Going Out XD

Goin Crazy

The moment you woke up and decided to prepare the breakfast. When you open the door, Zelo just came out from his room and greeted you "Goodmorning Noona" "Goodmorning Zelo" he smiled. "Noona do you want some pancakes I can make it for you" "Oh Zelo I can make it" "Ani Noona just stay there in the living room and watch T.V., I'll be the one who's going to prepare the breakfast" "But Zelo..." "No Noona" "Arasso I'll just prepare the hot chocolate for you and coffee for me?" "*sigh* Fine noona" Zelo pouted. After preparing and eating breakfast you decided to go upstairs to take a shower. 

After taking a shower you have a verybig problem you can't decide on what dress you're going to wear "What can I wear?...I can't decide". Then suddenly Zelo knocked on your door. "Noona are you ready?" "Uhmmm ani Zelo" "I will wait for you downstairs Noona" "Arasso I'll be there in a minute" "Noona you don't need to rush take your time!" "Oh gomawo Zelo" You rummage your cabinet and look for clothes " I think this one should be alright?" 


(Imagine the bracelet she was wearing is the bracelet where Zelo bought it for you ^^)


When you went donwstairs you saw Zelo in his outfit your eyes widened "Oh my god he looks so ajdjwjxcjsahjv can't explain my feels."

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(That's his out fit okay? XD ignore his sulking facee...)

The moment you come down Zelo feels the same way as you his eyes widened and stood up, he look at you from head to toe "Noona neomu yeopo" he whispered. "Sorry Zelo what did you say?" "No-nothing Noona" "Is this alright Zelo?" You asked because you feel uncomfortable the way Zelo looked at you from head to toe. "Noona you're pretty" "No I'm not" you blushed "Well to me you are pretty what ever you wear" "Aww Zelo" you blushed and looked down. "Kaja noona" "Kaja"

"Where are we going Zelo?!" "Its a surprise Noona" "Ohh arasso" you pouted. Zelo looked at you "*Noona is so cute*" "Zelo?!" You shook your hands infront of his face. "Zelo kaja the bus is already here" "Ohh ne!" He nodded. You two ride the bus going to Lotte World. After how many minutes you see the Lotte world from afar. "Zelo are we going to Lotte World?" "Ne noona!" "Wahhh Jinja?" You smiled widely "*Im glad niina likes it*" Zelo' thought

You guys went inside and Zelo was really amused about the rides then he saw this 


"Noona Let's ride there" "BWOH?!" "Ne noona pleasee" "arasso" you two ride the 'Flume Ride' "WAHH Zelo!!" You shouted when the ride goes down. After the ride "Noona are you wet?" "No Zelo I'm alright how about you?" "A little bit noona but I'm alright" "Noona let's go to the Haunted House" He beamed "No Zelo I can't!" you shook your head. "Noona please!" "No!" "Please noona" Suddenly Zelo remembered what his Him Chan hyung told him. "If she said no just do some aegyo arajji? I'm sure she can't say no to you anymore" "Noona please let's go there" Zelo said while giving you puppy eyes with matching bbuing bbuing (OMO I just died while imagining this) "KYAAAAH ZELO SO CUTE!" "Aissshh arasso I will come with you" "Jinja noona?...YEY!" He jumped up and down.


You two went inside the Hauted House "Zelo you go first" "Ani noona let's go together!" "Arasso" you nodded. Then suddenly there's a flying scary thingy surprised you (I havent been there so I don't know what is inside XD) "OMO NAHHHH" You screamed then you quickly grabbed Zelo's hand. Zelo was shock on sudden skinship you just did to him. "O-oh" He look at his hand and smiled. Whenever you hold his hand he keeps on biting his bottom lip he can't help it but to smile because he likes what you're doing to him which is holding his hand." It happens many times inside the Hautend House whenever you see scary stuff, sometime you burried your face on Zelo's side. Anyways Zelo liked it so that's why he is not complaining, you didn't let go oh his hand until the tour inside of the hautend house was finished.

Outside the Hauted house you were panting like someone was chasing you. You place your hand on your chest and started to breathe really hard and your eyes became teary. Zelo bend down and looked at you while holding your hand "Noona are you alright?" "ZELO DO I EVEN LOOK ALRIGHT? I'M SCREAMING INSIDE BECAUSE I WAS SO SCARED!!" "Ohh Noona its not scary!" "But for me it is" "Mianhe noona" "Its alright Zelo you don't need to say sorry even though I was so scared I still had fun" "Really Noona?" Zelo's eyes shining like a star xD "Ne" you nodded. "Where do you want to go next Noona?" "Molla" "Ah let's try the Viking Noona" Zelo dragged you to the queue "*OMO this kid will be the cause of my death*" your thoughts. You haven't notices that you still holding his hands going to the queue. "*I think noona is not mad at me anymore*" Zelo chuckle. "Why are you laughing Zelo?" "Nothing noona I just remembered something"

After the ride you two went to find a sit "Noona wait for me here I'll be back" "Wh-" before you could finish Zelo already left. You waited for almost 15 minutes and still there's no sign of him. You decided to call him but before you dialed his number you saw him holding two ice creams. "Noona Mianhe I took so long the queue was long....Here!" He handed you the ice cream. "Oh..Go-gomawo" You took it and ate it. You two sit next to each other and Zelo spoke "Noona I just realised" "MWOH?" "Noona remember this place?" "Huh?" You looked at him confused. "Uhmm Noona this place.. This is the place where we first met. I remember you don't want to ride the roller coaster because you told me you're scared" "Aishh Zelo you too you're scared" "I know but now Noona I'm not scared I want to try it with you" "OMO" "I-I will think a-about that Zelo" Your phone beeped and when you took out to checked who just sent the test message, He noticed that you were wearing the bracelet he was supposed to give. "Noona?" "Ne?" "Who gave you that bracelet?" He pointed. "Ah zelo you gave this to me" "Noona I thought I lost it" "Yes you lost this because you dropped this on the ground, I found it and keep it because I think this is the thing you want to give on that day before you saw us..." "Ah noona I remember!" "Do you like it noona?" "Ne I really like it Zelo gomawo!" You smiled.

