It's You, Always

“Ohhhh, that was some crazy  you pulled!” Mark cheered as they stepped out of the coffee shop, Hana was holding onto a couple of shopping bags with her as she sipped on her iced latte.

“I had to corner her before I start..actually working.” She mumbled, Mark took the bags from her and nodded.

“And let me guess, Hyemi gave you crap for doing that.” He said to her, Hana nodded.

“She thinks its too much.” She rolled her eyes, Mark nodded back.

She balked at him and slapped his arm.

“You went a little crazy there, Han, not gonna lie. But you had to do it.”

“Well, someone had to rein in that , Mark. You’ve been telling me to~”

“Forcing Myungsoo to speak to the elders? Sabotaging whatever plans he may have made in breaking it down to them gently?”

Hana stopped, she chewed on her lower lip and looked away from her friend.

“I’m all for it, Han. I love that you’re finally stepping forward, but what you did today…was a little..hmm, low for you.”

“You’re not happy that I did it?” She asked him, unsure.

“Heck, I’m proud of you for doing that. I was just going with Hyemi’s script.” He chortled as they reached his car.

“So, tonight, we’re celebrating this. Finally, Kang Hana has come to her senses.” He cackled as he opened the car’s door for her.

“Well, there’s still one thing you have yet to to admit though,” He said as he loaded the shopping bags into the vehicle.


“You and your Nini.”

Hana paused, her brows went up, she chewed on her lip and shook her head.

“Mark, I don’t~”

“Nah, save it, sweetheart.” He cooed and ran away from her before Hana could punch him in the arm. Mark yanked the driver’s door opened and laughed.

“Since you’re already in the process of taking risks, why not him too?”

“This isn’t a game, Tuan Yi En!” She hissed at him before getting in the vehicle.

“Sure, but have you seen how he looks at you?” Mark mused to himself before getting in the vehicle.



“This is wrong, I am so going to be bloated tomorrow.” Hana said as she put another piece of candied shrimp in . Kai grinned and walked with her.

“How was your move today? I heard from secretary Lee you almost murdered Mark.” He said jokingly, Hana grinned and hooked arms with him.

“He sent me one of statue of some Greek god, he suggests that I put it on my center table.”

Kai laughed, Hana elbowed him.

“You should come by and help me keep count of my banana milk stash.”

“You mean, you’re running out and too ashamed to bring boxes of banana milk yourself?” Kai recounted, Hana grew sheepish and she just leaned her cheek against his arm. Kai tensed briefly, but his lips quirked up. He liked seeing her this way, relaxed and just being herself.

“What were you going to tell me? Hyemi told me to be firm with you.”

Hana grinned and shook her head.

“I had lunch earlier, with the family.” She said dryly while rolling her eyes.

“They wanted to celebrate my taking over, but I had something else in mind.”

“Oh, should I be worried?” Kai glanced at her in a joking manner.

“Nope. But, I decided to invite Myungsoo oppa to that lunch. It was a treat.”

Kai paused, his brows went up. This was another side of Hana, the one he rarely got to see, she was fighting back. And he liked it, although, he knew she had a tendency to be reckless.

“So, I told them we should be celebrating the engagement instead, and they got pressured into revealing if they’ve already decided the date of the wedding,”

“Oh my, Hana.” Kai was stunned, but he couldn’t hide his smile either.

“So, the Myungsoo that I know, would never lie or be pressured into lying, he spilled the beans.”

Kai was impressed, the girl was a genius.

“Guess who got sidetracked by this spoiled brat?” She pointed to herself, Kai chuckled.

“So, did Hyemi tell you to yell at me?” She flinched.

“I would never, but nice move, Hana.” Kai chuckled and pulled the girl closer to his side.

“Does this mean we’ll get ice cream on the way home?”


“And you’ll come by with banana milk?” She asked, her voice full of hope.

“Of course.”



Sera looked at her palms as her mother took her seat right across hers, the Kang elder was still seated on his desk. He was on the phone with Myungsoo’s father, president Kim of Kim Oil Group, also known as Myungsoo’s father.

“What did you do?” Her mother whispered harshly.

“Eomma, I~”

“You had one job. And that was to secure your position.” She hissed at her, Sera looked away.

“I worked so hard for us, and now you just let him go?“

“I didn’t mean for this to happen, eomma. I didn’t know what Myungsoo oppa would~”

“Of course he would drop you, Hana is the bigger fish. That’s why I wanted you grab hold of him.” She snapped before standing up, Sera bit on her lip to prevent her tears from falling down.

“You useless brat.” Her mother stated before leaving the room, the doors shut loudly that it distracted her stepfather.

Sera shook her head at him and gestured for him to continue the talk, it has been reported that Myungsoo had left the country a few hours after their dinner last night. He just left a message for his parents before leaving, promising them that he’d be back once things have settled down.

“Sera, what happened? Did you and Myungsoo fight?” The elder stood up from his seat and walked towards her.

Your daughter happened.

She had to destroy everything.

“I’m sorry, appa. I guess, the two of us wont happen.” She swallowed.

