With Zelo

Goin Crazy


Hello everyone I’m trying to improve on how the way I write my fanfic to avoid confusion please comment if it’s alright or I will write my fanfic the way I write it before. Hehehe ^^


The sun's bright rays hit your eyes, forcing to open them.
You rubbed your eyes, taking your time to adjust to the sudden change of brightness. You turned to your right and your eyes widened.

"Zelo was sleeping beside me Bwoya?!" You rubbed your eyes harder, just to make sure if you're not dreaming. Zelo hands wrapped around your waist "Aww he's so cute his angelic face, his nose and his soft pink lips" slapping your face "OMO Eun Hee AH what are you talking about remember you're a NOONA"

"Zelo? Wake up!!" "Ahjumma 5 more minutes" "Ahjumma? YAH YAH CHOI JUN HONG wake up" you pinched his cheeks "OUCH! Ahju...NOONA?" Zelo's eyes widened when he saw you. "Noona what are you doing in my bed." "Me? In your Bed? I should be the one who's going to ask that" "noona is this my room?" "Ani"
"I thought I'm dreaming noona" "well fortunately you're not dreaming" "what are you doing in my bed?" "I really don't know noona" "*cough* your *cough* hands *cough* please" " oh mianhe noona I thought you're my pillow" "aigoo you bring me here last night" "Ne noona.... I remember I was waiting here and my hyungs were downstairs but I don't know what time will the party finish ...I'm so sleepy I didn't notice that I fell asleep." 

"Ahh" "Noona are you mad at me?" "No Zelo go back to sleep I'm going downstairs to clean the mess" "no noona I want to sleep with you it’s still early" "BWOH?"  "Please Noona 1 more hour" while doing his aegyo. "Need to say no" you're thoughts "Zelo I can't" "then if you don't want to sleep with me then I'm going with you" "Bwoh?!" "That's final noona I'm going to help you" "aigooo but are you not sleepy?" "No I'm wide awake!" "Aigooo Kaja Zelo" "Dae".

 You and Zelo went downstairs to clean up the mess. "Noona I think my Hyung forgot about me" "Wae?" "Look they're not here” “Aigoo Zelo don’t worry I’m sure they will call you later” “Ne Noona let’s finish this now” “Arasso”

After cleaning the mess…you went to the kitchen to cook for breakfast. “Zelo what do you want to eat?” “Noona I want omelette with cherry tomatoes” “Arasso just wait on the dining area while I’m preparing the breakfast…arajji?” “Ne Noona”.
After cooking the breakfast you went to the dining room to check Zelo. “Huh where's Zelo?" You went to the living just to check if he's there "Aigoo Zelo fell asleep I told him to go back to sleep but he didn't listen…oh well I will just let him sleep there while preparing the table before SHINee Oppa’s and Ye Jin go down.” You prepare the dining table then suddenly Ye Jin went downstairs.

“Eun Hee ah!!! Where have you been I didn’t see you last night” “Ye Jin I stay outside to get some fresh air.” “Ahh why you didn’t tell us?” “Wait is that Zelo?” Ye Jin added. “Ne” “That means he didn’t went home with his hyungs last night?” “I think” “I didn’t saw him last night either is he with you?” “Ne Ye Jin noona” “oh Zelo you’re awake” “Ne Noona I heard you two talking” “Mianhe” Ye Jin smiled. “It’s alright Ye Jin noona" “Bwoya the living room is already clean” “Ne haha we clean it” Zelo raised his left hand “I help noona” “Mianhe Eun Hee and Zelo I didn’t help” “Ye Jin- ah its alright don’t worry.” “Ye Jin Noona it’s alright”

"Aigoo I will just wash the plates after breakfast arajji?" "But Ye..." You were cut off by Ye Jin "Na-ah-ah I will be the one who's going to wash the plate." "I will help Ye Jin Noona" "Ani Zelo I can do it by myself don't worry" "arasso" Zelo pouted. Then Onew went Downstairs because he smells the food. "Hey is the breakfast ready?" "Ne Oppa comedown let's eat before the food gets cold" "Goodmorning Eun Hee, Good Morning Ye Jin, Good Morning Ze-.....Zelo? What are you doing here? I thought you already went home?"  "Ani Oppa he slept here..Oppa let's eat first then I'm going to explain it later" "arasso"

