(37) Shifting

♛ Another Cinderella Story ♛
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      ❀JUNG SO MIN❀
Yoo Bin Unnie is waiting at Kim Tower's lobby. She is waiting.. What does she want? She wants to counter me? No. I don't think so. She wants to see Hyun Joong Oppa, that's for sure. Then, what should I do? Mr Bae said that Hyun Joong Oppa wanted me to avoid her. He wanted to protect me. But again, didn't I tell him that I was ready for this? That I was ready for facing my steps? So?

"What do you think?" Mr Bae asks again.

I turn my face and look at him. "I am ready for this."

I swear that I see him smiling for a very short moment. "And, so I thought. Great. You can do this, So Min-ah. Show her that you are different now. Seung Hyun already told me everything."

Of course. He already told him everything alright. I nod slowly. Ok. This is it. My pre-test. If I am able to pass this, I will surely able to handle my next.

In the next few minutes, I see Kim Tower from a far. My heartbeat moves faster as the car approaches the lobby. I receive no call or text message from Hyun Joong Oppa. He must fell confident enough that his men will take and hide me from Yoo Bin Unnie.

I am sorry, Oppa. I have to do this. I couldn't delay this any longer.

"We are here." Mr Bae states before he walks out from the car and I follow through. "Chin up."

And, I listen to his advice. I lift my chin up a little as I walk beside Mr Bae and sense that Seung Hyun-ssi follows us silently. Mr Bae and Seung Hyun-ssi, I feel protected.

Then, I see her. Yoo Bin Unnie. She stands in front of presidential elevator, leaning against the wall, looking extremely hot as usual with her mini dress and messy bun.

With the corner of my eyes, I try to locate Tae Hee Unnie at her workspace, but she is not there. I narrow my eyes. Where is she? Hmm.. How is she? Tae Hee Unnie desires Hyun Joong Oppa deeply. But, the one who set the trap was Yoo Bin Unnie. What did she feel about that? How did Tae Hee Unnie feel that the one who was able to get Kim Hyun Joong, literally, was her dongsaeng, Kim Yoo Bin?

I watch her standing properly as she sees me walk closer to the elevator. She looks confused but manages to wipe it up swiftly. The moment I stop my walk, she put her menacing expression again.

"Morning, Yoo Bin Unnie!" I greet her with full smile.

She narrows her eyes and gives me sharp stare. "You are here?"

I nod shortly. "I am working here as Mr Bae's assistant." I eye to Mr Bae who stands beside me and I see that Yoo Bin Unnie looks at him too. "And you, Unnie? What are you doing here?"

Yoo Bin Unnie tilts her head a little as her jaw clenches. I could tell that she was shocked but preferred for not showing that. She says nothing but her stare tells all. She literally tries to kill me with her stare.

"So Min!"

My heart drops. Hyun Joong Oppa.

DING! And, the elevator doors are opened.

"Come, So Min." Mr Bae steps in and without looking back to see Hyun Joong Oppa, I step into the elevator after nod a little to Yoo Bin Unnie.

"My office." I hear Hyun Joong Oppa hisses and other footsteps are heard behind me.

When, I finally turn my body, the elevator doors are closed and I spot there are six people inside: Mr Bae, Seung Hyun-ssi, Hyun Joong Oppa, Yoo Bin Unnie, Ji Yong-ssi and me. I look up to Hyun Joong Oppa that stands right in front of me. He says nothing but he examines me closely.

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Chapter 1: I found this story again yesterday but I just got time to read it now
I re-read this story, amazing ending
Whinney #3
Chapter 65: ❤️
Chapter 65: amazing ending and I love it
stay safe and take care
Chapter 65: Thanks for the ending, it is amazing
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 65: This is your story and not all people may agree, but I love you ended this story authornim.
Thank you
Take care and stay safe
Chapter 65: thankyou for completed this story authornim...
Chapter 65: I was so happy to see the update and see the beautiful conclusion. You have worked hard.
Ydvvfjkch #9
Chapter 65: 26 years after still vividly remember marriage day......wow happy ending...
Erika86 #10
Chapter 65: Me encanto....!!! Gracias por terminar la historia...