It's You, Always

Hana scratched the back of her neck as she left the admin office, she made her way to the now familiar halls and she reached the elevators. She took out the sealable packet of Honey Butter Almond from her purse and started munching on them as she got in on one of the machines. She pressed for the thirty-second floor, wanting to check out the pool bar.

“Good morning, young miss.” One of the staff greeted her as she stepped out, Hana smiled back and made her way towards SK Gangnam’s famous indoor pool that was equipped with a bar.

She got inside the venue and looked around, two males were cleaning the infinity pool while the bar was being prepped for the night.

“Look at you, actually working.”

She turned behind her, Kai was tucking a folder under his arm as he walked towards her.

“I dropped by your office thinking you were there,” She offered him the almonds, he politely declined before checking her get up.

“Look, before you sat anything, it’s Gucci.” She pointed out, fully knowing that Kai would nag her.

“Those are pajamas.” Kai stated flatly.

“Matching silk pajamas by Gucci, and look,” She lifted one pant let up to show her pointed Gucci sling backs.

“I got them matching shoes.” She said proudly, Kai chuckled and gently steered her further from the pool.

“So, how’s your morning so far? No problems encountered?” Kai asked her as they walked, employees would greet them as they passed by.

“Nothing, but I did taste the chef’s special for today.”

“Of course, you only care about the food.” Kai chuckled, then Hana paused, her forehead creased as she stared at his necktie.

“Wait,” She bit her lower lip as she leaned over to straighten his tie, Jongin paused, his eyes went to her face as the girl fixed his tie with concentration.

“Hana?” Another voice joined in, Kai turned his head and saw Myungsoo slowly approaching them. Hana followed his gaze and she froze, Kai looked at the girl again as she dropped her arms to her sides.


“I was told you might be here, are you ready?” He smiled as he reached them.

“Ah, you two are heading out, hyung?” Kai greeted the male, Myungsoo nodded back. Hana bit her lip before facing the older male again.

“I’ll be heading out then, here.” Hana handed him to pack of almonds.

“I’ll drive her back myself,” Myungsoo joked before offering his arm to the girl, Kai laughed.

“See you later, Joginie.” She gave him a small wave before following Myungsoo, Kai’s eyes went to the older male’s arm.

Hana didn’t take his offered one.



“Like always, caramel macchiato.” Myungsoo smiled as he set the tray down the table, he pushed her drink towards the girl.

“It has been a while, huh? Have you been well?” He asked her, Hana bit her lip before taking a small sip from her drink.

“Bora Bora’s been nice to me, oppa. If that’s what you want to ask.”

Myungsoo nodded back and ed his coat, he leaned back on his seat before meeting her gaze.

“You’re curious, huh? Why I asked you to go out?”

Hana looked at her fingers, she started to count the Cartier bangles on her wrist.

“Yeah, honestly, oppa, we have nothing to talk about.” She said carefully, Myungsoo exhaled and his lips.

Hana looked away, her brows furrowed, she picked up her drink and leaned back on her seat.

“They want us to get married this year.” Myungsoo spoke softly, Hana’s eyes went to him.

“I wanted you to hear it from me first.” He continued, Hana halted, her lower lip quivered.

“Married?” She stuttered, Myungsoo nodded.

“It came quite a shock to us, but Sera seems okay with it. Actually, I~”

“Oppa, there’s this thing,” Hana cut him, he paused and looked at her. She took out her phone and grabbed her purse.

“Jongin kind of needs me back at the hotel.” She started to stand, Myungsoo also stood up and took hold of her hand.

“Hana, I’m sor~”

“No, don’t, this isn’t about what you just said. I just really forgot that I had this thing with the GM. Anyway, thanks for the coffee, oppa.” She said as she pulled her hand from his grip.

“And, best wishes.” Hana said before rushing out of the café.



“What is this, abeoji?” Kai asked as he looked at the files before him, he was at his father’s office. He had been called in earlier, his father had requested his presence at the company.

