|As The Snow Falls, I Fell In Love With Two| ~ For jaesprincess

Sweet Desire's Treats | Batch no. 1 Closed | | Hiring |

For jaesprincess

Yun HoShi Dae + Jae Joong = <3


About the picture, it took me a while to find a good one that those involve…certain ‘things’.

Saw loads Jae Joong’s abs…


And Yun Ho’s


…Ahem, anyways…I hope you enjoy this.  <3


A short girl with reddish brown hair sat inside a café; waiting for a certain friend of her to come and have lunch with her. She sat in the corner and stared outside the window. She pouted and messed around with the bendy straw that was in her glass. She hummed along softly to Jingle Bells. She swung her feet, patiently without noticing an older man was standing behind her. Without any sound, the man covered her eyes and that made the girl a bit frighten.

Shi Dae, a young twenty year old girl, she loves singing but never shown anyone her talents at all. But she has shown to someone, someone meaning her best friend/lover since they were little. Yes, she was going out with someone; someone who is famous band, someone who is sweet, funny and really talented.

“Guess who?” That was voice was familiar to Shi Dae. She giggled and took his hands off of her eyes and turned to seeing her handsome boyfriend, Jung Yun Ho. “Yun Ho! You’re late,” She scolded cutely while Yun Ho puffed out his cheeks and walked over to the seat across from his girlfriend.

“Sorry, practice took longer than it should be…” He tried explaining but Shi Dae nodded at him in understanding. “The producer took his time while Jae Joong was holding everyone up with his explanation of needing a partner to sing a duet with him,” Shi Dae nodded while sipping her drink up.

“I told you that he is coming out with a single right?” Yun Ho asked while looking at the young girl. She nodded and remembered him telling her the last time they went out. Yun Ho took one long look at Shi Dae and saw that she was spacing out. Her eyes were growing bigger each time the lights flashed outside. 

She was so cute…

He then remembered that Shi Dae had told him that she loved singing but never took the opportunity to go into the singing career.  Shi Dae than caught Yun Ho staring at her, she looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “Yun Ho?” She began and then he grinned happily. She gave him a confused expression and didn’t understand what he was planning on doing.

“Shi Dae, would you like to sing with Jae Joong in the duet?” Shi Dae looked at him and her eyes slowly widen. She bit onto her straw and just stared in shock.

Did he just ask her to sing along side with Jae Joong, the Jae Joong? The Jae Joong where girls all just happen to die just to be within feet of him, to be in the same room and breathing the same air that is breathing, that Jae Joong?

Shi Dae and Yun Ho sat there staring at each other. Yun Ho watched as Shi Dae fidgeted around and messed around with her drinking glass. She sat there with a thinking expression on her face. She puffed out her cheeks and blinked slowly.

This could be a new experience to her, showing the world her talents and maybe, be near her boyfriend and his group mates too. Spending more time and working together.

“Can I Yun Ho?” Shi Dae asked quietly and Yun Ho chuckled and held her hand. “Oh course hon, we’ll be near each other more. Plus this means I won’t be late to our little dates anymore,” Shi Dae’s face shined in happiness and she giggled. She then pointed at the older boy. He looked at her and pointed at himself.

She nodded and wagged her finger for him to come closer. He gave her a confused look and leaned in. She leaned towards him also and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Thank you so much Yun Ho~” She sang towards the boy. He blushed lightly and smiled at the cute little girl. He kissed her cheek in return.

“Anything for my sweet little Shi Dae,” He said as she giggled and blushed deeply. She leaned back and finished up her drink. Yun Ho sat back and wondered how things are going to be when Shi Dae and his friends meet. He didn’t have many thoughts on this except that they all will probably get along.


“So when do we get to meet her?” An annoying voice asked once again. 

“Soon, just be patient okay?” An irritated voice answered again.

This has been going on the whole day. Yun Ho was just getting really irritated at how his friends were really eager to meet Shi Dae. Maybe it’s because he never did introduced or let them know that he was going out with someone until he confessed last night. Last night was just plain chaos, the group of friends stayed up last night and investigated Yun Ho. Demanding answers and reasons why he didn’t tell them anything. He didn’t tell them because of many good reasons. They were just plain irritating and just…annoying.