In the Dining area.... "Eun Hee ah where did you go last night I didn't see you." 
"Taemin Hyung the Sa-... MMMMPHMMM!" Zelo was cut off by You because you put a slice of bread in his mouth. "Wow you have alot to say right Zelo? Why don't you eat some of these?" "But Noona" Munching the bread and you gave him a glare, Zelo cleared his throat "Hyung I went with Noona outside" "ahhh why you didn't tell us?" "I don't want to ruin your party with the BAP" "Aigoo Eun Hee Kyeoa!!" Key said. "So Zelo where did you sleep last night" "I slept in Noona's Bedroom" "YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH HER ON THE SAME BED?"  "Of Co....Ouch" Zelo was cut off by you because you kicked him. "What Zelo?" Taemin asked curiously. "Ani Hyung I sleep on the couch in her room." "Ahh whew!" "What's wrong Taemin if Zelo sleep with her on the same bed?" Key asked.

"Hyung he's a guy like us" "So?..he's only 15 for god sake -_-" "key hyung~~~" Zelo whined "aigoo mianhe Zelo" "its alright Hyung" "Eun Hee ah why you didn't just tell us that Zelo is going to sleep here? He can use the vacant room upstairs." Jong hyun said. "Its alright hyung its not noona's fault"

"Wait a Minute my hyung is calling me" "arasso Zelo" "yeobbeoseyo hyung" "yeobbeoseyo Yah Zelo where are you?" "Hyung I'm here you left me last night." "Jinja?! Mianhe Zelo" (is that possible you left your friend on someone's house?) "Were going there to pick you up" "but hyung I want to stay here" "Zelo!!"

"Please hyung just for today and tomorrow I'm going back" "Please hyung please" "Aish arasso, Ask your Hyung if its alright for them you stay there" "arasso hyung please wait." "Onew hyung can I stay here just for today?" Onew is still busy to eat his breakfast he cannot be bother to answer back. "Yes of course Zelo" Jong Hyun replied. "Yey!!! Kamsamnida Hyung" "Anytime Zelo" "himchan Hyung they allow me to stay here" "arasso were going to drop your stuff there arasso?" "Ne Hyung kamsamnida..." "Annyeong Zelo" "Annyeong Him Chan Hyung!!."



Anneonhaseyo!!! Hope you like my update for today!!! hehehe tumblr_m9raok83V11qdlkyg.gif

How are you guys? are you doing fine? Zelo sleep with ther noona eh? hohoho 

OMO GUYS Did you know that Key and Minho are here in LONDON?

SHOOOT ME!!! tumblr_m9ranru0Dx1qdlkyg.gifthere's a girl told me that she sit next to Key in the bus and in the tube WAHHH SOOO LUCKY!!!

And Yeah B.A.P are now in Vietnam tumblr_m9ranru0Dx1qdlkyg.gif my friend in vietnam she's going to see them wahh she's soo lucky!!!! what the hell is this WHY YOU NO GO TO LONDON? fjdjsndjskiskidkdmjsjsjdjudeisjdsjdkjskskdnjjsw

Here's my Pic Spam for today!!!



The Band aid on his cheeks >__<


This what I'm talking about pic of Zelo in Incheon Airport going to Vietnam!!!!


Shekshi? HAHAHA





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Hello guys! I'm going to post the story tomorrow,sorry for keeping you waiting >.< sorry!! I just need to edit it


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Chapter 43: please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 34: Anyway, what the nuts happened to Taemin and SHINee??
Chapter 24: where are u from?
Chapter 43: I got sad when this was the last update T.T hope you update soon! :D I love it!
Chapter 20: awesome story so far! Ugh I love baby Zelo as well! He drives me crazy. It I'm two years older than him T_T anyways awesome! I love it!
BAP2013Luv #6
Chapter 43: Pretty good chapter I am also a Zelo fan myself!
Chapter 43: i really love your pictures spam <3 <3
and aww Zelo, i don't care if you kiss that fugly yuri, i love you <3
YunaJi #8
Chapter 35: Omg Philippines I didn't see them. Sooooo sad :((
Chapter 42: *at police station*
Me : He's the guy... he's trying to kill me...
Police : *catch Zelo and throws him into the prison*
*a week later*
Police : Hey. Aren't you the miss last week?
Me : Yes, I just killed someone *wink* Can you please throw me into the same prison as you throw Zelo?? xD
Zelos_cuddle_buddy #10
Chapter 36: that drawing is sooo cute~~ i love itt