Thirty Four

Only Learned the Bad Things

GOSH!! KIM DONGHYUN!! Why can't you see I am not as weak as to need to be protected?? Why are you so keen on taking me out of MY OWN MISSION?? Donghyun I love you but I really want to kill you RIGTH NOW!!

“Yahh!! Kim Donghyun!! This was my entire plan to begin with. You can try to drag me out of here if you want to but I AM NOT LEAVING" I let my voice raise and look around to make sure I didn't wake up anyone while quickly wiping away what is left of my tears.

Damn Donghyun!! Why do we have to start arguing just when I found you after more than two months?? Can't you understand I have put up with all of this just to make you comeback?? How do you expect me to leave without even seeing you?? Without keeping my promise?? I have to make sure Xiaoyu is captured.

“Ok” I hear his husky voice saying, his words leaving me speechless. This is weird, why is he giving up so easily?? “But promise me you will take care of yourself, don't do anything too risky and leave me deal with Xiaoyu, ok??"

A smile spreads instantly on my lips and I nod by instinct "I promise" I say and quickly reach the door to open it. I see two tall and slim silhouettes and before I can say even hi, one of them is hugging me tightly. “Minwoo” I hug him back and smile at the sweet boy.

“Alex noona I missed you” he says after letting me go. I can barely see his face in this darkness but I can distinguish a light pout on his lips.

“Alex” I hear Youngmin’s velvety voice and I turn to him. He is taller than I remember, he has definitely grown a few inches. I immediately hug him and he hugs me back a bit awkwardly but I couldn’t be happier. I have missed these guys so much.

“I am sorry” I smile at them but the guilt is eating me alive. They got caught on my plan even though they tried to persuade me out of it, even though they were against it, they are still here helping me. “I am sorry you guys got involved in this silly plan of mine”

I feel Youngmin’s warm hand on my shoulder “Alex, we are here because we want to. We are friends and we want to help you” he says smiling and a genuine smile appears on my face.

Friends, they are more than friends to me. All of them, Hyunseong, Jeongmin, Youngmin, Kwangmin and Minwoo, they are like brothers I never had. They are also my family. And Donghyun, he is … he means so much more to me than anyone I have met before.

“We should start moving” Minwoo says looking both ways of the living room and I nod at him. It is time to get this plan to work.


The three of us start walking slowly and carefully towards the first bedroom. I am leading the way and the only sound I can hear is the one coming from the hallway, from the hand of the clock moving every second. Finally, we reach the door.

There are two persons sleeping here, two brothers separated by a couple of years who call themselves Red and Shaddy. What makes them so hard to deal with is the ability they have to understand each other during a fight. It is almost as if both of them are communicating without words, like they are connected by an invisible string.

I turn to Youngmin and Minwoo “We have to attack them separately. If they start to fight together, we won’t be able to beat them” I whisper to them and they nod in understanding. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

After the third nod the younger of the both, Shaddy, opens the door and looks at me with intrigued eyes. “What are you doing here??” he asks in a rude tone as always. I don’t answer I just open the door completely revealing the dark bedroom and letting Youngmin and Minwoo jump in.

The older brother, Red, immediately stands up from his bed and runs towards Minwoo who has his younger brother trapped by the neck but before the older can reach Minwoo, Youngmin is already hovering over him, both of them falling to the floor and starting a fight.

In a second, Youngmin is grabbing Red’s arm and twisting it, making him yelp, even though Youngmin is skinnier than Red he seems to be stronger, the latter’s face is starting to get red because of the pain.

I quickly approach Shaddy’s bed and take the pillowcase and tear it apart, with the stripes I have I cover his mouth so he can’t make any kind of noise.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!! LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!” Red yells and startles me. “Shut up” Youngmin says in a threatening tone and hits the back of his knee making him fall down on the floor and twisting his other arm, placing both of his arms at his back.

I reach Red and with another stripe cover his mouth and also tie his hand behind. Youngmin finally lets him go and grab’s another pillow to tear it and tie Red’s feet together, so he is unable to move around.

“Alex” I hear Minwoo and turn around to see him, he is having a hard time holding Shaddy in place because the latter is crying uncontrollably and moving like crazy to break free. I can see in his eyes he wants to help his brother with all his heart and I can’t help but feel bad about him.

What has this kid done to be living through this hell?? How did he get to know someone like Xiaoyu and CEO in the first place?? “Alex!” I hear Minwoo’s pleading voice and I snap out of my thoughts. I run to his side and tie’s Shaddy’s arms on his back and his feet.

When I am done, Minwoo helps me to stand up “Noona, let’s go, we should keep moving” I look at Youngmin who is waiting by the door. “Just a second” I turn around and kneel down to look at Red and Shaddy.

There is this awkward nod on my throat, even though they weren’t the nicest guys they never did anything bad to me, unlike the others on this house. “I am really sorry” my voice is above a whisper “I promise no one will hurt you, ok?” they couldn’t say anything back because their mouths were covered but there is one thing I could notice on his eyes, surprise and understanding.

