Coffee Love #17 (JungHoon)

Coffee Love 4

Coffee Love #17 - Another Year
Word Count: 3,616

Date in Chapter: 2017 January 1

Note: The New Year and JungHoon’s one year anniversary. Enjoy! (If you’ve read season three, you’ve already seen part of this, but it’s changed some.)

Jungkook’s POV

        “ing finally.”

Before he can even make it to the baggage claim, Jungkook is catching Jihoon in his arms. The elder runs up to him and jumps up, wrapping his legs around Jungkook’s waist—one arm laying over Jungkook’s shoulder and the other hand tangling in his hair. Hands on the small of Jihoon’s back, Jungkook doesn’t get the chance to say anything before the elder dips his head down to kiss him, whisking Jungkook’s breath away.

Jungkook usually doesn’t have a problem with traveling with the J-Hopeful dance crew, but he wasn’t expecting to have to come home a day late thanks to the flights being delayed because of storms. He’d have loved to be here to spend the turnover of the New Year with his fiancé, but at least he’s here for their anniversary.

“I missed you.” Jihoon breathes when he pulls away from Jungkook’s lips, only to go right back to kissing him.

The trip was fun. They had a lot of fun. Jungkook made sure to FaceTime with Jihoon every one of the five days he was gone. They never really said much in any of these calls to each other, but it was just nice to see Jihoon’s face while he was so far away.

“I missed you, too.” Jungkook says when Jihoon pulls away for the second time. “Happy anniversary, Hyung.”

Yes. It is the New Year, but more important than that, it’s their one year anniversary. It’s so important to Jungkook because he’s only ever dreamed about making it this far with Jihoon, and the day is finally here.

“Happy New Year.” Jihoon chimes back at him as Jungkook allows him back on the floor.

Jungkook finishes his walk to the baggage claim area, and Jihoon follows right behind him. They don’t even have to be kissing or touching or cuddling. Jungkook is just happy to be in the same room as Jihoon again.

“I actually have something planned for the day.” Jungkook wanted to be the one to plan their one year anniversary, but Jihoon took charge of it since Jungkook ended up having a trip. “But I know that you’re probably tired from switching timezones two times in five days.” Jihoon grabs Jungkook’s Ironman bag when it comes around. “So we can just stay at home and relax and cuddle and be lazy if you want.”

Both sounds pretty ideal to Jungkook. He has no idea what the elder has planned for the day, but Jungkook knows that it’s something he will love if he decides to find out. On the other hand, Jungkook is tired from traveling and dancing, so cuddles and laziness sounds the most ideal right now.

“Which one would you prefer?” Jungkook asks. He hold Jihoon’s hand in one hand and his carryon in the other as he leaves the airport with Jihoon.

Jihoon hums. He moves closer, leaning onto Jungkook’s side as they leave the building, probably trying to keep himself warm from the cold, early January air. “I really want to keep you for myself,” Jihoon decides. “So I vote for lazy cuddles and warm, winter drinks.”

Jungkook knows that it’s probably boring to spend their first anniversary together just lazying around the apartment and cuddling and , but, honestly, he’s so worn out right now that he can’t bring himself to give a .

“Then cuddles and cocoa it is.” Jungkook agrees with a fond smile on his face. “But I expect you tell me what we would be doing today if I wasn’t tired as right now.”


Yoongi’s POV

        Waiting for his husband in the airport isn’t really the most ideal way for Yoongi to start off the new year, but he doesn’t have much of a choice. When Hoseok was given the opportunity to go to a year-end festival in England with his dance crew, he couldn’t pass it up, and Yoongi wouldn’t want him to. It was a great opportunity for all of them—Hoseok and the crew.

The worst part about waiting in the airport for Hoseok is that he’s waiting with these kids—Jihoon and Taehyung—who are in their young and in-love stages, making out with their boyfriends the instant they come into view. “Come on, I have a baby here,” Yoongi complains, covering Kijung’s eyes when Jimin and Taehyung start kissing after Jihoon and Jungkook left the building. He’s pretty sure the kids don’t hear him at all, but that doesn’t matter when Hoseok comes into view.

