

"Looks like I was right, sadly."

Heechul had placed Donghae face down on the couch, said a spell and revealed his wings.

To their dismay, his wings were shedding their white feathers, underneath tinges of black could be seen.

"What do we do mother?"

Heechul shook her head and stood up from the couch. What could they do? Heechul had seen one of her friends go down this very path, but she never returned. That was it, you never could return unless saved by the purest of emotions; love. And his friend lost his love at battle. Death, was something you couldn't fix. And so her friend became: A dark angel.

Dark angels were known to be deadly in every aspect. Unlike Light angels, they showed no restraint, no emotion. They were dark because of their hearts, as black as the wings from their backs. Worst of all, They feasted on souls; human souls.

"I'm afraid it's not a job for us. You know what the poem states, 'Never to be saved unless with love'."

"I can save him" Siwon sat next to Donghae, gently caressing his face.

"No, you can't. It has to be someone they love, someone they would sacrifice their life for. And family does not count."

"Family!? Mother you know I love him more than that Hyukjae-"

"Hyukjae! That's it, we must advise his human counterpart at once."

"Mother!" Siwon yelled standing up.

"What!? Don't you raise your voice at me." "Sit down" Heechul said, her eyes turning completely black and Siwon forcefully sat down.

"We shall go there now. Hold Donghae."

Siwon hoisted Donghae onto his shoulders, while Heechul transported them to Donghae's living room.

"Ah, what a lovely home. Better than the black hole of a home, your father loves."

"Mother, it's called The Underworld."

"Underworld or not, it's tacky and too dark. How stereotypical for Demons to live there. Now place him onto the couch."

Siwon did as told while Heechul walked towards the stairs.

"He's here. Stay with Hae while I get him."


Once upstairs, Heechul followed her instincts to the 2nd door on the right. She knocked, but when she didn't receive a response, he opened the door.


Heechul searched for a light switch and when she couldn't find it, she simply clapped her hands together and the light .

GASP. "Hyukjae! Oh hunnie, you look a mess."

She went closer to Hyuk's sleeping form, tears stained his face, his face a bit puffy and red.

"Get up Hyukjae, Hae needs you. Can you hear me? I said get up!" And with that, she used his shadows to enter Hyuk's dreams and relay the message. Within a minute, Hyuk woke up.

"Aunt Heechul? What's going on? Why did I dr-"

"No time for that. Now let's go downstairs to see Hae."

Hyuk tried to fix himself to look more decent.

"If Hae fell for you naturally, I'm sure this won't be that much of a difference." Heechul deadpanned.

Pulling him towards the door, Hyukjae stopped and looked at her.

"I'm sorry." he said, simply.

"You'll be more sorry if we lose him." And led the both of them out the door.

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Forigve me y'all. I'm re-reading this and laughing at how much sense it lacked.


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Chapter 49: They've had lots of trouble but then :)))
Chapter 1: Hae. ...
EunHaess #3
Chapter 3: hyuk? ahahahaha thats the most funniest hyukjae nickname ive ever heard XDD
pilikpoplove #4
Chapter 49: Ahhhh well at least they are together, and in the future maybe thet can let the bad memories go and live happily :)
Congrats on finishing the story girl!!
160 streak #5
Chapter 48: Awwww.....kinda confusing but still a great story. I really like angel Hae... ^^
Chapter 18: So behind on this story gotta read now
wildrose88 #7
Chapter 48: awwwwwwwwww :)
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 47: cant wait for next chappie :)
pilikpoplove #9
Chapter 39: i think donghae has died like 5 times by now XD
pilikpoplove #10
Chapter 37: Just kill us with the angst! Well superangst indeed