After eating the Ice cream Zelo said "Noona wait for me here I need to get something don't go anywhere Arasso?" "Oh ne" you nodded. Zelo went to the flowershop nearby, to buy a flower for you. He asked the ahjumma "Ahjumma what is the best flower I can give for someone you like?" He scratched his head. "Oh buy here roses... the red one... because every girls like rose" "Oh gomawo Ahjumma!". After he paid for the roses and went outside the flowershop. Unexpectedly, Yuri was there "Zelo oppa?" "Zelo oppa!" She shouted. Zelo turned around and he saw Yuri but he quickly run away pretending he didn't saw Yuri. "*Don't ruin this day for me Yuri*" Zelo's thoughts. Yuri run and poked Zelo from behinds. "Oppa!" "O-oh Yu-Yuri!" He said and quickly hid the roses.

"What are you doing here?" Zelo asked. "Oh I'm here because I have a photoshoot for advertising" "*Appa you don't have a good taste appa wae you picked her*" Zelo mumbled. "What Oppa?" "Oh nothing" "Oppa what are you hiding at your back?" "No-nothing...it's..none of your business" "Let me see" "Oohh... roses is that for me oppa?" "No" "Then for whom?!?" Yuri said bit annoyed. "Ani its for Noo-" he realized that if he tell her the roses is for you, you will get bahsed and hated. "Oppa for who?" "No one!" "Can I have it then?" "NO!....Go back to you work...they mught looking for you" "No oppa its alright I'm on break." Zelo face palmed himself.. "Aiggooo what can I do now? Noona is waiting for me there!"  "Aisshh!!..." Zelo run as fast as he can and went to you. "Noona!" you looked at him! "I have something for you!" "What is it Zelo?" "Close your eyes Noona" "Oh is it not scary?" "Ani noona... Why would I give you scary stuffs" "Oh arasso" You closed your eyes "Here noona you can open your eyes now" The moment you open your eyes a bouquet of roses was infront of you...Your eyes widened "Noona that's for you" 


Your eyes become teary. "Aww so sweet Zelo Gomawo" you said and you get the bouquet of roses. Zelo blushed and scratched the back of his neck. "You're welcome noona" 

"OPPA!!!!!" Yuri shouted.  You look at where was the voice came from and you saw Yuri. "OPPA why you left me there.....Oh ....Eun Hee?!!???!" "What's Happening here?" you asked. "That flower is for Eun Hee oppa?" You looked at Zelo. "Ne!" "That flower should be mine!" "Huh?!.." "Yuri What are you talking about?" "What?" you said. "Here I'm sorry I took it I thought it was for me! I'm sorry" you left the flower on the bench and went home. Zelo is really angry on what Yuri did to you "YURI LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" "Wae oppa? ...that flower should be mine right?" "Aniyo... I didn't tell you" "I don't want to get angry and rude to you Yuri but I'm loosing my patience, you ruined everything Yuri You RUINED EVERYTHING!....Now Noona is mad at me AGAIN AND SHE THINKS I'M LYING!...THANKS ALOT YURI!" Zelo left Yuri Dumbfounded. 



Hello Everyone so here's my update for today I hope you guys like it ^^ And yeah please don't forget to subscribe and leave some comments Gomawo!! Oh yeah sorry if I typed some of the words wrong because I used my mobile XD 
Please don't unsubscribe me because of this chapter ^^

Zelo pic Spam!












Yeah I noticed that Too he likes to eat everything!!!





Aww he is cold 



Look at his scrunched smile! <3 <3












Imagine you are in the airport and you saw Zelo trolling around duty free OMG I will hide and or I will run and say Hi 




So this one is in Philippines they are eating Shabu shabu NOM NOM NOM 

everyobody is on their phone

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Hello guys! I'm going to post the story tomorrow,sorry for keeping you waiting >.< sorry!! I just need to edit it


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Chapter 43: please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 34: Anyway, what the nuts happened to Taemin and SHINee??
Chapter 24: where are u from?
Chapter 43: I got sad when this was the last update T.T hope you update soon! :D I love it!
Chapter 20: awesome story so far! Ugh I love baby Zelo as well! He drives me crazy. It I'm two years older than him T_T anyways awesome! I love it!
BAP2013Luv #6
Chapter 43: Pretty good chapter I am also a Zelo fan myself!
Chapter 43: i really love your pictures spam <3 <3
and aww Zelo, i don't care if you kiss that fugly yuri, i love you <3
YunaJi #8
Chapter 35: Omg Philippines I didn't see them. Sooooo sad :((
Chapter 42: *at police station*
Me : He's the guy... he's trying to kill me...
Police : *catch Zelo and throws him into the prison*
*a week later*
Police : Hey. Aren't you the miss last week?
Me : Yes, I just killed someone *wink* Can you please throw me into the same prison as you throw Zelo?? xD
Zelos_cuddle_buddy #10
Chapter 36: that drawing is sooo cute~~ i love itt