Choices pt 2


The demon named Sungmin suddenly stopped laughing.

Heechul and Hangeng were at a loss. Especially how the other demon continued laughing. That was until Sungmin elbowed his ribs.

"What?" The demon roared.

"They have him~" Sungmin spoke in a sing song voice.

Heechul's eyes widened. "Who?!" She roared.

"The one named Hyukjae." Sungmin replied and held the other demon's hand and flashed, leaving behind a small dark cloud of smoke.

Hangeng was speechless, but remained with a stoic expression. He was tired and had seen it all. He simply grabbed Heechul and flashed back to the cafeteria where he had strongly sensed their son.


When they made it, they found Siwon staring blankly into the air.

"Siwon?! Siwon?!" Hangeng yelled and roughly shook his son's shoulders.

Within a few seconds, Siwon blinked rapidly and looked into his father's eyes. They were broken, tired and solemn, it was a reflection of his own.

"They took him dad. Took him right in front of me."

Hangeng hugged Siwon tightly before letting go.

"I know Siwon. We'll get him back, we'll fix this mess."

Siwon walked to sit down on one of the circular lunch tables, his head in his palms. Hangeng sat alongside him.

"What about mom?" He asked.

Hangeng looked up to find his wife deep in thought as she paced. He gently rubbed his son's back.

"You knew didn't you?" He spoke roughly. Frankly, he was tired of all the bull. First Donghae and now Hyukjae. And all because of his relationship with a demon.

"I-I'm sorry dad. Mom told me not to-"

"I'm not angry with you. I'm angry at myself for not knowing."

Siwon looked up at his father. "W-what?"

"A demon and an angel, yes it's bad. It's forbidden, I get it. But after centuries? It wouldn't be this way. It shouldn't be this way. But it is and now it makes sense. It all does. Because your mother is a princess." Hangeng laughed, but it didn't reach his eyes. It was bitter and it felt like he was mocking himself.


Hangeng patted Siwon's back. "We have to come up with a plan. Better than staying here right? I've already lost one nephew and I've been through a lot. We all have. Let's get him back okay? We'll talk about everything else later."

"You're right, Hangeng." Heechul spoke. Within those few minutes she knew what she had to do.

"We have to see my father."

Hangeng froze. "There is no 'we', Heechul. First off, Siwon isn't going. And secondly, I won't exactly be welcomed. My appearance might cause more trouble."

"Then we'll tell Kangin! It's his nephew too!"

"Neveah is fine now and you want to take that away?! Haven't we destroyed enough lives Heechul!" Hangeng shouted. Everything was taking a toll on him.

Heechul was flabbergasted.

"M-mom! D-dad!" Siwon desperately tried to fix it. They didn't need this, at least not now. Too much was going on at once, they needed to keep their cool before they reacted recklesslely. One life being in danger was enough. He didn't need to lose anyone else.

"And you think I'm not remorseful? Hangeng we've been through so much already. I get it, I made the biggest mistake here by not telling you the truth. But we have no other choice. I lost Donghae, don't make me lose Hyukjae too!"

Hangeng threw his hands up. "As if you gave a damn about him. You've been trying to get him to leave Donghae since they met. Now all of a sudden you pity the kid because your favorite nephew is gone? What are you trying to fill the gap he left? You should've done so a long time ago. He's been in hell because of you! Taking responsibility for what you've done!"

"Me?! I tried my best, I really did. I will never regret falling in love. And I didn't tell you or anyone else about being a princess because Geng it wasn't needed. I escaped from that man. He may be my father but he treated me like a pet and not you or any ing one else will ever understand! As for Hyukjae, I know what I did and I'm trying to make up for it. I could hate him but for Donghae's sake I'd give up my own life!"

"Then why didn't you!" Hangeng screamed.

"Dad!" Siwon yelled. He was standing between his parents, they were all a few feet apart from each other but the words yelled and thrown carelessly were heard crystal clear. Now only silence filled the air.

Hangeng didn't speak anymore because his voice was too hoarse. Heechul's was too so she stayed silent and simply allowed the words to overpower her. Things they hadn't said, it was all in the air. They had supported each other for so long without ever really discussing anything. Pain, sadness, happiness it was felt and embraced, but never discussed. It was something they lacked the ability to do. And right now, everything blew over. The anger and despair they felt, the words flew out unecessarily. It wasn't what they really, truly meant, as least on Hangeng's part. But he couldn't help it. Neither of them could. It had built up for too long and those words were their emotions finally speaking for themselves.

Heechul stepped back. She could fight to the death against the world, but not against the man who had fought the world alongside her.

"I-I know what I need to do. I hope you'll understand." Her eyes filled with tar. They burned, but she didn't feel the pain. She was numb, she needed to be to see that man again.

"Maybe one day we both will." Hangeng said. Their voices were more gentle towards each other, as if the other would disappear and that's what Heechul did. She flashed before the both of them, leaving behind a few drops of tar that sizzled against the tiled floor.

Hangeng's stare lingered at where his wife stood just seconds ago and then he crumbled to the floor. His son rushed towards him and pulled him into his arms.

And Hangeng cried, they all did that night.

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Forigve me y'all. I'm re-reading this and laughing at how much sense it lacked.


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Chapter 49: They've had lots of trouble but then :)))
Chapter 1: Hae. ...
EunHaess #3
Chapter 3: hyuk? ahahahaha thats the most funniest hyukjae nickname ive ever heard XDD
pilikpoplove #4
Chapter 49: Ahhhh well at least they are together, and in the future maybe thet can let the bad memories go and live happily :)
Congrats on finishing the story girl!!
159 streak #5
Chapter 48: Awwww.....kinda confusing but still a great story. I really like angel Hae... ^^
Chapter 18: So behind on this story gotta read now
wildrose88 #7
Chapter 48: awwwwwwwwww :)
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 47: cant wait for next chappie :)
pilikpoplove #9
Chapter 39: i think donghae has died like 5 times by now XD
pilikpoplove #10
Chapter 37: Just kill us with the angst! Well superangst indeed