We left the room after that and cross the big hallway until we are standing in front of the door of two of the sadist killers I have ever met. Dal and Rod, I don’t know much about them, they never talked too much to me or to anyone but they are weird. They both like to torture, not just to kill but to make their victims suffer as much as they can, these guys really creep me out.   

“Youngmin, Minwoo” I turn and see both of them looking at me like waiting for instructions. “These guys, they like to torture people so be extra careful” I face the door once again and knock on it. Once, twice … but no one opens it.

I hold the knob and turn it to see if it is open, then I hear a light click and I push the door to reveal the gloomy looking room. I can see some handcuffs, chains and weird looking objects on the walls, a shiver runs down my spine and I try to breathe calmly.

I take one step inside and before I can react something is pulling my arm forward, into the darkness, the rest of my body also being pulled. I can hear a loud noise behind me but when I try to turn around, I feel a cold hand holding my face in place.

“Alex, let’s play” Dal’s nasty breath hits my face and I don’t say a word I am just trying to adjust my eyes to this darkness. “Hey! Are you listening?” he asks in an annoyed tone of voice and I nod. I reach my back pocket for the gun I have kept with me since my first day on this house.

“You know I have always liked your skin” he touches my forehead with his index finger and lets it travel down to my cheeks and to my chin. “It is so soft. I bet it will be softer after putting some wax on it” ok, this is my shot.

I lean on slightly and bite his finger, which is still on my chin, with all my strength. Dal yells in pain and releases his grip on my face. I take out my gun as fast as I can and place it in the middle of his forehead. “Don’t move or I swear I am going to shoot you” my words sound so ruthless and scary that I don’t recognize myself right now.

“Alex!” “Alex” I hear some footsteps behind me and in the blink of an eye Minwoo and Youngmin are standing next to me. “Thanks god you are ok. Donghyung hyung would have killed us if something happens to you” Minwoo says after letting out a big sigh while Youngmin muzzles Dal and ties his hands and feet.

“Where is Rod?” I ask and Minwoo looks down ashamed.

“He run away” his voice is sounds really regretful. “I am sorry, it is my fault I should have noticed he had a knife hidden on his coat” he pauses for a while “I had him but he jump on me by surprised and he escaped. Youngmin tried to stop him but we didn’t want to shoot and make are our presence notice”

I nod at Minwoo’s words, the worst thing that can happen is that they all realized we are here, that will be too dangerous. “Don’t worry Minwoo, we will capture him in no time”. After Youngmin ties Dal and he makes sure he is unconscious, thanks to a hit on the head courtesy of Minwoo, we leave the room.

We are close to the next door on the long hallway when I hear a loud piercing sound that makes my heart stop for a second, only to feel a sharp and horrible pain on the next. I feel my body being pulled backwards because of the impact and I let my body fall.

“Alex!!” I hear Minwoo’s worried voice while Youngmin carries me and before I know it we are inside the next room where the sight isn’t the prettiest one. Kwangmin it is at a corner of the room with a guy over him and his lower lip is bleeding.

I feel my body being placed on a soft bed and I see Youngmin running towards his younger brother while I feel Minwoo’s hand pressing on my wound while he grabs the sheets of the bed, desperately trying to tear them.

“Minwoo, I am fine. The bullet only touched my arm” I say calmly and smile at him. It is true the bullet only make a superficial wound but still hurts.

“Got you!!” I hear Jeongmin’s loud voice and see him tying the hands of one of the owners of this room in a really painful way. It is like he is holding his elbows with each of his hands but his arms are too up so he has to lower his back so it doesn’t hurt that much.

Next Jeongmin ties his feet together and puts a dirty sock on his mouth. “Don’t look at me like that, you deserve this sock! If you want a clean one then do your laundry properly the next time” I laugh at his words.

Jeongmin turns to me and smiles “Alex, is your arm ok??” I nod at him “I am fine, we have to hurry and attack before they enter here. They already saw us” I say in one breath while sitting on the bed. Jeongmin nods and puts an arm around Minwoo who has been looking down the whole time.

The latter looks up and I can see his eyes watery and I feel a stitch in my heart. “Minwoo, look I am fine” I say while stretching my arms and I see him smiling lightly which makes the pain be more tolerable.

“Alex is right, we have to hurry and get out of here” Youngmin says in a calm voice as he comes near us with Kwangmin looking slightly disheveled close to him.

“Guys, do you have guns with you?? I don’t think they will be expecting us with open arms” I smile at them and they all nod. “Ok, we have to get out of here and cross the hallway, at the other end there is a corner where we can hide, and attack from there.”

“Yes, Kwangmin and I came that way, we found two other guys before and we tied them down” Jeongmin says. “Youngmin and I will go first, we are faster” I look at the firm look on Jeongmin’s eyes and agree with him.

After a few seconds Jeongmin and Youngmin has their guns out and open the door lightly, one second latter they are gone and we can hear the sound of bullets running on the hallway. I gulp and take a deep breath. “Ok, we are next” I stand up from the bed and go close to the door.