“Buuuuuuuuuuuut I don’t wanna wait too long!” Chang Min whined out while pouting at the older boy. Jun Su and Yoo Chun stood and waited patiently. Jae Joong on the other hand was out getting some water.

“Chang Min, she’ll be here soon okay. Now stop asking me,” Yun Ho said while glaring at the youngest boy. Chang Min huffed and pouted in a corner.

“So Shi Dae,” Jun Su began while looking over at Yun Ho. Yun Ho lifted up his head and nodded slowly. “She’ll be working alongside with Jae Joong?” Yoo Chun walked on over to Yun Ho and saw that Yun Ho was nodding.

“Yeah, basically,” Yun Ho said while taking out his phone and taking a look at it, it was a quarter past two. Jae Joong suddenly opened the door and entered the room with an annoyed look on his face with his face all wet. Everyone looked at him and opened their mouth to comment but Jae Joong whipped around and glared.

“Don’t say anything,” He simply stated and everyone nodded and closed their mouth. Yun Ho on the other hand was looking at his phone and tapping it.

Shi Dae should be arriving soon—and then there was a sudden knock on the door. Everyone’s gaze darted straight for the door. Everyone rushed over and waited patiently. The door opened up and there stood a short girl with reddish brown hair. She had these huge but cute eyes. She looked around and checked if she was in the right place. She looked around and saw Yun Ho’s smiling warm face. Shi Dae walked on over to Yun Ho and hugged him tightly. She grinned and then saw the rest of everyone. Everyone greeted each other until Shi Dae’s gaze was placed onto Jae Joong. She saw him and pointed.

“It’s you,” Jae Joong was shocked for a second until he looked carefully gasped. His eyes narrowed on her. “And it’s you red head…” Jae Joong hissed out. The rest of the group looked at the two and pointed.

“You two know each other…?” Everyone was shocked, especially Yun Ho.

How do Jae Joong and Shi Dae know each other…?

“Oh…we had a friendly meeting down stairs…” Shi Dae said while turning away and ignoring Jae Joong.

“I said I was sorry!” Jae Joong shouted while looking at her with a straight face. Shi Dae pouted and crossed her arms. Everyone was confused and didn’t understand what happened between the two. They just looked back and forth.

“Shi Dae, what happened?” Yun Ho went over and hugged the girl from behind. He turned the girl around and saw that she had an annoyed look written all over her face.

“I’ll tell you what happened,” Shi Dae said while glaring over at Jae Joong.


Shi Dae rushed down the street and looked around for the music company. She was really late with meeting up with her boyfriend, along with his friends. It took her a while to find the company, when she finally found the company. Before she went in, she thought back at what she promised and settled her goals.

She cannot fall in love Jae Joong because she is going out with Yun Ho. Only focus on her singing career and that’s it.

As she walked on in, she bumped into a guy that was standing in front of the company. “I’m so sorry,” She said while bowing towards the guy. She saw that the man was wearing a pair of sunglasses along with a trench coat.

“Yah, watch where you are going,” He snapped at her and left in a hurry. She stood there with flung open. She growled and sticks her tongue out at the disguised man, which was walking away. She huffed and looked around for the address that Yun Ho gave to her yesterday.

‘Go up to the fifth floor. Room number, 4227

She nodded at the address and quickly went to the elevator. She saw that the door was still open, so she hurried. When she got in, she saw the same guy that she bumped into. He was busy texting someone so she looked at the button that was glowing and it was the fifth floor. She sighed and stood in the corner, far away from the guy. She waited patiently while hearing soft clicking. Clicking sounds from him texting and flipping his phone up and down basically, she was getting annoyed.


She twitched and twisted her head towards the boy and glared at him. “Yah, can you stop that? It’s really annoying.” He lifted up his sunglasses and saw her. He pointed at her and clicked his tongue. “Oh, it’s you, the weird girl with the weird hair color that bumped into me a while ago” He spatted out. Shi Dae’s eyes bulged out along with dropped. It felt as though she was stuck with lightning.

