
Wishful Thinking

Jaejoong was sitting beside you later that afternoon. Taeyeon had left to go get the work you were missing for that day. He was just staring at your beauty as you were sleeping. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Earlier Taeyeon and you had stressed the fact that nobody was to know about the pretend dating. He felt bad about lying to everyone but he didn’t mind helping you out. In fact for some reason he just can’t seem to say no to you. The next moment his head turned as he heard the sound of the door opening. “Oh, Taeyeon you’re ba-..” His eyes widened, it wasn’t Taeyeon it was Yoobin! *Sh*t! What am I suppose to say to her now?!*

“Hi Jaejoong oppa! I was just wondering where you ran off to earlier and when Taeyeon-shii came into our class saying that ~~~~~-shii was in the nurse’s office and you were with her...” Yoobin’s eyes became slits. Jaejoong didn’t notice since he became distracted by your slight movement. Yoobin became even more pissed. *Why is he staying with her?! He’s supposed to be mine and he’s staying by this ’s bed when she’s just sleeping?! What did she do to him?!* Yoobin put on a fake frown and pretended to sound worried, “Oh my gosh! What on earth happened to ~~~~~-shii? Wasn’t she alright this morning?”

Jaejoong sighed, “Nothing happened, she just felt a little bit ill so I took her to the nurse.” “Oh, that’s very nice of you to help the peasant girl Jaejoong oppa!” Jaejoong tensed. *Don’t say anything! It’s suppose to be a secret and Yoobin doesn’t know so don’t yell at her.* “Oh, Jaejoong oppa! Remember yesterday when I said I wanted to tell you something? Well can we go outside and I can?” “Um,” he paused; he didn’t want to leave you by yourself. He was about to refuse when Taeyeon walked into the room, she stopped. She threw Yoobin a confused look but didn’t say anything.

“Jaejoong, it’s fine. I’ll watch her while you’re gone.” Yoobin became ecstatic. “Thanks Taeyeon-shii! Let’s go Jaejoong oppa! It’s really important!” She skipped outside. Jaejoong was about to follow until Taeyeon’s words stopped him. “Remember Jaejoong, you can’t tell anybody about the secret and you have to tell people that you guys have are dating okay?” She was watching him. He paused but in the end agreed. He walked outside to find Yoobin smiling at him. He smiled back and asked, “So Yoobin, what did you have to say?” Her smile became wider. “Okay. Here I go. Jaejoong oppa, I want you to be my boyfriend, I love you!” He froze. *What did she just say?! Why did she pick now to tell me?! Great. I have to break her heart and mine when I tell her I’m supposedly dating ~~~~~-shii. “Yoobin, I’m sorry I can’t go out with you.” She stilled, and started laughing. “Jaejoong oppa, stop lying! You will be my boyfriend right?!” She became frantic when he shook his head. “WHY NOT?! WHY ARE YOU REFUSING ME?!”

I’m sorry Yoobin…I’m dating ~~~~~. *WHAT?! HE’S DATING THAT B*TCH?! HE’S REJECTING ME FOR HER?!* She was about to say something else until Taeyeon’s voice interrupted.
Jaejoong became tense when he heard Taeyeon shouting. “I’m really sorry Yoobin.” He ran into the room to find you sweating and tossing around wildly. He fished out his cell to call his father who works at the most famous and best hospital in the country. “DAD! CAN YOU SEND AN AMBULANCE TO SEOUL ACADEMY IMMEDIATELY? HURRY!” “~~~~~ it’s going to be okay! My dad’s sending people over here soon. Taeyeon she’s going to be okay!” Still Taeyeon didn’t stop crying while you were on the bed whimpering. *Please God, let ~~~~~ be okay.*

Yoobin was still outside in the hallway as this was happening. She couldn’t get over the shock of getting rejected by Jaejoong. *Choi ~~~~~ I will never forgive you for taking Kim Jaejoong away from me.* She walked away with a determined look on her face.

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sluggie- #2
This is good
seems interesting
whiteshirt #4
jaejoong and taecyeon!! :DD
both good leader of a nice group! :D
Keep it up!
keep it up author ^^
sjlovessuju #7
Aww jaejoong's reaction was hilarious ;P<br />
Please update soon!~
Deidre #8
hey, please update soon.<br />
Love your fanfic.