“I need your opinion on these recent buy outs,” The elder gestured for him to take the files.

Kai grinned at his father before picking up the documents he started to browse through them carefully.

“I heard from Jungshik that you’re helping his daughter with her training?” The elder spoke as he joined him.

“Yeah, Hana.” Kai murmured as he started to read the papers.

“Her father she said she’s quite a handful.”

“She’s okay, abeoji.” Kai replied vaguely, he set the folder down and picked up another one.

“Well, it is time~”

Kai’s phone started to ring, his brows rose as he realized it was his secretary.

“Yes, did something happen?”

“It’s the agasshi, sir.” The male said carefully, Kai paused, his brows went up.

“Hana went out earlier.” He spoke.

“Yes, but she came back just a few minutes after. I saw her drinking at the bar, and then when I came back to ask her if she needed anything, she was already gone.”

“Drinking? This early?” Kai muttered to himself as he glanced at his watch.

“She’s not in her suite?” He excused himself from his father and he walked towards the windows.

“No, I checked the CCTV footage, she didn’t go up, but she left. She was driving.”

Kai exhaled and shook his head.

“From the footage, the young miss seems to have had a lot to drink, she was wobbling.”



Hana kicked the bottle away from her as she plopped down on the grass, she leaned against her Lexus and looked at the view before her.

“Married? What a joke.” She muttered to herself as she pressed the back of her head on the car.

Hana felt tears roll down her cheeks and she huffed, she groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. She was about to stand when she heard her phone start ringing, she messily took it out from her purse and looked at the screen.

GM-nim Joginie

“Whoa, if only you had called earlier.” She murmured to herself as she tossed her phone away from her.

“Wow, I hate that you’re back.” A familiar voice stated, Hana flinched as she looked up, there was a male standing before her.

“Mark? Hi.” She beamed at him, her cheeks flushed due to the alcohol. The male ignored her and picked up her still ringing phone. He slid on the green icon and spoke.

“Sorry, drunk Hana can’t come to the phone right now. I’ll have her delivered back to the hotel and have her call you back.” He said without pause, he ended the call and looked at his friend.

“Mark Tuan!” She cooed, Mark eyed her warily, he noticed how swollen her eyes were.

“Were you crying?” He sighed as he knelt down to met her gaze, Hana paused and hiccupped.

“Hana,” Mark shook his head before trying to help her up.

“H—He…They’re getting married, Mark. Married.” She whispered, Mark stilled and met his friend’s gaze.

He didn’t know what to say, and then tears started to roll down Hana’s cheeks. The girl sloppily tried to wipe her tears away.

“W—Why did I even come home?” She complained, Mark bit his lip and just took the car keys from her.

“This . I want to go home.” She muttered darkly, the Tuan boy shook his head and hugged his friend.

“Hana, we had a deal. You should have forgotten about him.” Mark stated.

“It’s not that easy, you know that.” She sputtered as she turned for the car and climbed on the backseat, Mark exhaled before taking off his coat and placing it over the girl.

He took his phone out and called Hyemi.

“Hey, did you find her?”

“Sera and Myungsoo are getting married. Hana's drunk.” Mark glanced at his friend again.


“Of course, any form of bad news will always be about Sera.”



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Chapter 36: Sera got really owned big time hahaah
Chapter 2: Imagine having a SWAT team waiting for you
14 streak #3
Chapter 36: How did I miss out on this story.. it's so cute! Tho I was hoping something more than shipping Sera to Busan lol but at least she's far from seoul
Chapter 36: When they get married, they have a fridge for banana milk. Hahaha!
Chapter 36: Second time reading this story!!!❤❤❣💕
Chapter 36: One year later, re-reading it for the fourth? five? times (maybe more) and I still love this story. ♡♡♡
Pxnellyxq #7
Chapter 36: Third reread bruh I reread all your stories
Chapter 36: i'm so in love with this story, even after i read it lots of times! T.T hehe
thank you for writing this lovely story!! ♥️
Pxnellyxq #9
Chapter 36: wow...i love it ??