“But I thought you two loved each other.” He spoke softly, he sat down beside the girl and took hold of her hand.

Sera chewed on her lower lip, her forehead creased before speaking.

“Hana.” She said, the elder paused.


“It must have been her, appa. I’ve always had a gut feeling that she didn’t want me to marry him.”

“W—Why would she want that?”

“Because, she’s always liked Myungsoo, ever since I started going out with him, she always pointed out that,” She sobbed.

“I would never be good for him because I’m not in his level. Because I’m not a Han.”

The elder grew quiet, he exhaled before giving her hand a tight squeeze.

“That’s…I’ll talk to Hana.” He said before stepping out of the room, Sera smirked and wiped her tears away.

“Let’s see how you play this one, Kang Hana.”



Hana smiled as she stepped in the conference room, the directors all stood up as soon as she appeared. Sera bit on her lip as she followed suit, there was another seat right beside chairman Kang.

It was Hana’s, there was also a nameplate that had her name on it. And her position.

Vice President of SK Holdings

Sera exhaled and looked away, that was her spot. She was the one who worked tirelessly for the company and yet her was the girl, who didn’t even raise an arm to help out. And Hana was now VP, no sweat. She got her seat just because she finally felt like working.

Sera’s fists curled to her side.

“It’s nice to finally have you with us, vice president Kang.” One of the directors greeted her warmly.

“I’m glad you’re all here to welcome me, uncle. I’ll rely on your guidance.” She chuckled before taking her seat, the other members of the BOD followed suit.

Hana glanced at her father, he gave her a small smile before patting her lap.

“Let’s start now.” He announced before leaning closer to his child. Hana’s eyes roamed around the room and he noticed how Sera smirked at her. She was about to react when her father spoke to her in low tones.

“Let us talk later. I cannot believe what you did to your sister and Myungsoo.”



Kai was speaking with the kitchen staff when his phone started to ring. He took out the device and saw Hyemi’s name.


“Where are you?” She demanded, Kai blinked, stunned.

“I’m at the hotel. What is~”

“You shouldn’t be there, Kai.” She groaned.

“Hyemi, I’m at work~”

“No, you have to be at SK’s main office. It’s Hana!” She said, Kai could hear how the girl was rushing from the other end.

“Hana? Did something happen?” He excused himself and stepped out of the room.

“Sera just made a move, Hana’s secretary called and told me that she and her dad got in a huge fight right after the BOD meeting this morning.”

Jongin started to rush for the elevator, he got in and pressed for the lobby.

“Fight? Why?” He questioned, he could not imagine chairman Kang arguing with his daughter, they were so close.

“Apparently, Sera…Sera claimed that Hana was the one who tried stealing Myungsoo from her.”

The doors pinged open, Kai jogged across the lobby and gestured for the valet to get his car.

“Kai, you need to talk to her. This…is going to destroy her, you know that.”

“I know, Hyemi. I’m already on my way.”

“You don’t understand..her father is the only person she has left, if she loses him too, Hana..Hana..”

The call ended, Kai was waiting for his car to arrive when he noticed a familiar Ferrari 488 pull over the curb. The other hotel staff scrambled towards the vehicle and then Hana slid down from the vehicle.

Kai made his way towards her, the moment he saw the look on her face, he knew something had gone terribly wrong.

“Hana,” He spoke softly as he reached her, Hana looked up, her eyes swollen and her cheeks, tearstained.

“Nini, I~” She sobbed before shaking her head. Kai bit his lip before wrapping his arms around the girl.

“I…He doesn’t believe me. He thinks..I really did it.” She cried quietly, her shoulders were trembling as Kai tried to soothe the girl. The hotel employees politely averted their gazes and gave the two some space.

“He thinks..I was the one who took Myungsoo from her…It’s not fair.”

“I know, Hana. But you can’t let this set you back.” He spoke softly as he gently patted her back.

“I’m losing him to them too..I…I can’t…” She shook her head and pulled back, Kai met her gaze evenly. Hana bit her lip, she was looking at him, really looking at him. She was searching for something in his eyes.

“What is it?” Kai asked as he planted his hands on her waist.

“I won’t lose you too, right?” She breathed, Kai shook his head and gingerly wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

“I mean, I~” Hana stuttered, realizing what she had just said. But Kai was smiling as he cupped cheeks.


“You would never lose me, Han.”



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Chapter 36: Sera got really owned big time hahaah
Chapter 2: Imagine having a SWAT team waiting for you
14 streak #3
Chapter 36: How did I miss out on this story.. it's so cute! Tho I was hoping something more than shipping Sera to Busan lol but at least she's far from seoul
Chapter 36: When they get married, they have a fridge for banana milk. Hahaha!
Chapter 36: Second time reading this story!!!❤❤❣💕
Chapter 36: One year later, re-reading it for the fourth? five? times (maybe more) and I still love this story. ♡♡♡
Pxnellyxq #7
Chapter 36: Third reread bruh I reread all your stories
Chapter 36: i'm so in love with this story, even after i read it lots of times! T.T hehe
thank you for writing this lovely story!! ♥️
Pxnellyxq #9
Chapter 36: wow...i love it ??