn’t know she’s such a player.” Girl one said.


“Of course! She’s the captain of the basketball team remember?” girl two said.


The second girl took a slight knock on her head.


“I think that’s not what she meant.” Girl three commented.




Hearty laughs can be heard on one side of the gym. The gang are gathered for the start of the season meeting. And Taeyeon is having a horrible time dealing with them.


“I cant believe you didn’t recognize her. I mean, how can you miss it?” Sooyoung managed to say in between laughters.


“Ahhhh!!! Will you stop it already guys! I told you she really looks different.” Taeyeon throws the ball to her teammates who just wouldn’t stop teasing her.


“I bet you made your moves before even realizing it, you probably tried to look so cool in front of her. Puahahaha” Hyoyeon burst out laughing and the others followed suit.




Instead of stopping, the gang laugh more, not missing the chance to pick on Taeyeon.


“You guys, I think we need to find Taeyeon a partner.” Sunny suggested. Obviously, wherever Hyomin is, she’s there.


“What’s wrong with Tiffany? She’s still up for grabs.” Taeyeon said.


“Are you sure you can handle Jessica’s wrath? I don’t even want to see her cold stare.” Amber squirmed at the thought.


“Oh I forgot about her. I-I think I can try. Sooyoung why don’t you take Jessica for me, please. You love her right?”


“I love Jessie, alright. But I know where she’ll be happy and it is with Tiffany, only Tiffany.” Sooyoung explained bitterly.


“Then you two should be together. It will be amusing to see a giant and a dwarf in a relationship.” Hyoyeon teasingly commented to the delight of the others.


“KIM CHODING!!!!” Taeyeon & Sooyoung attacked Hyoyeon.




lame.... O_o

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ImYoona_JessicaJung #1
Chapter 52: YoonYul Please .
Chapter 52: I want JeTi moments more :(
Continue this pleaseee
umpks2004 #3
Chapter 52: hi...please continue this story....
troopers88 #4
Chapter 52: When you continue this story again >/////////<
Mannnnn really miss this story...
Miss yy moments... Sweet moments ...
Please gimme...gimme some..
Chapter 52: my..
just found this story.
YoonYul pleaseee
taengoo_love9 #8
Chapter 20: Oh darn I wanted yoontae T.T but as long as taeyeon gets all dramatic about it, I think it'll be fine :) I don't really like it when they just meet up, yoona tells taeyeon, tae's all cool about it, then they become I just like something dramatic. But this is ur fic. So it doesn't matter what I think really xD I still like yoonyul tho :p especially in hello baby xD
Chapter 52: update soon please... !! I'm starting to forget the story line because it's too long.. btw I will still wait till your next update... ^_^
Chapter 52: Hey long time no update...CHANGE IT! XDD
I'm still hanging in the air with JeTi, where's the love the love the love? <3<3<3
So Yuri finally understands she can't behave like before right? CHANGE IT! XD

Still waiting for MORE JeTi!