

Hangeng stayed with Michael in a guest room. They did not rest, they were awaiting Kangin's decision.

Michael at the moment was sharpening his sword in the corner. Hangeng sat down with his head laying over his crossed arms.

"Are you going to do it?"

"If you mean kill Donghae, then you are correct."

He stood up. "You can't! He's innocent. Don't do this please, he has done nothing wrong! Look at his family and what's happened to them, it's enough to make anyone turn that way."

Michael's sword glowed brightly, dark red flames surrounding it, and then the flames vanished.

"I spared your life and look what happened."

Hangeng was silent in an instant. It was his fault for falling for a demon that caused the uproar and destruction in Nevaeh. At the time Michael did not blame him and instead believed that it were to happen eventually since more and more Angels were converting to the dark. 

"You should have done it." A meek voice responded.

They turned their heads to see Leeteuk leaning against the wall, holding it as if she were about to fall.

Michael jumped up, his sword reacting again and pointed it towards her.

"Do not make me harm you, Leeteuk. You became a dark angel, I still cannot trust you."

She sat on the floor, her body unable to hold her up any longer. "This is your fault, Michael. You didn't stop Hangeng the first time and then you dared to persuade Kangin to go and fufill his duties as king."

Michael kept the sword facing her as he walked closer. "It was too late. Word had already spread of their relationship."

"I was weak!" She screamed, all the energy she had was built by rage. "I was weak until I became a dark angel. I finally saw clearly."

This time, Hangeng spoke. "You're clarity is what led Donghae to being an orphan. He suffered more than you did and yet you left him with nothing."

She turned away. "Don't tell me about suffering. I gave him life and I was going to teach him how to use it!"

"As what!? A dark angel! Donghae was pure. He had the strength his mother abandoned."

Michael's sword vanished in mid-air. "She's no longer dark."

Hangeng faced him fiercly. "What do you mean? her words are still very much tainted."

"That may be true, but it's from the heartache she feels. The darkness within her faded the second she saw her only child turn himself. She just put up a facade to keep him near."

Michael crouched down to her level. "You are a very good actress, Leeteuk. But your time is running out."

She bit her lower lip as tears fell, the endless streams cascading down her pale cheeks. Michael hugged her tightly. "I am sorry. You are right, I have failed. And for that I am forever sorry."

Michael tensed immediately. "He's not here." He closed his eyes. "I can't sense him anywhere in the cabin."

Leeteuk spoke up, "what do you mean? where's Kangin?"

Michael let go of Leeteuk and followed Hangeng downstairs. Leeteuk was still too weak to get up so she awaited for their answer.

Hangeng walked around to the front of the couch and gasped.

It was Kangin's wheelchair.....without Kangin on it.

"He's gone."


Heechul was in the kitchen cooking some porridge. Hyukjae had been fast asleep for some hours and when he would come to, he would be hungry. She had to stay strong for the both of them. But she needed Hangeng there. Too much had happened and it was killing them all.

Stirring the porridge, she thought back to when Hangeng's home, Nevaeh had turned into a battlefield after word spread of her relationship with him.

Being a demon didn't mean she was heartless.

She begged and pleaded to Hangeng for them to end their relationship, but in the end they both chose selfishly. And that selfishness is the reason things are the way they are today.

"Heechul?" She jumped up at the sound almost burning herself. She turned around to see Hyukjae sitting at the table.

"Yes Hyuk. Are you hungry? I've made porridge."


She smiled softly at him as she grabbed a bowl and spooned some of the porridge into the bowl.

"Here ya go." She set it infront of him. "Eat up"

Hyukjae slowly began eating. It was silent between them, but it wasn't awkward.

"I'm sorry" he whispered, still eating.

She sighed. "I'm sorry Hyuk. This all should've ended with Hangeng and I. We never meant to involve you kids."

He nodded his head, understanding, but not necessarily listening. Everyone blamed themselves, that much was obvious.

"Thank you for the food, it was delicious." He sat up bowl in hand getting ready to take it to the sink.

"Ah don't worry. I'll handle it." She grabbed it from his hand and strode towards the sink. As she looked out the small 4 panel window, a bright flash momentarily blinded her and she covered her eyes instinctively.

When the flash ended, she uncovered her eyes and smiled.

"I think Hangeng's back!" She spoke happily and ran over to open the door. Hyukjae curiously walked behind like a lost puppy.

From what they could see, a large lump lay on the ground. Heechul scoffed. "You could've dropped off Geng nicely!" she yelled to the sky, hoping Michael could hear her anger at how her husband was dumped like a sack of potatoes.

"Ah Geng are you okay?" She approached him. Hyukjae stood a few feet away. "Geng?" Whatever it was stood with it's back facing her and she knew it wasn't Hangeng.

"Get back Hyukjae!" Her shadows surrounding them both, ready to both attack and defend. "Who are you!?"

When the man turned around she was speechless. He had shoulder length light brown hair with dark blonde highlights. And he wasn't a man at all, rather a teenage boy. But he didn't say anything, he looked directly at Hyukjae who was breathing heavily.

The boy ran to hug Hyukjae when Heechul's shadows reacted and threw him back. The boy growled. "Meanie!" Bright white orbs surrounded his body and he lifted his hand to send them attacking her shadows.

"Hyukjae run!"

"No stay!" His orbs latched onto Hyukjae, holding him in mid-air.

Heechul's shadows were destroyed. Overpowered by the intense brightness.

The boy held Heechul in place with his orbs, which were now a bright red, burning her skin.

Hyukjae panicked when he saw her in pain. "Let her go!"

The boy dropped her instantly. They were both shocked. The boy followed Hyukjae's every word.

It was then that Hyukjae realized the boy was Donghae. "Let me go" he said. And the boy gently placed him onto the ground.

Hyukjae ran to the boy, hugging him tightly. "Donghae" The boy held him tightly. Hyukjae knew that the boy in front of him was Donghae because this was how they met many years ago, when he landed on Hyukjae's porch.

"I've missed you so much."

a/n: This was actually supposed to be 2 separate chappies, but then I thought one is too short, so I combined them~ I hope you enjoy ^_<

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Forigve me y'all. I'm re-reading this and laughing at how much sense it lacked.


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Chapter 49: They've had lots of trouble but then :)))
Chapter 1: Hae. ...
EunHaess #3
Chapter 3: hyuk? ahahahaha thats the most funniest hyukjae nickname ive ever heard XDD
pilikpoplove #4
Chapter 49: Ahhhh well at least they are together, and in the future maybe thet can let the bad memories go and live happily :)
Congrats on finishing the story girl!!
160 streak #5
Chapter 48: Awwww.....kinda confusing but still a great story. I really like angel Hae... ^^
Chapter 18: So behind on this story gotta read now
wildrose88 #7
Chapter 48: awwwwwwwwww :)
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 47: cant wait for next chappie :)
pilikpoplove #9
Chapter 39: i think donghae has died like 5 times by now XD
pilikpoplove #10
Chapter 37: Just kill us with the angst! Well superangst indeed