A visit at Gyeonggi-do

My Bride is Cinderella

“Annyeonghaseyo!”, Jiyeon knocked on the door.

Her grandma opened it slowly and finds Jiyeon with some other guy. “Is he the one you’re talking about??”, she moves herself closely to Myungsoo, observing his face and looks. ”My, My. What a very young man. Get inside!”, she then pats him with a fan.


The two sat infront of grandma. Their house in Gyeonggi looks like a decade older than their present house—where they are robbed.

Jiyeon hugged her grandma.

“So, how much do you know this guy??”, grandma stares at Myungsoo meticulously, her eyes are becoming really small this time.

Meanwhile, the two are prepared for this. They practiced this while they are on their way to Gyeonggi-do and asked questions about each other like—what is your favorite color? What food is your favorite? And so on.. Jiyeon doesn’t have to list this all because she knows it from the very start. But Myungsoo.. Sheesh! This is bad..

They sat around a small table.

“He.. is a good friend!”, Jiyeon clears and smilingly looks at him.

“Well.. I’m getting straight to the point. Are you serious about my granddaughter??”, Myungsoo’s face was shocked. He was never questioned like this before. He turns to Jiyeon. She moved her elbows to his.

“Yes”, he finally said. Whew!

Grandma puts down her stare and gets something in her closet. It’s some sort of a list. “Now, I want you two to make noodles. Buy this at the market”

“But.. But.. But the market is too far from here. You could’ve called me while we were on our way!”

“No but but’s little miss. Else, I can’t let you marry that young man”, her grandma pushed the two to the main entrance door and shuts it. “Err..”, Myungsoo laughs at her.

“Why’re you laughing?”, she turns to him and Myungsoo pinches her cheek. “Aw! That hurt!”

“You’re so cute when you’re angry, little miss”, he continues to laugh while they are walking in the green field.




“I’m starting to get hungry..”, Jiyeon’s tummy makes a noise all of a sudden. “Is there something to eat?”, she asks Myungsoo.

“Wait.. I know I have something here.. Where is it??”, he searches his bag for bread. “No luck. I just remember.. I ate it”

“Uggghh!”, Jiyeon acts like a child and stomps her foot at the ground. “Look! It’s a shuttle”

“Wait! Wait! Wait!”, the man stopped by. The two gets on their knees and stops too to get some fresh air. “Finally”, Jiyeon said.


“Isn’t this place beautiful??”, Myungsoo said while they are sitting at the back of the shuttle.

“Beautiful you think?? This place is boring..”, she looks on to her cellphone and there is no signal.

“Hey! That’s a cute.. cat”, Myungsoo looks at her gif wallpaper. “You love cats, don’t you?”

“Well.. Not at all”, Jiyeon smirks and folds her arms.

“Why you folding your arms??”, he asked.

“Nothing.. Who’s idea is this by the way??”, she arrogantly replies.

Myungsoo is a little bit pissed. Maybe it’s also because of the season there. It’s hot. He moves closer to Jiyeon. Jiyeon keeps on moving away, this continued to go. And when she doesn’t have a space to move to, Myungsoo finally grabs her hand. “And who accepted my idea??”


If you weren’t just cute.. I could’ve hit you.. Jiyeon felt awkward and turned to the other side not facing to him again.



The market is full of fresh meat, fish, vegetable and fruits. It’s is too big and there are lots of people that is always here. “Jiyeon-Ah! Wait for me”

“How much is this??”, she asks the lady for the chicken. “Why didn’t you wait for me??”, Myungsoo came panting and taps her at the back. “Hold this”, she puts two plastic bags in his hands and waves bye to the meat seller “Kumawoyo!”


“Don’t you want to rest for a little while??”, he complains about everything.

“Fine”, the two went up to a near park. “This is so.. exhausting”, Myungsoo laid back at the grass.

“Look at you! You seemed to be very tired while I am the one who is buying all what is in grandma’s list. Get up! Get up!”, she pulls his hand but Myungsoo did the same too. They ended up lying on the grass together and felt their lips touched each other.

His face is very much closer to hers. Jiyeon uncontrollably handles herself and blushed. She knows he felt her chest pound very fast.

He kissed me.



Her lips are too soft.. and gentle. I’m sorry little miss, I have taken your first kiss.

“Uhm..”, they said in chorus. Jiyeon was slicing some carrots.

“You first”, Jiyeon said. “No, ladies first”

“Really, you first..”, Jiyeon points at him. They didn’t talk to each other on their way back.  

“Where do your grandma reserves the kimchi??”, Myungsoo opens the cabinet but does not see anything. “It’s out of stock”, grandma entered the small kitchen and says, “Maybe you could go to the market”

“Not again!”, the two said in chorus and looked at each other.



Late at night, grandma invited the two to dinner after the very hardworking hours of selling noodles.

 “I see that you two seemed to go very well”, grandma sips a little of her tea.

“Really??”, Myungsoo was very excited to hear some good news.

“But before I can make my permission.. Let me just show you something..”

I wonder what it is.. “You stay there”, grandma commanded Jiyeon.

The two walks to the kitchen where grandma placed an old antique box. “This is what I am told to do ever since Jiyeon.. was a little child”, she clears off the dust and opens it.

“Jiyeon’s father is a very well-known martial artist, her mom is a beautiful teacher.. I remember I was holding this for a while, after her parents died”, Myungsoo continued to listen to her. “And when they said their last words.. ”, grandma coughed.

Myungsoo gets some water and hands it to her. “Here, here”

“Her mom said to give this to Jiyeon’s future husband”, she picks up a music box and hands it over to Myungsoo. She touched his face and said, “I see.. that you are her destiny.. You must really love her, don’t you??”

I’m her destiny?? Is her grandma a witch or something??

He just smiled and uncomfortable of his words, “Y—Yes, grandma”

“Now you take care of her because grandma will never talk to you like this again if you made my Jiyeon cry!”, she points her finger to him and warned him.


“Eh?? The food is now cold.. Where are they?”, Jiyeon is left alone eating in the table.



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Chapter 5: I know this is myungyeon story, but i feel Sungyeol was the lead male character since he had so many moments with Jiyeon. Annoying moments tbh hehe. But maybe that's only in the beginning.
Mammoth #2
Chapter 40: OH GOD. I finished reading this in 3 days, spam spam spam! Nice story author-nim, anticipating your future stories, hopefully myungyeon! hahaha :))))
cutieabby #3
Chapter 40: what a good chapter..
Chapter 40: GOOD.. I LOVE IT. AWWW Myungsoo and Jiyeonn.. Suzy is the good bestfriend althought at the first she seems bad . aww Im touched read it.. Congrats
Chapter 40: Aww good job writing xD
Chapter 40: wow..I just started reading it today and it is already finished..
Fluffydar #7
Chapter 40: Wow~ finally finished
Chapter 39: Suzy again?
honjejeje #9
Chapter 39: what suzy says?
aaargh idk. .dont make me wait authornim
but i think its a good thing what she said
i hope
myungyeon hwaiting
Chapter 38: ..Sungyeol is scaring me..whats he going to do? plz update author-nim