The Hunt


"Leeteuk you need to move Aiden."

"What? His training is almost complete. You said you would find what's holding him back!"

"Yes, but I've received word that Heechul and Hangeng are looking for him."

The phonecall went silent. Becoming a dark angel doesn't mean that you lose memories of your past, no, it only happened to Donghae because it was forced upon him. Leeteuk could remember every single event, the reason why she became that way, and most of all, her friends.

"Where will I move him to?" She sighed. Things were starting to get annoying.

"Riddlers Forest."

"You can't be serious, you know that place is-"

The other person cut her off. "I know, but I have a cabin there where you can stay for a few days until they pass...stay hidden." The phonecall ended.

Leeteuk bit the inside of as a dialtone was heard. Snapping her cellphone shut, she glared at Donghae. It was his fault. Everyone knew about the Riddlers Forest. It was said that only the darkest and most evil could enter without being killed, and she feared that having her son with her would cause her to become weak.

"We're leaving in an hour. Get ready."


"Chullie are you sure this is the right way?"

They had been traveling through the nastiest places filled with the most vile creatures for almost 2 hours.

"I'm positive. Leeteuk is smart enough to hide herself and I've been there before, it was a few years after she had turned. I tried to save her, but we fought and she told me to leave, which I did. Had I known-"

Heechul stopped, she could feel the tar tears burning her eyes. Wiping the dark, thick tears, she kept going.

"You couldn't have known. None of us could. For her to do that to her own child. It's unfathomable. But we must keep going, and if need be, we have to kill her. Surely, you're prepared?"

"How is an angel darker than a demon?"

"What?" Hangeng froze. He didn't understand the question, especially how random it was.

"I mean, demons are naturally evil, capable of doing whatever. But angels, they're born pure and good. They go through the painful process of turning evil. So by feeling that pain, aren't they darker than us? The fact how Leeteuk is willing to harm her own child. I could never think of harming Siwon."

Hangeng held Heechul's hand. "My darling, I have never seen you as evil nor as a demon. I see you as Heechul, the love of my life, mother of my son. You should view yourself and I as the same. Leeteuk has simply lost her way, you said so yourself. Maybe death is her way of salvation."

Heechul pulled her hand away. "We should keep going."


Hyukjae laid on his bed, thinking. For the last few hours, ever since Siwon told him of Hanchul's decision, he thought about Donghae. But with each passing hour, his heart only felt more pain. As if someone were squeezing the very breath out of his chest.

He couldn't stand it. He felt so...constricted. Every time he tried to remember Donghae, this would happen. As if someone were blocking the memories. He tried, he tried so hard to recall anything at all. So far, he could remember that Donghae was his husband, but before that? after that? Nothing.

It infuriated him. For Hanchul's sake and his, he had to remember. Their lives depended on it from what Siwon had told him.

Getting up, he walked downstairs to the kitchen. His heart, his mind, everything hurt so much. Why would trying to remember someone you love hurt so damn much?

He grabbed the first knife he could get his hands on. He could barely hear someone telling him, a voice he couldn't recognize saying 'remember me hyukkie' 'remember me, hurry up'.

And he screamed as he plunged the knife into his chest. He felt Nothing hurt and he could see and feel images rushing through his head, words flowing from the mouths that moved.

Finally, he remembered Donghae.

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Forigve me y'all. I'm re-reading this and laughing at how much sense it lacked.


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Chapter 49: They've had lots of trouble but then :)))
Chapter 1: Hae. ...
EunHaess #3
Chapter 3: hyuk? ahahahaha thats the most funniest hyukjae nickname ive ever heard XDD
pilikpoplove #4
Chapter 49: Ahhhh well at least they are together, and in the future maybe thet can let the bad memories go and live happily :)
Congrats on finishing the story girl!!
160 streak #5
Chapter 48: Awwww.....kinda confusing but still a great story. I really like angel Hae... ^^
Chapter 18: So behind on this story gotta read now
wildrose88 #7
Chapter 48: awwwwwwwwww :)
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 47: cant wait for next chappie :)
pilikpoplove #9
Chapter 39: i think donghae has died like 5 times by now XD
pilikpoplove #10
Chapter 37: Just kill us with the angst! Well superangst indeed