Thirty Nine - Threatened

The Trick of the Heart

The door to Luhan's room opened and a foot entered the room. The person walked quietly towards Luhan's sleeping figure, looking around to make sure that no one else was in the room. As the person approached the bed, Luhan stirred in her sleep. 

She opened her eyes and blinked. She saw a dark figure standing next to her. She couldn't tell who it was for the room was dark and the curtains were drawn.

"Sehun?" She asked the person causing them to freeze. 

Then she realized that it wasn't her lover when she saw a knife in the person's hand. Luhan tried to scream when the person covered with their hand and placed the knife at her neck.

"Make any sound to alert any of the nurses and you die. Right here." The person said. 

Luhan's eyes widened when she recognized the voice. 


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"Okay! The paper work is done. You guys are free to leave first thing in the morning." Suho said as he gathered the discharge papers and straightening them then stapled them together.

"Thank you, Hyung." Sehun said who looked a bit distant.

"Is there something on your mind?"

Sehun was silent for a moment. "I....I don't know if I will be a good father."

Suho smiled. "Sehun.... Even though I may not be a father-"

"....yet...." Sehun muttered under his breath earning a glare from the older man.

"As I was saying....You'll be a good father. Maybe even a great father. As long as you love your child and their mother and care for them, then you're already a good father. Your mother raised you to love and care for those you hold dearly. Use that lesson and raise a family with the person you love." 

Sehun smiled. "Thanks, hyung." 

"No problem." Suho said with a smile.

Their conversation was interrupted when a nurse barged into her room.

"Dr. Kim!" she yelled.

"There's no need to shout Mia." Suho said.

"Miss Luhan is missing!" She still yelled.

"WHAT?!" Both men yelled as they stood up from their seats.

"I-I went to check on her, but when I entered her room she was gone! The room was trashed and there was a little blood on the bed as well." Mia said as she began to cry feeling guilty.

"Don't cry. It's not your fault. For now, we have to find Luhan." Suho said as he picked up his office phone and dialed for security.

"I'm going to look for her." Sehun said as he began to walk (more like speed walk) to the door.

Suho just got off the phone with security and followed Sehun out of the room when his phone rang.

"Hyung! Mom is asking when you're coming home." Kai's voice came from the phone the minute Suho answered the call.

"Not now. Luhan went missing and I'm helping Sehun search for her." 

"What?! Okay! I'm on my way! Do you need the police?"

"That would be a good idea when we catch the person."

"Okay! I'll also get Chanyeol-hyung." Kai said as he ended the call.

Suho put his phone away and called for Sehun. "Let's check the cameras. I'm sure we could find out where she was taken."

They went to the security office where they could check the cameras. 

Once there, the security working the cameras pulled up the footage from the camera in the hallway just outside of Luhan's room. They saw someone with the figure of a woman approach the door while looking around. She had a hat on so her face was not seen. She entered the room when she saw that there was no one around. 

The door to the office opened and in walked Kai, Chanyeol, and two police officers.

"Did you find her yet?" Kai asked as he came closer to the computer screen.

"No. But we did find out that someone had entered the room." Suho answered. They all turned back to the screen to see what happened next.

It was only a few minutes later that the door opened and Luhan walked out with her right hand over her left shoulder covering what seems to be blood. But that wasn't what scared Sehun.

It was the knife held by her neck that scared him. 

Luhan struggled to break free from the female's grip as she was dragged out of the room. It was when Luhan jabbed her left elbow back, hitting the assailant in the stomacj causing them to step back in pain. Luhan then turned around, bringing her left leg up, kicking the person in the head. This caused the person to fall on the floor and drop the knife in her hand and the hat fell off her head. After that, Luhan ran down the hall.

It was when the person looked up and turned to where Luhan had ran off to, following behind as she picked up the knife, that the men watching realized who that person was.

"Of course it would be that !" Kai yelled.

"Where did thy run off to?" Sehun asked as he clenched his fists.