“Kijung-ah!” Hoseok cheers, grabbing the baby from Yoongi’s hand. Yoongi forces his smile to fall, trying to seem upset that Hoseok is ignoring him over the baby.

“Yeah. Happy to see you, too, Soso-ya.” Yoongi pouts.

Hoseok ‘squeezes’ Kijung once more before turning his attention to Yoongi. “Of course I’m happy to see you, Hyung.” Hoseok gives Yoongi a quick peck on the lips. Their kisses would never be anything more in front of Kijung. “Do we get to keep this little cutie all day?” He asks, hugging Kijung again.

Yoongi shakes his head. “Unfortunately, no.” He says. “He’s due for his flu shot later, so I have to take him back by Eunji and Bomi so he can have that done.”

“Aw, that’s no fun.” Hoseok whine. He kiss the baby’s forehead. “They get to have him all the time.”

Yoongi takes the baby back from Hoseok. “Well, he is their baby,” Yoongi reminds him. “We’ll have our turn soon enough.”


Jimin’s POV

        Despite having missed actually being with Taehyung on his birthday, Jimin is super excited to see the younger after the trip to England. He doesn’t say anything to Taehyung regarding the call that they had together on Taehyung’s birthday. He doesn’t want to bring it up in case Taehyung forgot about it, being drunk and all.

“I’m sorry about the other day,” Taehyung says as he helps Jimin load his bags into the car. Apparently he does remember, but Jimin thinks it’s better that he’s the one who brought it up anyway. “I just want you know,” He closes the trunk and steps closer to Jimin. “I don’t doubt that you’re absolutely crazy in love with me.”

Jimin giggles softly as he goes to the passenger side, ignoring Taehyung when he tries to hand him the keys. Now that Taehyung actually has his license, Jimin’s had him do most of the driving. Now that he got off of the flight, he’s too tired to drive them home.

“Shut up and take us to get food,” Jimin says, even ignoring Taehyung’s remark. “I’m starving.”


Namjoon’s POV

        It’s absolutely crazy how quickly everything can go from zero to absolute frantic when it comes to Seokjin. One minute, Namjoon is sitting in his studio, listening to a track he’s been working on, thinking of what he could do to make it better. The next, Seokjin is ripping his headphones off, saying that they need to go to the hospital.

“What? What’s going on?” Naturally, Namjoon fears the worst. One of their friends were injured somehow? Seokjin isn’t feeling well?

“Hyuna is in labor.”

That possibility never crossed Namjoon’s mind. It’s not that he forgot about his artist carrying their child for them. No, it’s not that at all. It’s that it’s the most obvious reason they’d need to be rushing to the hospital right around the time the baby is due, so, naturally, it’s the possibility that never crosses Namjoon’s mind.

Excited, nervous, and filled with many other emotions Namjoon can’t quite name at the moment, he leaves from the studio to go to the hospital with his husband. He never expected to start the new year with their baby on the way.


Hoseok’s POV

        Once Kijung is reluctantly left with his mothers, Hoseok’s phone starts ringing. He checks it to see Seokjin’s name and face on the screen, so he answers. “Oh, good. I didn’t know if you landed yet.” Seokjin says as soon as Hoseok has the phone up to his ear. He sounds rushed.

“What’s up?” Hoseok asks, knowing that it really could be anything with Seokjin. It’s not that his anxiety is still bad, but he’s still Seokjin, and he still flips out over all the small .

“Namjoon and I are on our way to the hospital.” Seokjin tells him. This time, Hoseok can clearly hear the tone of his voice, and he feels a little easier, knowing that it’s a good reason to be going to the hospital. Not that Seokjin or Namjoon is hurt. “Hyuna’s having the baby.”

“Do you want Yoongi hyung and I to come there?” Hoseok asks.

“Only if Yoongi is over his cold.” Seokjin says. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to have a sick person around a newborn baby.”

Hoseok looks over at Yoongi, who is driving right now. He didn’t say anything about having a cold. Not the entire time that Hoseok was in England, and not while they were at the airport. Now that Hoseok thinks about, he had been coughing a few times in the car, but Hoseok just dismissed it as him clearing his throat or something.