I open the door and the light coming from the now quiet hallway invades the room. “One” I whisper to Kwangmin and Minwoo who are behind me “Two” we have to do this fast and look ahead of the hallway to shoot “Three” I start running to cross the hallway, I turned around my head and point out my gun, I shoot to the first figure I see standing at the other end and I hit his leg. I keep running and I shot again, this time to a shoulder.

Before I know it, I am at the other end of the hallway. I breathe out hard and see Kwangmin and Minwoo sitting on the floor. “We are good for now” I hear Jeongmin’s voice and I smile at him. “I think there are two left” I let him know the people I saw and shot and he nods.

“There were three but we already took care of one” he says calmly and then adds “ok, let’s end this” we all stand up and charge our guns. “Just injure them, we want to capture all of them” my voice sounds hoarse but I don’t give it too much thought. “Go!” Jeongmin’s voice cut the silence of the hallway and we all start shooting towards the other end.

I didn’t even get the chance to shoot, after two second both men were laying on the ground and there was blood everywhere. Now there are only two persons left CEO and Xiaoyu. CEO?? Xiaoyu?? Where have they been this whole time?? Where are Donghyun and Hyunseong??


“There is something wrong!! This was too easy. No alarms when you get in or when I opened the door” I let them know what has been bogging me for a while. “No angry screams from Xiaoyu because of the noise and no pleading screams from CEO, there is something fishy, I can feel it” This isn’t right, there is definitely something off but I don’t know what is it.

“We have to contact Hyunseong and Donghyun, now!” I say to the guys and they look at me with a worried face. “Donghyun! Donghyun!” I try to reach him on the microphone but he doesn’t answer. “DONGHYUN!!”   

“Alex, I know you are really worried for Hyunseong and Donghyun but there is nothing wrong here, maybe you have been thinking about how hard this day will be for too long, that is it” Youngmin’g soothing voice calms me down for a second but then I hear something.

A beep. Like a digital watch’s sound, where is it coming from?? “Do you guys hear that??” They all look at me as if I am crazy. “Really guys, don’t you hear it?? It sounds like a …” my eyes open wide in realization while I remember what Xiaoyu once told me.


“Men are a real bother in this business. I really want to make them blow up and disappear one day, especially the ones inside this house”


She knows they are here. She must have installed hidden cameras or something that no one knew of. She knows we are after her. CRAZY GIRL !! YOU ARE REALLY DISTURBED!! TO BLOW UP YOUR OWN TEAM FOR THE SAKE OF DETROYING US!!  BLOW UP?? MEN?? THE ROOMS!!


“RUN TO THE MAIN ENTRANCE!! THERE ARE BOMBS ON THE ROOMS!!” the guys look at me as if I just lost my mind. “PLEASE!! LET’S GO!!” I start running and drag Minwoo and Kwangmin with me, after a few seconds they start running too and the other guys are following behind.


*Beep beep*


I can feel the heat and strength of the expansive wave of the bombs hitting my back and making me fall on the ground. Too much pain that is all I can feel as my eyelids fall shut.



Hello!! I am updating before the new year!! Hope everyone has a beautiful new year's eve and let 2014 be the year that all you can achieve all your dreams and goals :D

And let's pray so that 2014 is the year of BOYFRIEND!!

Thanks for keep reading, commenting, subscribing and for keep me company on this ride ^^

BTW: Really short BONUS SCENE : (just in case you are wondering where Donghyun and Hyunseong are!!)



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Chapter 44: Like it! ^^
Chapter 44: I LOVE THE ENDING!! didnt expect that at all authornim.... you are really a hardcore Jeongseong shipper! hahaahaha also love the ending with donghyun and alex!! *tsk tsk* donghyun u little.... !#$%^^!@$%^&

im so sorry that i just read this fanfic last night.... *what was i doing in my life... why didnt i know about this fanfic!?* lol im just really picky when it comes to fanfic... but ur stories always meet my expectations authornim...cheers! :")

i'll always read ur works
Chapter 17: authornim ...Every fanfic u write is so addictive why why why ..........i just wanted a small break from studying.... how did i end up in chapter 17....
im really enjoying this..reallyy reallyyyy realllyyyy ♥____♥
Chapter 13: OHMAAAYGAAAD a jeongseong MOMENT!!!~♥♥
Chapter 4: HAHAHAH CAPTAIN donghyun!!! WHAT A FLIRT!!! XDDD
Chapter 2: a new reader of this fanfic here!!!! i have an exam tom. hahaha but i felt like i need to read a good fanfic ^^ and its completed wooohoo!! totally reading this authornim!
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 44: Awee a baby . Kekeke the trio maknae is so cute . Good jobbb
Chapter 44: Wow finally . Haha jeongmin and hyunseong wahh really getting married . Hahaha so cute . Ouh btw good job
dulce_soledad #9
Chapter 44: You finally finished it! (not to say it took you forever) just that it was my first boyfriend fanfic several chapters ago (before I made an account on here) and I wasn't sure when it would be finished :/ congratualations on finishing! It turned out amazing and the end was a little unexpected... I thought donghyun and Alex were the ones getting married at first... But a baby's better news :)