Crazy With Worry

Wishful Thinking

You were standing with the water up to your chest as you were thinking about what happened earlier. The waves were hitting your body and the sun was setting as you felt the cold finally touch you.


You narrowed your eyes and hissed, “It’s none of your business what and how I live my life. You have no right to yell at me like that. Just because my life is in the hands of this little bottle doesn’t mean that I have to let it live my life for me. I think I’ve had enough of you for today so go on and do whatever you want and let me enjoy my time at the beach.” Jaejoong froze in shock and didn’t utter a word as you walked past him to the ocean.

*Flashback Ends*

*Maybe I was too harsh on him…he was just trying to help. I shouldn’t have yelled at him like that especially when he came and saved me from those erts.* You were trying to think of a way to make it up to him that you didn’t notice the huge wave forming until it was too late.
“MISS! WATCH OUT!” Your body was thrown into the water as the wave hit you. You desperately tried to swim to the surface since you were running out of air. You couldn’t breathe and the waves kept coming at you. *NO! I can’t possibly die like this! My life’s already shortened by my weak heart, and I’m not ready to leave the world yet! Someone help me!* It became harder for you to keep your eyes opened. The last thing you saw was someone swimming to you before you slipped into darkness.
Jaejoong finished setting out the candles on the table along with all the food on top. He had gone out and bought ingredients for dinner and personally made it himself. He was admiring his work before his cell phone rang. He went to pick it up and became ecstatic when he saw your name flash on the ID screen.

“~~~~~-ah! Hurry and co…” “Excuse me Young Master Jaejoong, I’m calling from Kim Hospitals here in JeJu Island,” Jaejoong’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he was listening to the speaker, “Your wife has been checked into the hospital earlier for almost drowning at the ocean. Could you please come here and sign some papers?” Jaejoong hurriedly ended the call and phoned down to the front office demanding a taxi to be at the front before he came down. *Please God! Please let ~~~~~-ah be okay. Please don’t take her away from me now!* Jaejoong picked up his phone to call your parents to inform them about what happened.

You opened your eyes to see once again that you were in a hospital room. You gasped in surprise as you saw a stranger sitting next to your bedside watching you. You were about to scream in shock but he kindly smiled and assured you that it’s alright. You whispered, “Who are you?” He chuckled and held out his hand, “Hello ~~~~~-shii. I’m very glad that you are okay.” You tilted your head in confusion. He continued, “Do you remember almost drowning in the ocean earlier?” You then remembered that you had almost died and you thanked God that you hadn’t. “Were you the one that saved me?” His smile became bigger as he answered, “Yes, my name is Jung Yunho.” You weakly smiled as you shook his hand. At that moment you heard loud footsteps and someone calling your name. *Jaejoong Oppa?* The door flew open as Jaejoong ran in and collapsed next to your bed. “~~~~~-ah! Are you alright?! What happened?! There isn’t anything serious right?!” He kept throwing out questions when you hadn’t been able to answer even the first ones.

“JAEJOONG OPPA!” He stopped talking. “Calm down! I’m okay!” He sighed in relief and guiltily said, “Umm…I called everyone and they’re flying over here as we speak…” Your eyes widened and you shouted, “What?! They’re just going to freak out!” Jaejoong sheepishly rubbed the back of his head and replied, “They were going to find out anyway since this hospital is owned by my dad.” “Ugh!” You groaned and lay back down. “Ahem.” Both you and Jaejoong looked to Yunho. “I think I should go since this really isn’t any of my business.” Yunho got up walked towards you and took your hand, “It’s been a pleasure meeting you and I hope you feel better.” He kissed you hand and walked out. A slight blush formed on your cheeks while Jaejoong just seethed in anger as he witnessed what happened. He hissed, “Who the hell was that?” You turned to Jaejoong, raised an eyebrow and replied, “He was the one that saved me. Do you have a problem with him?” Jaejoong just stared at you and was going to answer until your heart monitor started beeping like crazy. He stood frozen in the room as you started breathing harder and harder. “~~~~~-AH! WHAT’S WRONG?! ARE YOU OKAY?!” All you heard was Jaejoong screaming your name until you slipped into a coma like state.

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sluggie- #2
This is good
seems interesting
whiteshirt #4
jaejoong and taecyeon!! :DD
both good leader of a nice group! :D
Keep it up!
keep it up author ^^
sjlovessuju #7
Aww jaejoong's reaction was hilarious ;P<br />
Please update soon!~
Deidre #8
hey, please update soon.<br />
Love your fanfic.