Without saying anything to Yoongi, he places a hand on his husband’s forehead to check for a fever. There is none, but that could be because he had taken cold medicine. “Hyung,” Hoseok says to Yoongi, the phone still pressed to his ear.

“If you want to go to the hospital, you can.” Yoongi says, reminding Hoseok that he forgot to turn his phone volume down after turning it up in the busy airport.

Well, that answers Hoseok’s question. “I’m going to let him take us home. I’ll come by tomorrow or something.” Hoseok says into the phone.

“Okay,” Seokjin chimes into the phone, understanding. Besides, it’ll be the baby’s first day, so there’s no need to have a lot of people there. “You take care of him. He’s been bugging the piss out of Namjoon the whole time you were gone.”

“I will, Hyung.” Hoseok says, almost a little jealous that he wasn’t there to take care of his big baby of a husband. “Bye.” He says, and hangs up the phone after getting Seokjin’s response.

“You could have went.” Yoongi says.

“I know.” Hoseok says, leaning over the console to press a kiss to Yoongi’s cheek. “But you’d be ing about me abandoning you later.”

“Hoseok, I’m going to at you regardless.” Yoongi assures him.

“I know that, too, Hyung.” Hoseok says, a fond smile on his face. “And I’ve missed your ing, so I’m staying home with you so you can start sooner.”

“I love you,” Yoongi says, and, even though he’s laughing when he says it, it doesn’t sound any less sincere than when he says it any other time.


Jihoon’s POV

        Once they get back to their apartment, Jungkook lies down on the couch after dropping his bags off on the living room floor, and Jihoon rolls his eyes. “Don’t you ever learn to put your stuff away?” He asks, going to pick up one of Jungkook’s bags.

When he tries, though, Jungkook grabs his arm and pulls him down on the couch. “Come and cuddle with me.” Jungkook demands, pulling Jihoon to lie down on the couch. “We’ll worry about those later.”

Jihoon refuses, but it’s hard to get away from Jungkook once he decides to cuddle. He’s too strong, and Jihoon isn’t strong enough. “If we take care of it now, we don’t have to worry about it later.” Jihoon tells him, but Jungkook keeps his hold, so Jihoon gives up.

“So, what did you have planned for the day?” Jungkook asks, letting out a big sigh.

Jihoon looks up to find Jungkook’s eyes staring back into his, a fond, but tired look on the younger one’s face. “Well, it wasn’t anything too special.” Jihoon says.

Jungkook shakes his head. “It doesn’t have to be.” He assures the elder with a kiss to the nose. “Even this is good enough for me.”

“Well, I thought about going out to a cat cafe and eating there,” Jihoon says.

“Speaking of,” Jungkook says, looking around. “Where is Marble?”

“Probably under the bed.” Jihoon tells him. “But anyway, after the cat cafe, I thought we could go to the gym.”

“And workout together?” Jungkook asks.

“Unless you don’t want to.”

Jungkook shakes his head again. “I want to, but let’s just cuddle for now, and save going to the gym for another day.”

Jihoon smiles, and he nuzzles his head to Jungkook’s chest. “I thought we were going to have warm drinks, too.”

“Fifteen minutes.” Jungkook requests. “Just shut up and lie with me for fifteen minutes, and we can order a pizza and have all the warm drinks you want.”

Jihoon can’t hold back his happy giggles as he nuzzles more into Jungkook, wanting to be closer to him than physically possible. He always misses Jungkook when he goes away, and he wants nothing more than to be with him—in anyway—when he gets back. “I really missed you.” He says.

“I love you, too, Hyung.” Jungkook says, squeezing Jihoon tighter.


Seokjin’s POV

        “Namjoon,” Seokjin says, poking his head out of the hospital room. It’s moments like these when Seokjin finds him to be the cutest. He didn’t want to come in because he was panicking, so he asked Seokjin to go in so at least one of them will be in the room when their baby is born. It’s always nice to be the one not freaking out. “Come on.” He says, waving his husband in.