Oh hell no he did NOT just say that; he did NOT just dissed me and my hair color!

Her eye twitched in annoyance and she growled. She huffed and glared at him. The mysterious boy blinked and raised an eyebrow at her. He took off his disguise and Shi Dae saw that the guy that was messing around with her was the one and only Kim Jae Joong. She felt as though her heart cracked and she was fuming in anger.

Jung Yun Ho, her boyfriend was friends with such a jerk like Jae Joong. She cracked her fingers and tried not to pummel Yun Ho’s best friends. But what she couldn’t understand was that…HOW IN THE WORLD CAN YUN HO BE FRIENDS WITH SUCH A FUC— JERK FACE LIKE HIM?! GAHH! THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD.

“What’s wrong? Baffled, speechless…?” He asked while taunting her. She turned away and shot daggers at him. She toned him out and tried to ignore him. “That’s right…the silent treatment eh?”

“My god, I’m going to be working with such a—” She mentally shriek but then the door opened up. Jae Joong walked on out first. Shi Dae followed behind and searched around for the room. It seems as though Shi Dae had to follow Jae Joong.

Jae Joong walked off and saw that Shi Dae was following him. He turned the corner and stopped in his tracks. Shi Dae halted and looked at him. “Why are you following me?” Jae Joong sneered out. Shi Dae looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

“I’m not following you; I’m just going to same way” Shi Dae answered in a monotone. He looked at her and scoffed.

“Well don’t follow me so closely like a stalker,” Jae Joong said while waving his water bottle around. Shi Dae twitched and pushed the water bottle away from her face. More like slapping the water bottle away. But what Shi Dae didn’t know was that the water bottle cap was opened.

As she pushed the water bottle away, the cap flew open and all the water in the bottle splashed on Jae Joong’s head and body. Shi Dae’s eyes widen and then heard Jae Joong groaned in annoyance. Jae Joong flinched and whipped his wet hair around. She saw and knew that Jae Joong was really angry and really…wet now.

“Erm…sorry Jae Joong…” Shi Dae began but was cut off with an angry Jae Joong.

“Don’t say another word, red head.” She felt a bit insulted at his tone. Jae Joong stomped off angerly and left the dumbfounded girl in the hallway. She stared at his back and then he disappeared right after the corner.

“B-but!” Jae Joong was long gone. Shi Dae pouted and kicked the empty water bottle that was left on the ground. “Prissy, easily annoyed, grumpy pants,” Shi Dae commented quietly while sighing.


“And then I slowly found my way here without Jae Joong’s help!” Shi Dae continued telling the story while Jun Su and Yoo Chun silently held in their laugh. Chang Min on the other hand was already laughing at the situation.

“So that explains why Jae Joong was all wet,” Yun Ho stated while chuckling quietly. Shi Dae grinned at Yun Ho and nodded.

“Yeah thanks to red head here!” Jae Joong hissed out while glaring at Shi Dae.

“Not my fault you’re a prissy type!” Shi Dae said while pouting.

“I am NOT prissy!” Jae Joong shouted loudly. Everyone looked at one another and looked back at Jae Joong.

“Oh yeah you are,” Everyone commented at the same time in sync. Jae Joong had a huge anger mark on his head and rolled his eyes. Shi Dae laughed and grinned in victory. Jae Joong on the other hand was filled with anger.

“Anyways, Jae Joong, Shi Dae, you both has to sing a duet with each other, right?” Jun Su asked and Shi Dae nodded as Jae Joong looked over at the red head.

 “You’re going out with Jung Yun Ho?” Shi Dae looked at him and gave him an, ‘are you serious? You just figured that out’-kind of look. “No duh, I’m going out with your best friend,” Jae Joong looked at her and then shifted his gaze towards Yun Ho.

“Are you serious? The girl with the red head, seriously?” Jae Joong asked while clicking his tongue.

“Is there a problem with me dating ‘the red head’?” Yun Ho asked while glaring slightly at the boy. Jae Joong sweat-dropped and said nothing, Shi Dae looked over at Jae Joong and smirked.

‘Whose speechless now er? Ha-ha!’

