Thirty Seven - Please Be Okay

The Trick of the Heart

After the phone call, Suho, Kai, Chanyeol, and Nichkhun didn't wait for another second when they left to get Sehun.

"Don't worry, child. Sehun will be alright." Madam Oh said.

"I know. I just can't help it." Luhan said as she unconsciously placed her hand over her stomach.

"Why don't you get some sleep? I think you need it." 

Luhan nodded and began going up the stairs to her (her and Sehun's) room.

Once entering the room, Luhan felt something was off, like something wasn't suppose to be there.

The wind blew into to romm from an open window and Luhan knew. 

The windows were closed earlier. Luhan thought.

Luhan turned to open the door and head downstairs when an arm wrapped around her waist and another covering .

Luhan struggled to get free all the while trying her best to protect her stomach. The assailant then hits the back of her neck, causing Luhan to freeze.

Everything began spinning and she felt the person carry her before her vision when black. 

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Luhan." Sehun whispered frightened.

"S-Sehun..." Luhan whimpered.

A man, no older than 20, had a tight grip on Luhan's arm, causing her to wince at the pressure.

"Let. Her. Go." Sehun growled, angry upon seeing his love hurt.

Jaejoong smirked as he grabbed Luhan's other arm and pulling her towards his person. 

"How about......No," he answered when he wrapped an arm around Luhan's neck. "I think I will take her to that car over there and F*** her in front of your eyes."

"Don't you DARE lay a hand on her!" Sehun growled even more angry.

"Oh? This coming from a man who played with girls from clubs and f***ed them for pleasure?" Jaejoong asked with a grin.

"You see here darling. Your so called 'lover' used to be a playboy, along with those other friends Kai, Suho, and Chanyeol. They f***ed every girl they meet when they go clubing and ditched them to the point where most committed suicide because the hottest men in Korea only saw them as toys. You included." Jaejoong told Luhan.

"You're wrong." Luhan said.

"Oh? Then how come your lover isn't denying it?"

Luhan looked at Sehun to see if it was true and saw guilt in her lover's eyes.

"That's in the past." Luhan answered.

"Oh? Then did you know that these four men, as well as the two others behind them, were part of a mafia?"

"What are you getting at?" Luhan asked annoyed.

"Why, I just want you to see how dangerous this man can be. Come to me and be my woman. I can protect you from these beasts."

"Like you are any better." Luhan muttered under her breath.

"What did you say?" Jaejoong asked for he did not hear her the first time.

"In your dreams!" Luhan spat.

Jaejoong only laughed. "Sweetheart. I will give you more pleasure than him."


Jaejoong grew angry that Luhan refused him over and over again.

"Fine. I guess this is the only way for you to come to me and be mine." Jaejoong said as he pulled out a silver gun and pointed it at Sehun.

"Say goodbye to you lover." Jaejoong said with a sadistic grin.

"NO!" Luhan yelled as she pushed the gun up when it fired. She then pushed Jaejoong's arm off her and started to run towards Sehun.

Jaejoong grew angrier. "If I can't have you, no one WILL!" 

Jaejoong pointed the gun at Luhan's figure as she neared Sehun and fired. 

The bullet hit Luhan on her right shoulder. 

Sehun froze upon seeing Luhan get shot in front of him. He caught her body before she fell to the ground.

"L-Luhan?" Sehun called as he saw the blood flowing out of the wound.

"H-Hunnie." Luhan called as she cupped his cheeks while tears began to form in her eyes.

"Hang in there, love. Stay awake. You hear me?" Sehun said.

"H-Hunnie." Luhan's voice began to fade. Her hand eventually fell to the ground lifelessly.

 "Lu-Luhan!" Sehun cried. "aaaAAAAAAAAH" 

Sehun pulled out the gun from the back of his pants and pointed it at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong was laughing so hard that he did not see the bullet flying towards him piercing his head.

As Jaejoong's body fell lifelessly onto the ground, Sehun kept muttering for Luhan to wake up.

Suho then came forward and checked Luhan's pulse.

"She's still alive, but barely. We have to get her to the hospital."

Sehun nodded and carried Luhan's body into the car. 

As car drove away, two figures were left at the club.

"*{sigh]* Such a shame. He was so good in bed." Krystal said as she looked at Jaejoong's dead body.

"I thought you like Sehun in bed?" The man, who was holding Luhan earlier, asked.

"Oh he is. And I'm going to get him back. Even if it means killing that little ." Krystal said as she looked towards the direction were the car drove off to.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The doors to the emergancy ward flew open and the nurses brought a gurney out as they spotted the car pull up.

The passenger door opened and Sehun came out with Luhan in his arms. He placed Luhan on the gurney and the nurses began to roll her to the ER.

