Thirty Three - Bomb Threat (Part Two)

The Trick of the Heart

A/N: This will be a long chapter so bare with me.... Heehee     |。・)

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The workers were working through the rubble searching.

Chanyeol was going back and forth between one section to the next in the warehouse.

One of the workers came up to Chanyeol.

"Did you find him yet?" Chanyeol asked the worker.

"No, but I did find something in the eastern wing." The worker replied.

"What is it?" 

Chanyeol followed the worker.

They arrived at the area that was burned down.

The worker walked through the rubble and picked up, what looked like, a helmet with wires attached to it.

"I believe this is what blew up the area." The worker stated.

Chanyeol sighed. He looked around and saw one of the workers looking very worried.

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked the worker.

"Its just..... This is where I last saw Mr. Oh when he came to check on the stocks." 

"He was here?" Chanyeol asked as he pointed to the ground. 

The worker nodded. 

Chanyeol looked around and grew even more worried at the possibility of his friend buried underneath all the burnt up wood and boxes.

"We found him!" someone yelled from the outside.

Chanyeol snapped his head to the direction the person called from and ran.

"Where is he?" Chanyeol asked the man when he got outside.

"This way!" The man said.

Behind them were the paramedics, who were carrying a stretcher.

Chanyeol spotted a group surrounding someone.

"Move!" Chanyeol commanded and saw who they were looking for.

"Sehun!" Chanyeol called. The man was unconscious and his head was bleeding.

The workers moved back when Chanyeol knelt down next to his friend.

"Sehun? Sehun!" 

Sehun grunted. His eyes opened and he sat up.

Sehun blinked a few times and tried to focus his eyes.

"Chanyeol-hyung?" Sehun asked the man in front of him.


Sehun shut his eyes and then opened them. 

"*[sigh]* My eyes are all blury." Sehun stated as he closed them agan and rubbed them a bit.

"We should get you to the hospital." Chanyeol said as the paramedics helped Sehun lay down on the stretcher.

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Luhan was busy baking cupcakes with the help of Amber and Jokwon when Chad said that there was a phone call.

"Hello?" Luhan answered the call.

"Luhan? How come you didn't pick up the phone?" Taeyeon asked her daughter.

"Oh! My phone is upstairs. Why? Is something wrong?" Luhan asked.

"You mean you don't know?" 

"Know what?"

"Turn on the news and watch. I'll meet you at the hospital," was all Taeyeon said as she hung up before Luhan could even ask why.

Luhan the news and saw the headline.

Explosion at Oh Inc. Warehouse

Luhan was shocked. She grew even more worried when the reporter reported what was going on.

"CEO Oh Sehun was last seen in the eastern wing when the explosion happened. The employees are currently looking for the young CEO and hopes that he is safe."

Luhan started to shake. Sehun. Luhan prayed that he was okay.

The phone rings again and Amber picks up, seeing that Luhan was too shocked.


"Is Luhan there?" The caller asked.

"Yes. May I ask who is calling?"

"This is Kim Jongin. May I speak to Luhan?"

Amber pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at Luhan.

"Luhan, Kim Jongin is calling."

Luhan took the phone. "Kai?"

"Luhan! I assume that you've watched the news?" Kai asked.

"Yes. Did you find him?"

"We did. I thought it would help if you knew."

"Thank you. I'm on my way now."

"Soo and I will wait for you in the lobby." Kai said before he hung up.

"Chad? Can you drive me to the hospital?" Luhan asked.

"Of course." Chad said and they left.

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Madam Oh was in the office talking to Tao when she received a phone call.


"Madam Oh. There was an explosion at the warehouse." The caller answered.

"What? Is anyone hurt?" Madam Oh asked.

"Only a few were injured, but nothing too serious. However, Mr. Oh has gone missing. He was last seen at the area of the explosion."

Madam Oh dropped the phone in shock. She began breathing hard.

"Omma?" Tao asked concerned.

