Chapter 6

Armed and Dangerous
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"That bastard." Himchan growled as he weaved aggressively through the street.

Sang Hee dug her nails into the seat and braced herself for the speed he was going at. Apparently the only thing Himchan hated more than having a partner, was being wrong about a suspect.

And not looking deeper into Yoo, equalled to Himchan being wrong.

She stayed silent as they pulled into the CityLife parking lot and scrambled out of her seat when he slammed the door shut behind him.

"W-Wait! What are we going to do?" She asked as the other police officers entered CityLife.

Himchan stopped walking before he turned to face her. She was a little taken aback by the way his face darkened.

"This next bit is about gut. You spent 4 years in the academy memorizing textbooks and cramming information in your head but 90% of your job is about trusting your gut. That's what we're going to do."

Sang Hee gulped and nodded before following Himchan up to Yoo's floor. The other officers were waiting by the door for Himchan's command.

"On three." He mumbled while drawing his gun. He glanced over his shoulder at Sang Hee who was frowning and smirked, "Watched and learn, tiger."

Sang Hee rolled her eyes, "Just do the count."

"1…2…3. Now!"

The door was kicked open as Himchan pointed his gun at Yoo who was sitting at his table speaking to Lim.

"Yoo Dong Il, put your hands in the air and slowly step away from your desk!"

Lim gasped as the police barrelled through the door.

Sang Hee watched the shock register on Yoo's face, his pen tumbling from his hand, onto the table.

He didn't seem panicked or afraid.

He seemed disbelieving. 

"Yoo Dong Il, you are under arrest for the murder of Jeon Jang Mi. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Yoo stood up from his desk, his face filled with astonishment, "W-What? What do you think you doing? This is impossible! I did not kill Jeon! This must be a joke. Let me speak to your supervisor. Lim! Call my lawyer!"

The woman looked bewildered but was quick to grab her phone and slip out the door to follow Yoo's order.

Himchan crossed his arms and watched Chin Hwae handcuff Yoo's wrists while reading him his Miranda Rights. There was something strangely satisfying watching one of his men handcuff a perp.

Sang Hee stood beside Himchan and chewed on her nail, "Do you really think it was Yoo?"

"Do you not? He sent Jeon a map of the drop site." Himchan balked as Chin Hwae roughly grabbed Yoo's arm and led him out of the room.

He looked down at her and saw her angrily nibbling on her nail with a deep crease between her eyebrows. Himchan grabbed her hand and pulled it away from .

"Stop freaking. It's stressing me out. Just be happy we got the guy."

Sang Hee frowned while watching Yoo yell out that he was innocent. "It doesn't make sense time. Yoo's a lot of things but he doesn't strike me as a killer. Everything was already working in his favour. He had the company. He had no real reason to get involved like this."

"Maybe he needed the money. Or maybe something went wrong in the deal that he hasn't told us yet. People do crazy things for money." Himchan said with a shrug.

 She shook her head. "Something doesn't sit right with me. You're the one who said it was about gut."

"Not everything is a crime drama, tiger. Sometimes there aren't an massive plot twists or surprise ending. Sometimes you just got to take it at face value." Himchan said with a scoff while pushing himself off the wall.

He was about to walk away when Sang Hee's phone beeped. She pulled it out of her pocket and scanned the message before her eyes widened.

"Hey, what about this for a plot twist?"

Himchan turned and looked at her phone that she had held out. He grabbed her wrist and pulled the phone closer to his face to read the screen.

"[BREAKING] CEO J caught in a relationship with a 22 year old trainee from company C."

"Chae Mi just texted me it."

Himchan's dark eyes flickered up to her face in confusion, "Who?"

"Chae Mi?" Himchan's face remained blank, making Sang Hee sigh, "Jesus, the medical examiner that has a crush on you."

"Oh." Himchan said before looking back at the phone, "When did this go up?"

"2 minutes ago. When we were arresting him."

Himchan's eyes widened when he saw the time stamp on the article, "So that means…"

"It wasn't Yoo." Sang Hee said softly. "Someone else must've used his computer to send that email."

Himchan cursed before he raced to the door and stuck his head out, surveying the halls before looking at Sang Hee, "We need to check the security cameras in the hallway."


Sang Hee watched the screen as her and Himchan stood, squished together, in the small security officer.

The guard fast forwarded through the footage up until the time that the email was sent. And like clockwork, a figured walked up to Yoo's door, their back to the camera, and reached for the door handle, exactly 12 minutes before the email was supposed to be sent.

The person turned the door knob and just as the door swung open, they turned, their face in full view of the camera.

Sang Hee felt the breath get caught in when she recognize the face.

Himchan jolted when his phone started buzzing. He glanced at the screen, still in shock before answering the call. "Hey Dong Chul. What? Okay."

He tapped something on his phone and held it out, "Am I on speaker? Can Sang Hee hear me?"

"Hey Dong Chul." She murmured while keeping her eyes trailed on the paused picture of the person's face.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to call because I found something kinda wonky."

Himchan leaned his arm against the wall, "What is it?"

"You know that assistant? Lim? I just found out that she lives a block from where Jeon's body was found."

Himchan and Sang Hee shared a look before turning back to the security camera still of Lim entering Yoo's office.

"Didn't you say that the perp needed to know which alley didn't have a working camera?" She mumbled.

Himchan nodded as his mind whirred.  

"Is that all?" Sang Hee asked while slowly drawing her gun.

Himchan grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled something down before handing it to the guard. The man read the note before his eyes widened.

Lock the building down.

He nodded at the two detectives as they retreated back to Yoo's office.

