The Devil Wears Calvin Klein

I opened my email and saw a file attached. It was from K&K corporation. 


TO: [email protected]

FROM: officialk&[email protected]

Good day, Ms. Hwang Dohee. 
Attached in this email is the resume and a pdf file of the things you need to study.


I clicked on the PDF and boom. A booming 30 pages of Biography and Information struck me. It was the biography and information of the CEO of K&K Hotels, one of the big businesses under the K&K Corporation. I minimized the PDF and started to fill up the resume and emailed it back. After that, I crossed my fingers and wished to the universe. I hope I get the job.

Then I opened the PDF and started to read the information and biography.

This is going to be a long, long— grrrruuuuurrr I think that's my stomach.

I wanna cry right now, I don't have anything on my fridge anymore and I already drank all my coffee. Where shall I find food? Huhuhu...

I think I'm gonna die before I get this job.

I heard a knock on my door. I hurried outside and slowly opened the door.

"JOON!" I can't help but get too excited! I opened the door wide and found him carrying plastic bags. "Woah, what are these?"

"I figured that by this time, you already have no supplies so out of my very kind heart, I bought you food"

"Omo! Thank you!" I smilled and helped him carry some and put them over the counter.

"Have you eaten already?"

"I had coffee" I answered and started to open the bags.


"Just coffee?"

Joon paused and looked at me. He then nodded his head and scanned me from head to toe.

"Yep just coffee" I tried to smile and look prestable but I know I'm not. My hair's a mess and I haven't been taking care of myself since I was alone by myself.

Joon paused and studied me from head to toe. "What?" I asked in urgency.

"Look at you"

"Why what's wrong with me?" I raised my brows, a bit alarmed.

"You are getting thinner and thinner" he tried to pinch my elbow.

"Ow" I said indifferently and pulled my elbow away.

He laughed. "Silly"

I bowed my head down because that's the only thing I could do. I really don't have time to take good care of myself. I was depressed for months and I just didn't have the appetite to live and straighten myself up. 

"You should probably go ba"

"No we are not having this talk again" I cut Joon short. For the millionth time, I'm not gonna go back.

"What are you really trying to do with your life? I know your parents' divorce brought severe pain but come on Dohee, you're throwing yourself to the pits of nowhere. I'm just trying to tell you some options so that you'd save yourself from falling into it." I can feel he was really worried just by looking into his eyes. Why is Joon this transparent? I have no idea.

"Joon, I know that you're just being "concerned" with me but I can do this. I mean, instead of convincing me to go back, you could've just helped me get through this and help me get a life"

"Just because we're bestfriends doesn't"

"Correction bestfriends forever and ever cross my heart hope to die"

He rolled his eyes. "Okay, just becaue we're bestfriends forever and ever cross my heart hope to die doesn't mean I have to spoon feed you with everything, you know."

I sighed deeply and looked at him. "But—"

"Dohee, this life, this reality, I mean, it's not like our childhood days where you can just ask people for things, you have to work hard for it. You have to earn it. Not just those material things, even trust or love or, I know you know what I mean."

"I know but" I wanted to continue to reason out but I know Joon has a point. 

"You have to learn to work and earn for yourself so that in the future you'd truly be independent and as you said before, aproximately 6 months ago, that you'll show your parents you can live independently so show them that you really can"

"Yeah, you're right. Actually, I called this corporation and I emailed them my resume." I told him and sat on top of the counter. Joon moved towards the plastic bags and started to unpack the things he bought.

"What corporation?"

"K&K, I actually applied as a secretary to their CEO" I answered and watched Joon roam all over the kitchen and placed the things he bough to their designated areas.

"Oh, right. K&K. I already had a deal that I'd put up my restaurant in their newly built hotel in Jeju Island" 

"Really. Wow, I guess you're dreams are really, one by one, coming true" I smiled at him and felt proud. Hey, wait a minute.

"Yah! Why don't you just hire me in one of your restaurants!" I asked and got down.

"I said it before, Mina's not comfortable with it"

"With what?" 