The expression of Shi Dae made Jae Joong just glares even harder at her. Shi Dae saw that Jae Joong was trying to burn holes into her body by his death glares, she gulped and turned away a bit scared. Jae Joong saw her move away quickly and trying to hide. He rolled his eyes and chuckled mentally, she was sort of cute in a weird way.

He did not just say that.

He cannot say that.

But he did!

He said that, Shi Dae, Yun Ho’s red haired girlfriend, his duet partner was cute.

He practically and mentally beat himself up and shook those warm and happy feelings away. He departed and has to avoid Shi Dae of all possible. He’ll do the duet and try to not get into the relationship. As much as he could, he had to get rid of these feelings. 


Weeks past by quickly and Jae Joong and Shi Dae worked together. Without knowing and seeing what was going on, Jae Joong and Shi Dae got along better then the first meeting. They got closer as the days go by. They did everything together now. Eating, hanging out, playing around, and never left each other sides. This made Yun Ho really concerned about his relationship with his girlfriend. It felt as though, he was left out. It shattered his heart when he sees Jae Joong and Shi Dae together. Together laughing, joking around and spending so much more time than he could with Shi Dae.

But he knew one thing or at least thinking about one thing. He knew these thoughts were true or at least gets him thinking that these thoughts COULD be true.

Jae Joong likes Shi Dae.

And even make things better;

Shi Dae seems to like Jae Joong too.

What could he do now?

Fight for Shi Dae and make sure that he wins Shi Dae!

Yun Ho watches from a far, (making Yun Ho sound like a creepy stalker…-_-;) and sees that Jae Joong and Shi Dae were sitting at the same exact café that he and Shi Dae used to sit at and hung out. He glares at the two and ached in pain. He sneaked around and hid behind a rose bush that was closest to the two. He kept silent and tried to listen to what the two were talking about.

“So I was thinking maybe after practice tomorrow, do you wanna hang out?” Jae Joong considered while looking at her. Yun Ho scrunched up his eye brows and glares at Jae Joong. He didn’t look at Shi Dae knowing that she might say ‘no’ because tomorrow Shi Dae and Yun Ho were suppose to hang out.  Yun Ho waited for Shi Dae’s answer and instead of hearing the answer that he wanted, he got the wrong answer. “Sure, where do you plan on going tomorrow?” The answer that Shi Dae gave Jae Joong struck Yun Ho in the heart.

How could this be?

“We could go to the park and practice there?”

How could she say yes?

“Practice at the park? Oh, okay,”

What about our date?

“I’ll call you and pick you up”

Jae Joong…you stupid son of a…

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then Jae Joong~”

There were foot shuffles and chairs pushed back. Yun Ho looked up and saw that Jae Joong and Shi Dae were long gone. Yun Ho sat back down in the rose bush and pouted sadly. He sat there and felt as though his heart broke in half.

“Omo! Mommy! There’s a hobo hiding in the bushes!” A kid shouted while pointing at Yun Ho. Yun Ho looked up slowly as the kid dropped his ice cream. The kid’s expression was frightened and quite freaked out. The mother of the child rushed over and grabbed the kid’s hand.

“Oh dear, don’t scream that out loud.” The mother said while tugging the child away but the kid looked back at Yun Ho and glared at him.

“Hobo~” The kid screamed while sticking his tongue out at Yun Ho. Yun Ho was then offended and he glower his eyes at the kid.

“B-but I’m not a hobo.” Yun Ho tried explaining while going over to the two.

“Don’t come near me!” The mom shouted while quickening her walking pace along with the child.

“I’m not a damn flipping—“Yun Ho began while getting really irritated.

“I have pepper spray!” She shouted while taking out a bottle of pepper spray. Yun Ho backed up and held up his hands in defeat. The woman came up to him and threatened him.

“But I just have to say miss that I’m not a—” Yun Ho tried again but only got shot down. Really shot down with pepper spray. The lady squeezed the bottle in Yun Ho’s eyes and ran off with the child. “OH MY FU—THE HELL CRAZY INSANE LADY!” Yun Ho shouted while going into fatal position and holding his eyes. He laid there in pain, really deep pain from his friends, lover and now the pain in the eyes. All he had to say was, Damn it.