Namjoon slowly stands up, and he joins Seokjin in the hospital room. By now, the doctor’s already have Jinhee, the baby, all cleaned up and looking beautiful. Seokjin thinks so because he already kind of looks like Namjoon, even if it is hard to tell on little ones that were just born.

“Can I hold him?” Namjoon asks the mother who still has the baby in her own arms.

Hyuna laughs, handing Jinhee over to him. “You don’t have to ask.” She says. “He’s your child.”

“He’s so precious.” Namjoon says, sitting on the chair in the room, and he looks at Hyuna with a worried expression. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

Seokjin smiles, taking the chair next to Namjoon and resting his chin on Namjoon’s shoulder so he can get a better look at Jinhee’s face.

“Look,” Hyuna says, groaning as she tries to straighten her posture in the hospital bed. “You worried more throughout this pregnancy than my own husband did when we had our daughter. I’m sure you’re going to be amazing fathers together, so I’m happy doing this for you.”

Seokjin looks at Hyuna. “Should we tell Seoyeon to come in and meet her baby brother?” He asks.

Hyuna nods, smiling. “I think she’ll like that.” She tells him.

So Seokjin gets up to go call in the girl who is still waiting out in the hall with her father.


Hoseok’s POV

        As the hours pass by, and Yoongi’s cold medicine wears off, the symptoms of his cold become more obvious to Hoseok. By now, Hoseok has him lying in bed, finally having gotten him to relax. Since it’s the beginning of the year, there’s a big fashion show coming up, and it’s been stressing him out. It’s probably why he even got this cold in the first place.

“Jung Hoseok!” Yoongi calls out from the bedroom. They have to keep the door open, otherwise Hoseok can’t hear him when he calls.

Knowing that he’s probably being summoned for something trivial, he still goes to the bedroom. It’s always something trivial with Yoongi. “Yes, Hyung?” Hoseok asks.

Yoongi smiles. “You look cute in that apron.” He says.

Hoseok glares at him, knowing that Yoongi didn’t call him back here to compliment him. “What do you want?” Hoseok demands.

Yoongi grabs his bottle of water from the table, and he tosses it to Hoseok. “That one’s too cold.” Yoongi tells him. “Can you get me one that hasn’t been sitting in the fridge?”

“Anything else?” Hoseok asks before walking away.

“Yes.” Yoongi says.

Hoseok waits.

Yoongi says nothing.

“Well, are you going to tell me?” Hoseok questions.

“Your unicorn pillow fell on the floor on the other side of the bed.” Yoongi says, pointing, and Hoseok sees it. “Since you insist on cleaning instead of cuddling with me, I want the pillow. It smells like you, so it’s all I have.”

Hoseok walks into the room, and he grabs his large unicorn pillow from the floor. He tosses it onto the bed, not really caring much about it until he sees the way Yoongi grabs onto it and buries his sick face into the unicorn’s fur. That could be him that Yoongi is cuddling like that. You know, if he didn’t care about cleaning the house that Yoongi allowed to become dirty in the course of his cold.

“Let me finish the dishes, and I’ll come cuddle with you.” Hoseok says.

“Looks like someone is jealous.” Yoongi teases, looking with one eye over the unicorn pillow at Hoseok. He’s so cute.

“I’m not jealous,” Hoseok says. “I just don’t want you to feel like I don’t love you anymore.”

“I know you love me.” Yoongi assures him.

Without another word, Hoseok turns to leave from the bedroom. “Soso-ya,” Yoongi says, stopping him. Hoseok turns around. “Don’t forget my water.”

“I won’t, Hyung.” Hoseok says, waving a hand as he leaves from the room.


Jungkook’s POV

        A few minutes after their pizza gets delivered, another knock comes to the apartment door. “Wonder if he forgot something.” Jungkook says, standing from the floor and making his way to the door. As far as he knows, he and Jihoon weren’t expecting company.

