
Game Players, Love Players



To be honest I didn’t really understand how I feel towards Yoona. I had cases in the past where I thought I have feelings for someone but it turned out that I just want to be close to them. Of course I still find Yoona beautiful and I’m sure I want to get closer to her. But since she likes Taeyeon, I think I can forget about crushing on her. It’s not cool coz their feelings are mutual. Anyway, it’s more fun making Taeyeon jealous. Atleast on my part there are no feelings involved while playing this game. Hehe.


I walked over to Sooyoung to ask her help on my plan but she didn’t seem to notice my presence. She’s smiling like an idiot reading a message from someone.


“Hi Bora!” I faked a greeting to the person she’s texting with.


*THUD! CRASH! “Awww! My phone!” Sooyoung suddenly get up from the bed only to be knocked down again. Her hand phone all over the floor.


“Where is she?” she asked looking for someone.




“She! You said hi to her!” she looked at me in disbelief.


“Bora?” I said dumbly when a smile crept onto my face. Sooyoung nodded before finally realizing that I’ve been trolling her.


“You prankster! Aissshh why did I even fall for that one. Don’t you have anyone to play your games Yuri?”


“Actually I have. And I need your help. It will be fun.” I told her not minding her death glares.


“As long as it’s not me I’m in. Who?”  








“I’m lucky that you’re my bed mate Taeyeon. Please take care of me well” I told Taeyeon half bowing.


I’m actually very nervous because I know very few players and it would be very awkward to sleep with others you don’t know. My teammates are two beds away.


“I’m the luckiest Yoona for having you as my bed mate.” Taeyeon said while staring at me.


Why is she so cheesy? I blushed a little with the way she’s staring. We keep on talking things, getting to know each other better. She’s really an adorable person.


I was sitting on my bed while she’s standing on the space between our bed when she lifted her left hand and placed it on my bed.


‘Is she going to touch my legs?’










I have this sweet time talking to Yoona when I saw from the side of my eyes the janshins coming. Yuri and Sooyoung are walking towards our direction wearing their grins and smirk that tells you their up to no good.


‘I have to do something’


I intentionally placed my left hand to Yoona’s bed exactly when Yuri is about to pass by.


“Ouch!” I saw Yuri holding her neck which hit my arms.


‘Kekeke good for you’


“Yah Taeyeon! Are we playing limbo rock? You did it on purpose didn’t you?”


“Aniyo. I’m just stretching because my arms and legs are getting stiff. You just happen to pass by suddenly.”


“Yes we’re just passing by. Bye Yoona! Be careful from this danshin here.” Yuri gave Yoona her killer smile which she gladly returns with hers.


‘Aw Yoona! It should be for me only. Kwon Yuri you really are my nemesis.’


“Ow! I think you should be the one watching your back Yuri. Taeyeon’s father is in the army. She might just shoot you with her father’s M16 rifle. Kekeke.” Sooyoung commented after seeing how I look at Yuri after her smiling session with Yoona.


“Yah! If you are just passing through, go quickly. We are in the middle of a conversation.” I said a bit irritated.


“Hahahaha! Oooohhh I’m scared!” Yuri said while running off with Sooyoung.


“Thanks for keeping me Taeyeon. I’m really sleepy. Goodnight!” Yoona suddenly said.


“But….oh well…you must be tired. Goodnight then.” I helplessly replied.


‘Those two mongrels just ruined my moment with Yoona.’





“Did you see her face? Daebak! I love making fun of her.” Yuri is laughing like crazy.


I don’t understand this girl. I thought she likes Yoona.


“Hmmm Yuri, is it true that you don’t like Yoona anymore?”


“Yes. I don’t like her the way Taeyeon did but I still like her. She’s cool.” She said still catching her breath.


Well I guess she didn’t really like her.


“Don’t think too much about it Soo. I’ll tell you everything if there are any changes. As for now, she’s all Taeyeon’s and we are messing it all out. Hehehe.” Yuri said.