The next day came and the skies were changing colors which was pretty unusual. Yun Ho woke up early and followed Jae Joong to go get Shi Dae. Jae Joong picked up Shi Dae and went out to the park. Yun Ho would follow the two and made sure Jae Joong wasn’t so close to Shi Dae. Each time Jae Joong tried to get close to Shi Dae he would find anything that could come in between the two. He followed the two around and eventually got tired every now and then; when Jae Joong and Shi Dae were sitting down in the park while Yun Ho stood from a far watching the scene.

“Shi Dae I have something I need to tell you,” Jae Joong began while Shi Dae looked over at him so he could continue what he was planning on saying.

“I…I” He tried to continue but end up stuttering. Shi Dae was confused of what he was trying to say. “You, you what?” She looked at him and wondered.

“I…” Yun Ho waited and knew where this was going. His best friend was going to confess to his girlfriend. He stood there and didn’t know what to do. His feet wouldn’t budge or move at all.

“I love you,”

Shi Dae sat there staring at Jae Joong with wide eyes. She couldn’t believe her ears at all. Did Jae Joong just confess to her? She looked away and stared at the ground in confusion.

“Y-you love me…?” She choked out while feeling her heart-beat beating faster than ever. “H-how? Why…?” She questioned as Jae Joong sighed while smiling.

“I love you because…even if we didn’t like or get along with each other at first but…slowly,” He began while smiling at the memories. “Slowly I fell in love with you. I didn’t want to fall in love with you because you were going out with my best friend.” Yun Ho watched as Jae Joong leaned in and whispered something to Shi Dae. “Whether I spend sleepless nights thinking of ways on avoiding you and trying not to get too close to you…I couldn’t stop falling in love with you.” Shi Dae turned over to him and stared deeply into Jae Joong’s big loving eyes. She didn’t know what to do now. She was stuck between Jae Joong and Yun Ho.

Yun Ho slowly walked on over and stood in front of Jae Joong and Shi Dae. He stood there staring at the two and didn’t know what to do now. Shi Dae looked over and saw Yun Ho.

“Yu-Yun Ho!” She shouted while getting up. Jae Joong got up too as he knew that Yun Ho was standing right there. Yun Ho turned away and shook his head at the sight. “Yun Ho…when did you ge—”

“Enough Shi Dae,” Yun Ho said quietly while feeling his heart break slowly. Shi Dae stared up at her boyfriend and didn’t know what was happening next. “Shi Dae, I love you but Jae Joong loves you too…” Jae Joong stood there and shifted his eyes around.

“But Shi Dae, who do you love more? Jae Joong or me,” She looked around as the thunder rumbled around as the time ticked by. Who does she choose now? How could this happen? All she planned on doing was sing with Jae Joong and live a happy life with Yun Ho. But now Jae Joong entered the picture and fell in love with her and she can’t really say if she loves him back also, but she does have certain feelings for Jae Joong now. But Yun Ho found out and now she is in a love triangle with two really cute guys.

“You’re asking me to choose between you two?” She asked while looking between the two. Jae Joong and Yun Ho looked at each other with tension. They stared into each other’s eyes and glared at one another and nodded at Shi Dae.

“I…I really can’t choose between you two…” Shi Dae confessed while the rain poured down. “I mean…you two are really amazing and really special.” Yun Ho noticed that Shi Dae was staring at Jae Joong. Jae Joong was smiling at her, he rarely never smiles this much. Yun Ho wondered if Shi Dae does make Jae Joong more happy than usual.

The three stood there staring at one another well mainly Yun Ho was shifting his attention from the two. The two were just staring at one another. This made Yun Ho really out of place. He sighed and that caught Shi Dae’s attention. Shi Dae looked at Yun Ho and blinked slowly.

“Shi Dae…” Yun Ho began while getting in between the two and taking each other their hands. Jae Joong and Shi Dae were confused at the sudden action of Yun Ho. “If you love Jae Joong more than me, I’ll understand,” Shi Dae stared at the man before her and felt her lips trembled.