"Luhan! Please! Open your eyes! Please!" Sehun cried as he ran along side the gurney, holding desperately onto Luhan's limp hand.

They arrived at the ER opperating room and Luhan was taken in.

Sehun followed but was stop by a nurse. 

"I'm sorry, unauthorized persons are not allowed." She said as she disappeared behind the closing doors.

Sehun grew angry and punched the wall and screamed.

"Sehun, calm down. I'll go in and opperate on her personally. Don't worry. I'll do everything I can to save her..... And your child." Suho said as he entered the ER.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

It's been six hours since they arrived at the hospital and Suho hasn't come out with news yet.

During those six hours, Madam Oh arrived with Tao and Kris, shocking everyone besides Sehun. Luhan's family arrived a few minutes later with Lay.

They all waited until Suho came out of the opperating room.

"Hyung! How is she?" Sehun asked as soon as he saw the doctor come out of the doors.

"Alive. She lost a lot of blood from the wound, but we saved her." Suho said.

"And the baby? What about my grandchild?" Madam Oh asked.

"Fortunately, the baby is safe. It's a miracle that the baby survived the stress that Luhan had from the wound." 

Everyone sighed in relief upon hearing the two were safe.

"Can we see her?" Tao asked.

"We are currently moving her to a room. You can see her once she's settled in."

Suho said as he turned and gestured everyone to follow him.

They came upon a room in the VIP ward.

"I placed Luhan here so that I can check up on her during her stay here." Suho explained.

"But...we don't have the money for this." Ming Yue said.

"There will be no charge. I consider Luhan as my sister now, so I won't charge anything." Suho said with a smile.

"Can he do that?" Chen whispered to Xiumin.

"Well he is the owner of this place." Xiumin answered.

"Can we see jie now?" Baekhyun asked.

"Come on in, but be quiet. We want her to get as much rest as possible." Suho said.

They entered the room and found Luhan asleep in a not-so-usual hospital bed. The bed looked like a queen sized bed with soft comforters. 

"Damn you rich people." Chen muttered, earning a elbow jab from Xiumin.

Sehun walked towards the bed and sat on the edge, taking one of Luhan's hands into his. 

He kissed her hand and looked at her sleeping face lovingly.

"We'll keep her here for a few days until she is well enough to stand." Suho said.

"It's getting late. How about all of us head to the mansion and come back tomorrow?" Madam Oh suggested.

"Sure thing." Taeyeon answered as everyone else nodded.

"I'm staying." Sehun said, not taking his eyes off the sleeping beauty.

Everyone smiled. 

"Very well. I'll bring you fresh clothes tomorrow." Madam Oh said.

Everyone left the room besides Sehun.

"I'm glad that you both are safe." Sehun whispered as he place his hand on Luhan's stomach.

Sehun smiled and laid next to Luhan on the bed, careful not to move or hurt her. 

He then fell asleep with a smile on his face with his love in his arms.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: DOUBLE UPDATE!!!!! YAY!!! As an apology for such a late update, I thought "hey maybe a double update since I needed to write down the story before I forget what I was going to write." LOL...

Good News and Bad News.....

Good News..... LUHAN AND BABY ARE SAFE AND ALIVE!!!! ღවꇳවღ

Bad News....... The story is also most at an end ( ◢д◣)

I'm also working on a new story called "The Gentlemen of Jung." Its a six part series based on the six couples of EXO!!!! Here is the link to the Forward.

The Gentlemen of Jung

I will update it once I finish this story :P

Until then...... PEACE!!! v(≧∇≦v)三(v≧∇≦)v

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296 streak #1
Chapter 12: Sehun and luhan together,,,, :D
296 streak #2
Chapter 11: I hope hunhan will get closer soon
296 streak #3
Chapter 10: Wu Shi Xun,,,of course that Sehun~
296 streak #4
Chapter 9: luhan have a boyfriend??? eeehhhhhhh
296 streak #5
Chapter 8: if luhan is in a danger,,,sehun is the best option right now,,,he will take care of luhan,,,
296 streak #6
Chapter 7: I hope Xi Ming Yue don't stealing,,,and if he's do that,,,,why???
296 streak #7
Chapter 6: jaejoong suddenly appears and make everything so much worst,,,,
but Luhan is a heroin~~~ she is strong :D
296 streak #8
Chapter 5: chanyeol sound creepy~~ hahaha he will be back,,,
can't wait for hunhan moment~~
296 streak #9
Chapter 4: oh krystal lie to him,,,
Sehun love her but she lied to him,,,poor Sehun~~
don't worry Luhan will appear in your life :D
296 streak #10
Chapter 3: Krystal is Sehun's wife??
Sehun love her? look like he's don't care about her too much?