The security guard began searching through other camera footages until he saw something at the emergency stairway exit.

He showed it to the men and as they watched, they saw Luhan running to the door and looked behind her. Realizing that Krystal was behind her, she opened the door and ran up the stairs.

A few seconds later, Krystal appeared and followed Luhan.

"Where do those stairs lead up to exactly?" Chanyeol asked.

"The roof." Suho answered.

With that they left the room with the cops, one of them calling for backup, and a handful of security to make their way to the roof.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Luhan opened the door to the roof and ran out. She ran to the edge of the roof and realized that there was no more room to run. She gripped her injured shoulder as it began to hurt a lot worse; she had got the injury as she tried to escape Krystal in the hospital room. Luhan then turned around and ran back to the door only to stop halfway when the door opened and Krystal stepped out.

"You think you can get away from me?!" Krystal screamed, clearly angry that Luhan had kicked her [A/N: serves you right!].

"Don't come any closer!" Luhan yelled as she backed away from Krystal when the latter began advancing towards her.

"You ruined my life! Sehun was supposed to be mine. MINE! But then you came along and took him from me!"

"That's not true! It is you who ruined yourself! If you hadn't lied to him, then maybe, just maybe, he would've loved you regardless. He wouldn't have met me if you hadn't been a so greedy for his money. When I found out that I had to bear Sehun's child, I thought that my life was over for we didn't have a good first encounter. But Sehun.....He took care of me and I got to know hime. Then I fell in love with him!" Luhan ranted out.

"You!" Krystal called out with the knife pointed at Luhan as she walked closer and closer, pushing Luhan towards the edge of the roof. "You took him from me! You seduced him to give you that.....that.....abomination in your stomach! Sehun doesn't even love you!"

"That's where you're wrong. It is you who I don't love, Krystal." A deep voice came from the stairs.

Krystal tunred around, knife still pointing at Luhan. "S-Sehun-ah." Krystal gasped in shock. 

Luhan taking the opportunity moved slightly away from Krystal to the right, careful not to step over the edge for she was dangerously close. 

"She didn't steal me from you. Our love died the moment I realized that you only wanted my money. You lied to me! Yes, I loved you, and Luhan was right. I would've loved you if you hadn't lied to me and only wanted my money. But then I met Luhan and got to know her. She's kind and gentle and would never, NEVER, asked for my money. Even if I give it to her willingly. She is NOTHING like you!" 

Krystal began to shake in anger.

"No...." She said as she shook her head. "That's not true. You don't love her! You love me! ONLY ME!! I'm the one you love! Not this ! Sehun please. Come back to me. We can be a happy family together." Krystal cried.

Kai scoffed. "What family? You can't have kids, remember?" 

"You stay out of this!" Krystal screamed at Kai then turned back to Sehun. "Sehun-ah... please."

"No." Sehun simply answered.

Krystal's eyes grew dark. "Then say goodbye to you precious lover and child!"

Krystal raised the knife to stab Luhan. Luhan closed her eyes frightened when gun fire was heard.

When Luhan opened her eyes, she saw Krystal frozen with her arm up in a postion of preparing to bring down the knife. She then saw blood lowly flowing out in Krystal's clothing.

The police had shot Krystal before she could do any harm to Luhan.

Krystal blinked a couple of times and dropped her arm; the knife fell from her hand onto the roof. She staggered a little until she lost her footing at the edge and fell.

Luhan watched with wide eyes until Krystal's body hit the concrete ground, 400 feet from where she stands. She brought her hands to and gasped as she took two steps back, away from the edge. 

Sehun had run up to Luhan as he saw Krystal's body fall and caught the former before she fell on the floor. Luhan sobbed into his chest as he hugged her dearly.

It was finally over.

Sehun carried Luhan into the building and brought her to a new hospital room. He placed her on the bed and realized she fell asleep, exhausted from the events minutes ago.

Suho entered the room along with Kai and Chanyeol.