"Omma!" Tao then screamed when she saw her mother clutch onto her heart hard and collapsed on the floor. Tao caught her mother before she hit the ground.

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Everyone waited outside the opperating room when Suho came out of the doors.

"How is he, Joonmyeon?" Tao asked.

"He's fine. However, his eyes will need time to heal." 

"What do you mean?" Tao asked.

"The force of the explosion caused Sehun to hit is head hard. All he sees now is just blurs. But I assure you it is only temporarily." 

"And my mother?" Tao asked.

"Nothing serious. Aunty is fine. Though she is prohibited from doing any strenous work. I recommend she stay in a wheel chair for the time being until she regains her strength." Suho informed.

"O-Okay." Tao whimpered.

"It's okay, Tao. They're both fine." Luhan assured.

"Thank you Luhan. You go in and stay with oppa. I will go see my mom." Tao said.

Luhan nodded and stood up.

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Tao entered the room and saw that her mother was awake.

"Tao! Did they find your brother?" Madam Oh asked the minute she spotted her.

"They found him, but...." Tao trailed off, wondering how she was going to tell her mother that her brother is temporarily blind.

"But what? Is your brother okay?" Madam Oh asked worriedly.

"Oppa hit his head hard from the impact of the explosion. He will be temporarily blind." Tao said as tears began to form in her eyes.

Madam Oh was shocked. She brought her hand to cover trying to prevent the sobs to come out.

"He's okay though, right?" Madam Oh asked her daughter.

Tao nodded. "Luhan is with him right now."

Just the mention of Luhan being with her son and comforting him brought a small smile to her lips.

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Sehun sat up in the hospital bed clutching and unclutching the blanket covering his legs.

He heard the door open and foot steps entering the room.

"Who's there?" He asked.

The person didn't answer, but the foot steps got closer.

"I asked who is there?!" Sehun grew angry that the person did not answer.

"It's me." The person said no louder than a whisper, but Sehun heard.

"L-Luhan." Sehun stated.

Luhan looked at Sehun. He seemed fine except for the bandage around his head covering the cut on the back of his head and his eyes.

She brought her hand and touched Sehun's covered eyes. She then brought her hand down to cup his cheek.

"How do you feel?" Luhan asked the man.

"I'm okay." Sehun answered as be brought his hands up to undo the bandage.

"Let me." Luhan said as she began to unwrap the bandage.

Once the bandage was off, Sehun opened his eyes. He blinked a couple of times but all he saw was blurs.

"Dr. Kim said that your blindness is only temporarily." Luhan informed.

"I see." Sehun said.

It was quiet for a while. Luhan then smiled as she brought her hand up and waved it in front of Sehun's face. 

Sehun then smiled and grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.

Luhan was shocked and her breath was knocked out of her when her body hit Sehun's.

Sehun embraced her and pulled her in tightly.

Luhan smiled, after regaining composure, and wrapped her arms around him.

"Are you going to be my care taker then?" Sehun asked.

"I am, even if you don't want me to." Luhan whispered.

Sehun smiled.

Luhan then pulled away and stared at Sehun's face.

She leaned in and pecked his nose. Sehun scrunched his nose and Luhan giggled.

She then pecked each of his cheeks. Sehun blinked a couple of times wondering why Luhan was doing such things. 

"Close your eyes." Luhan ordered in a whisper.

Sehun did as he was told and felt a pair of lips placing a tender kiss on each of his eyelids.

"A kiss will always make it better." Luhan said as she pulled away.

"You missed a spot." Sehun said.

"Oh? Where?" Luhan asked as she tilted her head a little.

Sehun point to his lips and Luhan blushed.

"I'm waiting." 

Luhan giggled and leaned in. She placed her lips on his, intending it to be a quick kiss, but Sehun had wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply.

They two ended up in a make out session.

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The next day:

Reporters had been asking what had happened at the warehouse the day before. 

