


Donghae turned, his spirit-like body able to move right through the sword and what he saw was enough to send him into the afterlife.

It wasn't Siwon's father Hangeng, it was his father, Kangin. Behind him he could see Raphael, an old friend of the family turned dark archangel who stood on the other end of the sword, pull it out from Kangin's chest. Blood splattered everywhere and the archangel laughed cynically before Michael appeared and sliced straight across his neck, his head sliding off his shoulders and then colliding to the ground, his body falling directly after.


Donghae gasped. He could see him. His father could see him!

Kangin fell to the ground as Siwon exploded in tears. "No! NO!" Donghae tried desperately to reach him. "I lied. I remember you. Not again. Please. Please."

Donghae reached over to Siwon, attempting to grab his arms and shake him but failed as his just went through him.

"I lied, dad. Forgive me for lying about it all."

Siwon then grabbed onto Kangin's lifeless body and transported them to the remains of the castle.

Donghae's body floated upwards and was thrown backwards as his spirit followed them. When he got there, he was dropped and watched as Siwon sent a energy beam into the air to reach Hangeng.

Donghae's anger increased as well as his sadness. He couldn't believe it. He was alive and now on the verge of death...again. Why didn't he admit it the first time?


"Dad! It's Uncle Kangin. He-he saved me. I should have never come! I'm so sorry dad. I'm so sorry."

Siwon broke out into tears as Hangeng kneeled next to him. He clawed at his father's shirt, desperately grabbing it, not realizing that Kangin's blood was on his hands and was now staining Hangeng's white shirt.

"The war is over my son. We lost. Without Kangin, we have no one to lead us to victory. Without him, we have no more reason for victory. Nevaeh without its king, is the same as deserted land. The remaining angels have already begun to retreat. We should too, along with his body."

"But dad-"

"Hangeng is right Siwon. Without our King, we are as good as dead. We must leave while we can." Michael exclaimed, cleaning his sword of the dark blood.


Hangeng grabbed his head with both hands, yelling in pain.

"Dad!? DAD!?"

"Its your mother. She's-ugh- she's in pain. We must leave now!"

Hangeng grabbed both Siwon and Kangin and transported back to Earth.


"Hyukjae, I need to run to the grocery store. Get dressed."

"I'm not leaving."

Hyukjae sat on the edge of the bed, the room enshrouded with darkness as he closed the windows and shut the blinds blocking the sun from entering.

"Hyuk please. At least it'd take your mind off of things."

He got up slowly and twisted the knob for the lamp to lighten up the room. He dragged his feet towards their shared closet and grabbed a random pair of jeans and shirt. He put on the jeans and just as he was about to pull the shirt over his head, he realized it was blue. Donghae's favorite color was blue and Hyukjae never owned a single blue shirt because he preferred red. He pulled it down and sobbed quietly as Heechul came over to him with socks and his grey converses to help him put them on.

"There ya go. Don't you look handsome~"

Hyukjae just walked past her and waited by the door.

"Aish. Do you need me to open it too?" She half-heartedly laughed. She grabbed her the keys and they both walked out as she locked the door behind them.

"I parked the car across the street."

As they walked down the pavement, Hyukjae saw something on the ground and stopped, causing Heechul to bump into him.

"What is with you!?"

He simply pointed at the lump with a shaky finger and gulped heavily.

Heechul bit her lip. "Stay here" Hyukjae grabbed her arm. She held his hand firmly and then pulled him off. "Stay here I said".

She walked cautiously. Her heart heavy. Something about being a demon gave you a sixth sense about certain things and the sense she felt now was dread and it filled her to the brim.

When she grew close enough she realized it was the body of a young man, and he was bleeding heavily through what appeared to be a large stab wound in his chest. His blood soaking into the grass.

"Oh God no."

The man wore a simple blue and white striped shirt and plain blue jeans.

She fell to her knees and screamed. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hyukjae came running to her and dropped onto his knees by her side pulling her into his arms. She was most certainly crying as thick tar tears sizzled down her cheeks and burned her shirt in the form of tiny droplets. She grabbed at his arms as they shook together and begged him to keep his eyes closed.

"Don't open them. Don't." Was what he understood from the gurgled nonsense that spewed from . "Don't."

So he didn't and instead held her even though his eyes caught a glimpse of brown hair.


