Going Out?

Goin Crazy


Colour Coding: 

Eun Hee: Pink

Mrs. Chae: red orange 

Ye Jin: Purple

Taemin: Red

Zelo: blue

Others: Green


You wake up late.

"Wah what time is it?" Your eyes bulged  "OMO!! OMO!! OMO!! I'm going to be late" you said. You jumped on your bed and run to the bathroom to take a shower and changed your clothes. You go downstairs and shout "Umma I need to go now I'm going to be late" "How about your breakfast?" Mrs. Chae said. "No Umma I'm alright....I'm not hungry...Annyeong umma" you said hurridly.

You just arrived on time. "I still have ten minutes..I'm going to the locker to get my books" you said. You noticed that Taemin is standing next to your locker. When he saw you he run towards you. "Annyeong Taemin" you said. Taemin blushed and looked away *OMO she's so cute* "Annyeong Eun Hee" Taemin said. "What are you doing here Taemin?" You asked. *scratching his head* "Uhmm...I'm just going to ask if ...if your free tomorrow?" Taemin said. "Wae?" You replied.

*I don't know what to say to her* Taemin said to himself "Uhmm my hyungs want to go out with you and Ye Jin" Taemin said. "Jinja?" You said. "Ne" Taemin replied. "Sure gomawo Taemin and please tell to your hyungs also Gomawo....I will tell to Ye Jin..I need to go now annyeong Taemin". You said.


"What am I doing? it should be only me and you not with my hyungs...WHAT ARE YOU DOING TAEMIN BABO!!? I also told Ye Jin can go with us ..how can I say this to my hyungs....but at least Eun Hee will go with us...I need to think of a place that me and Eun Hee, Ye Jin and my Hyungs will Enjoy I'm gonna ask my Hyungs Later.!


"HYUNG!!!!!HYUNG!!" Taemin said while running towards his hyungs. "Wae Taemin...what happen?" Key asked. "I need your help...please hyung help me" Taemin said. "What is it?" Minho asked. "Hyung I asked Eun Hee if she can hang out with us tomorrow" Taemin said. "Mianhe Taemin me,Jonghyun, and Onew are busy tomorrow we have photo shoots...I think you can go with Minho" Key said. "But I'm busy tomorrow I'm going to uh...uhmm.. I'm busy tomorrow" Minho said. "SHUT UP Minho don't make our maknae upset" Key said. "It's alright hyung I don't know what to do now I also told Eun Hee that Ye Jin can come with us" Taemin said. "Jinja?" Key said. "BWOH?! Ye Jin is coming?" Minho added. "Ne hyung" Taemin replied.

Key knows Minho likes Ye jin since Ye Jin is still in her 1st year in high school. "Minho go now with Taemin" Key said. "Because Ye..." Key added but Key was cut off by Minho. "OKAY!...Are you happy now??" Minho said. Key was laughing "kekekeke" 
"Gomawo Hyung gomawo....I LOVE YOU HYUNG!!!" Taemin replied while running toward Minho to hugged him but Minho refused.

On their lunch time, they all take their seat and start to eat their lunch. While eating..."Eun hee...Ye Jin... Uhmm..The other hyungs except for Minho cannot come with us tomorrow" Taemin said.

"WAE!!?" You said "You told me earlier that they will come with us" you added "Uhmm...." Taemin said looking at Onew with helpmehyungI'm in troublelook on his face. "Ahh...We just found out this morning that we have photo shoots tomorrow. Mianhe Eun Hee-ah" Onew said with an apologetic smile on his face. 

"It's alright Oppa" You said while smiling. "Have fun for tomorrow" Key said. "Gomawo Oppa" you and Ye Jin replied. After eating their lunch...."Eun Hee, Ye Jin we will go now because I need to do my homework I haven't done it" Jonghyun said. "Araso Oppa" you and Ye Jin replied....

Key, Onew and Jonghyun went to their classroom while Minho and Taemin left with you and Ye Jin. "Where are we going tomorrow Oppa?" You asked. "I really don't know ask taemin." Minho replied. "HUH?..ME?!..Hyung" Taemin said looking at Minho with what are you doing hyung youre supposed to help me look on his face. You and Ye Jin looked at each other confused. "AH!!! We will surprised you tomorrow" Minho said. "Araso!!!....See you tomorrow oppa and taemin" You and Ye Jin said. "See you tomorrow Eun Hee and Ye Jin" Min ho and Taemin said. "Uhmm...Ye...Ye Jin!!" Minho said. You and Ye Jin stopped by Minho. Ye Jin was shocked because Minho called her. "Wae?" Ye Jin replied..."You're coming tomorrow right?" Minho asked. "Ne Oppa wae?" Ye Jin replied. "Oh nothing I'm just making sure" Minho replied while smiling.



"OMO is this real??? Minho Oppa is talking to me he even asked me if I'm going tomorrow..OMO..OMO.. did he just smiled at me??? Am I dreaming??...OMO HE REALLY SMILED AT ME.


"Oppa we need to go now" Ye Jin said. "Araso Ye Jin see you tomorrow" Minho replied. "We will meet you infront of the school tomorrow 10 am" Taemin said.


Annyeong Guys!!!  I hope you like this chapter! Please Subsribe and Comment! 
Thank you to those who already subsribe on my story!
Zelo is not yet here in this chapter...Just please wait he will come out SOON!!

So heres a cute photo of Taemin and Onew doing the heart sign for you guys!

And heres a GIF of Zelo doing a heart sign too!

Annyeong Guys Cant wait to see you!! 


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Hello guys! I'm going to post the story tomorrow,sorry for keeping you waiting >.< sorry!! I just need to edit it


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Chapter 43: please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 34: Anyway, what the nuts happened to Taemin and SHINee??
Chapter 24: where are u from?
Chapter 43: I got sad when this was the last update T.T hope you update soon! :D I love it!
Chapter 20: awesome story so far! Ugh I love baby Zelo as well! He drives me crazy. It I'm two years older than him T_T anyways awesome! I love it!
BAP2013Luv #6
Chapter 43: Pretty good chapter I am also a Zelo fan myself!
Chapter 43: i really love your pictures spam <3 <3
and aww Zelo, i don't care if you kiss that fugly yuri, i love you <3
YunaJi #8
Chapter 35: Omg Philippines I didn't see them. Sooooo sad :((
Chapter 42: *at police station*
Me : He's the guy... he's trying to kill me...
Police : *catch Zelo and throws him into the prison*
*a week later*
Police : Hey. Aren't you the miss last week?
Me : Yes, I just killed someone *wink* Can you please throw me into the same prison as you throw Zelo?? xD
Zelos_cuddle_buddy #10
Chapter 36: that drawing is sooo cute~~ i love itt