Tao had called for all employees to a meeting and reporters were invited.

"I called you here today to discuss what had happened yesterday. My brother has informed me and Mr. Xi that he spotted an unknown employee placing the bomb in the warehouse. I don't know who the employee is, therefore, we are conducting a thorough search in every office and personal belongings. This is only so to find out who did this." Tao informed the employees.

Ming Yue was asked to accompany Tao by Sehun for Sehun was worried about his sister.

When Tao had finished her announcement, a loud sound was heard throughout the room.

The employees were shocked and the reporters screamed. Tao was also shocked and Ming Yue went up to her and guided her out of the room.

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"What happened?" Sehun asked through the phone.

"Someone had placed a couple of fire crackers inside the conference room interrupting the meeting. We all thought it was a gun going off." Ming Yue reported.

"*[sigh]* First a bomb and now fire crackers?" Sehun asked to no one in particular. "What does Tao plan to do next?"

"She said something about holding another conference but at the warehouse this time. Kris will be there as well. It won't be for another day or two" Ming Yue said.

"Good. I'll leave this to you then." Sehun said before hanging up.

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Two days later:

At the warehouse, the employees were arranging rows of chairs and decorating the place with flowers.

Tao and Kris were talking when Chen, Minseok, and Baekhyun arrived.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kris asked them.

"We thought we could help. We've got nothing better to do." Chen answered.

"Okay.... Oh! Guys this is Tao, Sehun's sister. Tao, this is Chen and Baekhyun, Luhan's brother and sister. And this is Minseok, Chen's girlfriend." Kris introduced.

"It's nice meeting you all." Tao greeted.

"You too. If there is anything we can help with, let us know." Baekhyun said.

"Do what you must. I have to check with the security." Tao said as she walked towards the security office. Kris followed.

Chen and Minseok began helping unfolding the chairs and placing them into rows and Baekhyun looked around to see what she could help with.

She then spotted a flower delivery truck parking and the man leaving the car.

Why did he just leave and not unload the car? Baekhyun thought.

"Hey, Chen, Xiumin? Come help me real quick." Baekhyun called the two and they walked towards the flowers. They unloaded the truck and began walking back towards the chairs.

"Kris-oppa! Where do you want these flowers?" Baekhyun asked Kris when she saw him walking out of the office.

"Um..... Hey! Where do you want these?" Kris asked one of the employees who were organizing the meeting.

"We didn't order those." The man said.

"What? Then what are these for?" Baekhyun asked.

"Where did you get these?" Kris asked.

"Someone was driving the truck full of flowers and walked off when he parked. We thought we would unload the flowers since the man wouldn't." Baekhyun explained.

"So what do we do with them? These are kind of getting heavy." Chen said.

Baekhyun and Minseok nodded.

They were about to put the flowers down.

"Guys wait!" Kris suddenly called. "Bring them here." 

Kris lead them to the back of the warehouse and took the flowers and gently placed them on the ground.

Kris then began to take the flowers out of the pots and checked each and everyone of them.

"*[sigh]* it's not in here." Kris muttered to himself.

"What were you looking for?" Baekhyun asked.

"There's a possibility that the man you saw is placing a bomb somewhere." Kris said.

The three gasped.

"Baekhyun. Do you remember what the man looked like?"

"Um.... He was tall, wore a black jacket and a red shirt. I think he has a beard, too." Baekhyun described.

"Okay. You guys keep an eye out for this man. I need to talk to Tao."

The four went back to the meeting area and helped out with what they can.

It was when a man in a black jacket came with a vase full of flowers and was about to place it on the glass coffee table in front of the front row of chairs. Baekhyun saw the man and knelt next to the table facing him on the opposite side. She eyed him trying to figure out where she saw the man. The man smiled at her and her eyes widened. 

"Oppa! It's him! It's him!" Baekhyun began to scream. The man was shocked and tried to grab her but was kicked in the stomach but Chen's foot.