“Oh, and I forgot to tell you,” Jihoon says, as Jungkook opens the apartment door. Standing there is Rome and Jiwoo, and Jungkook looks back at Jihoon, knowing that he had to have something to do with this. “Since you couldn’t see Rome hyung on Christmas, I invited him over today. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I figured something was up when you told me to order extra pizza,” Jungkook says, allowing his brother and near sister-in-law in. Before Rome even gets the chance to sit down, Jungkook tackles him in a hug. According to Jungkook’s memory, this is the first time he’s actually come to the apartment since they moved in.

“Rome tried to refuse because he didn’t want to intrude on your first year anniversary.” Jiwoo says, accepting the slice of pizza that Jihoon offers her—being the nice host that he is.

“But I wouldn’t let him.” Jihoon says, kissing Jungkook’s cheeks. “This is how much I love you.”

Jungkook is happy that Jihoon invited Rome over. Yeah, it might be his and Jihoon’s one year anniversary, but it’s still New Year’s, and a good holiday for him to spend with his brother. He’s not sure how much Jihoon wanted to spend time with Rome on their anniversary, but the fact that he invited him for Jungkook’s sake is enough to make Jungkook so happy.

“You seriously have a good boyfriend there.” Rome says to Jungkook.

“He’s my fiancé, Hyung,” Jungkook says, and he grabs Jihoon’s hand to show off the ring in case his brother forgot. “And I know.” He lets go of Jihoon’s hand. “It’s why I’m holding onto him and never letting him go.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Jihoon assures him, and he presses a kiss to Jungkook’s shoulder.

Jungkook wonders how annoying Rome and Jiwoo find them to be. He and Jihoon are always cuddling and saying cute things and kissing. Rome and Jiwoo on the other hand, it’s obvious that they care a lot about each other, but they just aren’t as obvious.


Taehyung’s POV

        At the end of the night, Jimin and Taehyung are finally cuddled up on the bed together, Pixie snuggled right into Taehyung’s back. Taehyung just hopes he doesn’t fall asleep and roll over on top of her later.

“Taehyung.” Jimin says, and Taehyung hums in response to let Jimin know that he’s still awake. Most nights consist of them talking to each other until one of them falls asleep. “Can we…make a promise to each other?”

“Depends on what the promise is.” Taehyung says.

“I just…want us to make a promise that, no matter what, we’ll kiss each other at least once every single day we are together.” Jimin tells him. “Even if we’re fighting, we should still kiss each other that day.”

Taehyung pretends to give it some thought, and then he nods. “Okay. We can kiss each other at least once everyday.” Taehyung says, thinking the promise is one of the cutest things Jimin has ever come up with. He’s sure that, even since they were friends, they’ve kissed on more days than days that they haven’t kissed. And on the days that they’ve kissed more than once, it probably adds up to enough kisses for more days than they’ve been alive. “May I ask why though? Why the sudden desire to make this promise?”

Jimin shrugs. “Because I like kissing.” Jimin says. “I always have, but your kisses are my favorite. All of them. No matter what.”

“And?” Taehyung asks, trying not to feel too confident to Jimin’s compliments.

“And…I think it’s just a cute way to show that we love each other.” Jimin says.

“That it is.” Taehyung says, and he kisses Jimin’s forehead because it just feels right. “Now let’s sleep.”

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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 59: I enjoyed this season as much as the others. looking forward to the 5th.
Chapter 59: Yes, i want more!! I really love Coffee love!
Love Vmin! Love Namjin! Love Yoonseok! Love Junghoon!
Talissa24 #3
Chapter 59: Season 5, yes please! This world is my happy place :)
karen667 #4
Chapter 59: WHAAAT absolutely yes!!!! When I saw the completed under the title I thought "well after all this time and everything that have happened this is already over", I was kind of already taking the idea but then I thought "but there's a few inconclusive things" so I clicked the chapter list and I saw a big season 5 and aaaaaahh I'm excited I'm happy and I feel so grateful that you're continuing with this beautiful story, let's keep being together in the future <3 <3
KimJiHye43 #5
Chapter 58: I have a heart attack when i read FINALE. Fortunately i saw that season5 below. Hwaiting authors. I will rooting for season 5.
Chapter 58: Of course a season 5 I love this story so much
Miki112 #7
Chapter 58: Yayy make a season 5 please