I just shrugged and followed her. It’s ok to pull some pranks once in a while and I know Yuri won’t ever cross the line.


“Let’s find your Bora.” I snapped out of my thoughts immediately coz I know I will be the next possible victim of this prankster.


“Yah Yuri not me again. She’s just an inspiration while where here. Nothing serious. A reason to make me want to wake up while we’re here. For fun. Please don’t tease me.” I pleaded.


“Stop being so defensive Choi Sooyoung!” Yuri said looking at me holding a smile on her face.


I then realized that I’ve been talking nonsense more than I have to. Oh my! She’s not gonna stop now. I literally face palmed myself for my stupidity.







It’s finally time to sleep. I still wonder who’s the person occupying the bed beside me. I was about to sleep when I heard a movement.


“Unnie? You’re my bed mate? I didn’t recognize your bag.” I said when I saw BoA unnie preparing to sleep.


“How could you when you’re late this afternoon.” She said talking how I’m late in the bus.


“Oooops. I have good reasons though.” I just shrugged.


She put her luggage below the bed and her handbag beside her pillow. I noticed something that seems familiar. It was a weird looking flute. I was about to reach it when she slapped my hand.


“Why are people acting strange over this.” She asked.


“People? I just thought it looks familiar. I think I already saw it or at least it looks like it.”


“It’s impossible! I got it from a temple in California. And I’m sure it’s the only one.” She stated.


“Really? How can you be so sure?” I asked still thinking where I saw that thing.


“Because the maker of this thing who happened to be my spiritual adviser is dead.”





It was finally morning. Five more hours and we are arriving at Jeju. I received a message from Jessica-unnie telling that she already misses me. Well I miss her too. I looked if Taeyeon is already awake and saw her bed empty. The person sleeping on my other side is packing her bags.


“Hi your Yoona right? Nice to meet you. I will be spending the rest of the trip with my friends on the other side. You can use my bed. Bye!” she seems to be in a hurry.


“Okay thanks!” I just replied. Who should I give the bed to? I looked around and saw Yuri lying on her bed alone listening to a song. I waved at her when she looked at me and signaled her to come over.


“Hey Yoona! How’s your sleep?”


“Good. Ahm my bed mate move out to her friends. If you want you can have her bed.”


She smiled that playful smile. “I’m not sure if Taeyeon will be happy, but ok I’ll transfer there.”


She quickly grabbed her things and transfers it to the other bed.


“Thanks for inviting me over Yoona!” she again smiled this time genuinely.


“Sure! I had fun talking to you in the bus.” I returned her smile. Then I saw Taeyeon’s grim face coming.


*dugeun duegun dugeun





Lousy chapter after a long absence. Sorry guys I've been busy. Actually I still am. Just don't want you to wait for long. Be good guys! Love you all.

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ImYoona_JessicaJung #1
Chapter 52: YoonYul Please .
Chapter 52: I want JeTi moments more :(
Continue this pleaseee
umpks2004 #3
Chapter 52: hi...please continue this story....
troopers88 #4
Chapter 52: When you continue this story again >/////////<
Mannnnn really miss this story...
Miss yy moments... Sweet moments ...
Please gimme...gimme some..
Chapter 52: my..
just found this story.
YoonYul pleaseee
taengoo_love9 #8
Chapter 20: Oh darn I wanted yoontae T.T but as long as taeyeon gets all dramatic about it, I think it'll be fine :) I don't really like it when they just meet up, yoona tells taeyeon, tae's all cool about it, then they become friends....lol I just like something dramatic. But this is ur fic. So it doesn't matter what I think really xD I still like yoonyul tho :p especially in hello baby xD
Chapter 52: update soon please... !! I'm starting to forget the story line because it's too long.. btw I will still wait till your next update... ^_^
Chapter 52: Hey long time no update...CHANGE IT! XDD
I'm still hanging in the air with JeTi, where's the love the love the love? <3<3<3
So Yuri finally understands she can't behave like before right? CHANGE IT! XD

Still waiting for MORE JeTi!