"The police left. There isn't much left for them to do here now." Suho said as he walked to Luhan and began attaching her to the machines. "There's a possibility that Luhan will have to stay longer. The events that happened has stressed her out and I'm concerned about the baby."

Sehun nodded as he stared at Luhan's sleeping face.

"Get some sleep, Sehun. It's getting late." Chanyeol said as he placed a hand on said man's shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeaze. 

Sehun nodded once again.

Suho, Kai, and Chanyeol left the room so that Sehun could rest. 

Sehun stared at Luhan, then leaned in to kiss her forehead. "I'm sorry for causing you trouble." 

He pulled away and walked towards the couch and laid down. He closed his eyes and found himself in dreamland.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Sehun woke up to the sound of the heart monitor beeping dangerously slow. He shot up from the couch and ran to Luhan only to see her breath slowly. The beeping grew slower and slower.


"N-No. No. This can't be happening. NO! Luhan!" Sehun cried as he shook his lover. "Luhan! Please! Wake up! You promised that you would stay with me! Please!"

Luhan flat lined.

The door opened and Suho entered the room with two other nurses with the defribrillator. He pushed Sehun away so that he could restart Luhan's heart. 

"1...2...3...Clear! *[shock]* ......1...2...3... Clear! *[shock]*.........1...2...3...Clear! *[shock]*" 

The heart would not restart.

With a grim look on his face, Suho looked at his watch. "Time of death. 02:47 on June 25, 2016."

"No. NO!" Sehun screamed. "No! Luhan! You can't!!" 

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"NO!" Sehun screamed as he sat up from the couch.

He frantically looked around the room and stood up. He walked towards Luhan, who was still breathing. The machine was beeping normally and it gave Sehun relief.

It was just a dream. He thought to himself. 

He pulled up a chair and sat next to Luhan and held her hand.

Luhan began to wake as she blinked.

"Lu?" Sehun called.

Luhan turned to the voice and saw that Sehun was there with her.

"Sehunnie...." Luhan called as she remembered what happened the night before. She began to cry.

"Shhh.... It's okay..... I'm here." Sehun said as he tried to calm her down. He pulled her into a hug as he got up and sat on the bed next to her.

"She.... She didn't deserve that...." Luhan sobbed into his chest.

"I know..... I know...."

Sehun allowed Luhan to cry until she fell asleep again. Suho had entered the room a few minutes later to check up on Luhan.

"Well... They're both fine. Just don't stress her out too much." Suho reported.

Sehun nodded. "Thank you, hyung."

"You can take her home when she wakes." Suho said with a smile and left the room.

Sehun smiled down at the sleeping mother-to-be. "Thank you." He whispered into her hair.

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A/N: HEYO!!! Double Update!!! WOOHOO!!! Fooled you there didn't I ლ(`∀´ლ). Well....

Until next update! 

PEACE!!! v(≧∇≦v)三(v≧∇≦)v

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296 streak #1
Chapter 12: Sehun and luhan together,,,, :D
296 streak #2
Chapter 11: I hope hunhan will get closer soon
296 streak #3
Chapter 10: Wu Shi Xun,,,of course that Sehun~
296 streak #4
Chapter 9: luhan have a boyfriend??? eeehhhhhhh
296 streak #5
Chapter 8: if luhan is in a danger,,,sehun is the best option right now,,,he will take care of luhan,,,
296 streak #6
Chapter 7: I hope Xi Ming Yue don't stealing,,,and if he's do that,,,,why???
296 streak #7
Chapter 6: jaejoong suddenly appears and make everything so much worst,,,,
but Luhan is a heroin~~~ she is strong :D
296 streak #8
Chapter 5: chanyeol sound creepy~~ hahaha he will be back,,,
can't wait for hunhan moment~~
296 streak #9
Chapter 4: oh krystal lie to him,,,
Sehun love her but she lied to him,,,poor Sehun~~
don't worry Luhan will appear in your life :D
296 streak #10
Chapter 3: Krystal is Sehun's wife??
Sehun love her? look like he's don't care about her too much?