"With you working with me"

"Why would she get jealous? We're just bestfriends for cyring out loud!" I stomped my foot and followed him to the fridge where he placed the fresh milk, cranberry juice and orange juice on the lower shelf. He stopped and faced me.

"You know her, she's not the type to believe that friendship between a man and a woman is possible in their twenties"

I sighed. Ugh. This is really getting into my nerves. Why does she have to be that jealous? I mean doesn't she trust Joon? Gosh, she's so clingy.

"But we're bestfriends!" I tried to make my point.

"But she's going to be my fiance!" he replied back.

"Wh-a-a-at?" What did he just say? She's going to be his fiance? Please tell me your kidding. 

"Yup! I'm planning to propose to her next month, on our anniversary" he smiled and went back to the counter and grabbed the vegetables he bought and put it on the crisper.

"W-o-ow" I can't seem to find a good reply.

"That's why I really don't want to trigger the relationship. I just can't risk it"

"O-oh" I fell silent because I started to feel cold. I feel like there's something sharp stuck in my chest and my lungs aren't working well. I stood blankly beside the fridge while he was busy unpacking the rest of the stuff.


{ Flashback }

"Omma! What are you cooking for dinner tonight?" I asked excitedly and ran to my mother who was tying her apron.

"Oh, Dohee-ah, there you are! I'm cooking your father's favorite maeuntang" she smiled at me. My mom is really sweet. No, she's really beautiful and someday I wanted to be like her and meet a man just like my father.

"Wow! Can I help omma?"

"Of course, here you go" he offered me a small apron and she tied it at my back. I smiled at her.

While were were busy preparing the fish, my mom and I talked.

"Omma, why do appa like this dish best from all the rest?"

She smiled prettily. "Because it was the first dish I prepared for him when we were still dating and when he tasted it, he said he loved it that he could already die but of course he didn't die because he proposed to me a month after" my omma laughed a little and I laughed back.

"Dohee-ah" my mom called, "Hmmm?" I replied and looked at her.

"Do you already have a crush?"

"Omma!" I can't help but sound defensive and jumpy with that question.

"Wae? You are already in your highschool years, it's just normal!" she teased me. I smiled and huuged her from behind.

"Is it Joon?" 

"Joon?! No, yuck, he's ju-ust my be--es-t-fri-e-end" I gulped. Then she lightly knocked on my head. "I know you when you are lying"

I smiled. "Please keep this a secret, nobody really knows"

"Aigoo, this kid! What if someone also likes him? What would you do if she confesses before you can?"

"He already told me he didn't like anybody. He also said he doesn't like girls who are in their highschool years. So he said he'll just wait until he finishes college and meet someone when he's already grown-up"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! So, for now, I'll just keep this a secret!" I smiled and felt giddy all over and mom and I continued to cook.

{ End of flashback }


"Yah, Dohee-ah, are you alright?" Joon asked and waved his hand in front of my face. I started to blink again. "Ha? Uh— I gue-ess, I ne-eed to go-o to the ba-athro-oom" Joon looked at me unsurely then nodded. "Okay, I'll just set up and cook for dinner"

I huried to my room and then into the bathroom. I the faucet and the moment the water reached the sink, my tears started to fall. And I cried like how I cried six months ago and I thought I'm already used to this pain but this is different.

I'm going to be alone again...

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I'm really going to update real soon after my exams are over :)


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Galaxygirlx #1
Please update
Galaxygirlx #2
It has been over two years , but i'm still eagerly waiting for you to update
pinkypn #3
I hope your still working in the story. It's been so long since you last updated
Galaxygirlx #4
This story is my all time favourite , i don't even know how many times i've read this. I'm looking forword to your update! Especailly since Suho has started to gain some feelings towards dohee.
It's been over a year since you've last updated... please update asap :)
I miss you and I miss this story, one of the stories that makes me fall in love with Junmyeon.
Hoping to read an update soon :)
nsm1998 #6
can i know what is the title of the soundtrack because i can't seem to fine it everywhere
Galaxygirlx #7
Waiting for you to update this beautiful story of yours :)
Misstwilightfan1416 #8
I found this story and i love it!!!! I hope you will update soon^^