8- When The Gay Boy Meets The Poodle

I'm An Ugly Girl?!

"Oh, it’s Sungjong and L?” L.Joe walked to the door. “Long time no see, gay boy.”

“Indeed it has been a long time, Poodle."





















“Hah.” L.Joe and I smirked while hi-fiving. Sunbae’s pretty good at verbal fights. HAHAHA


“So, gay boy, what are you doing here.” I turned to L and asked.


“This kid dragged me here.” L pointed at Sungjong.


“YAH! I’M NOT A KID!” Sungjong pouted.


“WELL, YOU’RE ACTING LIKE ONE.” L shouted back. PMS-ing maybe? Yeah, he would be…


















“Anyone want a cracker?” I asked, holding a bag full of Saltine crackers.



“Thanks.” Changjo reached over and took one.



Chunji then slapped Changjo’s arm and started nagging at him. Something about not eating a lot so that he can finally get abs? Why would Chunji care about that? Oh wait, he’s the umma. Wait, so he’s gay too? OMG, so many gay kingkas…



“CHUNJI’S GAY?!” I blurted out, oops.



Everyone in the room turned to look at me.



“MWOH?! Who said that?!” Chunji shook me.



“But, you’re the umma… so, that means you’re gay right?”



“Has L got you thinking that every pretty boy is gay?” L.Joe laughed.



“Well, thanks for calling me pretty.” L added in.



“Who said I called you pretty?” L.Joe shot back.

“Well, you said, ‘Has L got you thinking that every pretty boy is gay?’ and that implies that you think I’m pretty, which means you’re gay too.” L replied.



“Ahh, hold on, so many big words…” L.Joe rubbed his temples while thinking. Is ‘implies’ really a big word? Over reaction…



“Ohh, I get it.” L.Joe finally understood L’s sentence, “No, I don’t think you’re pretty, and either way, you are the only gay person in this room, so we men are in danger.” L.Joe smirked.



Well, looks like I’m in no danger… Wait, I am. If everyone else, BUT L is not gay in this room, and I’m the only girl. Why didn’t I think of the dangers earlier? Oh wait, I act like a man so I’m fine…



L was silent, yet again. MWAHAHA, serves him right.



“Sungjongie, what are you here for again?” I asked Sungjong.



“Uh, I forgot…” Sungjong scratched the back of his head.



“Haha, Kwenchana. Let’s hang out here for now.” I said and dragged the younger boy into the living room and sat him down on the couch. NO, I AM NOT A PEDO NOONA.



“Noona! Let’s bake cupcakes!” Sungjong jumped up. He wants to bake cupcakes? CUPCAKES?! Wow… that’s hilarious.




“OW! Sungjong, what did you fling at me?!” I rubbed the stuff off my face.



“It’s just flour…” Sungjong pouted. “It’s not like it’s going to stain.”



“IT IS.” This boy knows nothing about things that stain clothes.



“Oh, mianhae…” he pouted.



I just had an evil idea. Okay, so, flour, check. Balloon, check. Sling, check. DONE. Don’t ask where I got everything. Trust me, there’s EVERYTHING in Teen Top’s kitchen. So, fill up the balloon with flour. Now, use the sling to sling it at the innocent Sungjong. DONE.


“KYAH!” he let out a high pitched scream as the balloon full of flour popped as it hit his arm. “Noona’s so mean!”



Soon, we had gotten into a flour fight, we were throwing flour everywhere, trying to hit each other.



I then slipped on flour on the ground and Sungjong tried to catch me. Let me repeat, TRIED. But failed, so he landed on top of me, his lips just centimeters away from mine.



“MY KITCHEN!” I heard a shriek. Probably Chunji…



“What’s that?” I heard Changjo’s voice. Gawd, Sungjong, you’re so freaking heavy. GET OFF ME. But, no~ you have to be frozen in place…



“MAKNAE’S, COVER YOUR EYES.” I heard Chunji shriek again.



“What are they doing?” I heard another voice.



“Here? In the kitchen? Ew.”






Well, Sungjong and I have some explaining to do…


HELLO~ KONICHIWA~ Another chapter~ My back hurts.. T.T, I feel like an old ahjumma today. >.>

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Lol I'm coming back to read this because I need some comedy, or dare I say some crack XD
I think your plot is very good, I haven't read this king of story yet, but *sorry but I have to say that* i don't really like how you develop it. Like sometimes when I read you chapter, it doesn't make sens to me -or it's because English it's not my first language?-
Anyway, it's not like I didn't like this story but ... I don't like enough for read all this chapter and upvote. But I find the end cute :3.
Btw I don't understand what's going on with Kwangmin when we first meet him he was mean toward her but after the ball accident, in the next chapter he doesn't seems so mean and Hyuna start to say something once but you don't really raised in the other chapter ..
Chapter 65: Nice story.. Keep it up author... :)
Chapter 65: Haha Taejin is so cute XD
Awesome story ^•^
OMG. Thank you I found this story. mehehehe.. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM you never fail to make me smile.. kyaaa~~~ especialy the hot issue part and NAMGREASE GO teehee hahahaha
Kpoplover_621 #6
Chapter 65: This story is funny!! It may have dragged but that's what made t enjoyable! Keep me coming!!
Been a long time unnie TT TT I see people love your story XD HehhEHEHEHEH
Nicole_kissme #9
Lol namgrease!!>< this is the funniest story i have ever read it really cheers me up and i cannot stop laughing truly a laugh a minute lol
That was AMAZING i laughed so hard and cried at the beautiful ending im soo happy! I agree BEST/AWESOME fanfic EVER!!!!!