Hangeng transported Siwon and Kangin to the living room and immediately ran out the door without wasting any time to get to Heechul. Because of their bond, he knew exactly where she was and was by her side in seconds to see her barely conscious in the arms of Hyukjae who had his eyes closed.

"Chullie!" He walked over in front of them and gasped when he saw the body. His stomach churned unpleasantly. "No" he whispered. He too was on the verge of breaking. Too much had happened. So he did what he knew best, he grabbed Hyukjae quickly into his arms, bridal style, sending Heechul face first onto the grass and ran back to the house to drop him off, telling him to keep his eyes closed.

When he returned he saw that his lover was awake with wide eyes as she pulled the man in a heap onto her lap and gently drove her fingers through his bloodied hair.

"How?" he asked. "Is he-"

"Barely. I still didn't want Hyukjae to see."

"Kangin is the same."

She looked at him with teary eyes. "I don't have anything left."

"Michael!! Michael come down! You bastard! Why him!? Why is it always him!!! It was my mistake-"

"Ours, geng. Our mistake."

"Come down this instant you ing piece of !"

A bright blast of white blinded them for a few seconds before it cleared out and before them appeared the archangel himself.

"Fix him. Fix all of this damn mess! Fix it!"

"Calm down Hangeng. I don't have that kind of power. What I can do is give you a choice."

Heechul held the man closer to her chest and cried harder and louder. She knew what the choice was, and if she knew then automatically Hangeng knew as well.

"No. Absolutely not. You give me them both."

"I'm sorry. This is the way it was always going to happen. I am a mere archangel, but I have been told of the future before. And you 2 were as well. You knew your actions would bring about dire consequences."

"We knew that, but we never expected it to ruin someone else's life!"

Michael created a chair out of thin air and sat on it. "Well what did you expect? Either way, you are all family. A box of dominoes. Your actions created a ripple effect and it just so happened to affect him and his family the worse."

"How much time do we have left?"

"5 minutes. 5 minutes before they both die and they will not be reincarnated because of you."

"Then I give you 4 minutes to explain everything."


"Your relationship was a sin from the start. A demon and angel, who would've thought? The reason Donghae has been so heavily influenced by your choice, was because he was born from it. He was born out of concern and fear, which is why he has been followed by it his entire life. From his father's death to his mother's disappearance to his own lover's separation. When Kangin and Leeteuk created him, it was when they first learned of your...togetherness. They were filled with so much fear that their kingdom would fall and concern for each other and everyone else so they made love for the last time and surprisingly, out came Donghae. Each moment after those was made for this very moment now. A choice. Right back to square one. Even if you do choose Donghae, it will continue because it is within him that he carries those two things and Nevaeh will cease to exist. If you choose Kangin, Nevaeh can be saved, but will anyone really be happy?"

"The sword that had struck Kangin was one of great magic. It had been weilded by a dark archangel known as Raphael who was an old friend of mine. It was said to strike through Heaven, Hell, and the spirits in between which was why it was able to kill Donghae as well. But who will you choose? I believe my 4 minutes are up, you now only have 60 seconds."

Heechul spoke first. "Where is this Raphael? I will kill him!" Hangeng held Heechul in his arms. "It is already over my dear."

"Then what can we do?" Heechul asked.

"You can choose who to save."

a/n; I realize it's been a month and for that I am VERY sorry. I know I said I would never do that, but I really have been having one heck of a summer. Thank you for staying subscribed and commenting! If you have any questions by the end of this chapter (I'm kinda hoping it came out clear enough >.<) then please do leave a question in the comment box and I will be happy to explain it ^_^

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Forigve me y'all. I'm re-reading this and laughing at how much sense it lacked.


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Chapter 49: They've had lots of trouble but then :)))
Chapter 1: Hae. ...
EunHaess #3
Chapter 3: hyuk? ahahahaha thats the most funniest hyukjae nickname ive ever heard XDD
pilikpoplove #4
Chapter 49: Ahhhh well at least they are together, and in the future maybe thet can let the bad memories go and live happily :)
Congrats on finishing the story girl!!
160 streak #5
Chapter 48: Awwww.....kinda confusing but still a great story. I really like angel Hae... ^^
Chapter 18: So behind on this story gotta read now
wildrose88 #7
Chapter 48: awwwwwwwwww :)
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 47: cant wait for next chappie :)
pilikpoplove #9
Chapter 39: i think donghae has died like 5 times by now XD
pilikpoplove #10
Chapter 37: Just kill us with the angst! Well superangst indeed