“Yun Ho…” She whispered out but only got weak smile from him. Yun Ho linked Shi Dae and Jae Joong’s hands together and stepped away. “Shi Dae, remember that I’ll always love you but…you’re more suited to be with Jae Joong.” Yun Ho murmured out while smiling at the two. Jae Joong and Shi Dae locked eyes and smiled at one another. Yun Ho bid his goodbyes and left the two feeling weak and really heartbroken but it was worth it; for the two, to be happy with one another.

“Yun Ho,” Jae Joong called out and he turned around. “Thank you” He said while smiling. Yun Ho nodded and left quickly.

Jae Joong and Shi Dae stood in the rain just staring at one another. Jae Joong swiftly picked Shi Dae up and spun her around happily. “I love you,” Jae Joong said while hugging Shi Dae closely. “And I love you…” Shi Dae muttered while hiding her face into Jae Joong’s chest.


YAY! I finished this one shot!

And it's dedicated to my new buddie! JaesPrincess~! <3

She typed out a one shot for me so...<3 heehee~ this one is for you dear! <3

I had so much fun writing this one.

But poor Yun Ho! D: 

I'm sorry Yun Ho...maybe next time! 

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Attention everyone! Sweet Desire's Treats is now re-opened! ^^ You may now request, but a new feature is happening in the shop. We will now be doing batches! :D


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Chapter 94: Omfg! Im like litterally crying....its 1am over here and i'm crying to myself in the dark at my phone(thats just creepy!)
thank you so much!! I loved it!! Everything about it was perfect!!!
Chapter 94: Omfg! Im like litterally crying....its 1am over here and i'm crying to myself in the dark at my phone(thats just creepy!)
thank you so much!! I loved it!! Everything about it was perfect!!!
Chapter 94: This story really pulled at my heart-strings. It was sad, but beautiful. I loved it<3.
xRawrRiot #4
Chapter 95: Hahaha I honestly didn't mind waiting~
The waiting was SOOOOO worth it :D
Thank you again for accepting my request! :D
I still feel the feels! :3 <3 it was way too adorable~ ^^
Nado saranghaeeeee~ <3
shnannae #5
Chapter 92: Oh my god!!!
Unnie I totally love it ;3; ah, it's so sweet and fluffy, omg
Thank you so much!
I love you very much!! <3
Too many Gwangsuk feels ;______;
Chapter 51: Oh, yeah...the REAL reason he's not cold anymore is because she mentioned going back to the apartment;). I loved this. It was so sweet. Thank you:).
Chapter 93: I ♡♡♡♡ this!!!!! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu :)
Chapter 91: Omg Thank you so much authornim this is definetely what i wanted!! xD
This is so sad like seriously i love it so much!
It's okay,because Kangjin is my bias too lol
I'm glad to know that you're having fun while writing this!
Okay surely i'll request again!!^^
Once again,thank you so much!!
shnannae #9
username; Lollipoppies
your character name; Oh Kaeun
partner; Oh Gwangsuk a.k.a Feeldog, from Bigstar
genre; fluff, romance
plot; Kaeun and Gwangsuk have been married for year and a half. They have now gotten their first child together, a baby girl that they named Taeyeon. The new parents are absolutely in love with her, and as they are both on vacation from their works, they have plenty of time to bond with the baby.
One morning, Kaeun could have woken up to Taeyeon’s cries and went to get her. Then they go to wake up Gwangsuk, and they cuddle and bond in bed. Maybe they’d have a family moment later in the living room, while the TV is showing cartoons, Kaeun is doing yoga, Gwangsuk is flirting with his wife, and Gwangsuk is taking care of Taeyeon and asking her if “mommy is pretty?” or something.
At night, Taeyeon falls asleep on Gwangsuk’s chest, while Kaeun is resting beside him. They had decided to all sleep in the master bedroom. Ah, fluffiness overload.
ending; happy
one shot or drabble; one shot, pleaseu~
extra; I’d speacially prefer writing in ‘Gwangsuk’, instead for ‘Feeldog’
chef; Seunii unnie~

Requested, oh god T^T
Good luck for the writers and all the good for the readers and shop~