Here We Go Again.....

Game Players, Love Players



All I want is to vent whatever this is that I’m feeling right now. I grab a ball and made my way to the old gym. I practiced my dribbling and shooting non-stop but nothing was going in. Soon I was panting heavily. I furiously throw the ball to the other side and lie down. I closed my eyes thinking what could have been happening to me. I opened my eyes and saw someone standing right next to me. Then,




“Arghhh!! WTH unnie!!!” BoA unnie threw the ball on my stomach.


“You’re lucky I didn’t throw it to your face. Up!” she ordered me to stand up.


“You expect me to stand up immediately after this pain you caused me?”


“UP! Or I’ll throw another one.” She threatened. She knew I’m faking it coz she’s well aware of my toned abs.


“Okay! Okay! No need to be cranky.” I quickly get up.


“Now speak up. Tell me what’s wrong.” She demanded.


“What are you talking about?” I tried to avoid the confrontation by acting clueless.


“Stop acting like you don’t know, little cousin.” She looked at me impatiently.


“You really are cranky today huh. Maybe a little too cranky. Did you see Kahi unnie?” I asked her suspiciously. She’s only this cranky when we’re talking about her, or when they had an encounter.


“STOP CHANGING THE TOPIC KWON!” this time she’s really irritated.


She calmed herself down also surprised by her sudden outburst.


“Mian..Now talk to me. What’s up with this ty shooting? I know you Yuri. Something’s bothering you?” she asked, concerned.


“Aniyo….It’s more of a “someone”…I just don’t know why..” I said, not really understanding what’s going on. “I thought it is nothing but it is so scary thinking how she affects me.”


“Well looking at how you’re so distressed about it, I guess you really like Im Yoona.” She said half worried.



I looked at her with the biggest shock in my face.


“But how….you know??”


“Of course I know, Yuri. Aside from being your coach, I’m also your cousin. I know you more than anyone. Sometimes I think I even know you more than you know yourself.”


“Well….how does you suppose I deal with this?”


“There is nothing wrong in liking someone. It’s normal. Don’t get worked out over it. Just use it to make yourself better.”


“Yeah right…coming from someone like you who is…..Awwww!” I was about to again about the cranky thing but she smacked my head.


“Don’t start!” she was about to smack me again when I heard my phone rings, which is obviously with her cause it was confiscated when we arrived.


“Unnie! I miss my phone~~” I whined stretching both my arms to my phone.


She picked the call up and it was Tiffany.


“Yes Tiff?...Oh okay I’ll remind her. Yes. Thanks Tiff that is so sweet of you. Bye. Take care always.” She ended the call.


“UNNIE!!! Not a single hello? Not fair!” I whined more.


“Yah! Act your age. What did you do your last life that you’re loved by a lot of persons huh? She told me to remind you about your exams tomorrow. That’s all.” She put the phone back to her bag.


“I didn’t even have the chance to chat with my Fany-ah” I pout.


“Aishh chincha…you’re making me think that you have the hots for her as well.” She looked at me unbelievably.


“Bleh…Merong unnie!” I ran as fast as I could and grabbed the ball to prevent her from throwing it again to me.


“KWON YURI!!!!” she shouted.





(I hope you’ll do well in this area Yuri…unlike your unnie…*sigh) (BoA)





At the thought of my exams the next day, I temporarily forgot about what I’m going through. I also have to admit, my little chat with BoA unnie is very helpful.


After dinner I prepared to study the notes Tiffany lent me. But we were asked to turn off the lights early. BoA came to our room and asked.


“Why is the light still on? Is there any problem here?”


“I have two major exams tomorrow and I can’t study. That’s the problem.” I speak loudly causing others to giggle.


“Ah yeah. Okay, those who need to catch up on their studies can use the other side of the room with low lights.” She said then walked out.


“Thanks un..I mean Coach!” I smiled.


I grabbed my things and went to the other side. My teammates are all sleeping but I saw a couple of volleyball players who are mostly seniors followed me. I focused on my notes and so were they. After a couple of hours, we decided to chat a bit before going to sleep.


“So Yuri what course are you in?” Victoria Song, the captain of volleyball team asked.


“Accountancy.” I replied shortly.


“Jeongmallo? And you still manage to be in a varsity team? That course has the strictest retention policy in all universities. You are jjang Yuri-shi!” another volleyball player commented.


“Kamsahamnida!” I humbly replied.


“She’s also the student council president of that department, mind you.” Another person said.


“How did you know?” I asked shyly. I’m not use to this kind of things.


“My dongsaeng is your hoobae.” She smiled


“Wow you are really admirable Yuri-shi plus you are so cute. I’m Sunny by the way” she smiled at me.


“Nice to meet you Sunny, and also you guys. But I think it’s getting late. I think we should sleep.” I suggested.


Everyone prepared to leave except for one. The other girls made their way out. I approached the last person.


“Excuse me miss, are you not done yet?” I tapped her shoulders but was shocked.






“Ah…. If you’re done just turn off the lights. I’ll go ahead….oryoucouldjustaskmetostay.” I mumbled.


It was Yoona. I didn’t know she’s here all along. I must be really focused then.


“No. Just five minutes and I’m actually heading back as well.” She said while still reading her notes.


“I’ll wait for you then.” I decided to stay.


“It’s up to you…” she shrugged.


“If it is Math I can help you.” I offered.


“Are accountants expert in Math?” she half joked still looking at her notes. Just look at me once and I’m fine.


“It’s a misconception actually but my background in high school is engineering.” I said.


“Done!” she said and closed her notebook. “Let’s go Yuri!”


She then looked at me smiled and grabbed my wrist coz I’m still not moving.








Here we go again…….I thought rubbing my chest to calm my heart down.






Hi guys! I'm waiting for the system to recover my previous chapters before I re-upload it but decided not to.

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ImYoona_JessicaJung #1
Chapter 52: YoonYul Please .
Chapter 52: I want JeTi moments more :(
Continue this pleaseee
umpks2004 #3
Chapter 52: hi...please continue this story....
troopers88 #4
Chapter 52: When you continue this story again >/////////<
Mannnnn really miss this story...
Miss yy moments... Sweet moments ...
Please gimme...gimme some..
Chapter 52: my..
just found this story.
YoonYul pleaseee
taengoo_love9 #8
Chapter 20: Oh darn I wanted yoontae T.T but as long as taeyeon gets all dramatic about it, I think it'll be fine :) I don't really like it when they just meet up, yoona tells taeyeon, tae's all cool about it, then they become I just like something dramatic. But this is ur fic. So it doesn't matter what I think really xD I still like yoonyul tho :p especially in hello baby xD
Chapter 52: update soon please... !! I'm starting to forget the story line because it's too long.. btw I will still wait till your next update... ^_^
Chapter 52: Hey long time no update...CHANGE IT! XDD
I'm still hanging in the air with JeTi, where's the love the love the love? <3<3<3
So Yuri finally understands she can't behave like before right? CHANGE IT! XD

Still waiting for MORE JeTi!