

Heechul landed in the Demonic Kingdom. She was scared, but the fury bubbling within her heart kept her going. Even if the words her lover said made her weary, she knew they were true. It was her fault, and because of that so many suffered and were still suffering because of her.

She walked up the stairs and stared at the 20 foot high doors that faced her. Suddenly, they opened up in front of her.

"Are you going to enter yet my dear?"

Heechul approached her father cautiously. Even after a 100 years, she still couldn't trust him. More or less, she knew better than to.

"You've abandoned me for over a century and now you tremble with my appearance? I should be more wary of you, Heechul."

Heechul flinched when he said her name, it was bitter and full of hatred. She immediately bowed when his voice caused her to fall backward.

"Now you dare to bow?! A princess! Has that angel made you so weak?" He cackled loudly, the sound echoing throughout the palace.

"Pitiful. I thought I raised you to never bow your head."

Heechul walked closer to her father. "Return the boy, he has nothing to do with this."

"Nothing?" The King walked down the stairs from his throne and faced Heechul. He grabbed her chin roughly and threw her aside. "Anyone near you has everything to do with it. You started this all. You must face up to your actions."

She leaned on her elbows attempting to hold her weight up. "What is it that you want from me?!"

He walked closer, his golden cape dragging along the ground. He glared at her and spoke with menace.

"I want you dead."


"Father what do we do? Mom is gone and so is Hyukjae."

"We have to go to Kangin."

At the moment, father and son sat on the bed opposite ends. An hour had passed since Heechul left and they had spent it in silence.


"To help retrieve Donghae. His real body still exists."

Siwon gasped. Angels who had died or turned dark were burned alive. It was a rule of Nevaeh. The ceremonial cremation was said to bring inner peace and allow the Angel to reincarnate easily without the woes of their past life raining upon them.

"Kangin couldn't bear to do so. Leeteuk's body was cremated and then buried in the garden in the back of their castle. Yet he buried Donghae next to her, body in tact."

Siwon got up and walked alongside his father. "And you think by getting his...body we can retrieve his soul?"

"Yes. It won't be easy, but it's the best chance we have. Your mother knows what she is doing, she's strong and capable. I'll leave it to her to bring back Hyukjae. It seems we all have our work set out for us."

"Let's go." Siwon held his father's shoulders as he flashed them to Nevaeh.


Yesung's demon guards threw Heechul into the prison cells located in the basement of the castle. It was a place she was well acquainted and with a groan she looked around to find Hyukjae. His skin was marred with scratches and blood. His left eye was somewhat swollen, his lower lip was busted and he had a large gash on his forehead.

She crawled towards him and cradled him in her arms. "Hyukjae! Hyukjae, wake up."

He groaned and tensed when he felt someone holding him. But when he glanced upwards with his right eye, he recognized it to be Heechul.

She like him, were in the same condition. Her clothes had been somewhat torn and her flawless skin was dirtied with caked on mud and cuts.

"How are you here? Did they kidnap you too?" Hyukjae coughed and spat out blood. His chest ached horribly and it wasn't from the bruises.

"No. I came on my own-" Hyukjae tried to interrupt, but she stopped him with a single finger pressed against his lips. "-Yesung is my father, I'm sure Siwon told you the story, or at least what I've told him. This is how my relationship with that man has been since my birth."

Hyukjae removed her finger and instead held her hand in his own as a way to comfort her. "Why?"

"He wanted a son, not a daughter. A few years after my birth, he had a son with an angel. He her, but she was in love with Yesung. Her name was Ryeowook. Only those in the kingdom knew, it was a closely kept secret. But that son, my brother was born an angel too. Not a half breed like Siwon. My father was furious and he killed my brother's mother by torturing her to death. He starved her and beat her, all the blame, all the rage he felt was placed on her. And my brother witnessed it all. It was through that hatred and sadness that he became the first Dark Angel. It drove him wild and through his mother's connection, he managed to kidnap a few angels and that's how he started the army."

Hyukjae sat listlessly. "But that doesn't explain how Angels can become dark on their own."

Heechul frowned. "H-how old do I look to you, Hyukjae?"

"A couple hundred years or so? Like in your 30s."

Heechul smiled. "Demons live longer than Angels. I'm older than Kangin. Those that become dark angels are because of the cross-breeding that occurred because of my brother. It doesn't happen to every angel, only those with that gene. Which is why Kangin didn't become dark, but Leeteuk and Donghae did."

"Where is your brother now?"

Heechul sighed and she calmly told Hyukjae whose eyes widened in realization.

"My brother is the man across from us." She spoke softly. "Hello Zhou Mi."

a/n: Do not think too hard about this chapter or you may get confused. There are still probably 5-10 chapters left.

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Forigve me y'all. I'm re-reading this and laughing at how much sense it lacked.


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Chapter 49: They've had lots of trouble but then :)))
Chapter 1: Hae. ...
EunHaess #3
Chapter 3: hyuk? ahahahaha thats the most funniest hyukjae nickname ive ever heard XDD
pilikpoplove #4
Chapter 49: Ahhhh well at least they are together, and in the future maybe thet can let the bad memories go and live happily :)
Congrats on finishing the story girl!!
160 streak #5
Chapter 48: Awwww.....kinda confusing but still a great story. I really like angel Hae... ^^
Chapter 18: So behind on this story gotta read now
wildrose88 #7
Chapter 48: awwwwwwwwww :)
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 47: cant wait for next chappie :)
pilikpoplove #9
Chapter 39: i think donghae has died like 5 times by now XD
pilikpoplove #10
Chapter 37: Just kill us with the angst! Well superangst indeed