"No, get this. I looked over the contracts for Jeon's new agency and Lim isn't listed as an employee. In fact Jeon has some other girl written down as her new assistant. Lim's getting fired."  

"We're going to have to call you back, man." Himchan said before hanging up.

Sang Hee frowned, "She could be anywhere."

"Try the offices again. She'll probably try to delete any evidence of her being on Yoo's computer now that she knows we arrested him." Himchan pointed out.

Sang Hee nodded as they took the elevator up to Yoo's floor. Once they made it up, they moved slowly down the hall until they stood in front of the door.

Himchan slowly pushed it open, with his gun pointed out, as the two of them stepped into the room the scanned it quickly, but saw nothing.

"We should ch--" Sang Hee slapped her hand over Himchan's mouth.

She slowly pulled out her cellphone and dialled Jeon's cellphone number in. Himchan watched, annoyed, as she held the phone up to her ear and kept her hand clasped over his mouth.

There was a pause of silence before the soft ringing echoed out through the room. Himchan looked around, searching for the source before prying Sang Hee's hand off his mouth and pointing at the tall closet in the corner of the room.

When they got close. Himchan touched her shoulder and pointed at the door. Sang Hee nodded and used one hand to keep her gun up and the other to reach for the handle.

Himchan kept his gun pointed just as she swung the door open.

"Don't move."

Lim was pointing a gun at them while clutching a phone to her chest. Sang Hee took a step forward but Lim quickly aimed her gun at her, "I said don't move!"

Himchan roughly grabbed a handful of Sang Hee's shirt and yanked her back. He slowly lowered his gun first, something that he had to practice doing when he first joined the force.

"Alright, let's be calm." Himchan murmured while taking a step back. "Put the gun down Lim. There's no point. There are cops all over this building. You won't be able to make it one step before someone notices you."

Lim's eyes were red and teary as her hand shook, "She wasn't supposed to die. I only brought the gun to scare her if she tried something funny. I was never suppose to shot it. I didn't even know there were bullets inside."

"What happened Lim?" Sang Hee said gently, trying to ignore the pain of Himchan's nails digging into her back, telling her to stop.

Lim hastily wiped her face. "Jung Ho was trash. I knew it. I could see through his cheap words and flattering compliments. I knew he was an and I tried to warn her. I've been by Jeon's side for decades, I know her the best. I tried to tell her that he was using her but she wouldn't listen. She would never listen. She was blinded by the fact that some young handsome boy thought that she was attractive. She felt young and fresh so she didn't notice what his real intentions were."

"You were right. Jung Ho is trash, but why punish Jeon for that? She didn't deserve to die." Himchan asked.

More tears slipped down Lim's face, "She was signing away her company and she was tossing me away. She was giving it all up. She was mad that I was trying to make her face reality so she got me back by leaving me out to dry. She was throwing away our life's work for…for some kid. She thought she was in love but he just wanted a bigger paycheck."

"So you took pictures of them?" Sang Hee asked while eyeing the gun.

"I was just supposed to get enough money from her so that I wouldn't be broke once I got fired. All I wanted was the money. B-but then she saw me at the money drop and she started freaking out. She called me a thief and a traitor. She was going to call the police and I panicked so I fired the gun. It happened so fast." Lim was full out sobbing at this point.

Himchan's face was hardened over, "You should've just talked to her. There were other ways, Lim. You're not the victim here. You're not the dead one."

Lim fell to her knees and held her face while she cried, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn’t mean it. I didn't want anyone to die, I swear."

Sang Hee slowly reached her hand out and took the gun from her weak grasp and sighed before setting it down.

Himchan let out a breath before pulling the handcuffs out from his pocket, "Stand up and put your hands behind your head

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MissMong24 #1
Chapter 54: and that is the end of the home universe. thank you again for writing such an amazing story! a story of redemption, a story of acceptance.
thank you for the story!
Guess what else I'm re-reading now?!?!
I'm re-reading this and I'm gonn read MDF after. I still am a er for badass Bae Sanghee and Yoo Ayeon!😍 call me weird but I have a things for strong woman.
Acerv_ #5
Chapter 54: Hi! I was watching a show on Netflix called LAs Finest and for some reason I remembered this fic. Seriously, I do not regret spending my last days of break trying to finish this! The way you express the characters and their feelings is just amazing (chefs kiss). I hope you know how talented you are! I will probably be rereading all of your other fics as well lol, I used to be a big fan and I’m finally back on here! Anyway, I hope you’re staying safe and healthy!
Guess I was in boyxboy hole and im missing out this amazing story.
One of the best Ive read.
Hi Loviet, I'm your biggest fans of your writing, I've read AnD first before the Home series, I love it so much that I've give it a go for Home, and ofc I still impressed of your stories. Few days ago I've comeback to Aff and start rereading all my fav stories, and surely again you will hear from me that you are so talented and thank God you are still writing! AnD left a big of impression to me because unlike Eunah and Yongguk, Himchan have it hard from the beginning, the character development of him trying to accept his past and start to be good for himself is beautiful. This is the man who rather see everyone around him happy but himself, the man who cares about other but neglect himself, the one who is so strong but choose to hurt himself more, thank you for giving chances to him. I could say AnD is the second best after RoD <3 thank you for writing, stay safe!
Kwon_Ara #8
Chapter 7: Omg does anyone knows who’s picture is being used to repost Chin Hwae?HE FINE AF
14 streak #9
Chapter 54: The ending... I LOVED IT!! all the things they went through together and separately made them stronger
Chapter 54: Well, what i can say... its just the best history a read so far, thx so much for your work! i still with watery eyes in the end. thx so much!! ^-^