The man fell back and began attack other people as they tried to stop him. 

"Wait here Tao." Kris told her.

"Wh-what? What's going on?" Tao asked confused.

But Kris didn't answer her for he ran towards the man and tried to hold him down. The two fought and the man push Kris causing him to lose balance and fall back.

The man then ran towards Tao and grabbed her before she could get away.

"Stay back!" The man cried as people tried to save their boss. He pulled out a knife. "Stay back or she gets hurt!"

Tao saw the knife and sighed. "Big mistake." 

Tao grabbed the hand holding the knife and twisted around until she was behind the man and the man's arm is on his back. 

The knife was knocked out of his hand and was grunting in pain from the tight grip.

Tao then knocked him over by placing her foot in front of him.

The man fell and landed on his back. Hard.

However, the man was already back on his feet and pulled out a gun and shot Tao in the shoulder.

He then grabbed her right arm, pulling her. Tao screamed in pain when her arm was pulled for it was the right side that was shot. 

"Nobody moves, or I'll shoot her!" The man cried as he pointe the gun to Tao's head.

Kris was angry. Tao was shaking from pain. Baekhyun and Minseok were watching with wide eyes. And the employees were scared for their employer's life.

Chen on the other hand looked around his surroundings and sneaked off.

Kris advanced a little to get to Tao.

"I said to not move!" The man yelled.

"Okay. Let's calm down first." Kris said. He then saw movement on one of the shelves. [A/N: is that what they are called? You know when you go to a warehouse and there are these giant shelves where all the boxes are placed? Oh nevermind.... back to the story.]

Chen had climbed his way to the second shelf just above the man. He nodded to Kris when he saw the the latter noticed him.

Kris then looked back to the man and Tao. A moment later....

"Now Chen!" Kris yelled as he ran and kicked the man in the stomach and pulled Tao to him. Chen pushed all the boxes off the shelf and they landed on top of the man.

Kris pushed Tao, gently so he wouldn't hurt her any further, towards Baekhyun. He then ran to the man, who was buried under a boxes and started punching him over and over again.

Chen had climbed down from the shelves and ran to Kris to stop him.

"Ge! That's enough!" Chen yelled. "A little help here!" He then called for help from the other employees.

The employees ran and grabbed on to Kris and pulled him away from the now bleeding man. 

"Tao-ssi?" Kris heard Baekhyun's voice. He turned around and ran towards them.

"T-Tao? Are you okay?" Kris asked as he pulled Tao towards him.

Tao stared at Kris and smiled. She then lost consciousness.

"T-Tao? Tao!" 

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A/N: HEYO!!!! Here is the next chapter!!! I know..... It's longer than the other chapters..... And I think that I just went on and on in some scenes, so I have know clue if it made anysense or not..... ┐(´~`)┌     apologies!! \\٩( 'ω' )و ///

Until the next update!!! 

PEACE!!! v(´∀`*v)

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296 streak #1
Chapter 12: Sehun and luhan together,,,, :D
296 streak #2
Chapter 11: I hope hunhan will get closer soon
296 streak #3
Chapter 10: Wu Shi Xun,,,of course that Sehun~
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Chapter 9: luhan have a boyfriend??? eeehhhhhhh
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Chapter 8: if luhan is in a danger,,,sehun is the best option right now,,,he will take care of luhan,,,
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Chapter 7: I hope Xi Ming Yue don't stealing,,,and if he's do that,,,,why???
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Chapter 6: jaejoong suddenly appears and make everything so much worst,,,,
but Luhan is a heroin~~~ she is strong :D
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Chapter 5: chanyeol sound creepy~~ hahaha he will be back,,,
can't wait for hunhan moment~~
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Chapter 4: oh krystal lie to him,,,
Sehun love her but she lied to him,,,poor Sehun~~
don't worry Luhan will appear in your life :D
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Chapter 3: Krystal is Sehun's wife??
Sehun love her? look like he's don't care about her too much?